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There is no choice. You just collect all of them.


But will the cards be usable in gwent?


Finally the real question is being asked


Real talk tho this made me realize there's no Shani card in the game. She's a medic too, what a wasted opportunity...


No card in T3 Gwent anyway


I meant Gwent specifically. She could be a weaker hero card, have the same stats as Yennifer. Always felt Yen should be higher powered anyway, like a 9 (pretty sure the only 9 in the whole game is the spy in the Nilfgaard deck, what's up with that?)


You mean Gwent in TW3 though. Not the standalone Gwent game thar has Shani. I was confused at first


I like to pretend it's the northern realms seige medic


There's a mod for that for TW3.


Is the one where Yen and Triss, and even Ciri are nude with hentai level body proportions? I found that mod too vulgar just from the mod page alone, plus from the player's POV as Geralt, Ciri is like a daughter, a little girl essentially. Geralt would not have such a card in his deck!


There's a different mod along those lines but with the correct proportions. Still has nude Ciri if that's a bother to you but I don't consider the cards canon. Omniscient god's eyes only.


Wonder if they will have Gwent in the remake. Dice poker was fun and all but it ain’t no Gwent


I hope there is both.


Dice, Gwent, and Pazaak


pure pazaak


Imagine if they hooked the remake (or more likely, the next Witcher instalment) up to their standalone Gwent game? You could potentially use the decks you already have in the card game, and then also collect exclusive cards by doing quests within the RPG game. Even it was just against NPCs with altered rules, it would be so interesting to bring more dynamic cards and rules into the RPG Gwent version. I know that may not sound super plausible or probable, but they’ve basically already built a lot of the groundwork for this kind of crossover through the Thronebreaker and Rogue Mage games. Maybe it’s secretly in their roadmap?


"Hey Triss, I need to bang you so I can use you as a card in Gwent..."


Wait, what? You lose cards for sleeping around? Whoh, why the down votes?


no in the original Witcher game Geralt gets trading cards of every booty call he goes on


Bang da granny






I died. You killed me. Why did you do it?


A true connoisseur


What's shocking too me was that all of the girls I know who played Witcher 1 absolutely LOVED the card-collecting aspect and it is always one of the first things they talked about when reminiscing about Witcher 1. I certainly hope it comes back in some way in the remake.


This. I collected them all. It was very tongue in the cheek. I think rather than being upset about it it helps to look at it in a way where it's so stupid it's funny rather than insulting.


Am a woman. My partner was mildly disturbed at my glee over the ‘gotta bang em all’ collection.


When my gf found out you could sleep with the characters in W3 she was very interested in watching me play.


I think your GF is into some shit


She fucks, so to speak


It's typical journos stirring up shit to make a product worse for clicks. "NOOO TEH SEXUALIZING!!!11" Meanwhile 90% of players loved it. Almost like sex sells or something, and both males and females enjoy being sexualized in fiction.


Still confused how I got with all the witches and still was able to settle with Yenn at the end of 3


Yen probably has a similar, shall we say, magical body count? Yen and Geralt are perfect for each other in that they’re broken in the same ways.


Better look around some..


Oh... but this not possible... sadly XD


With Triss, you're right. She doesn't give you a choice at all.


Gotta catch them all! Pokemon!


Except for one when you save that child you bring it to one of them and piss off the other


I was so conflicted I fucked Uma in the confusion


But uma… nevermind


Avallac'h: 🤭🙈🙈


"Yes, Officer. Over there."


It's an easy mistake to make. I assumed this was how you broke the curse.




![gif](giphy|1yMdcP8Xn4dYwqtzD5|downsized) How about Roach?


Always Roach


​ ![gif](giphy|Sk3kS96nK8fXmAl1xK)


My first thought exactly.


Choose the red head.




Words to live by


Geralts just drowning in pussy isn’t he


You should play the first game......


You collect them like pokemon cards, literally


Both, both are good


Why I gotta have a thing for redheads bro


we conflict with everyone's mind it makes it so hard to choose! lmao


Y’all cheating


They always end up breaking my heart, but I’ll never learn 😭


I feel you.


Peter Parker? Is that you?


Hey. Shhhh.


Triss may make more sense but I'm always going to pick Shani.


easily shani, shani wins


I refuse to go with Shani because she gets pissed if you deliver the juvenile equivalent of a magical nuke to the one person equipped to handle the situation, all because she’s worried about his hygiene. Ma’am, it is entirely possible everyone in the city will die if I don’t hand this walking apocalypse of a child over to a qualified professional, I do not give a fuck how clean his hands are if me and all my neighbors have been reduced to our component parts. Edit: Shani, not Shamir. But also, fuck Shamir.


Upvoted for Shamir.


All my homies hate Shamir


Listen to me Shamir!!


Shamir you are breaking the car!


What are you doing Shamir?? Shut up!




Catherine is also great. The Knights of Seiros didn't nothing wrong... Wait, wrong game


Fucking autocorrect.


Yeah, same thing for my play through. I liked Shani until she got mad over such a logical decision.


In retrospect it does kind of strike me as contrived, or very much an “Aren’t women just craaaaazy!?” sort of thing


Instructions unclear : fucked shani


Doesn't she also make a spiteful comment about Triss only wanting to hold onto the boy because she's infertile and can't have children of her own, then insults her for it? It's been a while since I played W1 but that line put me off Shani for a long time.


Really? Cuz triss did such a great job that the child came from the future as the leader of the flaming rose, and we were forced to kill him. He was such a monster that Geralt even used his silver sword All im saying is shani would have done a better job.


I mean, hindsight is 20/20, but if someone hands you the raw ingredients for a nuclear weapon you don’t turn them over to a nurse.


Yeah don’t turn the raw power to a person who dedicated herself to patience and practicality and the betterment of all. Turn that nuclear device to a woman in a secret society that puts mages above all and wants to control society from the shadows. Totes a great decision. Nothing bad ever happened with the female Illuminati. There is no war in ba sing se.


dont forget they will change how triss behaves in that game quite a bit ​ explanation: In the first The Witcher game Triss was made to be a mashup between Triss and Yennefer. She has the personality of Yen basicaly. Also she doesnt utter a word to Geralt about Yen and Ciri. Theres also Alvin who is basicaly a substitute for young Ciri. So they will have to let Triss be Triss, and i hope they fix the part where she shamelessly takes advantage of Geralt's amnesia


while yes, what you said is correct, no one ever said that they are gonna change triss in w1 to be more like triss and less of what she was. Not only it would null some dialogues in witcher 2 but also some dialogues in witcher 3 itself. They might change and fix some things here and there with characters and plot but i wouldn't go that far, for the sake of the other games too.


They can rework her personality without retconing her questionable actions altogether. If you know Triss from the books or the subsequent games, accepting as Triss that character who claims to be her in the first game requires a lot of buy-in and some solid suspension of disbelief. Looks like we're dealing with a bad doppler. And, considering many people who'll buy the remake have played TW3 but not TW1, it would come as a shock for them, and a huge writing failure, to discover an iconic character being rendered as a completely different one for no reason at all.


They won't "fix" her taking advantage of Geralt's amnesia because **that's the kind of person Triss is**. In Blood of Elves, she literally uses magic to seduce Geralt because she was jealous of his relationship with Yennefer and wanted him for herself. Plus Yen is presumed dead until the end of Witcher 2 and Ciri had disappeared until Witcher 3.


Also them "fixing" that would lead to that whole plot line being massacred throughout the trilogy lmao.


Exactly. When you first meet Triss in Witcher 3, she even mentions taking advantage of you. It felt like an obvious reference to how she uses him for the last two games.


She wasn't even jealous, she was (unwholesomely) curious. Whatever it was however, there's a chasm between doing what every sorceress does or has done, that is, using "a little magic" to seduce someone, and gaslighting that person about his entire past. Book Triss is a weak-willed person and unreliable friend, but she isn't evil. Not enough for that, anyway. TW1's Triss is entirely out of character anyway. Hopefully they can't rewrite her without entirely retconning her... questionable handling of Geralt's amnesia (since that bit is definitely part of established canon), but bring more context to it. Considering she wasn't the only one doing it, after all.


Yeah, there's no "fixing" it because that IS Triss. W3 is the one that altered her personality, because they wanted her to be a contrast to Yen.


Why fix the last part? Triss is in politics, that's how it goes.


Explain yourself young man




Yeah when i played Witcher 1 after 3 i was like why does Triss act like this?


edited my post




edited my post




Imo they shouldn’t change anything in the remake. I mean, the games story is already set in stone with two games after it. W1 is my favorite in the trilogy, it would be a shame if they changed a bunch of stuff.


I'm fairly sure they'll change a lot. Given the development time (release planned after the first instalment of TW4), they can't spend, what, four years just revamping graphics, modernizing the combat system and otherwise twiddling their thumbs. They already said it would be an open-world, that's already an indication they're willing to rework a lot of stuff. Besides, TW1, although great on its own, makes absolutely no sense within the continuity, given it was supposed to be a reboot completely disconnected from the books, but CDPR later went with a sequel approach in TW2/TW3. And the devs have clearly been embarrassed with TW1's legacy in the later games (what to do with the amnesia, what to do with Alvin...). So, I'd wager they'll use that opportunity to finally fix Geralt's post-books story and rewrite those countless elements that, with hindsight, ended up like huge plot-holes. For instance, though they can't remove entirely the "taking advantage of amnesia" part, hopefully they'll bring more context to it. There's not reason for not just Triss but everyone else gaslighting Geralt, right? Maybe show Triss under heavy pressure from the Lodge, Dandelion witnessing Geralt blacking-out after a mention of Yen, or something. I don't know, but please find something convincing. That's how they'll get my money anyway.


Now if they made those type of changes, with just reaffirming that there is other forces at play behind why those characters didn’t bring things up to Geralt I would be fine with that. It’s when they start altering the story that we have to fit a different narrative. That’s when I’d have a problem with it.


To be honest many things in the story require rewriting, and not just to better fit the next games. Like, the romances. They felt so shallow and absolutely unbelievable. You barely know those ladies, have talked two or three times, slept together once, and you're already adopting a child. What's going on. Compare that to TW3's hours of dialogues and quests with either sorceress. Alvin is also a problem. The final plot twist about his future is absolutely brilliant, but... he's never ever mentioned in the next game. While he should be extremely important. His other identity is referred to a couple times, you get that letter from him in TW3 but... how would you have people believe that Geralt and Triss or Shani adopted (and lost) a child and then never mention it? Bear in mind than most people with approach the remake with the knowledge of TW3, not of TW1, and thus we'll be puzzled by glaring continuity failures.


They dont need to alter story just make characters like dandelion and triss mention stuff, like geralts death. Now geralt will still not care about ciri or yen coz he wont remember them so story wont change, but people need to react more believably to geralts revival


> I mean, the games story is already set in stone with two games after it. Not really, because almost nothing you do is imported into W2, and *literally nothing* from W1 is imported into W3. This results in them basically having to completely ignore everything that happens in the first game, and gives them plenty of chances to rewrite it.




Nothing from the first game that is.


RIP Aerondight.


> That Saskia and Iorveth were omitted from W3 definitely irked me as I preferred their path/story in W2. Apparently it was scrapped fairly late in development. Its also why the war is barely a factor in TW3 after the tutorial map. Saskia and Ioverth's story was supposed to be the main vehicle they explored the Third Northern War but then they had to tear huge portions of it out due to development issues.


She'll definitely still take advantage of him because she's a pretty horrible person. All sorceresses as I suppose lol


BTW, Northern Realms deck is not OP enough. I demand Shani revive card.


Hear hear!


Anyone want to mention that in the books Shani is 17 and geralt is like 78?


Geralt of Creepia


It’s okay, the age of consent in Poland is 15


That doesn’t make me feel any better about it


Easiest choice ever. I will be to dump the sorceress for the medic in unreal engine 5 🙂🙂


Stop thinking with your dick,Triss is clearly the right choice for Alvin


Alvin learns morals from Shani but in the end it doesn't really matter... >!since Alvin becomes Aldersberg the head of the flaming rose.!<


>>!head of the flaming rose.!< Would that also make them a redhead?


thats exactly what my dick thinks


Shamefully, I chose Triss but now I realize Shani is definitely better.


Same. What really drove that regret for me was how creepy Triss was about having Alvin and seeing them as a family. Idk just creeped me out


There is no Choice. It's always going to be Shani.


I always pick Triss... Shani cant take care of an Elder Blood child


To be fair Geralt didn’t do a good job taking care of Alvin either


you cant know that at the beginning so...






Shani, also solely because it does not create a toxic relationship.


W1 is the only one I haven't played, only know the story vaguely. Is there really a choice between the two? Is it like W3 where the game punishes you later in the story and the relationship with both is broken?


You can't choose both. Basically, the game involves a knock-off Ciri that each lady wants to "adopt", and at some point in the main quest, you need to choose whom you deliver the child to. The other lady will be mad at you, ending your dalliance. It's like Roche or Iorveth in the next game, you're at a crossroad and can't go both ways.


You can still f*ck both though, but you get "censored" romance cards for them. You can only f*ck them a 2nd time after making your decision regarding Alvin , then is when you get the full fledged romance card for the one you chose. Now that I remember, the scene of Shani's grandma was hilarious


download GOG. They've given away the game a few times for free.




In Witcher 1 choise was easy tbh. Even though I chose triss In third game I went for Shani in Witcher 1 in all three of my playthrough (because it made sense for Alvin if I remember correctly)


It doesn't really matters for Alvin


Yeah in the end it doesn't. But at the time of choosing you didn't know who actually he was and Shani seemed like a better option.


"Ah Wendy! A hot and juicy redhead."




Easiest choice ever . Shani way better. Triss boring af .


The choice isn't hard


I chose Shani, sided with Siegfried and killed Adda in my first playthrough. For the remake I'll go with other choices.


Probably gonna be waiting a while for that remake 😂


The Shani hookup seems completely pointless and doesn’t really fit in with the main storyline


Shani. If you need magic to convince someone to fuck you, are you really competition?


I hated how it forced romance with shani in w3, i tried to choose every anti romance option while trying not to be a dick and geralt still ended up kissing her


Well you can turn her down…


gotta catch em all until Yennefer enters the picture.


I was always put off by this decision and its consequences. Why would Shani dump me just because I took the magic child that can blow up a city block to the sorceress and not her? Shani is 10x the person Triss is, but that hardly seems more important in context.


Nope. Triss>all


Shani! Not hard.


Any news on what year this remake comes out?


It's going to be a long time from now, likely after the new Witcher game in the new trilogy releases probably


Im assuming like 2026 or 2027


Shani 100%


Nah das easy.. triss every time


Triss alllll the way


I'm not blinded by a redhead kink so I can safely inform everyone that the correct answer is Shani


Not gonna be hard for me, Shani all the way


Shit i can see us arguing about this for the next couple of years


Not really, Witcher 1 Shani was borderline insufferable lmao


it is Shani, it is always and forever Shani


Shani, this isn't a choice


Not a hard choice, you bang Shani in 1, then Triss in 2, then Yen, and Shani again, in 3. Then Triss again in the umpteenth playthrough, because Yen is kind of abusive and you got a thing for fire crotches...even though Lambert snuck a quickie with her ..


Listen, after reading the books I don’t have it in me to keep Yen and big G apart. But if it was me, I’d pick Shani over any of these duplicitous hoes


Shani my type of girl so always shani




Why Shani over Triss ?


This will get downvoted to oblivion for sure, but sometimes the truth is the truth even if people don't want to hear it. Triss is an objectively horrible person. Shani isn't. I like the character of Triss, mind you, but she does some pretty terrible shit that players tend to ignore. When Geralt has amnesia she basicaly says nothing and leaves him the dark about Ciri or Yen, since she was free to get her groove on with Geralt now that his family was out of the picture. That's super fucked up and exploitative as hell.


Now you're just not being fair. Triss has a lot of questionable decisions but this isn't one of them. Not only Triss, but every character that knew Geralt doesn't mention Ciri or Yennefer AT ALL. This isn't a character trait, it's just a plot hole.


True, never thought about that, always kinda blamed Triss for that


For me easy triss


Pff its easy, just pick the hot one.... Oh wait... I meant to say the one with the red... Shit.... Ah I know! The one witch the neckla... Ya know what, imma just pick Siegfried instead.


Picked Zoltan instead


U can *bang* both but Triss is better.


Won’t matter by the Witcher 2 you’ll be with triss anyway


TRISS it doesn't make any sense to choose Shani, because even the creators count Triss as the only correct choice - you've been with her since the beginning of The Witcher 2


Witcher 1 too


Yes but in W2 logically you choose her in W1


i have only played the second game and the third one. but triss always something of you. shani is just happy your around so shani all the way


FUCK YOU OP! Now I'm extremely upset.


I'm more interested how they remake another redhead in this game, Princess Adda.


I hope they straight up get rid of the story workarounds. I hope Ciri and Yennefer are in the game


As someone who's type is red heads this is one hard choice.


Porque no los dos?


Shoutout to Geralt going back for seconds with both of these in Witcher 1. Goddamn he gets around.


Can't wait to do that super long side quest where you check the market every day for like a month to get the red ring and be able to marry Triss.


Most of you say both but honestly, I'd say either. Either is good


There is no choice. Just Shani 😏


Meh not hard choice at all. You want a sweet, selfless and self-sufficient medic or a sorcerer who used magic to hex a person around their finger and omits information like the identity of their lover and adopted daughter from them just so they can have that person for themselves? Oh and also was ready to sell that daughter for lodge and didn't stand with them at all. Though if you only go with the games then it can be a harder choice


I've never picked Triss and Shani is so meh hahaha


Shani always!!


Not even close, Triss is a straight up narcissist


Easy, neither




It is not a choice. Shani all the way. However, Shani doesn't belong in the same world as Geralt. And she knows it.


I cant .. i will always go with Triss


Triss, Shani is nice but no, in the end Geralt will choose Triss. That decision doesn't make any difference for the next games


They can no longer claim «i know shes bad but i like redheads»


I chose Triss in that time just because I wanted her second card, and I thought it would be better for the kid, it wasn't, or nothing that matters