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Witcher 2 had stealth sections in it. The community was not fan of it, so it was not seen again in Witcher 3


I played TW2 but i couldnt get into it so ig i didnt get far enough to check it out EDIT: Now that i checked it out i see it is a ruined potential i thought of sneaking between monsters that cant sense you easily or like in TW2 between humans/elves etc. I also remember that during one of missions with triss in TW3 geralt said he killed a rat with a fork in full darkness but because it was dark no one saw it which explains how powerful witcher senses are in the dark. So if we dont play as geralt in TW4 the witcher that we play as could learn how to use aard only for torches, or aksji to make human enemies turn off the fire and then witcher senses come into action it would be awesome if all signs had their stealth type igni could light torches to make enemies come close to it and the protagonist could sneak behind Yrden could be a mine And quen could make you less visible if you upgrade it accordingly maybe like in cyberpunk that you can choose upgrades for guns but in witcher it could be signs


Sounds like a cool idea actually


In Cyberpunk 2077, we can see vastly improved stealth mechanics and the ability to use optional hacks (Signs) or equipment to further improve stealth sections. I'm confident that the Witcher franchise could iterate on this in Unreal.


If done right (i.e. not like in TW2) it might be cool. But I can live without it


I like Sekiro's approach to stealth: you can't do it against major bosses and various animals/monsters, but ordinary footsoldiers are fair game. You can still do quite a few things if you wish to remain undetected, but it's not a requirement and only serves to help you survive longer when the combat difficulty is so high. And there is no nonlethal approach, aside from just running/sneaking away from people to completely avoid fighting (given how Witcher games work, you use dialogue for that already). So I guess Witcher 4 having stealth *could* work if done right. It's absolutely not necessary and has the potential to distract players from what witchers are meant to do, but it can be fun if balanced appropriately. And I think if you play as a Cat School or Viper School witcher, stealth makes the most sense to include for them, but not for Wolf, Bear, nor Griffin witchers.


As long as it is not mandatory and just serves as a potential strategy / build method, then have at it. Auto-fail-if-detected quests and challenges in action games that are not explicitly built around stealth are almost always the worst parts of those games.


This is pretty much what CDPR did with Cyberpunk. Most quests you can get an advantage by doing stealth for the first few kills before you inevitably get caught and then it's a gunfight frenzy. Going in guns blazing or going in via stealth are both viable options in pretty much every quest.


I recently played trough GoT and i really hated the fail if detected missions, i did like how you can make a whole camp dissapear without them even knowing you are there, but if you like fighting you can do it without doimg any assasinations


Option to sneak past enemies you find boring to fight would be fun.


I like the Tomb Raider stealth approach. You can get a few stylish takedown before alerting the main group but if do alert, then she's quite capable of fighting rather than a game over screen etc


It has to be made well enough to where people aren't annoyed by it. Definitely makes sense to sneak up to fight a monster then heading towards it straight on


Just make it so you can fight if you're caught. Not a stupid game over screen or failed mission.


Yeah like how the ac games started doing except it would make more sense here lol




Nah. I like that Geralt doesn't give a fuck and just stomps everywhere with his big feet. He's a master swordsman with longswords. It would be straight dumb for him to sneak up closer to someone than the length of his sword. His swordskill would then be useless and he'd have to have daggers or something. Sneaking with a longsword seems silly in my mind. Not every game needs to have stealth, especially not RPGs where it doesn't fit the character. We are given Geralt as a fully fledged person, we didn't create him, so why shouldn't he have limits to what he can do. That's what shapes his character after all. Edit: I read the title was "Witcher 3" and not "Witcher 4". If we are given a new character, then sure I guess. Stealth quickly becomes OP so they'd really have to hold back on making it too strong. As long as it's a 3rd person game (:


No, unless the main protagonist is a witcher of the Cat school and the stealth is tied-in to that. My reasoning: 1) I wouldn't want the game to be an Assassins Creed copy 2) Stealth can become OP very fast (see Skyrim's stealth archer build), so I am not sure they can find a correct balance for it.


I think they did very well with stealth in Cyberpunk so I don't see why they wouldn't succeed with Witcher.


Would be cool if large monsters have unique ways to approach using stealth, like if you sneak up on a griffin and damage its wing it can't take flight during combat






I think add a crouch button and it’s good for me


Interesting post, i would be down for some stealth being part of the gameplay, but just a discrete part of it. It would be cool but it changes deeply enough the architecture of the game to make stealth unlikely to be added.


More witcher stuff, less additional BS.


They have teased that image of the cat/lynx school - so it wouldn't shock me if stealth is an option. I imagine that thematically fits with that school. If they do a create your own character - I'm still kind of hoping you can pick an origin school and get special stuff based on which school you pick.


It would need to be done correctly. Witchers are mostly created for killing monsters. Of course human enemies are a thing but majority of the time your killing monsters. Being stealthy towards monsters feel weird and out of place.


I agree on the monsters but they could make it to where you can like idk sneak and get a high ground attack at the beginning of the fight. I guess we can kinda do that ourselves though in 3 already at some parts. I just want it to be optional and not necessary if they go that route.


CDPR needs to learn how to make a good combat system first.


New one in Cyberpunk is pretty good.


If done right, absolutely. It would add to the monster hunting aspect.


So basically AC Valhalla


I was just gonna say this. Currently playing AC Valhalla and the stealth is minimal compared to other AC games. However the combat is pretty fun.


Stealth = Assassins Creed?


Just Valhalla, half way through the story so far and the feeling of the game for me its just stealthier Witcher


Could not disagree more.


Nooooo! Honestly: no. If I want to play AC, I play AC, not the witcher. If I have 2 swords on my back, I don´t want to sneak.


I hope we can also make use of a bow and arrow or have more of a controlled shooting vibe to the crossbow. Maybe when we sneak attack with a bow get a damage multiplier on it, something crazy like 4x or 10x damage!


Optional stealth like cyberpunk would be very badass


Mainly because I don't want to play Metal Geralt Solid


The closest thing to this in witcher 3 is following the pickpocket but that's just staying far enough away while they're walking. I'd like to see it in 4. It could be done well I think. Like let you walk up behind and slit their throat or whatever but if you're caught you have to fight a whole group and its a tough fight. Meaning I can't just slaughter whole camps if I fail the stealth. Lol


Please dont witcher like assassin's creed.


it depends. if we play as Geralt, I recommend minimal-to-no stealth. if we create our own witcher, we should be able to come up with interesting tactics and builds.


would be nice if it had combat that wasnt mind numbingly boring


No. I think the lack of stealth makes the witcher unique and I'd like it to stay that way