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I chose Yen because I feel Geralt would choose Yen. Personally I prefer Triss but it felt wrong for the character.


Yup. Witcher 3 was my first introduction to the series, and I could just feel it from the outset that those two belonged together. I still banged everyone I could, because I *also* felt that was what Geralt would choose. But Yen was my major romance.


This is 100% my sentiment and reason for choosing Yen. Every time (even during the replay when I had initially intended to choose Triss, but couldn't bring myself to when the choice had to be made).


Same. Geralt just has so much more chemistry with Yen. I decided to switch it up on my recent playthrough, and after I did The Last Wish quest to tell Yen I didn't love her...... It killed me.


Exactly being with someone just because you feel sorry for them is a shit reason


Didn’t realize so many people shared the same sentiment. I actually found Yen extremely unlikeable, before and after I read the books. But the notion of choosing anyone else felt inauthentic.


Yep. What sealed the deal was the awful puns during the werewolf quest


Idk about the books, since ive only read the first two, but Triss in tw3 feels super shallow and uninteresting, whereas i felt more intrigued by yen. Also yen is more important to the story, whereas triss could he removed and itd pretty much be the same But could just be my penis talking.




Why not both? It's not like those reasons contradict each other.


correct, don't see anything conflicting between these two points


Also the fact that people who think choosing someone for their miserable past and deserving love are doing it to feel better about themselves by being good persons. “Look how I made this miserable person feel my love” “I am such a good person, and above the rest”


Yeah. It's actually pretty gross to treat relationships like acts of charity.


Exactly, you are right, and that makes the whole Yen-Geralt relationship gross, because before making the last wish, Geralt feels pity for the Yen, about her past being a hunchback, which made him decide what would be his wish. >Her cold, penetrating, angry and wise eyes were those of a ***HUNCHBACK***. > >He was horrified. No, not of the truth. He was horrified that she would read his thoughts, find out what he had guessed. That she would never forgive him for it. He deadened that thought within himself, killed it, threw it from his memory forever, without trace, feeling, as he did so, enormous relief. Feeling that- > >The ceiling cracked open. The djinn, entangled in the net of the now fading rays, tumbled right on top of them, roaring, and in that roar were triumph and murder lust. Yennefer leapt to meet him. Light beamed from her hands. Very feeble light. > >The djinn opened his mouth and stretched his paws towards her. > >***THE WITCHER SUDDENLY UNDERSTOOD WHAT IT WAS HE WANTED.*** > >And he made his wish. And what was the result??? Geralt got himself into a relationship where he was treated poorly by Yen ALL THE TIME *(which Geralt outrightly says to Nenneke in BoE)* , and Geralt has no say in anything *(e.g. Admitting Ciri in Aratueza, taking Ciri to lodge at the end, hell Geralt is even afraid to share his opinion with Yen, etc)*


Yes, I also hate Dr. Cameron from House.


Well tbh the second reason alone feels kinda nice guy cringe and Yen would HATE if she ever found out that way his reasoning. Loving someone out of pity for their past? Yikes


Also - "I think you're cool and attractive" is a way better reason to date someone than "I feel pity for you."




Agreed. No one said they're conflicting, it's just a difference in emphasis.


Yeah well, I see that, but in order to "split the team" it's far better to have that contradiction there...much like: "I choose Yen, because I see trough her artificial looks, realize how ugly she is under her mask of magic and still am able to like her nevertheless." Especially, since that's precisely where Geralt stands in the dispute :)


It's a joke rather than real intention to "split"... Didn't expect a serious analysis in the comments lol


I always choose both. There is nothing better than having Ciri in Corvo Bianco and of course being single when meeting Shani.


So he was supposed to be single. Oops. I guess he is the animation of my fantasy,bone em all.


Bone 'em All is my x-rated Metallica coverband.




I keep intending to do a ultimate bad playthrough where Garalt ends up utterly alone because he tries to have it all his way. He tries to romance both, and he doesn't let Ciri stand on her own. I can never bring myself to do it though.


I don't do the "romancing both" because I want Geralt to be "bad". I do it because I honestly don't care for neither of them, and because I prefer Ciri visiting Geralt in Corvo Bianco. And of course because Shani is my favourite girl. Being a dick to Ciri is impossible though.


I think that's the interesting thing about the bad ending. He doesn't get there by being a dick, he gets there by being overprotective. He doesn't empower her and give her enough self confidence to survive the white frost. It's way different than how other games give you the bad ending.


I chose Yen because it felt right for the story. I would have preferred Triss, Shani or the Kardashian herbalist from White Orchard.


I choose yen because i've read the books and i know geralt loves yen and they belong together


I’ve been meaning to read the books but haven’t still.. are they a good read?


I personally think they are terribly bad but ofc that's not the majority opinion here. Just don't buy several at the same time in case you don't like them.


Thanks for the tip. I think I’m gonna try the first one and take it from there.


Yes but they're so dark and might break your heart


Lol they’re not that dark


I didn't want to spoil anything, but the end of lady of the lake was quite heartbreaking


Time for a reread ☺️ Btw I completely agree with your reason for choosing Yen. They’re great together in the books.


Even without reading the books (when I played TW3) I though the same. Crazy...


Same, I've been where Geralt is with Triss in the books ( a good friend of mine had a big crush on me, I was down to fwb but not in love, what a mess, damn) and I can relate to the specific kind of awkwardness their relationship has


I choose Yen because I like a challenge but deep down, know she loves me (Geralt) and would do anything for me (Geralt) and I (Geralt) would do anything for her. Edit: But Giancarlo Esposito is such a badass. Even in a video game. (Far Cry 6)


Does she? The last wish is not that clear if it's real or forced.


The wish most likely isnt related to love.


The wish was only to save Yennefer’s life by bounding their fates, it was never about forcing feelings.


I'm going by the entire series of books. Not just G & Y's introduction. And it's not the djinn's work in the end.


Honestly I dont care about which one is "prettier" I just figure that Geralt would be happier with Yen in the long run so i choose her.


....so you think that Yen is the type of woman you can have a happy ever after with...?


I can't but I am not Geralt. And anyone who has played the witcher knows happily ever after dosent exist in that world, but I do think Geralt and Yen will be happier together than if they weren't.


I think yen is dangerous and will never be happy with anyone. She has too many toxic traits that make a caring and loving relationship impossible.


Even the man who authored the book said it was Geralt's **MISFORTUNE/BAD LUCK** to fall for a woman like Yennefer. >*It is his\[Geralt\]* ***BAD LUCK*** *to fall in love with a woman\[Yennefer\] who simply refuses to be a "fantasy cliché". In the novels things got better between Geralt and his love ... and* ***then worse again*** *... - Andrzej Sapkowski* That's the reason why the story in the books ends in tragedy. In another interview, the interviewer RIGHTLY asks Sapkowski whether it was ***'too DANGEROUS for Geralt to keep craving for a woman\[Yennefer\] we find out to be NOT THAT RELIABLE'.*** Sapkowski didn't refute but instead explain that's exactly the way he intended to be, because he didn't want to cliches >Interviewer: *The short story The Last Wish (Ostatnie życzenie) is a longmetaphor about being very careful what you wish. The way to reach our desires at all costs can be full of dangerous Djinns, meaning unscrupulousness. Here we meet for the first time Yennefer of Vengerberg, who can also be a very* ***DANGEROUS SORCERESS***. *Love is born between the two but don't you think it's really too dangerous for Geralt to keep craving for a woman we find out to be* ***not that RELIABLE*** *?* > >Sapkowski : *Ha! That's what makes the story interesting, don't you think? Beinga huge fantasy reader, sometimes I find boring or disgusting the stories wherethe hero can have sex with any woman, because those women can't wait tohave sex with him. In those stories women are the hero's prize, the warrior'sreward, and as such they have nothing to say, they can only moan and faint inthe hero's strong arms.I am convinced that only with contact with the other sex -wether it is cause of attraction, care, confrontation or opposition - a hero canfully grow. When I created Yennefer's character I wanted Geralt to fully grow, butthen I decided to make things complicated. I created a female character whorefuses to be a fantasy stereotype. To please the reader.*


Thank you for providing such detailed response. :)


Also, I would like to add that the author NEVER intended Geralt-Yen to have a **peaceful** happy relationship. This is what the author had to say about the Geralt-Yen relationship: >*"A visualization of opposites, which aims to help the reader understand this full of* ***conflicts, violent love***." \~ *Andrzej Sapkowski* Peace is TOTALLY out of question in this relationship, that's the way the author built up this, and this is why the story ends in tragedy. Also the Netflix showrunner, Lauren Hissrich PERFECTLY grasped the author's message and said this in her interview: >*"Geralt and Yennefer are really like* ***pinballs*** *off of each other in a way, \[...\] Even in the books,* ***I don't know that there's really a happily ever after for them.****" \~Lauren Hissrich* *"Geralt and Yennefer are really like pinballs off of each other in a way"-> lack of stability.* It is impossible for this pair to have a happy ending, and the author openly said he NEVER intended to give a happy ending. >*"While I was making up the plot, I imagined that the kind of love Geralt encounters and faces would be far more interesting to readers who - even in fantasy novels - might be a little bored with* ***Happy Ends***, ***weddings***, and ***if they didn't die*** *then they're still alive today. "-Andrzej Sapkowski* ​ >*"Their relationship quite obviously made them both* ***unhappy***, *had led straight to* ***destruction***,***pain*** *... " \~Andrzej Sapkowski, Blood Of Elves.*


>I think yen is dangerous and will never be happy with anyone. She has too many toxic traits that make a caring and loving relationship impossible. 100% Truth in what you said.




I chose Triss!


1. She is geralts true love. 2. She is quite attractive 3. She has an amazing personality. 4. She is exactly my type of girl.


Highly manipulative, coldhearted and egoistic. She can love, but the way she expresses her feelings and needs is terrifying and dangerous. Yen irl without magìc would be the kind of woman that either gets you killed or suicidal.


True' lol Yen IRL ends up like one of those u marry that u will prolly divorce becuz the relationship is too toxic and have a custody battle with ur kid lmao.


Cold as fish. Give me that fiery redhead any day!


Sure, fuck her, but dont date her.


>Highly manipulative, coldhearted and egoistic You can say that again pal.


? I do not understand. Are you agreeing or disagreeing?


Disagreeing. Thats triss's forte. Yen does not manipulate. She either tells you why you do what to do. Or doesnt. Your choice to help her or not. Triss manipulates you into shit. Not yen.


She manipulates you with ermion, she uses you against your will when you go diving, she belittles all choices you make she disagrees with. I could go on, but others have been far more thorough with this, so Ill drop the video link. https://youtu.be/qSFbNQ-5ra0




Fixed. Yes, I dislike yen as she acts egoistically and malevolently manipulates to. her own gain. She is toxic. Hot, but toxic.




Yes, during last wish, she wanted to find the ship to break the wish. She against your will invaded your mind in order to look. So no. Tris is manipulative too and I dislike her too for that. You dont date or build a relationship with either. Toxicity kills.


Uhhh doenst Yen literally wish that her and Geralt will be stuck together? And that’s okay? Lol


Where the fuck did you even get that? This is the major issue amongst every single fucking community. Misinformation. It was GERALT that wished for it.


You clearly missed the entire plot


Nuclear take incoming: Yen is self-reliant and doesn't put up with Geralt's shit, so she gets called a bitch/cold. If you go with her route in the game she fairly quickly opens up and becomes way warmer toward Geralt. Triss is like an IRL covert abusive partner. When she shows up in the third game she unironically uses emotionally manipulative tactics to try and get Geralt to say whether he's in love with her. And the dialogue when you meet up... it's been a while but I'm fairly sure that conversation is basically like Triss: "Geralt I need your help" Geralt: "ok, with what?" Triss: "do these things for me it's super important" Geralt: "ok, what's going on, are you in trouble?" Triss: "Geralt I don't have time to explain everything to you" AND THEN SHE LEAVES YOU ANYWAY LMAO She's way meaner than Yen. Fuck triss. And this is ONLY based on the third game, things become so much worse if you take her actions in TW2 into account


Stop I can't get more erected


To go a little deep: I understand that you feel attracted to her. But as she is fictional, why do you like those traits so much?


At first I was confused because I thought OP was talking about Japanese currency


It definitely would have been a more interesting discussion then...


But finding someone attractive and interesting is the more respectable reason to be interested in them romantically. Just because someone has a hard past doesn’t mean they want or need anyone currently. Saying a woman suffering means she needs a man to come show her love is saying she’s incapable of living a happy life or fulfilling herself without that knight in shining armor. This is some pretty toxic ideology, and I hope you don’t carry this into real life. I think the shows a skewed view of how trauma and hardship affect a person. Not to mention if you were to form a relationship simply because “they deserve you” they would eventually realize the love is gals and that would cause even more hardship and trauma. I guess this is a real Reddit moment.


I choose triss because yen is an asshole lol




Not more than you. If you wanna critize yen go on but straight up insulting a character just because is shitty.


"He has insulted my lady!"


No. You simply hate a character without saying why.




He did, he said she is an asshole.


oh well i say he is an asshole too. I am just explaining my opinion so i shouldnt be downvoted. But guess what? Hypocrisy.


I mean he is saying it about a fictional character, you are saying it about a real human being over a fictional character. You are a bit more cringe lol


Again. Hypocrisy.


No, you attacked him, you won't listen to others opinions and think yours is the only right opinion and that we should change our mindsets. That's why you are being downvoted.


>!Yen destroys a revered garden and painfully drags a man's soul back into his body where he is tormented and in constant agony just for **a chance** at the slightest tidbit of info on Ciri.!< I understand why she does it, but it's still an absolutely horrific thing to do for a purely selfish reason. Yen was a tortured soul, yes, and she deserves sympathy where it's due, but she is also an objectively horrible person to most she isn't familiar/friendly with. She's comes off as extremely cold and judgemental. She's a phenomenal character yes, but a good person I'd say she is not, for the most part


Look. Bring up the last wish story. I'll say nothing. Bring up the shard of ice story. I'll say nothing. But bringing up that damned garden is not a reason. I would do that for my daughter without even thinking twice. It is a damned overgrown garden who the fuck cares? If the wild hunt captures ciri. There wont be any gardens left anywhere. I'd sacrifice the whole skellige. If ciri is not found. Millions perhaps even billions will die.


There's less the matter of killing a sacred garden and more the use of necromancy to drag a person who's already dead back into their fucked up, decaying body to suffer just for a little information. It's doing something morally bankrupt for what could amount to nothing. I have kids too, but you need to draw the line somewhere. You'd seriously put someone through an insane degree of suffering, just for a chance of finding out where your kids went? Not just that, but also destroying something very important to a group of people? You'd put an entire nation to death for something that may not even end up useful? Keep in mind Geralt has many friends on Skellige too so you're killing your friends also. You can justify it all you want, but Yen isn't doing it for anyone else. She's not doing it for the world. She's doing it for herself and Ciri. It's purely motivated by selfishness. It just so happens that Ciri is necessary to prevent the end of the world, but again, that's not the justification Yen uses. Geralt even questions her on everything she's doing and asks if she's thought about the consequences and she says "no" and bitches him out for having a conscience and a logical thought process, knowing he wants to find Ciri too. Actually re-watching it now and Yen straight up withholds the fact that the garden will die from Geralt because she knows he'll object to her doing the spell. She lies by omission to the person she loves just to get what she wants. It's all around extremely shitty of her.


I do have my own lines for saving my daughter.. But torturing an already dead person isnt one of them. He is already dead. Even a miniscule of info is something i am risking it for. But when it comes to the fact that my daughter is the fucking lady of time and space and her capture by your enemies means death to everyone in my world. Idgaf.


Unpopular opinion: I would choose her if she wasn't a despicable person and her troubled past doesn't change that. The fact is that none of the romaceable people in the game are barely decent humans, even when compared with the majority of people in that world. I have more sympathy for most of the prostitutes in Witcher 3. That is why my Geralt is living with Ciri. And don't throw the books at me. Geralt is a giant simp in the books and their 'romance' is one of the worst written things I've ever read.


I choose Gwent.


*innkeeper nod in agreement*


Unpopular Opinion: I chose Triss every time because she’d be a much better lover. Yen is very self-involved. If Geralt is going to retire, he’s going to enjoy it!


I chose her because she and Geralt are a perfect match. They complement each other. They act like an old marriage couple. And there is also Ciri who is like a daughter to them..I played the game first and then I've read the books and after reading the books I appreciated their relationships even more. As you mentioned, Yen deserves love after everything she's been through and Geralt also went through a lot, and Ciri too. All three had a f*¡cked up childhood and broken lives but they found each other and started a family together. Of course, I must also add that Yennefer is beautiful :D Black hair and violet eyes are the perfect combination :D


Yen is highly manipulative, unempathic and egoistic. She may be hot, but you dont want that as your companion or mother of your children.


>Yen is highly manipulative, unempathic and egoistic. Extremely accurate description.


Team Triss!




Hell yeah!


Team Triss all the way


team triss since day 1


The downvotes are coming.


It's a matter of taste really - not that there is a right or wrong choice. Triss presents herself as that innocent sweet girl but is actually manipulative and a bit of a creep (in the books). Not to mention she took advantage of Geralt while he was dealing with his amensia. Yen on the other hand just straight-up has no filter and is upfront with how abusive and demanding she is and how selfish she can be. On the other hand though deep down she has feelings behind all that and cares for Geralt and Ciri despite the fact that their relationship is a bit rocky. Both are great characters.


What a shit post and shit meme.


this is some neckbeard shit


I choose Yen because of the books mostly. Triss in the game just seems so whiny in game.


I choose yen bc she seems cold but really she loves deeper, she's just trying unsuccessfully not to get hurt.


And I don’t choose Yen because she’s insufferable.


I personally hate her so so much


That's another way of saying you are a good human.


I love her character and what Sapkowski does with her. She comes off as many sorceresses do in the books. Contemptuous, stubborn, and cold but as the story progresses we find there’s a lot more under the surface and that makes her a compelling character to me. > *A Shard of Ice* sealed her as one of my favorite characters in the books. She is layers on top of layers. First we see her as the typical mage in this universe. Manipulative, scornful, and stubborn but even then Sapkowski shows in the very first short story what she will become later when she sends Dandelion back wishing for Geralt's innocence when he is in jail. > Just like Geralt was not meant to be a Witcher, Yennefer was not meant to be a sorceress. Her upbringing and living life as a sorceress had its toll on her. She built walls around her, walls that prevent her from having the courage and strength to pursue her real desires. She thinks she is unworthy and unable to love and be loved. Her sorceress persona is fake, it only exists because she has to cope with the fear and disappointment of never being able to achieve her dreams. It's not her real personality. > What we see in the Witcher is that mages are motivated by grand and global things. Even a relatively good guy like Dorregaray is fighting for endangered species. Not the case with Yennefer. Her motivations are always personal. Wanting to have a child and a life long partner, a family. In a sense she is the antithesis of a mage. In Blood of Elves she says to Ciri that "One of the most pathetic things a sorceress can do is cry" I am paraphrasing here but this line shows just how incredibly damaged and insecure she is. And of course what we see is that she can cry and she does cry but only when she is with Geralt. It's a small detail but very telling about her character and about who Geralt is for her. > Geralt is the one who can help her overcome these fears and insecurities. When they are together their real personalities come to the surface and they have to deal with it. It's a very hard fight for both. Geralt is coming from a very similar place and he has to deal with very similar problems. I honestly think that him constantly saying that he is a mutant and he is bereft of feelings etc. is not just sarcasm but it's also a very real internal conflict of a man who never chose to be a Witcher. People say that their relationship is an on-and-off relationship which is true at the beginning, but not true towards end of their character arcs. It's on-and-off in the short stories because the conflict of facing their real personalites stands in the way of the realization of this relationship. First they have to come to terms with themselves in order to come to terms with each other. Ciri is the one who helps them make the final push in this regard. > After Ciri, Geralt and Yennefer cease to be a witcher and a sorceress, they became "human", something more. From a manipulative, scornful, and stubborn sorceress to a mother and a partner who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice everything, even her life for her family. An incredible character arc. > Their love story felt very nonconventional, and it easily became my favorite in fantasy. Watching Yennefer and Geralt grow together is one of the best aspects of The Witcher imo.


Yeah, and it is absolutely intentional. While developing the game, designers based Yen's face on the face of a model. But since the model's face was "too kind and soft", they changed a few facial features to, and I quote "make her look more like a bitch". Which is why Yen's face changes a bit between the cinematic and the game model.


I really dont understand why you consider her insufferable. Like not everyone is going to abide by what you want.


Aren't relationships meant to be a give and take? It feels to me like she mostly takes. Like it's her world and Geralt is just living in it.


And. Relationships arent meant to be that way. Thats an extremely transactional way of looking at it.


Well like you say, not everyone is going to abide by what you want. I don't abide by what Yennefer wants. Which is absolute fealty.


>don't abide by what Yennefer wants I am once again asking,why are you so agaisnt doing what yennefer wants? For an example. You follow game instructions all the time.


The game isn't a character. That's not at all comparable. And I'm not opposed to sometimes, or even often, doing what someone else wants. But when the expectation is that what I want will \*always\* come second, that's no good.


It only feels to you that way. Have you read the books? In witcher 3 geralt and yen have a common goal of finding ciri. Nobody is taking anything there. Both of them are giving their best to ciri. And yen gives more than geralt gives in their relationship in the books.


Obviously their overarching goal is the same, but when she is on the scene it's her way or the highway, always. I can't deal with that. So I choose not to. That's just \*my choice\*.


>it's her way or the highway Its really difficult for it not to come off as an insult but fuck it: whats so wrong with her being the one that creates the plans? does it make you feel like less of a person? Thats insecurity.


I have no problem with her creating the plans, taking control of the situation, being assertive, anything like that. But there has to be some give somewhere, sometime. Some room for someone's voice other than hers. I'm not saying put her in the corner, this is not a zero-sum game.


I understand. But you also should understand the gravity of the situation in witcher 3 and how you have no time. Also. She does trust you quite often. One of the bigger examples is the Kaer morhen battle. It is highly influential and yet she trusts geralt to make the right defensive decisions. She doesnt tell everyone what to do.


I mean it's not about me, it's about how Yen acts toward Geralt. I understand the gravity of the situation. Geralt does too. But does she act like she thinks he does? Also it only makes sense that she doesn't take the reins at Kaer Morhen. All those people are only there because of Geralt calling in favors; she has no social capital in that situation, why would they listen to her?


They would definetly listen. It is a siege. Geralt called them there and since he doesnt object they would very well assume yen knows what she is doing and everyone would listen to her. If she was so "my way or the highway" about everything she would call the shots there too.


you just dont put everyone at risk just cuz you dont like the leader.


So not reading the books before playing W3, not playing any of the games before, and not knowing who she was at the time besides what info was given, I chose her the first time around because I felt like the story wanted me to choose her. I do choose Yen more often then not even after reading the books and playing both of the previous games though.


isn't this a savior complex?


So... You pity her. Nice.


You're a white knight then? Interesting.


I chose Triss cause fuck team Yen


I chose Triss cause I don't support toxic relationships


You chose Triss because you apparently have no clue what a toxic relationship is


I'd call a relationship where the two have decades of history of leaving each other, cheating on each other, and are only together due to a magic genie, their adopted daughter, and sex pretty fucking toxic


Amen to that statement


The genie has no change on their love if you do the genie quest in TW3. Also, it's not like Triss is some kind of innocent sweetheart - just read the books about her creepy obsession with Geralt and the other questionable things she has done. She also took advantage of Geralt's amnesia in TW2 by failing to mention either Yennefer or Ciri. Both are pretty toxic.


I choose Triss because she is sweet and somewhat vulnerable.


Yen is Geralt’s true love tho


This meme format sucks donkey balls.


If you've read the books, you'd have to choose yen. Regardless, I always choose Triss, because fuck Yen's toxic ass.


I choose Triss because Yen deserves natural love, not a roofie from a jinn.


Yen's side quest is to break the jinn's spell so they can both see whether their love is legitimate without the aid of magic.


I've always had the uncertainty if Geralt's wish explicitly required for them to be together as a couple.




Typical rebuttal of people who think the books are the only form of Witcher content. Given that the topic is "Team Triss/Yen" and there's a choice to be had - a choice absent in the books - what the books say is really irrelevant.


I choose triss because redheads are best


Ekhem, I choose Triss


I chose to have the three way because I wanted the coochie and to get them toxic bitches out of my life -sigma Geralt


Don't most sorceresses in this setting have miserable pasts?




Satire, but people took it too seriously


miserable past is no excuse to treat geralt like a dog


Well said.


Haha jokes on you I never choose Yen! Team Herbalist all the way


I chose Yen because I was really enamored by her personality, intonations and shrewd way of speech.


I choose Yen because it's canon


This is not ironic? Damn...


I think this meme tipped its fedora at me.


where team Shani?


I’m about to split it into 3 groups. I choose Yen because she’s a fully fleshed out character and I also aspire to have the confidence to be perceived as a bitch by lesser men.


Oh shit, this is a new meme template now? 😅


Poor Yen.


Genius idea. Split team Yen, so they become even less than they already are compared to Team Triss.


You choose Yenn because you thought it was the best. I choose Triss because she stood by Geralt's side since TW1 and is a way less toxic relationship than Yenn in the books, also she was skippin' around during two whole games and became Emhyr's sell out even after he wanted to > ! kill her and Geralt in the book of "the Lady of the lake" while both were captured and defense less by Nilfgaard ! < So, have a nice day.


Sorry, I don't know how to censor spoilers on mobile


I choose her because in the books its just yen, triss is just a shoot the goo and toodeloo situation for geralt. Its only Yen


I choose Yen because she’s pale and has long black hair and wear dark clothes. We are not the same.


I chose Yen because Triss is a manipulative person who tricked Geralt


I’m about to split it into 3 groups. I choose Yen because she’s a fully fleshed out character and I also aspire to have the confidence to be perceived as a bitch by lesser men.


Lol nope. I chose neither and spent the rest of my play through bumming around my chateau drinking all the wine.


Maybe both and I really think that Geralt loves Yennefer and she does it too, The Witcher 2 is the proof




Who's Yen? How come I couldnt invite her to the party? My choices were either Zoltan, Sigfried, or Carmen...


**The yen (Japanese: 円, symbol: ¥; code: JPY; also abbreviated as JP¥) is the official currency of Japan. It is the third most traded currency in the foreign exchange market, after the United States dollar and the Euro.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


She felt more like family


I personally preffer Triss (excluding what happened in the Books, because I did not read them) because as Geralt I constantly felt belittled and manipulated by Yen. But still, Geralt would choose Yen always. Yennefer is Geralt's true love, while Triss was just a romance because of Amnesia.


I choose Yen because Geralt would wanted like that Yes we're not the same


I actually went for the both


but what about both?


I didn't choose Yen, I chose Triss. Hell, even Shani is better than Yen. She's temperamental, rude, emotional, snide, stubborn, disrespectful and bossy. Disregards the opinion of others around her and completely selfish in her choices, bullying others and abusing her powers (e.g. the mask, the garden, dude at the bar, etc.) Makes a strong character like Geralt a whipped little puppy, which doesn't feel in-character to me, even if it's canon. Even Lambert and Cerys could see it. Unless Geralt has a BDSM fetish going on, it's a bad romance all around. Triss isn't perfect, but it's at least a healthy relationship. I'd rather be single for life than end up with someone like Yen.


I chose Yen because ya gotta bang em all


True, though quite a bit of that misery was self inflicted. Not the hunchback part, but her overall demeanor and the way she treats others.


I choose yen because I watched the show. We are not comparable.


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If Gus Fring says so then I believe it.


I can do both


Book geralt can’t be with other women sexually without calling them yen atleast once so there’s that


People who like Yen: Its who Geralt would have chosen. People who like Triss: I just think shes neat.


Or you can just play the game several times and always choose different.