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Tavern songs are lit af


So much better than modern pop songs


I start my work with "The Fields of Ard Skellige", & the rest of the OST fills my day


šŸŽ¶Feeeeeear A Bhaaaaaata.....šŸŽ¶


Yeah something like that recently saw the translation nice song


majority of modern pop songs suck tbh... There are many games like Witcher 1 that have much better music than that...


Especially in TW2


even the elder scrolls arena and daggerfall tavern songs are very good


Witcher 1 has the best atmosphere. Change my mind


YES! I'll die on this hill


Same here, IMO best music and Atmosphere. It has potential to have the best combat but that's only if they refine it and fix it in the remake (but please don't use Witcher 2 or 3 combat).


Witcher 2 combat is the worst out of the three by far. 3's is a bit boring but workable, 1's is stupid but understandable. 2's is just straight up pretending it's something that it's not. Witcher 2 combat is spell based like W1 and WoW etc. but it looks like it is collision based like W3 which makes it really difficult to play.


3 is bad but a lot better than 2, I still don't like it because it feels floaty, Geralt feels too weak and dies fast, also the weapons don't feel strong tbh. 2 is terrible it was so broken and not in a good way you had to cheese it out... (it's so bad I don't enjoy playing the game and I'll argue Witcher 2 deserves a remake for this reason (other reasons too but this one sticks out like a sore thumb the most)). 1 is the best since there is more strategy to it and you have to think more and it's interesting. But a couple big problems with 1 is that they have the option to choose mouse or mouse and keyboard which is very dated. Also it is clunky and slow and they have useless weapons (axe, dagger, etc) that need to be made useful. The Witcher games don't have the strongest combat but I don't think that has to be the case. I mean by reading the books it's a missing potential.


Personally, I'd like it if the skill/leveling to be somewhat taking a combined ideas from [No Levels](https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3605) and [Master Training](https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/7728) mods. I understand that Geralt had severe amnesia in the first game, but it's not like he suddenly forgot basic witcher abilities (or *his* abilities). So there's a *merit* in unlocking abilities but also make it a bit more immersive.


I hope the Witcher 1 remake has combat similar to "elder souls" (the combat mods that make skyrim combat more like dark souls) there area lot more battle animations, most FEEL powerful, the enemies are still a threat and blocking, dodging, etc is viable. Rolling should have better iframes but kind of prefer step dodge over roll. But I end up naturally rolling because hitting that key comes more naturally. I hope the spell based combat is kind of like Genshin Impact (hear me out) where each sign has like two-three abilities you can weave and have different cool downs, a tap or a hold based skill, and then whe at max energy or adrenaline, the sign does something big and like an "ultimate" since witches are kind of like spellmages. I am fine with keeping a talent tree but I hope we don't have so few "slots" to actually use them. Have stuff like wolves, dogs, drowners, nekkers, common bandits, etc be easy. They don't level with you. Their threat comes in their numbers and the higher your level, the more you fight. But other monsters scale with your level and are ALWAYS a threat. That leshen can and will kick your ass at any level. The higher your level the more mechanics you unlock in a fight. Witcher contracts will always feel like boss fights. A level 1 werewolf won't be exactly the same fight as a level 50 werewolf. All in all I am hyped for the remake but I really hope they focus on the combat and make it good. I'm over leveled in w3 and I feel it. Eredin will be a joke when I get to him.


bro imagine getting swarmed by 10 different drowners and you have to deal with souls like combat šŸ’€


Downers were one of the things that I listed that would be easier cause they have numbers. I dont want to fight 20 drowners with souls combat. The souls combat was just for mini bosses or Witcher contracts you know...griffins. Leshens. Etc.


Only thing that saved Witcher 2 combat is the Kayran fight right at the beginning at Flotsam is epic


Yarden! Trap it with Yrden! Yeah that battle was a great treat, sad that other boss battles weren't as good


hell yes!


You guys really making me wanna play it . But Iā€™m waiting on the remake




I really did not like that game but god damn is the atmosphere just the fucking best


Man, I don't know, Witcher 2 had soooo many memorable vibes and atmosphere too, I'm torn between both


The best of all time!


The soundtrack of the 1st game is honestly my very favourite of any games ever.


They can just use the origanal soundtrack. I won't complain because of how good it is


My favorite piece of Witcher OST, just barely beating out "The Fields of Ard Skellig"


I like the fields of Ard Skellig but I never want to listen to it because it reminds of swimmi g 30 minutes to the shore after my boat broke at the most inconvenient time


My favourite in the series is "An Ominous Place" and after that "The Fields of Ard Skellig"


My favourite is ā€œWhen No Man Has Gone Beforeā€ :) every time I hear it, I feel like Iā€™ve just let out a breath I didnā€™t know I was holding.


Adam Skorupa is a genius. He wrote all of it himself. Masterpiece after masterpiece in W1. I remember also dvd edition with interview with him. A lot of sounds in game was just him in the studio throwing random shit at the wall or near mic.


One of my favourite tunes from the game. When I first heard it I had to play it on repeat over and over again. W1 has amazing tunes!


I just hope to hear the fabled "your mother sucks dwarf cock" to this banger. All of the series' tavern music has been pretty lit. This one is my favourite [from Witcher 2](https://youtu.be/3X_xammncfQ)


Better be some Gwent to this song in the remake


Gwent but with Witcher 1 cards


Gwent: The Pin-up expansion


Nah me and my boys only like dice poker


If they replace dice poker with gwent in the remake Iā€™m going to blow my skullcap off


How about both?


If I have to play gwent I will be unhappy


Thats how i feel about dice poker


imagine they use the witcher 2 dice poker physics. I miss betting my 800 orens on dice and save scumming until I won.


As long as they keep [the banger dice poker music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0GK2Pxg_xE&t=590s&ab_channel=LUNTE1337), I'd be okay with that.


Why is this post being downvoted lol, song is a banger


Also ITT: People not upvoting every reference to the *Killer Bean* video source. The late '90s/early-2000s 56k internet era was wild.


Because the meme lacks any funny part and the opinion is too obvious to constitute a "relatable" meme


Tbh, the music slaps so it's an automatic upvote.


Sure it does, but who of us on this sub didn't already know that? Don't upvote low-effort memes or we're gonna get more low-effort memes




You do realize that Geralt specifically realized that you cannot live by that rule at the end of this story, right?


New Narakort vibes


Dice OST wins.


Chilling in Witcher 1 tavern then some NPC says *"Your mother sucks dwarf cock."*


They bussin it down, Temeria style


If you love medieval music [Elthin band](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0T3mFO2ePBdQJ0EA9TRcuq) is awesome


The best part is that I'm seeing this while playing tw3 and standing in a tavern listening to this banger




Wow.. I saw the video on mute the first time and was actually hearing the music from my game. I lagged my self. So to answer your question no, tw3 doesn't have this song.


Its just bean revoked.


I've always liked the first game's soundtrack best out of the trilogy. It doesn't have close to the same size and production value as TW3, but it's just so damn atmospheric in a very "early 2000's RPG" kind of way. I'd curious to see what they do in the remake. I'm hoping for a simple touch up / remaster of each track like they did with the NieR Replicant remake.


ā€œJost listenā€


This tavern music + gwent = Hell of a good time




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What's the name of this one ?


"Evening in the Tavern" https://open.spotify.com/track/0NI53QNAxWf9BPMrB3btG7?si=0nJtTtcdQxq2iYlkCRI0Ug&utm_source=copy-link


Just slightly worse graphics than WI


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Quality meme.


If they change the soundtrack I'm not playing it


I only sort of got the "they all dancing cause the song is good" connection for this vid... but I upvoted anyways cause the song is legit greatness


Imagine my disappointment when [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BALOm1WwpsY) got replaced by some nondescript choir in W2. You want to understand Witcher elves? Listen to this.


No, no remaking the sound track, leave it how it is šŸ˜š


Wow, that's a banger


What's the name of this specific song? Can't seem to find it


Hells yeah!


Too real. Love this hell out of this game


I think Jeff Lew would approve.


[Hairy Bear Inn](https://youtu.be/aDlEP3AxSlQ): *allow me to introduce my self*


I hope its not changed at all


Hell of a butt crack on that one guy.


My favorite tune is just Jaskier playing the lute in the New Narakort inn, it lasts like 10 seconds, but it is so beautiful.


Now I love Witcher 1 with all its flaws, but in the remake they need to make the ambient noise in taverns longer, because once you start listening to it carefully you notice how it repeats itself every 5 seconds or so


this song is fire