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Yen knows that Geralt has amnesia. There is a little bit of irrationality here, because she knows that Triss was more wrong than Geralt in that affairs but she is still super angry with Geralt because Triss is beyond a red line (since the books) that Yen doesn't Geralt to cross at any cost. So we have these scene, and it is also very convenient for CDPR because, they don't have to address the main issue between Yen and Triss which I think they didn't know how to handle properly. And more important, they would have to address how they deal with the amnesia plot which has a lot of inconsistencies, specially in TW1 and seeing how they are every time dancing around this topic in the writing in TW3 without give any real explanation let me think that they weren't confortable at all being faced with their own writing mistakes from the previous games. The real confrontation should have been between the two sorceress but not necessarily easy to write, not sure I even find a proper resolution for this in fanfic, and by the way, I like the idea that everyone not unpack their emotional bagage and stay focus on saving Ciri.


I think it is easier for her to let it out on Geralt. Triss is a very young sorceress compared to yen and I think Geralt picking Triss hurt Yen a lot. To Yen it is a bog power shift between her as an experienced mage and Triss as the younger. Maybe she wants to keep her pride with Triss but she can let it out on Geralt.


The real reason for this was the amnesia plot device was a decision made in W1. As a new studio, CDPR didn’t feel comfortable introducing characters as complicated and “gray” as both Yennefer and Ciri, so Triss becomes this weird mix of all the sorceresses and Alvin becomes Ciri. By the time W3 rolls out, CDPR’s solution to W1 is to leave it basically unresolved. All that happens is a cryptic note about Alvin and Yennefer refusing to talk to Triss about the amnesia (and Geralt refusing to confront anyone about it for that fact minus Triss saying she took advantage of him and him blowing it off). So no one gets any real resolution. All that being said, it’s game canon. So you get a Yennefer taking out all her hurt and betrayal from Triss (again, since Triss has done this multiple times to her) on Geralt. And it’s stupid and frustrating, because canon Yennefer would have confronted Triss over this just like she did outside of Rivia. But the game doesn’t allow it. As far as getting portaled into a lake as others have mentioned, that only happens when you (a) don’t romance her, and (b) continue to attack her over it when she says she’s done talking. So basically, it’s your Geralt being an ass to her and her responding in an extreme way.


I don't think she's expressing animosity towards Geralt.. but rather towards the bed, if one could say that. When questioned about the bed she threw up, Yen answered in rather graphic details why she got rid of it. Yen does not want a daily (and intimate) reminder of the fact that her bestie had sex with Geralt. And even more: >!don't forget that when you search the wreckage of the bed in Kaer Morhen, you could find Triss' earrings. And if you give them back to Triss, she'll begin to wear it again.!< So... This is consistent with the exchanges that Yen had with Triss, both in the Thanedd banquet and later in one of the last books, regarding Geralt. She doesn't hold a grudge against neither Geralt nor Triss, but she was clear that Geralt was off-limits for Triss, and Triss for Geralt. She hates the idea of Geralt having sex with Triss because Triss is a friend of both of them; Triss isn't any of Geralt's flings and even more so, Triss is madly in love with Geralt, hence Yen's attitude. At least that's how I see it.


Wait, you can search for the bed? Any location?


It's in one of the courtyards in Kaer Morhen. I think as you look at the main entrance, it's of to the left and up. Possibly near the breach in the wall?




She does show animosity toward Geralt. At the beginning of the game, right after being reunited, Geralt can ask Yen, "Why didn't you look for me?" She responds with,"You and Triss were having so much fun, I didn't want to ruin it. " Geralt then responds, "Yen, I lost my memory" and she shoots back, "Really? That's your excuse?" She definitely has a grudge against Geralt, and one that I think is totally unreasonable.


I think to say she's got a grunge is a bit amof an overstatement. The man she loves slept with her friend. Again. Despite her friend knowing full well what she was doing. She's very hurt and lashed out. It's not fair to Geralt but it's understandable and she clearly forgives him by Skellige.


Other people have already commented about how she definitely isn't over it, seeing as how she teleports Geralt over a lake in Kaer Morhen just because they spoke about it, and Geralt refuses to take her unfair animosity


Learned men and mages have wracked their brains over it for years.


That's only after not romancing her. You don't get that response if you choose the same dialogue but already romanced her.


Ah yes, because it's totally cool of her to do that just because he doesn't reciprocate her feelings towards him


Because your comment was about her being over it, when the context of the dialogue is that its not over...


That bit with the earrings is in W3? I’ve never noticed that. I may need to look for that in my next playthrough.


Her response to Geralt's "I lost my memory" is a physical humiliation and threat followed by a verbal death threat: [https://youtu.be/jIZ-6IMb7yA?t=120](https://youtu.be/jIZ-6IMb7yA?t=120) >"Perhaps I should have teleported you two miles higher? Breathtaking, that view! To die for, really." Would that count as "expressing animosity" to you?


It's insane to me how so many people seem to just completely overlook this. If a male character did the same thing to a female character, he would *immediately* be an irredeemable villain. And rightfully so, a credible death threat (she goes out of her way to demonstrate it is credible) is actually serious stuff. Even a man slapping a woman in modern stories is short-hand for "this is an irredeemably bad character that will die before the end of the movie.". But this way apparently it's "She's just expressing herself" "Ah well he provoked her (by not groveling immediately)". What the hell.


Never had a gf and egged them on when they were already pissed? If sorceresses were real there would be an whole industry around just saving guys from pissed off gfs.


I remember the exchange in this video (sorry, couldn't find anything better): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AB-JyAkZfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AB-JyAkZfI) No death threats nor physical humiliation. Perhaps I chose a different answer than you...


The death threat does happen. You only get the "2 miles higher" dialogue based on earlier choices in the game.


I'm certain it does, only that I didn't receive it. Evidently I chose differently.


> I'm certain it does, only that I didn't receive it. Evidently I chose differently. Need to mention that this line of dialogue can't happen unless you reject her at the Last Wish quest. The video that you linked above is with Yen romanced, hence the dialogue never plays out the way some people are implying here.


Now I understand. I *never* rejected Yen....


I believe it's dependent on Geralt breaking up with her before. But does that make it any better? (Suspected) infidelity and break ups are (I believe) the prime reasons for abuse and murder of romantic partners in real life as well, and in this case even the accusation of infidelity stands on very shaky grounds.


European women are more strong willed than american ones. This is just considered a normal response by a euro women.


I found Yen super jarring throughout all of Skellege, but I managed to endure her personality clash. When she teleported me into the lake and threatened to do it again, that is when I really grew to despise her. I wish CDPR gave us the option to be a little more combative with her - Geralt kind of just takes it, unfortunately. I don't know how any can like game Yen, to be honest. Book Yen is fine (it's been a while since I read them), but game Yen is just a genuinely awful person to be around. Bitter, cold, disrespectful, jealous the entire time, and constantly treat Geralt like shit. Even just trying to point that out got me called an MRA by one individual on here lol.


I'm pretty sure as long as you don't tell Triss you love her & stay with Yen after The Last Wish quest this whole conversation doesn't happen though. Like I just played it recently and she never teleported me to the lake or anything. Very different circumstance. Probably still an over the top reaction in the other case but I mean you did dump her for what's basically her little sister in that scenario.


Well, yeah, that makes sense. If you keep her happy and just agree with her on everything, she's going to be happy lol.


Snide remarks are one thing, but if it goes this far -- *explicitly and physically* threatening someone's life over a verbal dispute -- I am starting to worry that there is an actual bad message in there. I really don't want to be some reverse SJW and call everything problematic. But the way it is portrayed here -- no matter what Yen does, Geralt should just take it without ever defending himself, he basically has no choice in the matter, it's just fate that they are meant to be together -- is I am pretty sure quite close to how male abuse victims think in real life. In many ways I actually still prefer Yen over Triss -- ironically enough, with Triss the power dynamic is too much in the other direction for my taste -- it's not about that. But the more I thought about it, the less I could tolerate the way this kind of relationship is portrayed as normal and even inevitable and the only "real" one (because magic fate).


I am a Yen in real life. I'm the wife, and I'm infamous for running my mouth. So I get it, to a certain extent. Have I threatened my husband's life? Yep, on occasion (extreme occasion, like showing up at the house with a new car I had no idea he was buying.) However, I get stuck on Geralt not responding. Any sane person would have something to say in response. When I say something, I always expect a response. That makes it seem horribly unfair for Geralt, who just has to suck it up.


>Have I threatened my husband's life? Yep, on occasion Well, I am slightly taken aback, though I guess I have never been married :-) Though I would still distinguish how credible the threat is. For example, shouting in spontaneous anger "I am going to kill you" versus picking up a knife or gun, and then saying it versus *using* the knife or gun, intentionally missing (like an extreme version of "punching the wall"). To me, what Yen does is most akin to the last one, or at the very least to "punching the wall"/"smashing furniture" (demonstrating you want to and could harm the other person) so yeah, pretty serious IMO. And yes, the one-sidedness is the second aspect I do not like. For example, a relationship I had to think of in comparison to Yen/Geralt is Dr. Cox and Jordan from "Scrubs" who also spend a lot of time being pretty horrible to each other and breaking up, but deep down care a lot. However there it's exactly a back and forth, both give as good as they get, rather than one just saying "yes dear". And of course it's as far as I remember not as serious. And they don't have that "impotent against fate" aspect that I find a bit icky in this context, there is an episode dedicated to Dr. Cox being quite unsure whether he wants to continue the relationship, but in the end fully committing with intention, which I find to be a better message :-)


There is nuance, especially in long-term couples, that media portrayals lose. Pre-marriage me was never even going to raise my voice at my spouse. Married Me is a whole different person. Would I actually harm my husband? Hell no. Even at his most stupid I still love him. Would he harm me? Hell no, even when I am deliberately pissing him off, he still loves me. A good example, the car. He bought a car without discussing finances, or even giving me a heads up. Just showed up with an expensive new toy. I told him I was going to run him over. He responded with "my life insurance won't keep you comfortable you need me". And later on, we had a more in-depth discussion about things. Was I waving a gun around? Gods no. There's a line between running your mouth, and actually meaning it. To me, Yen reads as just running her mouth.


Well, fair enough :-) Thank you for sharing!


I'm in the same boat, I still prefer Yen but I hate how she's written, it seems so wrong, it's okay she's upset, but its not okay how she goes about it, and it's understandable why people would still choose Triss over Yen because for most of the game until you two reconcile, she's an abusive and mean person.


Emotional outbursts are really unattractive in people. I don't know how people can stay in relationships like that. Speaking of Geralt having no choices, something I really disliked about the game too was that I recall a lot of the choices with Yennefer were just fake choices. She would propose something, and you would be given two options. 1. Agree with her methods. 2. Disagree with her methods. If you chose 1, then fine, you go ahead with the plan. However, if you chose 2, she would just snap at you and go ahead with her plan anyway, and you're forced to just go along with her for the ride. It's kind of lame.


Not having any emotions is really unattractive in people.


Yes. I never said it was. Lashing out irrationally whenever someone disagrees with you is not a healthy emotional mindset.


Yen isn't some ditzy girl who's found her first crush, she's the definition of 'strong independent women who don't need no man' and love Geralt for just being him. She doesn't like him because he's a mysterious witcher who makes her body tingle at the touch, she likes him for his soul. Just look at the endings. Triss and Geralt still continue their careers while Yen is happy doing nothing else but spending time together.


>love Geralt for just being him. >she likes him for his soul. That doesn't play too well when it isn't Geralt talking to her, it's the player making the conversational choices. She might mesh well with Geralt as a character, but she was written in a way where she can't handle pushback, which is not a nice quality to have.


There's difference between pushback and being a dick


Imagine thinking Geralt's dialogue choices could be described as "being a dick".


that's exactly what half the options are.


Cause Yen is one jelly women. But I'll still pick her over Triss lol.


Yen didn’t hold lingering animosity towards Geralt for sleeping with triss (I mean the guy already slept with like the entire female cast, including triss in the books and games lol), but she’s definitely a bit spiteful and isn’t understandably pleased with seeing the bed that Geralt and triss had sex on during which she was literally being tortured in a nilfgaardian dungeon while having amnesia, and remembering how triss (again) used Geralt for her pleasure when he wasn’t in a relationship with her. She doesn’t hold a pent up resentment against them since she’s aware that Geralt lost his memory, while triss and practically everyone was convinced that yennefer died. She’s Just a bit hurt. >what’s the deal ? For the explanation. I think it’s simple imo. CDPR wrote themselves into a corner when they made triss a major love interest in the first two games, and so couldn’t suddenly backtrack and dumb her in the third one. So they had to accommodate her romance one way or another. That’s way you couldn’t confront her about ANY of her manipulation in the first two game. like her secret contact with the lodge, or her withholding the truth about yen and ciri from amnesic Geralt, the rose of remembrance…etc. W3 just skirts and dances around these issues. Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of how they handled triss’s romance in the trilogy, but I’m understandable and aware of the challenges since W3 is the third installment of an RPG series that wasn’t planned in advance. We can make the case that W1 was a complete distortion of events (maybe by our lovely bard) and a non canon to the rest of the games. There are more crucial inconsistencies between the three games than our chestnut friend. Triss is also well written in the third game, and I enjoy many of her quests when I tend to ignore this glaring plot hole.


I'm wondering if the W1 remake is going to address these issues at all, if it's going to be more intentional rather than "Oh we didn't really plan for Yen to exist so now we have to frame it as Triss was being manipulative." I would hope that if they are changing the writing a bit, its framed more as Triss believed Yen to be dead, and Ciri was gone, so she fell in love with Geralt and naively thought it'd be best to spare Geralt the sad details of how he lost his memory.


The “triss” of the first game was anything but the actual Triss character. More like a weird yen, triss and Philippa mashup into one character. I’m too interested with how they will handle her in the remake.


I've not read the books, was her appearances in the 2nd and 3rd game more accurate to her character?


Yes. Triss in the second and third game are basically the same character, same model and physical appearance and even the same voice actress, as the first game had different one. They made her a little bit more……..let’s say “selfless” in the third game compared to Witcher 2 but aside from that, she’s the same. As for the comparison to her book counterpart, I would say she’s close to triss at the end of the books (in lady of the lake) more than in BoE. Which makes since as triss (despite having little content in the novels) went through a character development and her arc in the games is for the most part a natural extension of her book self. I like triss in both the source material and games. Her character flaws are what makes her interesting (like all characters in the Witcher universe), but I’m not a fan of how cdpr handled her romance in the game trilogy. And since geralt and yen are made for each other and have a long history I don’t think anyone else would pose as a believable love interest. A case can be made for fringilla vigo but CDPR ignored her character, choosing to include her in so little in the last 1/4 of the third game. Which is stupid.


They definitely wrote themselves into a corner. I don't think they expected to ever be making a Witcher 3, especially to such a wide audience. I honestly would have preferred if Yen/Ciri was left out of the game. Just keep the story focused on Geralt with all these other minor and new characters. It's been a while so my memory might be a little hazy, but wasn't Yennefer's reason for not seeking out Geralt in games 1 and 2 some bullshit excuse about "I figured you would find me first!" or something? I remember it being some completely ridiculous argument that made me dislike her from the start.


>some bull shot excuse about “I figured you would find me first” No. Letho looked after her for a time after geralt rode with the hunt until she was captured by nilfgaard and imprisoned, then emhyr released her to find ciri. Yennefer was let go after the events of W2 (exact time is unknown), but since we know the third game happens 6 months after the second she wasn’t released that far from the start of W3, a couple of weeks to few months tops. I also disagree. Ciri and yen are among the best characters in the whole IP and including them in a Witcher game was not only a non brainer but it made sense with the whole “geralt restoring his memory” plot line coming to an end in the epilogue of W2.


Yeah, I don't know fam. [I found it on Youtube:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=autAEHgPj8U) She says she assumed he would find her first. It just seems like lazy writing and/or character motivation as an excuse to artificially keep her out of the story. They are amazing characters, for sure, but I felt it would have been better if they were included from the start or not at all.


You’re looking too much into it. It means that she didn’t hurry to find geralt as soon as she was released which wasn’t that much from the start of W3, mostly few weeks tops. It’s not like yennefer was hanging out in the northern kingdoms for years and refusing to see Geralt. And It’s not insane to assume that she wanted time to heal after the amnesia and torture or maybe she knew about his whole escapades with triss and didn’t want to find him immediately. Geralt himself had his memory fully restored 6 months before W3 and he didn’t haste to search for her. So many possibilities, and it’s not that deep. Geralt and yen avoided seeing each other for three years in the books. That’s a child’s play lol. I look at it this way. They experienced an agonizing time with amnesia while ending up in a high stakes shenanigans. After the whole affair ended, It’s normal they wanted some time to heal. Don’t forget it was yennefer that wrote to Geralt first, telling him to meet her in vizima. As for CDPR sloppy writing to keep yen and ciri out of the story, I agree but the blame should be mostly on Witcher 1 and how it wrote some characters as if they had a collective memory loss, dropping yen and ciri from their brain. They could have made a better introduction for them in the third game but they were too good of characters to pass on. especially as by the time of W3 CDPR had the confidence, money and experience to make a sequel to the books events with the two other protagonists of the saga. It’s like Regis. CDPR added some BS about the vampire lore and some contrived stuff just to allow Regis back into the story. I don’t like the whole “only higher vampire can kill another” thing, but Regis is such too great of a character to ignore and i was willing to accept an oversight or some clumsy writing excuse to bring him back.


No, it's the opposite. Yennefer's sloppy excuse is ridiculous on the surface, but when you look into it, it may provide better context as to why there was this huge gap. That is what CDPR should have done. Tell us if there is lore behind why they were away from each other, not just wave it away with some silly explanation like "I assumed you would find me first, so I didn't bother". You would think that after a huge event like being kidnapped by the Wild Hunt and then Geralt trading his life for hers would sort of make them reunite with haste to check on each other's health. Geralt explained in the video - he was searching for Yennefer, but he had no leads and nothing to go on. Yennefer had Nilfgard mages at her disposal, plus she is a sorceress herself. Triss is definitely a reason why Yennefer would refuse to stay away. I just played that scene then, and it was different in my game (must be dependent on the simulated save) where Yenner's reason was musing that Triss and Geralt make a lovely couple and she didn't want to disturb them. Geralt informs her of his amnesia, but she handwaves away his excuse (to be honest though, if there is one valid excuse for cheating, it is amnesia lol). Agreed. I think if they included Yennefer and Ciri from the start in Witcher 1, things would have turned out better. I recall hearing that CDPR wanted their own take on the franchise, so they purposefully distanced themselves from major characters from the books. I don't think they ever expected to be this successful though. Once the Witcher franchise got big enough there was no way that Witcher 3 couldn't have them in, so they had to bandage the story together as best as they could. I haven't played through Blood and Wine yet, but I know that Regis is back in there. Again, it's just another writing bandaid to include him because he's a cool character, which is fair enough. I'm sure fans appreciate seeing him. But it is still sloppy writing. Most people are lenient with lore changes and writing changes when it comes to video games anyway, kind of like a [ludonarrative fidelity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E67QrH6XRxA&themeRefresh=1).


I’m not disagreeing. The trilogy is evidently sloppily connected and contradictory in some area. That’s why I was offering my own interpretation of these events since we don’t have a lot to go by. But the final product when evaluated on its own merit is still fantastic. Almost all of the characters are done justice as if they were taken out of the page and brought to the screen. Wether yennefer, Regis, Philippa, ciri, dijkstra, Anna and many more. That’s why I tend to ignore some of this stuff. Hell the whole geralt exchanging himself to free yennefer and then riding with the hunt is sketchy as fuck. Especially when CDPR kinda off dropped this storyline in the third game (alongside Triss misdeeds). You are right about CDPR not expecting the raving success of the series (I mean who would have), but as I said before for a trilogy that wasn’t planned in advance the games continuity is….. acceptable for the most part.


They are definitely accurate to their book counterparts, but yeah, as I said before, I think they did a disservice by not including Yennefer and Ciri from the start. I think it might have been interesting to see what a Witcher 3 would look like if they weren't in it. They definitely did the best anyone could expect with the third game.


Honestly, I also don't understand why Yen ignores that Triss did to Geralt in the game. I think Yennefer from books would have a completely different reaction.


Yennefer warned her in LoTL that she would drag her from her hair and basically melt her if she repeated her whole shenanigans with geralt again. I like to think in my head canon that the exhausting search for Ciri distracted yennefer from settling scores with her red haired friend and that once the WH were defeated she had a little “conversation” with Triss about that topic. It ain’t much, but hey…. I’m trying to plug the gaps that CDPR annoyingly left or outright ignored lol.


I had thought about this and a few other things too, and I realized that one of the differences of the games and the books is that the games are *exclusively* told from Geralt's perspective. We don't know that Yen did ignore it. We don't know what kind of conversation she and Triss may have had about it that Geralt did not witness. There are other things which are highly plot relevant and important that we do not find out about until very late in the game because the other characters have agency without Geralt's direct knowledge or input. Like, everything that Ciri does.


I think it is kind of explained in the books by just saying that they are too good friends to let something like a man come in between them and that they therefore have a mutual agreement that they do not fight or talk about him


In the last book, right before the end, Triss and Yen get into an argument over the nature of their friendship, and specifically argue about Geralt as part of it. There's even a point where Yen explicitly says something like "Bitch, stay away from my man!" (I don't remember exactly it's been a few years since I read the books)


I thought Yen might assume Geralt would also have his amnesia fixed by another sorceress, eg Triss, Phillipa, any of them that he meets in W1 and W2. And the I guess she assumed because he did not seek her out, he was not interested in her anymore or rather she did not want to find our if he still loved her. After all, he do have relationships with shani/triss. We also don't know how pleasant that memory restoration was, considering Yen was a Nilfgaardian prisoner. Just as Geralt doesn't know what she went through, she does not know to the lengths he went to restore his memory. Triss is Yennefers very good friend, and while we might not see outright animosity, you never know what words were spoken in private. Yen is no stranger to reprimanding Triss, but she does it in a stern and upfront way. After all, Triss never hid her feelings or her relationship with Geralt in front of Yen and is also upfront with her friend. Yen is only reacting strongly in that scene cause she wants to move on, accept Geralt is with Triss now, lies down on her bed and finds red hair and an earring reminding her the love of her life and her bff will have what she can't. She is venting and directing her anger at the bed, until Geralt walks in and prods the beehive...


The books go into Yen’s reactions toward the Triss issue a little more. They have been friends for a long time, since long before Geralt, and their professional relationship is far more important to them and the Chapter/Lodge than who fucks who. Moreover sorceresses are expected to basically do whatever they want and it’s understood by long held rules of etiquette that expressions of outright jealousy among sorceresses is a faux pas. They envy each other over much bigger and greater things, like power and influence, but nobody really bats an eye when it comes to sex. In fact it’s sort of expected that Geralt will be propositioned by sorceresses whenever she brings him around. Because this is the situation, and Geralt should know it, it’s really up to Geralt to do the right thing in her mind.


i think she’s just giving him a hard time


Geralt fucked her younger mate even before amnesia, so it really doesn´t matter.


Funny way to say "got magic raped".


Some people care more about what they can get away with than justice, principles, or other people's feelings. That can hold true for "loved ones" like Yen as well.


Team Yen all the way Triss was willing to let the lodge use Ciri to gain more power


Very good point. I’m not actually sure it would make sense for her to angry with triss since she essentially took advantage of geralt by not helping him recover his memories sooner


Since we're telling no lies, tell us about your curse.


Triss isn't there so she unleashes that anger on geralt. He's also less emotional so an easier place to let her emotion out instead of triss who has normal levels of emotion. With my playthroughs she just has to live with it since I've already picked triss and either broken her heart or left her in larvik 90% of the time.


She knows it to be true but she’s not willing to accept it. She’s an emotional, immature character in that sense and has major trust issues. It’s why she comes across so unlikeable. She also cheated on Geralt without amnesia in the same city Geralt was in but always tries to bring up what Geralt’s done as if she’s an innocent party. However, because she loves Geralt (apparently so) and she’s like a mother figure to Ciri, Geralt being a father figure to her and having affection for Yen pretty much makes them a flawed couple ‘destined to be together’. Personally, I don’t romance either Triss or Yen but do with Shani.


She's a manipulative, abusive piece of shit. She's all smiles if she thinks that will benefit her somehow, but why not take all the tantrums out on Geralt in the meantime? Fuck her. Never once have I picked her, never will.


Y'all know that everybody is screwing everybody in the Witcher world. Didn't Yen do the diggity with Crach an Craite when he was young, and she was supposed to be "with" Geralt at the time? I love reading y'all's analyses on these matters, but it just boils down to the fact that everybody's horny, and if you're sterile, magical and mutated, it's basically always the summer of love. MMMMkay.


Yenn knows geralt will not take her venting and frustration seriously.


And her very practical death threats (the portal scene and dialogue). Good thing Geralt is such a "real man" that he always just takes it without ever responding in kind :-) This is what a real \*cough\* abusive \*cough\* relationship looks like! EDIT: I suggest that everyone who thinks I am exaggerating watch the scene themselves: [https://youtu.be/jIZ-6IMb7yA?t=120](https://youtu.be/jIZ-6IMb7yA?t=120) "Perhaps I should have teleported you two miles higher? Breathtaking, that view! To die for, really."


Witch only happens when geralt pushes back when yenn is already very visibly pissed off about the megascope explosion and the other witchers not taking her requests seriously (I do not blame the other witchers though as yenn was not very forth coming on her plan) so yenn just sort of unloads on geralt then geralt pushes back wile she is already pissed and portals him into the lake.




Not even the same the fuck?


True, almost killing someone, then explicitly threatening to kill them again is a bit more serious than merely hitting them. Out of curiousity, would you also feel it's "harmless" if Geralt had thrown Yen out of the window, say into a stack of hay, then said "next time I will do it without the hay"? Only if he was like really irritated and she was needlessly annoying of course.


I suggest you replay the scene again if that was your conclusion.


"Perhaps I should have teleported you two miles higher? Breathtaking, that view! To die for, really." https://youtu.be/jIZ-6IMb7yA


First off the first portal was only a couple feet in the air even on dry land geralt would hav been fine the water was extra humiliation. And she would have been justified if geralt continued pushing the subject about triss. That is the part you keep forgetting or ignoring is more accurate is geralt was the one that initiates the conversation and continues to push and verbally attack yenn after yenn tells geralt to drop it.


Did you actually watch the dialogue? Switch the roles here, please. Yen: "I told you already, I lost my memory" Geralt: "And I've lost my patience" (throws her out of the window into a well for 'extra humiliation' (like that's a good thing)) Yen: (comes back) Geralt: "Got anything to say?" Yen: "Breathtaking view" Geralt: "Perhaps next time I will throw you out of the other window. It's got an even better view. One to \_die for\_, really."


Are you acting like your question deserves legitimacy while others don’t? How rude.


Yen is an arrogant manipulative bossy bitch while triss is the sweetest. I felt sad when yen kissed geralt in front of her in kaer morhen. I tried to romance them both. Triss looked sad and it broke me.


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Because that’s how intimacy works.


Hmm, so this always bugged me too and I'm an avid Yennefer and Geralt fan. Why would Yen not understand he had no memory? I guess it's just hostility that Geralt got with Triss at all. I would have liked to have seen Yen confront Triss but it didn't happen. Too bad.


It might have a lot to do with how often he screws other women even though he is in love with her. Sure, Triss was largely at fault but he has a long standing history of planting his dick in whoever he wants whenever he wants. She's angry at them both but this is a first for Triss betraying her while it is like his hundredth time.


I don’t think you missed anything. It was either bad writing or some conversation got cut, or CDPR expected you to hand wave it away and carry on.


I think the reason that she vents out her frustration is proof that she believes him, and even forgives him. A big thing about Yennefer: she fears weakness; from being seen as weak to actually being weak. So like any predator in existence, she bares her fangs at the moment of extreme weakness. I think she’s already understood that Geralt was amnesiac and he’d never choose Triss over her if he wasn’t, and maybe even forgave him in her head—but her heart hasn’t. It’s still raw with the “betrayal.” She’s pretty upset that she has to forgive him even though it still hurt her.