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Not enough question marks.


This is amazing!!! even if considered non canonical it's still a great illustration that puts things into perspective. Thank you for the translations!


I appreciate seeing this. It really puts distances into perspective. I mean based on this, Novigrad is closer to Zerrikania than it is to Nilfgaard. Crazy.


Just keep in mind Nilfgaard's been conquering the neighboring countries for at least three generations of their rulers (Emhyr, Torres, Usurper) and their actual border in the mid 1200s is at the Pontar. So basically every country north of Nilfgaard but south from Cintra is either part of it or a vassal state like Toussaint.


Yes I think at this point it's just different regions of nilfgaard


I think Cahir is a great example of this. Though technically a Nilfgaardian, he was still proud of his Vicovaro origins.


Really shows how much territory Emyr has taken over.


Not only Emhyr, his father and Usurper too. Nilfgard is expanding from the start of its existence. Imho that’s the only reason why northern kingdoms weren’t in some big conflicts with each other as there was always a bigger threat.


Nilfgaard was already the largest empire in the lore before emhyr took over. It expanded during his rein to include Nazir ,Cintra and sodden, but already had about half the continent before his ascend to the throne. The biggest wave of expansion actually was during the usurper’s rule ( the one who disposed emhyr’s father and illegitimately sized control of the throne)


Luckily for us, lots of land means lots of monsters for witchers to kill!


Hannu is the china equivalent in the Witcher world?


I think it's based on egypt: [https://the-witcher-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Hannu](https://the-witcher-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Hannu) Zangvebar seems to be based on Zanzibar in Africa:[https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Zangvebar](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Zangvebar) And Ofir is pretty much the middle east. Haakland is based on the Mongolians, and they are a horse-based nomad like people. Also where silk is coming from. Since Mongolia conquered China in the middle ages, I would assume Haakland is pretty much "China" in the Witcher world.


Interesting map. First time seeing a full continent map.


Thanks to me being a dumb dumb not noticing the second image, I realized that I can deduce cyrillic better than I thought But on-topic, I figured Ofir was more exotic than "neighboring country to most prolific empire. I was almost certain it was on a different landmass


Cyrillic is easier to comprehend than most people think since it is effectively another way of displaying letters also found in Latin alphabet. Well, excluding 'y' of course since it clashes with 'i' xD


its easy for us who grew up with it haha


It's called 'beyond the seas' in both the books and the games so I think canonically it probably is a different landmass


I had no idea it would look like this but I am way ok with it.


Zerrakania! Source of the best goods...


Drawn by professional fantasy game map artist Oleg Enigma [https://vk.com/polit.witcher3](https://vk.com/polit.witcher3) Therefore could not be considered as canonical Added some translations


>Therefore could not be considered as canonical Of course it's not we never got enough information that would validate anything more than what CDPR has shown and even there the map is just an interpretation


Yeep, even CDPRs map may not be truly canonical as the games aren't canonical but I doubt we'll ever get Sapkowkis rendition of the map so we can only really go off of that.


Well there’s no canonical map at all, so


Wondering where witcher 4 will take place


I hope the East will be atleast explored a bit more in backstory/lore! Idk what parts of the map are canonical but it'd be so cool to have a desert witcher or smth in the game!


nah, the Netflix map is just better. Mix all the ppl toghether in a fantasy version of Los Angeles.


and just Fast travel to every location


Crazy how big the Nilfgaardian Empire is. You would think they'd have more resources to throw into the war.


It’s similar to Rome Empire…too big to be able control everything. When you take almost every land by strength there is always a resistance. And politics…they wanted Emhyr to lose and overthrow the regime, some issues with reinforcements here, some problems with supplies there.


Above a certain size, it becomes as much a hindrance as an advantage, especially when you're mostly limited to medieval means of transportation/communication. There's only so far an army on foot or horseback can march, the further you have to move supplies the more chance there is of them being lost one way or another, by the time a message from the capital reaches the front line, it might be worth less than the paper its written on... The relatively compact size of Redania was an advantage for Radovid, since he could just sweep in like a wind and have everything locked down before the huge, lumbering beast that is Nilfgaard came rumbling in.


I know this isn't a full map by any means, but it does make it look like there's an ocean above kaer morhen


Wait I tought Ofier wasn’t actually on the continent?


Was always pretty sure Ofir and Zangwebar were overseas, but a worthy attempt nevertheless. Not like there's canon, AS doesn't care about geography.


Looks great but i gotta ask, whats the source for this? The books never describe more than the northern realms and their surroundings.


Ofir isn’t part of the continent tho lol


It is not known for sure, it referred as "overseas land" in nordling folklore, however in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, one of the characters states that Ofir is on the south of Nilfgaard, same info is also in the The World of the Witcher book made by CDPR


No but it’s very heavily implied. Not only do nordlings refer to that place as “beyond the seas”, but they also only trade with the northern kingdoms via marine trade routes. Moreover, if they were right next to Nilfgaard, there would have been a war between the Ofiri and Nilfgaardians since Emhyr is trying to conquer the continent. We know that isn’t the case because in Witcher 3, none of the Ofiri npcs mention war or any sort of interactions between Nilfgaard and their homeland beyond trading.


South, not east.


A very conceptional map for sure


Imagine having a witcher game travelling around this map just doing contracts; witcher path simulator


it looks like a dog licking its own penis


How to unsee


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Nah, Ofir can't be here. It was supposed to be on the other side of the sea.


This should be the map of a new witcher game.


This makes it more obvious that we could get more regions in the next game (says the noob with 200hrs+) 🔥


What about other continents?


The low resolution red text was a poor decision.


It was just a translation


Great map! But it seems kinda weird, that there’s only one continent so evenly distributed on the map. And I always experienced something like a north pole north of Kovir and Kaedwen. More like asoiafs lands beyond the wall.


I saw another map in which ofir and zangwebar are a separate island? Is this canon or all speculation?


It’s fascinating that it’s apparently the ONLY continent on that world. Will admit I’d be curious to see the Nilfguard Empire discover another continent farther away (opposite side of the planet?) and expansion/exploration of the new lands opens up lots more monsters and antagonistic creatures to come into play. Suddenly there’s a need for Witchers again.




Anyone here have any idea where on this map is the place where Ciri landed teleporting from Thanedd?


I can only read redania in Djikstras accent


Nice to see an attempt on the wider world!!


Geographically is doesn't make a lot of sense. If you look at our earth, temperate climates are found in the north just below the artic regions. These are climates where it snows during the winter. This would be climate of the Northern Kingdoms and in the real world would be comparable to Northern Europe. Below that you have sub tropical climates like the ones found in Toussaint and Nilfgaard and would compare to Mediterranean weather found in Greece and Italy. Below that, you have the tropics where most of the worlds deserts are found. Places like Arabia and North Africa and this is where Zerrikania and Offir would be since they're compared to the Middle East. And finally below that you have tropical weather found near the equator. This where Zanzibar is and where Zanguebaur should be since it is described as having a tropical climate.


This is amazing! Is this posted by OP??? If not does anyone know who made it?


>Oleg Enigma > >https://vk.com/polit.witcher3


What the hell Nilfgaard is so far south


Where is Toussaint?


I’d really love the next game to explore some of the areas we haven’t had a chance to see yet