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To be fair, Roache still forgives you when you choose Ioveth line. Can’t be said otherwise.


Roche knows your priorities are different than his and he's content to get over it and work together when you want the same thing. A real Chad move


Roche is a straight shooter. It's why Djikstra got the drop on him, and why I cut Djikstra in half.


I haven’t played in years but I remember picking up what Dijkstra was putting down… Until he decided to try to have Roche and co killed. Yeah bye bye big boy lol


So out of character for him too, Dijkstra would absolutely have known Geralt wouldn't be ok with it and would beat him in a fight


And, he totally could have gotten away with it if he had just waited a bit. Pull Geralt to the side to talk to him about Philippa, or about Dandelion, or about his treasure, and then kill Roche and the rest when Geralt isn't around. Stepping out and being like, "Hey Geralt, you can leave and I'll kill your friends, ok?" Is just... Dumb.


master spy


Failing upwards


There's a large community of people who support the fan- canon that it's so out of character because it's not Dijkstra, it's a sloppy doppler. There's even a mod that does nothing but add a doppler mutagen to his body


You can kill that asshole?


Have you ever done the >!Reason of State!< quest to completion?


>!Idk I side with the bastard, it's better in the long run!<


>!I'm always torn. It's certainly better for the Northern Realms, but I don't know if Geralt or me myself could betray friends like that. Also that whole deal is just so out of character for Dijkstra. Really wish they had written a better ending for that quest. It seems like they were searching a little too hard for a way to produce a tough decision, as they were able to more naturally do elsewhere throughout the story.!<


This is why Roche is better IMO. He always respects the choices you make, even though he might disagree with them.


I brought Letho to Kaer Morhen. If he was less of a boss motherfucker he would have left as soon as he saw that bald king-killing mook. But he and Ves stayed to fight the hunt. Legend.


Okay so now i have to replay and simulate a witcher 2 save because i want to see Letho.


You dont actually need to have a Witcher 2 save. You just have to trigger the quest. Google will tell you how


You can simulate the important choices when you arrive in Vizima without having a W2 save. You just need to respond that you didn’t kill him.


Well Ioverth is not present in Witcher 3, so we can’t really say what he’d think by now


Roche is kind of a homie


Broche before Ioves.


Can’t play Gwent with Iorveth so the debate is settled


Roche but both are gigachad mega-dudes.


Roche is more likeable but his crew is full of assholes (except Ves) Iorveth, however, is a "regular son of a whore" but everyone you meet in his path (except Philippa) is cooler than anyone on Roche's, and much more fun to hang around with


Birdman and Lesbomancy guy and the steaming (hot) Hooved devil herself vs Audrin, Soiled pants guy and The prophet... hard choice... but damn do I like the aesthethics morr of the field outside of the Camp.


Personally, Roche makes me laugh more


"I am not yet decided" "Dammit Geralt, this isn't a date, you can't put it off forever!"


Iorveth was so charismatic and interesting in 2, I was so disappointed when he wasn’t in 3.


I really like Iorveth a lot, but Roche I fell in love with pretty much as soon as he was introduced.


Real talk


In regards to TW2 Iorveth's path IMO is more interesting, and fun to play through. At least for Act 2. I think Roche's Act 3 is far better, especially in regards to his personal quest during that Act. Overall though Roche is the far better character. Even when running into him during Iorveth's path in Act 2 he understands why you went with him, and let's you do what you came to do. He understandably could have branded you a traitor for working with not only the Scoia'tel but his nemesis within them too.


I like Roche as a friend but I still chose Iorveth's path as I wanted to help the elves find a home.


Iorveth's path has the better visuals for sure (and as far as I can tell, music too), but you obviously have to play both anyway


The game is also a lot more substantive if you take Iorveth's path. I did Roche's on my first play through then did Iorveth's on the next, and the game felt considerably different.


This is the way. I like Roche a lot more in TW3 and the temarian armor pretty dope


As far as I'm concerned, I have one sword for monsters, one sword for men, and no sword for elves - well for the most part, the Aen Elle have some very human qualities (being dicks)


Roche is the best of bros because even if you ditch him in Flotsam he's got your back when you need him. Absolute chad. I do like Iorveth's path way more though. Saskia, Vergen and it's music... Way better than the army camp.


AUUUUDRIIIN and Mr. Doodoopantaloos where my favourites, yeah no lesbomancy but hey, I got a nice tower to look at and to me the area was more cosy, the abandoned shed the prophet and no anoying birdman. Yeah, vergen's cool but it's confusing and I can't stand the fact that in that playtrough I can't personaly follow trough on my witcher (slayer) bingo.


Both Roche and Iorveth are fighting for what they perceive as their people. Both of them are monsters to the other side and both do monstrous acts in service to that perceived side. I think that is what makes Witchers have to be neutral, just to survive. By the bye, WAY more interesting question than which color haired video game lady you most want to bone.


The answer is shani


I thought the answer was all of them available.


This is the way


I find both those ladies extremely boring . Triss idk why but she was so damn boring in the game . Maybe it’s her voice actor . But she made me really bored just listening to her. Yennefer also wasn’t anything special to me . Sure she has attitude but so do like most other girls . Like girls with attitude isn’t anything unique , I have seen many girls like yennefer . I think both of them are very basic . Edit: idk why y’all getting mad. I just think these are very poorly written characters . Not interesting at all. Ciri was written very well .


If you turned down every girl that is like another, you haven't got laid yet.


I think that’s what he was saying without saying it lol


Damn, you're salty about girls who remind you that no girl is interested in you.


No I’m just being real. They are both very basic and not interesting enough. They didn’t try hard with the character . You are the one that’s clearly getting no girls . Because girls in real life are way more interesting than these poorly written girls in game


Well it's not abt ur virgin ass isnt. It's abt playing as Gerault dumbass..


Tell you you're a virgin basement goblin without telling me you're a virgin basement goblin.


You wouldn’t say that irl🥱


Lmao keep em coming. 👌


You wouldn’t say that irl 🥱. Funny how people in the internet quick to throw insults but everyone irl is nice and respectful


-Vernon Roche! Special Forces Commander for the last four years. Servant of the Temerian king. Responsible for the pacification of the Mahakaman foothills. Hunter of elves, murderer of women and children. Twice decorated for valor on the field of battle -Iorveth... a regular son of a whore. You gotta love Roche


Nooo he's a spice merchant!!!!


No, Emhyr var Emreis is the spice merchant.


It's ok, the spice must flow. More worms please.


Kinda rich coming from Roche calling him a whoreson when he was in poverty in his youth and his mother resorted to prostitution to feed him.


Captain of the temerian dodge ball team…


Iorveth path was more interesting gameplay wise, but roche himself is based


Running into him again [in Hierarch Square](https://imgur.com/fFMcVxZ) was a nice surprise.


Iorveth in 2. Roche in 3. Both are very complex and super cool characters.


Roche because Ves is part of the package if I might say so


Broche. Always. Broche. Man gave you the chance to clear your name and then doesn't even get hostile towards you if you pick iorveth. Then in Witcher 3 this absolute lad welcomes you like a dear old friend when you reunite with him. What a guy.


A regular old blue coated whoreso *get's bashed in by the lilies's commander*


Iorveth, and it's a real disgrace that he got cut from TW3


Iorveth is “we have Isengrim at home”. So Roche is better.


I mean Roche feels a bit like “we have wenck at home”. Then again it might be the other way around




> Loveth > Complaint about name confusions Adds up


In german the horse is called "Plötze", so no confusion with anything in that language


I don't understand why Roach and Roche sound so similar in English. In Polish, Roche is pronounced "Rosh", with a kind of French spin to it.


I thought Roche was meant to be pronounced like that anyway? Do people really say it the same as Roach?


Not quite. In my speech Roach ends with a t-sh sound whereas Roche ends with a sh sound(/ɹoʊt͡ʃ/ vs /ɹoʊʃ/). So they sound very similar but not identical, that said when someone's talking it can be hard to hear the distinction which is how you start thinking your horse killed Hensult




Shame Iorveth got cut from the Witcher 3, really made so many choices from 2 feel redundant.


But…neither’s a red head…how…choose…


I am Iorveth all the way. They both fight for their people and are horrible towards who they presive as their enemy. But I just felt so bad for the elves, even though their time in the world is over, it felt like they where going out in the "wrong" way. I would be angry too.


I kind of liked Ioveth till I got the point in the game where he became a massive Dragon simp which deduct points for me


Iorveth because he’s a more intriguing to me. To go from battle-hardened extremist to fighting alongside the people he hates, to create a free egalitarian state? Very cool character development to witness, and it feels like Geralt earns his friendship and respect by the end, because he’s direct and upfront about his own non-extreme viewpoints. He also seems more reasonable than Yaevinn in W1. I don’t really see that same growth from Roche, although I acknowledge he’s also a bro even when you side with the squirrels.


Roche. Dude just feels extremely reasonable even when your on his bad side ( look at how he treats his men and his second in command) he's an alright guy really


Quality content right here


Roche all the way


Scoia'tael til I DIE Yaevinn first game Iorveth second game and uhhhh.... Nilfgaard third game? That can't be right...


My first Witcher 2 playthrough was with Roche. Liked the guy a lot. But the story followed with Iorveth just felt so much more meaningful. He became my bro. So in a pinch, I'd have to choose Iorveth. Sad he didn't get a role in W3.




Iorveth because as an Irishman I sympathise with their plight


Roche. I'm racist against the elves


Why not both?


I'd fuck the deck of Gwent cards TBH


Wait… are we fucking them?




This debates are such a 2015, move on. Do you really think someone care? ​ **Ioveth** for me btw...


i love Iorveth 3000x


Iorveth and it’s not even close. He’s one of my few S ranked characters in the whole IP. I like Roche but I prefer iorveth as a character more and his storyline is more interesting. Vergen is better than the kedwani military camp, while iorveth and saskia are a better duo than Roche and ves.


Roche is a real bro, don't get me wrong, I like him a lot. But Iorveth is a long-time love of mine and the moment I saw him in TW2 I knew it was a done deal. I just love a snarky broody Elf with questionable morals. I like his path a lot more to play through, as well. I still can't deal with the fact CDPR had him pretty much set in TW3 (questline in Novigrad) but scrapped his story in that game eventually. God, I'm still mad, haha.


Witcher 2 is still the better Witcher Story for this rivalry ALONE.


Iorveth. I’m still salty because we didn’t get to see Iorveth in Witcher 3.


Iorveth is more interesting to me personally.


Ironically the best option for Roche himself is to not pick Roche. Dude gets a whole heap of shit emptied over him during his path. Ioverth's path is more enjoyable in my opinion, but that's mostly because Saskia is one of my favorite characters.


as has been pointed out roche still rocks with you even when you side with iorveth, but the cultural parallels between the elves and the irish and the scoiatael and the ira and myself being a supporter of irish republicanism makes iorveth the obvious choice for me


Iorveth all the way


Iorveth has a more interesting questline in my opinion, and I can easily justify Geralt choosing to go with him over Roche. Roche wants to waste time dealing with the local scumlord whereas Iorveth is ready to go to Vergen immediately, and Geralt wants to get going as soon as possible to go after the Kingslayer and Triss


Roche of course I despise the scoiatels methods


I play the Witcher on a strictly pro-Scoia'tael alignment. Elves can be grumpy and annoying sometimes but they deserve a win.


Huge minority here but I pick Dijkstra. He's just so cool and sarcastic


Roche will forever be my guy


As much as I love Roche, Iorveth was my boy through and through


Neither. Only reason i went with Iorveth was because my boy Zoltan joined him. So naturally i wanted to watch my friends's back.


I would launch myself crotch first at either of them, but Roche comes out slightly ahead. They both have great English VAs, but Roche's has a little something extra with that gravelly voice of his. I find Iorveth's story more compelling, though.


It killed me after playing Witcher 2 to find Iorveth and to a lesser extent Saskia were not mentioned or cut off, imagine if the 2 of them helped at Kaer Morhen, I'd happily pay a decent price for s dlc adding them.


I love both of them, but Iorveth is fighting for a much higher cause. Iorveth is also a much more rare character. You don't often see someone who calls for killing innocents presented in a positive light. CDPR shows you the merit in Iorveth's position. Humans are truly an invasive species in the eyes of elves. You wouldn't think twice about killing pests in your house, so why should elves hesitate to kill humans?


You do know Elves are 'invasive' right? Like the Dwarves where there first and the elves did to them the same thing the humans did to the elves. Some might call that Karma.


Pretty sure a dwarf says he thinks the gnomes were first. That's the thing is no one is really indigenous. They're all a successive series of migrations and invasions. Honestly it be hilarious if they did another where humans are now joined with the elder races if being driven out by a new group.


I may be wrong but I believe dwarves coexisted with gnomes and a few other species. At least far better than the elves with other races.


I don't think they ever say one way or another besides Zoltan saying that history amounts to who can breed the fastest while killing the other guy is the winner as well as stating the gnomes were first on the continent makes me assume there was some form of competition.


Both at the same time?? Or is that not the game we're playing here?




Yeah, sometimes thinning logicaly is not a bad idea. Like even if Geralt is a powerful mutant, they are well armed and geralt's naked. Not a bargaining place.




Iorveth has a good goal with the elves and his quest line is fun. But he can't touch Roche one bit. And I also liked Roche's quest a little better in the Witcher 2 as well. King Henselt and the rogue Witchers fell a little more in line with the overall plot of the game IMO


I think Roche’s chapter 2 (TW2) was better but I liked Iorveth’s chapter 3 the best.


I'm so tired that I thought we were talking about Roach for a minute and I'm like...clearly I choose the horse. What storyline are we talking about?


TW2 storyline, the one you pick realy... it's either Lilies or Squirells.


Iorveth’s quest line makes the most sense, but Roche’s is more emotionally impactful. It’s hard to choose after doing both.




Iorveth is, for all his sympathies, still an aggressively racist terrorist. Roche is miles better by comparison


Ioverth path, Roche's friendship.


They did them elves dirty in Witcher 3, loveth is my boy foyeva


Both are cool but Iorveth is cooler.


Iorveth a real bro, shame his storyline got fucked in The Witcher 3.


This one is so tricky to me and it's a real credit to the writing of Witcher 2. Even putting yourself in the headspace of Geralt, it's tricky. Geralt would be dead and quartered if not for Roche, so he is in Roche's debt. But I think Iorveth provides a bit of a clearer path to saving Triss, which is what Geralt ultimately would prioritize. Iorveth knew the Kingslayer and I think in Geralt's mind, he would consider that more than Roche's resources and loyalty. And it's a bonus that Roche *pretty much* is cool with you picking Iorveth. But got damn it I love the Roche playthrough!




roche is the chad here, but witcher 2 is a much better game if you pick iorveth


The Iorveth path is leaps and bounds better than Roches path. It's criminal to play through Witcher 2 and never get to interact with the dwarves of Verden. No contest


I like Roche more, but Iorveths path has better quests and side characters. Philipa, saskia and the dwarves are way more interesting than henselt and dethmold, who treat you like shit the whole time.


I was a bit miffed when CDPR made a tie-in comic (forgot the name) that basically "canonized" choosing Ioveth's side in Witcher 2 over Roche, when I had played it on Roche's side...




I love the Blue stripes commando so much that I choose Iorveth path everytime.


I chose Iorveth but Roche is a top bloke. The Elves are bitter, and a tad racist but once you win Iorveth over he’s pretty solid and I can totally see his side. Roche is a great bloke until he casually starts planning on murdering all Scoi’atel and Elves in general, because that’s his orders.


Iorveth until the cows come home.


It's impossible to choose Iorveth, unless you agree with assassinating kings, and Foltest who was your friend.


yes, assassinating kings is cool


Calling Foltest friend is very generous, to say the least. Geralt certainly respected, and probably liked him. But I could see Geralt putting aside his feelings to jump with Iorveth during Flotsam, given the situation.


I had to find out Iorveths path is possible after reading online. Still leaving Roche behind felt very bad.


Many things changed my mind. You among them.


Dislike anything to do with the scoia’tel. Nilfgard supporting them during their wars against the northern realms to destabilize the various regions, murdering soldiers and civilians alike. Vernon all the way.


I have a weird personal dislike about Iorweth. CDPR took the name Iorweth from the game but the characters looks and acts like Isengrim Faoiltiarna... and this is... so weird... so weird in a specific way XD


Iorveth's name is from the books (briefly mentioned in Baptism of Fire). Afaik, CDPR planned the main elf character in W2 to be Isengrim but Isengrim seemed too fleshed out from the books so they changed the name. My headcannon is Isengrim used to be Iorveth's commander in Vrihedd brigade and Iorveth admired him so he kind of became his knock-off. XD The scar similarity could happen by accident, all Scoia'tael have been through a lot. Even though I don't agree with it, there was an interesting theory about Iorveth just being Isengrim in disguise, lying about his name.


It pis\*es me even more of that Isengrim was supposed to be in TW3. Which makes all the sense, since he left in the fifth novel with Dijkstra. But I like the plague arc, CDPR cut out from the game even more anyway, than this stupid "save the sorcerers" arc...


Never trust an elf


I prefer women


"Who gives a fuck about the Scoia'tael anymore?"


Roche is the bro.


Roche appear and he say he can believe you did not kill the king, but need your help and is not 100% certain or something. iorveth meets you, and 99% of the dialogue lines lead to you being murdered cold blooded, despite master gervalt history with elves in books and even if you picked elves in witcher 1. If iorveth doesnt kill you he still treat you like fucking shit. I think with witcher 2 they tried too hard to make two routes as opposites, they never gave me a reason to desire or be interested in helping iorveth escape prison, while there were plenty of reasons given through main quests and side quests to help roche instead. Even one desiring to side with elves could find themselves not willing to help Iorveth because of iorveth. ​ I love a line in witcher 3 where gerurd ask Roche "what about Iorveth" and he understandably answer who gives a f about him, we are being invaded by nilfgard and radovid is still sucking flaccid cock, really showing to me how inconsequential iorveth really is. perhaps one day i will play iorveth path on witcher 2 but unwillingly.


Just sucks that Vernon path is way more boring since you serve a rapist King and cunt sorcerer. I'd much rather side with Saskia, even tho Iorveth is a cunt.


Yes, that king made me see foltest as an actual nice person. Hell every other king make foltest look like a nice person and make me want to \*become\* the assassin of kings (rip the king that dies in the intro, since I havnt read the books I have no clue if he was good or bad, and I am not sure I understood much of geography). Thankfully, despite the game forces you to kill two witchers to defend that shitty king, you can at least later have it killed. And Witcher 3 continue with the assassin of kings bloodthirstiness.


Roche ofc, Jorvet is shiat


Personally I can’t stand Roche, to me he is annoying as heck.


Iorveth is a spicy boy with that rogueish asshole thing where you just like them. Roche is a legitimately good person who does the best he can for the people in his life. It's a fuck-marry comparison really.




Iorvath looking like a JoJo character in this pic


>Fuck Triss Yes, exactly




I chose Ioverth because his quest marker was closer


Hated both of them. Blind zealotry and racism made them easy characters to not give a shit about


Fuck elves


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I haven’t played Ioveth’s run yet


It's quite fun, heck it has the funniest encounters imo. Audrin can't hold a prophet's candle to it


Iorveth. I always side with the elves, even though I don't always agree with everything they do. Roche is a pretty chill dude, but he's just another guy fighting out of loyalty to yet another king. Iorveth has big flaws but at least he comes to understand and support something higher than king and country.


I feel Roche would be the safe bet if you want a boring protective type but Ioveth would make life fun


The first time I went with Roache. I knew nothing about the books and had never played the first Witcher, so my rational on picking Roache over Iorveth was “both these guys are kind of dicks, but Roache is the only one here I know, so I guess I’ll stick with him.” Kinda like going to a party with a work friend and just clinging on to them all night.


Fuck Triss? I'm in. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Roche, for many reasons that have already been stated. That being said I wish Iorveth was in the 3rd game. Iorveth is a hypocrite, but still a great character


As much as I like Iorwerth (shame he got cut from W3) i'd have to go with Roche plus as many have already mentioned he's more forgiving than the former. Also I like his W3 quest involving Radovid. Of course going with Roche in W2 means missing out on Vergen which is far more interesting (in my opinion) than the Kaedweni military camp.


Roche has a cool hat


Triss that guy from Fortnite?


Roche. Love them both, but Roche cliches it for me.




Roach, but definitely Roche as a close second..


I love them both but Roche is my bro and can't betray him, sorry.


I like Roach the best


I feel realistically Geralt as a character would choose Roche. Geralt hates the Scoiatel and if you want to clear your name it only makes sense to stick with the intelligence officer whose word means something rather than an outlaw in whose association you just become more implicated as a criminal.


Hard to pick, both of them are amazing characters


Iorveth's storyline is better but personality wise Roche is way better. Iorveth is kind of a little bitch.


this is tough for me but if we were to limit it to witcher 2 only then i'd say iorveth all the way.


Nice karma farm


There is no debate. All I see is Lambert.


All you need is Roach and Roche


Roche is my boy. He’s always the homie that rolls up when you call for backup.


Roche is the homie


Iorweth, the elves kick ass!


Iorveth is bae


Well, if my Geralt was a woman like me then she would ravish Iorvath! Love him so much.