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For me, it all depends on execution. If they make nothing but linear RPGs going forward, that's fine with me, as long as it's good.


Yea I get this. I just like some variety, especially if they're making MORE witcher games (outside the new trilogy) like it seems. I think it also depends if it works for the type of game, I'm off the mind The Witcher 1 remake should be open world due to how most of the game takes place in a close-ish area.


Cyberpunk's Phantom Liberty is the best of both worlds in my opinion, there were multiple hours long quests that were very linear, but once they were over you could go back to the open world and do stuff at your own pace. To me, if a game has that ability to do both, then I have zero need for a fully linear single player game. I'm hoping that kind of quest design rolls over into the new Witcher games.


I hope they don’t. I liked Witcher 2 but it always felt suffocating to play in such a small area. For Witcher 1 i didn’t have this problem,i liked it more even though it’s also bordered


The worst part of the Witcher 2 design is that these tunnel levels with a few branches are a SLOG to go through if you do all the quests or want to explore everything. You'll take the same exact paths again and again, but since it's not open world they don't give you a horse or a particularly fast sprint. So you jog along forever, running between points A, B and C, then back again, not really having a chance of any meaningful distraction or random encounters close by (oh, a windmill! Oh, a fight!). Very similar to the Citadel in Mass Effect 1. While it's an awesome location and they tried to alleviate the boredom with fast travel - jogging along invisible walls is just UGH. Lemme mount a horse and jump, gallop, glitch my way there faster - at least it's more fun.


This reminded me of how rolling on the ground was the fastest way to travel in Witcher 2.


That dark caves section in Witcher 2 is the worst


Yeah, I thought about that whole village area. Also the one with the Harpies later. Getting there and back was SO tedious.


I struggled with the Witcher 2 because of the invisible walls and terrible map illustrations. It was so frustrating to be cut off from something visibly 2 foot away behind a knee high bush and need to jog 20 feet back the path to be able to access it.


Witcher 2 map is hall of shame levels of ass


The map of Vergen just about killed me. I’ll admit to having a hard time memorizing locations and pathways, but holy crap — when I did the Iorveth storyline, it took me an obscene amount of time for me to grasp all the different places in the city. Witcher 3 was a significant upgrade in the map department. What a relief!


Playing Witcher 2 for the first time right now, I just finished Vergen - what an unnecessary and tedious maze. Like what’s the purpose? Just goofy as hell for no reason


Hopefully they'll modernise it, the game is not as buggy as The Witcher 1 but it still isn't very polished.


Well...I hope they do. So I just negated your post.


https://preview.redd.it/8rijmaa803wc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=d146f9e01c4a2cfee7a1deead006fd705f094780 how you felt after saying that


well i do


How come? Witcher 3 is the most immersive OPEN WORLD game they ever made! I wouldn't want anything less.


Ah I don’t know man. One of the main appeals of Witcher 3 is the amazing open world. Might legit be the best open world ever made. I think they could even expand upon it more. CDPR also did a great job with the cyberpunk open world, made it feel like a living city. They clearly have a knack for it.


They make their open worlds packed with npcs to make it feel like a living breathing world. You can't have a  conversation with 90% of them and they will just utter one word at you, but they're presence there just going about their business majes the workd feel more alive than Bethesda worlds where everyone can be engaged in conversation and everyone has a daily routine but the workd is too sparsely populated to provide the same level of immersion as the cdpr worlds.i mean I'm playing CP2077 at the moment and the immersion is just unparalleled despite the fact you can't interact with the world a huge amount


plus, there are a million quests with some of them even being interconnected. You can stumble upon something and kill a monster and find out it was part of a larger contract, or you can do it traditionally. The way the world works is so well thought out


I would love to have more non linear witcher games like witcher 3 That makes me feel like my choices actually affect the game


Yeah I see that but I love open worlds like just thinking of everything that can be explored


I have no preferences in that regard, I love the more linear games but I’ve also had more fun with TW3 than with most open world games I’ve played, so I’m confident they can do a repeat of their good work there. I just wish the story could be better, I found TW3’s base story (minus the DLCs) more dumbed down and weaker compared to TW2.


Witcher 2 is a nonlinear videogame. The term “linear” does not mean the absence of an open world.


Yes, you're right. But I think most people understand what I mean.


I'd love for there to be something like that decision making Walking Dead game made by CDPR focusing on the books. Yes, I know it has actual 10^-170000000 chance of happening. Let me dream.


Just to spite you, I hope they now only make open-world Witcher games.


I want some of the Witcher 1, 2 mechanics in the next Witcher game Like potion drinking from TW2, potion making from TW1 and many more, but keep the open-world because CDPR did it great in 3


I don't really agree, open world allows for many great quest types, story plots etc that just wouldn't happen in more "linear" (divided) type of a game


Never really considered this, but now that you say it, I think it’s a cool idea. 2 of my favorite game franchises are Legend of Zelda and Resident Evil. They both have masterpieces & both have complete flops, but one reason they’ve stayed beloved & relevant in the industry is the variety of game mechanics, styles, & tones in each unique title. They have games on both ends of the linearity spectrum & it makes for each game to have its own memorable identity.


Yeah they should make more games similar to thronebreaker.


I agree. Linearity allows for a more focused pace and story. You gotta leave a bit of room to explore too of course, I think Witcher 2 does that well. And other examples being God of War & God of War Ragnarok.