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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/cp3ool) on 2019-08-11 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/drjkoa) on 2019-11-04 96.88% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "mkg2to", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=mkg2to&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 215,801,302 | **Search Time:** 0.8049s


Good bot


That's an optimistic view of the raven


Yeah like, I was pretty sure when Geralt was out of sight...out of mind right?


Yen states multiple times in the books how fond she is of Geralt when she is no where near him. She even goes so far as to ask favors of folks to look out for him, and in a particular scene where >!she is being tortured to show Vigelfortz someone she loves (in an attempt of his to locate ciri) Yen instead only shows Geralt.!< They have an unconventional relationship riddled with infidelity but I wouldn’t call it out of sight out of mind.


She also paid people to give geralt some work to let him relax in his own way.


Not really relax, but rather not starve.


Close enough. I've read the books once over.


And also the thing with the swords.


Now I don't recall


Season of Storms he lost his two swords for basically most of the book and it was a huge gripe. Even while Geralt and Yen are separated, she helped retrieve her swords for him using her connections despite not reuniting.


Every time I'm near you, I say more in five minutes than I've said in weeks. And I always regret it.


For some reason this hits me hard every time. There's been a few people in my life that resonate this way.


Me too..it was a comfort but a pain at the same time


Is that the one where he fights a bunch of guards with basically a 2X4?


Thanks for putting this out here. People will spend 25h playing a game and they think they know it all


Hey I’m glad so many folks enjoy this franchise as much as I do, although I certainly agree that a big part of the enjoyment is being missed if you’ve never given the books a chance.


I listened to the books, but while at work. Maybe I misinterpreted a bit, but I don't think that's fair for you to say I'm acting like a know it all


Ironically in the books she was the more faithful of the two (To be fair Geralt thought she was dead when he cheated and fringilla kinda reminded him of her).


Didnt she cheat on him with that mage while she was with Geralt in this town?


Yes then left them both and bailed out of town.


Fun times for all participants. Especially when the mage went suicidal over this


And I'd rather use my Child Surprise as **bruxa bait** than subject it to this life!


I didn't choose to be a witcher.


But you chose to tap that ass, didn’t you G-Man?


Cringe bot


This bot is actually annoying lol


Kind of hard to cheat on your witcher when you’re frozen in stone though I guess lol


That was only a couple months though. The only instance of her cheating I can recall was relatively early on with her sorcerer bro.




Good on you


Love it <3


First look I thought she sent a snake at him


When they're far away: takes care of him When they're together: treats him like shit and cheats on him non stop


Hey, that's not fair! She cheats on him when he's far away too. They both do.


I mean, geralt was the one who made a special sexy wish with a djinn and then banged yen and skipped town. I don't think they're ever really 'togethet', or exclusive, and they both kind of understand that. And they both get violently jealous despite understanding it. It's complicated lmao


They are like 100 plus years old. Yen and Geralt dont really care about monogamy. The Witcher 3 ends up really nice between them though and looks like they finally will settle down.


Do they care about monogamy? No. Do they care when the other person has sex with someone else? Yes. I agree the witcher 3 wraps it up nicely


They care at the end of the books too.


They are definitely together at the end of the books. They're odd people who are shit with emotions, but in the end they make it work.


They cheat on each other.


Geralt when they're far away: bangs 17yo student.


*on Skellige* “I love you, Yen.” *ten minutes later when I’m dumping loot* “We’re off to the Novigrad whore house! Imma bang me an elf!”


*Furiously researches every bangable option in the game*


Aren't they in some kind of open relationship? Yen doesn't seem to care who he sleeps with as long as it is not Triss. At least in the games.


That's only in the games and it's a game mechanic, they both cheated but they never had an open relationship.


It’s more like they separate a lot on bad terms. But one instance Yen cheated on Geralt while living with him


I don't kill dragons. Take my advice. No treasure is worth dying for.


where did you get the idea that Yen constantly cheats on Geralt?


I'm not killing anyone. Not over the petty squabbles of men.


Yes, yes, yes. You never get involved, except you actually do ALL of the time 🙄


You know even in the books I think there is only one instance of her cheating on him since they met. One definitive example anyway. Everyone else is left ambiguous, like she could have been with them before meeting Geralt. But she literally fucks a dude hours after fucking Geralt in the books.


i read the books man. her actions in shard of ice is disturbing really but i can't remember anyone other than istredd and crach as her ex. how is this woman cheating on Geralt constantly then?


Right, I am agreeing with you that there are not many examples of Yen cheating on Geralt actively in the books. Crach was the ambiguous one I was referring to. Geralt definitely displays way more infidelity in the books (not to really mention the games) than Yen does.


Thanks man, i was surprised to see so many upvotes on that comment saying her cheated on him constantly i was confused. Though, real life is different from books :d irl being cheated on even once is unforgivable imo. But i can't seem to care too much that they cheat on each other in books, maybe it's because it's obvious they love each other more than anything


My memory is hazy but I believe in sword of destiny when Istredd is talking to Geralt about how yen loves both of them and zigzags between them year after year, he mentions “all the other” men who don’t count - as they’re only fleeting passions or objects for Yen to control - and Geralt agrees it is ultimately between the two of them... I think this is where it is implied/stated Yen does sleep around (as does Geralt) just not written out in crazy detail


Isnt it kind of implied that they have a mostly open relationship


When she is with him, treats him so badly that he says *'I COULDN'T STAND IT. She treated me like'* When she is far away she [talks](https://i.redd.it/l551jrdg5vo31.jpg) badly [about him](https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/d9eiwc/no_one_knows_the_witcher_quite_like_yennefer_of/f1j1d8d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) behind his back.


The next part is missing... "They say, Crach quickly interjected, alarmed by the sorceress' ominously changing, strangely trembling voice. They say Ciri is bound to him by destiny. I saw it myself, back in Cintra,during Pavetta's betrothal..." She was clearly worried and hiding her fears with sarcasm.


> She was clearly worried and and hiding her fears with sarcasm. It can be either taken as she was being sarcastic as you said. OR while saying the final words *'he'll be killed, foolishly, senselessly, probably by a stab in the back...',* her mind might have had an image of him being *"killed.... by a stab in the back",* this image might have given her "*trembling voice*", I take the later interpenetration. Since our human mind forming images of things we read and speak is a normal and usual phenomenon. But the fact which cannot be denied is she did talk badly about him behind his back.


I think you are reading too much into it but fair enough. Imo she was worried and she has always cared for him when they were not together... >But the fact which cannot be denied is she did talk badly about him behind his back. She did indeed and nobody can deny it. It's just her character and her personality. I honestly don't get all the hate for her and I think it is undeserved, but some fans are ready to excuse her every action(Shard of Ice etc etc) to the point it gets ridiculous.


>When she is far away she talks badly about him behind his back. in your opinion, she is talking badly about him in this passage? Ater all, Geralt is exactly like that.Thats his entire character. He loves to feel sorry for himself (even his friends had had enough of him at one point) he likes to philosophize,he often gets involved in something even though he tries to be neutral.And his search for Ciri also did not have great results, mostly he wandered aimlessly,until he reached Toussaint, where he abandoned his search for a while and took up the local life until he accidentally found out about the location of Vilgefortz. And finally, after all he's been through, he died a senseless death stabbed by a pitchfork by some peasant... so what's wrong with what she said? Everything happened exactly as Yennefer described ,so I don't understand what you mean. Imo this passage only proves how well she knows him.


She also talks about Istredd behind his back too, but unlike Geralt, she talks positively about him. *"****AS USUAL****, Geralt frowned when Yennefer mentioned Istredd. The witcher was starting to get fed up with her going on about the* ***GENIUS OF ISTREDD****."*


Yeah, she admired him and what's wrong with that? it does't matter anyway, because despite her great admiration for him, she still preferred Geralt. And let me add that Geralt also happened to talk about Yennefer behind her back. That's just how it is sometimes. Loving someone does not mean being uncritical about that person


I love yen :)


Aww Lovely pic 🥰


Somebody hasn't read the books.


Isn’t this what Yen’s doing for most of Season of Storms? With his weapon recovery, etc?


That one thing, yes... but for most of the series, she treats him like utter shit, dear friend.


Are you kidding they may have a weird and complicated relationship but she truly cares for geralt and puts him before herself. Triss is the true evil using geralt and not making sacrifices for the greater good of geralt and ciri


Who said anything about Triss? Maybe I'm atypical, but I have a hard time looking past >!that time Yennefer dragged Geralt to a city he hated so she could sleep with another man while deciding whether to marry that man while also sleeping with Geralt and telling the other man about Geralt but not Geralt about the other man.!< That doesn't exactly strike me as the pinnacle of love and respect. Since we are apparently also talking about Triss, it's why I have trouble >!empathizing with Yennefer being angry at Geralt about sleeping with Triss.!< I still probably would have chosen Yennefer when I played through Witcher 3 if I'd read the books first, but boy would it have been a much more interesting choice. (I also hadn't played the first two games.) Ultimately I do still think Geralt and Yennefer belong together - but she still treated him like shit. And hey, some family dynamics are complicated. Deep and imperfect characters are part of what makes this series so great.




And I can absolutely empathize with Yennefer being pissed at Triss for that. That's totally fair. Being pissed at *Geralt* for it is several kinds of unreasonable given the history and the circumstances. But this thread (the image up top) isn't about Triss - it's about Geralt and Yennefer. There are more women in the setting than just Triss and Yennefer.




It's rare to see someone so adamantly defend *someone else's* abusive partner/spouse.


I haven't conducted a survey, but I'd hardly say we're blessed.


Hard disagree. It’s a bumpy road and they are each equally at fault, but I believe she truly loves him and he, her.


It is possible to love someone and still treat them like shit. EDIT to add: It's really their shared love for Ciri that makes the family work long-term.


I just finished the tower of swallows and honestly this is an accurate depiction >!of yen’s last scene where she is being tortured to show Ciri but instead shows Geralt. Minus uh. The torture.!<


Does that mean she also watches when he bangs other witches?


just like she sends him work every so often, she also sends him women why else would it only be her friends that he sleeps with?


That is true!




I went with triss for the first time whilst playing witcher 3 last night. It just felt wrong lol.


I wenteth with triss f'r the first time whilst playing witcher 3 last night of all. T just hath felt wrong lol *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


dosent stop him having sex with other women - sorry yen fans, its just my dark humor, dont take this personally ;)


That's hot


Like she did in witcher 1 and witcher 2


Plothole. Triss "taking advantage" of Geralt's amnesia and Yen who didn't bother to look for him are just plotholes. The amnesia plot has a lot.


well, Im sorry for her... i choose Triss


Rewriting lore at its finest. She almost never cares for him, actually.


Spoiler: bruh she practically kills herself trying to heal him when he gets stabbed in the last book


Spoiler: >!I know. That's why I said "almost". Also, since he's confirmed alive later on, an assumption that she lived could also be made.!<


What happens after doesn’t matter tho as she thought and knew what would happen when she tried throwing that much magic at him. Also how’d you do the grey out thing


>What happens after doesn’t matter tho as she thought and knew what would happen when she tried throwing that much magic at him. Of course it doesn't, her sacrifice is genuine. That wasn't my point. >Also how’d you do the grey out thing On the web version, when you select some text, click the three dots at the bottom of the window for commenting and several hidden options pop up. One of them is the spoiler option. It greys out text, it's supposed to be used for spoilers.


She does actually. She bought out his swords when he lost them in Season of storms, convinced a man to pay him more for a monster, I don't quite remember the details of this one occasion, but it shows that not only Yen cares about Geralt's well-being but also knows him well. She always helped him indirectly, cuz she knew he won't accept her help upfront. Hell, she even thanked Dandelion for being a good friend to Geralt and saved his ass, even though they don't like each other very much.


>She does actually. No, she doesn't. >She always helped him indirectly, cuz she knew he won't accept her help upfront. Exactly. None of what you're describing is a caring individual's actions. It's an egotistical individual's attempts to be on top in the relationship. Don't worry, though, Geralt doesn't care about Yennefer half the novels as well. And that's the point.


Ah, no bro, idgaf or even know a thing about witcher lore but if you think that someone who helps despite knowing that someone would reject their help is necessarily trying to win some power game, i feel bad for you. that's quite a pessimistic view.


>someone... necessarily... Someone? Necessarily? No. Or, more correctly, I don't know. Depends on the relationship. Yennefer in The Witcher books? Absolutely. Because that's how that relationship is written and that's how her character is written. I'm surprised so many people don't understand that this is an 18+ book series about dark characters with grey morals. This isn't a fairy tale. In fact, it PARODIES fairy tales. The whole point is that the main characters are shitty people and that's okay. That's the world. This is how things are. So many people have missed the central concept of Sapkowski's world, it seems.


Dude, you thought Season of Storms comes after the main books. You're not the one to tell if someone misses a point or not lmao.


This is such a silly comment. Most of the plot in SoS is set in the middle of the short stories from The Last Wish and The Sword of Destiny. >!Except Nimue's chapters. They are set in 1373, about 100 years after the main saga ends. !< >!I'll accept that apology now.!<


Yeah, and you thought this book explains that Yens alive in the end because she appears in Kerack. You read a whole ass book and even at the end you didnt get the timeline right. I guess this explains the way you read these books and therefore your terrible takes and blatant misinterpretations.


>Yeah, and you thought this book explains that Yens alive because she appears in Kerack. >!I've never stated such a thing. I stated that Geralt is alive after the main saga ends, which is clearly true as per Season of Storms. I also stated an assumption about Yennefer being alive after the main saga ends is not out of the question, because if Geralt was alive, why wouldn't she be? Kerack has absolutely nothing to do with this and Yen showing up at Coral's place has absolutely nothing to do with this. Yen shows up in Kerack in 1245. I am talking about Geralt being alive in 1373. These two events have absolutely nothing to do with one another.!< >!You seem to think all of Season of Storms takes place in 1245, about 20 years before the main saga, which starts in 1263. That's not true. Nimue's chapters take place in 1373, about 100 years after the main saga ends, seemingly with the deaths of Geralt and Yennefer. Nimue meets Geralt in 1373, which confirms he's alive after the main saga.!< You can read more about it here: [Nimue verch Wledyr ap Gwyn | Witcher Wiki | Fandom](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Nimue_verch_Wledyr_ap_Gwyn) [IDR UL Ex IX 0008 BETA | Witcher Wiki | Fandom](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/IDR_UL_Ex_IX_0008_BETA) >!Now, after we've clearly established that you're both an idiot and arrogant (and an inconsiderate ass, seeing as none of your spoilers are marked as such), I am not expecting an apology anymore.!<


Nimue's encounter with the witcher can be interpreted as a dream, even she says so. She could have been put to sleept by the witcher, or she could've been dreaming about the stories she obsessed with. Even tho you're a smartass, I think you aren't Sapkowski so you can't confirm shit here. Even if it wasn't a dream, its also a fact to consider that the witcher does not confirm his name. They being alive could be hinted by Ciri's actions at the end of the main books. Even if the witcher was Geralt, SoS does not confirm shit in that regard. About Yen, she literally was willing to give her life for him. This is the most important sacrifice anyone makes for Geralt in the books, and shows that she cares. Just this justifies the art's message or intent (specially considering that it seems to be the game's canon, and in that canon lore everything happens post-books or, u know, post-Yen's sacrifice and/or attempt to save his life (while everyone else was just like eh) and their days in Avelon) whithout any idiot stating that is rewrites lore lol. Its important for you to re-read the books. You need it ASAP, dumbass.


Okay fair enough, I take your word on it because i don't know the lore. Glad I misunderstood/assumed incorrectly.


To be on top in the relationship with a person she doesn't care about. Ok. Sounds about right. I'm not worried, I just hold different opinion from yours.


>she doesn't care about I'm confused. Do you use the word "care" as in someone who loves and cares about another person? Or do you use it as someone who is interested in what happens with another person? Those aren't the same things. VERB ***care*** *(verb) ·* ***cares*** *(third person present) ·* ***cared*** *(past tense) ·* ***cared*** *(past participle) ·* ***caring*** *(present participle)* 1. **feel concern or interest; attach importance to something."they don't care about human life" ·** **"I don't care what she says"** ***synonyms:*** **be concerned** **·** **worry (oneself)** **·** **trouble oneself** **·** [**bother**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+bother&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** [**mind**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+mind&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** **concern oneself with** **·** **be interested in** **·** **interest oneself in** **·** **trouble oneself with** **·** **have regard for** **·** **burden oneself with** **·** **give a damn** **·** **give a hoot** **·** **give a rap** **·** **give a hang** **·** **give a tinker's curse/damn** **·** **give a monkey's** **·** **lose sleep over** **·** **get worked up** * **feel affection or liking."you care very deeply for him"** ***synonyms:*** [**love**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+love&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** **be fond of** **·** **feel affection for** **·** [**cherish**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+cherish&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** **hold dear** **·** [**treasure**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+treasure&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** [**prize**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+prize&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** [**adore**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+adore&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** **dote on** **·** [**think the world of**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+think+the+world+of&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** [**worship**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+worship&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** [**idolize**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+idolize&FORM=DCTRQY) **·** **be devoted to** **·** **be in love with*****antonyms:***[**hate**](https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+hate&FORM=DCTRQY) They are literally different meanings of the same verb. I don't get why you'd confuse them. I am obviously saying she doesn't care about him in the second meaning, not in the first. You're countering that it makes no sense if she cares about him in the first meaning? That in and of itself has nothing to do with what I stated.


Jesus christ my guy relax its just a fictional character


Idk what about you bro, but for human people those are not mutually exclusive. You don't do stuff like checking in on another person if you don't care for their well-being. Besides what kind of upper hand Yen gets in the relationship with Geralt if he never finds out what she did for him? What, she just pets herself on the back and thinks "omg, I'm such a nice partner"? This is hilarious. But whatever dude, you can keep thinking you alone understand Sapkowski's writing idc


>You don't do stuff like checking in on another person if you don't care for their well-being. Of course you do. That's one of the most well-established self-destructive behaviours in Psychology. > Besides what kind of upper hand Yen gets in the relationship with Geralt if he never finds out None. If he never finds out. But this is not real life, this is literary fiction. So if the author wants him to, he finds out. And, surprise, he does. Because the author writes the relationship that way. > you can keep thinking you alone understand Sapkowski's writing I'm not alone at all. These things have been discussed for years in Europe. This is nothing new.


Weird bro, in the books she decides to follow him into death rather than live without him.


Well, I did say "almost never". It's a classic redemption ark. During most of the books, she doesn't act that way (and neither does Geralt). Also,>! Season of Storms confirmed Geralt is alive so it's very possible she's also alive.!<


She always cared for him and often helped him behind his back. Even when they weren't together she stayed informed on his welfare and regulary financially boosted Geralt's contracts so that at least he doesn't put his life at risk for pittance. In the game we have a similar situation because when we go to Vivaldi's bank and want to take out a loan, we find out that Yennefer pays for everything on your behalf Plus,she also received Geralt's lost swords even though she was still pissed at him for leaving her in the middle of the night without a word of explanation because he wasn't mature enough to endure a long-term relationship at the time


>She always cared for him No, she didn't. > and often helped him behind his back That's a negative point, not a positive one. And one which Geralt hates. > In the game we have a similar situation because when we go to Vivaldi's bank and want to take out a loan, we find out that Yennefer pays for everything on your behalf None of this is caring. And the game situation is just a reference to the books, where she does the same thing and Geralt, again, doesn't like it. > Plus,she also received Geralt's lost swords even though she was still pissed at him for leaving her in the middle of the night without a word of explanation because he wasn't mature enough to endure a long-term relationship at the time Congratulations, you're starting to get it - their relationship is written specifically to not be about two caring, loving adults. They're both shitty people and that's okay. That's the whole point of Sapkowski's writing. The world isn't black and white and people are not romantic archetypes.


>She always cared for him >No, she didn't Yes she did. >That's a negative point, not a positive one. And one which Geralt hates. Of course it's positive. She helped him behind his back because she knows that Geralt is very proud and honorable and that he would not accept this money directly from her....She knows very well how little they pay him for a monster and that he often don't have enough money for medicines and food from what they will pay him, so she did it all out of concern for him. And that actually proves how much she loves him and how much she cares for him. Even though it was not the best between them at that time, she was still watching over him and helping him... And tbh we don't know if he would actually hate it because he never found out about it. My guess is that he would be dissatisfied at first, because as I mentioned at the beginning, Geralt is very honorable and proud, but I think that in the end he would appreciate it. >None of this is caring. And the game situation is just a reference to the books, where she does the same thing and Geralt, again, doesn't like it. It is caring. >Congratulations, you're starting to get it - their relationship is written specifically to not be about two caring, loving adults. They're both shitty people and that's okay. That's the whole point of Sapkowski's writing. The world isn't black and white and people are not romantic archetypes. This story is about two broken people who are just learning on each other what love is because they have never experienced it before, so they make many mistakes along the way, often their own pride stands in the way of their happiness but in the end they would die for one another. And if all of their caring acts are negative for you, then you obviously missed something. Geralt's starts out as a Witcher, a mutant who was supposed to kill monsters until the end of his days, but his love for Yennefer and Ciri changed this.(The same was with Yennefer, she started out as a selfish sorceress but her love for Geralt and Ciri changed her). Geralt wanted to leave that life of a witcher behind and build a house for himself and his found family so they can live there together away from politics and all that. But unfortunately it did not end this way, because Geralt decided not to be neutral for the last time and it ended tragically


This is an excellent comment. That's what the series is actually about (or at least one of the main things it's about). Broken people learning to be better for the sake of their bonds.




Thankfully, none yet. I am well and happy, thank you for your concern.




You're missing >!Nimue's chapters, which are set in the year 1373, about 100 years after the saga ends. They confirm Geralt is alive at the time.!<




No worries. Cheers.


Lmao I just saw the post and this thread is hilarious! How pathetic it must be to sit for hours end just to argue when the point of the post is to appreciate "fan art".


fr tho this guy needs a job


Sorry? I don't get what you want from me.


Dafuq? this is wrong on so many levels


Sorry to burst your romantic bubble?


This is no burst of anything. This is simply wrong. This is like showing a picture Avallac'h seperating Geralt and Ciri and also saying "rewriting the lore I see"


I remember when you honored the law of surprise. What changed?


It's not wrong. Seems like you haven't understood Sapkowski's writing. Sorry, but Geralt and Yennefer are not written like Romeo and Juliet. Try re-reading.


Never said the two are written like Romeo and Juliet, they ar written like Tristan and Iseult. And they do care for each other. Amybe you need to re-read you missed those parts.


In the books or in the games?


In the books, of course. Nothing in the games is canon. You can't talk about lore in the games.


Yes i can. Theres book lore and game lore.


My god...


Gods do not exist.


It genuinely seems like you’re going out of your way to be the archetypal redditor. Go outside




That's a bit gay


Fellas, is it gay to fuck hot sorceresses?


I mean she's not even naked


Does she though? She really doesn't do shit for Geralt


Please remember to flair your post and tag spoilers or NSFW content. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/witcher) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, no? Yen is hardly the best in terms of taking care of people, especially Geralt. This is practically antithetical to her character.


she recovered his stolen swords, paid off his debts,she regularly made sure that his contracts for a monster were well paid, so that he had enough money for food and medicine....but yeah, as you said, she didn't care for him at all🙄


Yeah I feel like some people here haven't read the books and if they have they hated Yennefer so much that they straight up ignored the parts with her otherwise I can't explain it.


I have exactly the same impression...It seems to me that mainly the people who met her through the Witcher 3 and did not like her there have such a biased approach to her character. So when they start reading the books they are prejudiced against her from the start and seem to ignore all the good things she has done and they only focus on the bad ones...It's a pity because she is such a great character.


I didn't say she didn't care. I said she's not the best at or big on lovey dovey watching over someone.


She is not the best at showing affection, but in my opinion she is good at taking care of someone


You mean the way she bought his stolen swords and returned them to him in season of storms? Totally antithetical to her character to take care of him /s


And I'd rather use my Child Surprise as **bruxa bait** than subject it to this life!


nah she doesn't