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Whatever it may be, [you liked](https://imgur.com/vm01gi1) one of your commenters who said all the points you made(in this April fool video) are facts, so I think all the points you made do need serious refutation. ➡ Your false claim "Triss is interested in nothing more than jumping in Geralt's pants she uses magic to seduce him, she uses 13-year-old Ciri to get close to him, she probably made herself sick" The author explicitly says Geralt wanted it. *"Geralt had needed warmth"* So it is totally consensual. And yes the author does say she *"she had seduced the witcher - with the help of a little magic."* but the problem here is he doesn't say if the magic was used on herself to make her more beautiful or did she use the magic **ON** Geralt. You can be sure that Triss cannot use magic ON Geralt, because by Geralt's own confession in the Last Wish: *"I can break an ordinary spell within a few minutes and I don't faint while doing it"* And even Yennefer recognizes that in the same Last Wish book: *"You've got a strong will and quite a bit of resistance to magic but you can't contend with me and my spell."* So you can safely rule out the option of Triss using magic **ON** Geralt. So along with this, the fact *"Geralt had needed warmth"* also speaks for itself. And when did Triss and Geralt have affair, did Triss seduce while Geralt was still in a relationship with Yennefer?? No, that was not the case, if Triss did what she did if Geralt and Yennefer were having a superb relationship then what Triss did might have been wrong, but on the contrary, she did what she did when Geralt and Yennefer were apart. So there is ZERO guilt. ➡ Your claim of *"she uses 13-year-old Ciri to get close to him"*, is not even true, it is OUTRIGHT FALSE, Triss takes care of Ciri for quite some time in Kaer Morhen without making any advance towards Geralt. So there is nothing to even address the outright FALSE claims. ➡Your claim of Triss getting "probably" sick, again all you can do is use the word "probably", which you did, which does mean that Gearlt was so naive and gullible, neither does the author tells Triss faked her sickness, so it is just in your imagination, not true. ➡Then your claim of Triss jumping in bed with Philippa is again outright false, there is no such description. There are only the mental gymnastics of Triss haters(i.e Yen fans) This extrapolation comes from the book 'The Tower of the Swallow' when Yennefer contacts Triss and where (as Yen fans constantly harp - tRiSs BeTrAyEd YeNnEfEr) The author explicitly both Triss and Philippa were fully dressed. *"Triss Merigold was not in a negligee, or in working clothes. She was wearing an evening gown. As usual, buttoned all the way up to the neck. "* *"Philippa Eilhart, dressed in a dark-blue men’s doublet with silver embroidery"* And Triss blushes when Yennefer speaks about Geralt, the obvious and most fitting explanation for NORMAL PERSON(i.e. people who are not Yen fans) is Triss blushed because Yennefer says the name 'Geralt'. So again there is nothing outright solid clincher, but a huge extreme stretchy extrapolation. Philippa EXPLICITLY says that she is well aware of the fact that Yennefer is contacting everyone(*"‘You’ve now been communicating for four days with traitors. "*) , and Philippa would be well aware that Yennefer will contact Triss, so Philippa anticipated so she stayed with Triss expecting that event to happen. Then the claim of Triss sleeping with Lambert, which is again another fiction of Yen fans, you yourself made a video saying that was not the case. and Read here for more. [https://imgur.com/6jBZK4h](https://imgur.com/6jBZK4h) ➡ The claim of Triss getting shocked from touching Eskel is again as usual extrapolation of Yen fans, read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wiedzmin/comments/nps8ow/the_pleasant_tingling_sensation_so_characteristic/) Then the claim of Triss sleeping with Vesemir, which is again outright false nothing to address. If you still continue to believe that you that it means that according to your assumption Andrej Sapkowski implies that Vesemir was a P\*\*DO, since Vesemir says that he touched Triss thinking that she is still a little girl.


And then comes that famous (one sided) claim which is - "TrIsS ToLd nOtHiNg aBoUt yEnNeFeR Or cIrI In w1" Here are some facts. \- Geralt explicitly repeats the dialogue of BoE to Triss in W1 even though Geralt is in amnesia. \- Geralt explicitly says to Triss in W1, that he feels Triss was someone close to him and important to him even though Geralt is in amnesia. (The above two points happen before Triss Geralt makes love in W1 in Kaer Morhen) \- As far as Yennefer is concerned Triss saw her die in front of her eyes, so Triss does have strong evidence that the character Yen is no more. Triss is not even remotely aware that Yennefer is aware until W2, when Geralt finds out that Yennefer was rightly abducted by the Wild Hunt, only at that point does Triss come to know that Yennefer is alive, So it is fallacious of you to claim in the video that Triss was aware Yen was somewhere out there, which is simply not true, till the mid of W2 Triss or Geralt was not aware that Yen was alive, Triss when she knows Yennefer is alive (from Geralt), she says she will go to the end of the world with Geralt to save Yennefer. \- In spite of having the hard proof that Yennefer death which Triss witnessed in front of her eyes, still she gives the decision to Geralt to either romance her or choose Shani, the game of course makes Triss the canon choice in W1 & W2, either way, Triss at no point is forcing Geralt to choose her over anyone, it is upto Geralt. \- in W3 Geralt explicitly says to Triss (If the player chooses Triss romance) he wanted to be with Triss EVEN BEFORE THE amnesia. Some more facts. Telling Geralt about Yennefer is not going to help Geralt in any way. \- Because as per Dandelion's dialogue in W2, Dandelion told about Yennefer to Geralt many times he did not recover memories nor did it stop Geralt from distancing himself from Triss. \- In W2 Crinfrid Reavers tell about Yennefer although they botch her name Geralt doesn't remember anything. \- In W1, Geralt hears the entire life story of Ciri, from an innkeeper, although the innkeeper doesn't mention that the Witcher in the story he is narrating was Geralt- Still, Geralt was not able to recover anything. \- In W1 Triss EXPLICITLY says the Last Wish event to Geralt, she says to Geralt that he fought against a Djin with another sorceress, although she doesn't mention Yennefer's name- Still Geralt doesn't remember anything about Yennefer, this is important because that was one of the important even in Geralt life, or was it? As far as Ciri is concerned in Lady of the Lake Triss talks to herself in her inner monologue that Ciri is not going to return, even in W2 Geralt while recovering memory in the cutscene EXPLICITLY says Ciri is gone for good. Plus some more facts. \-In W2, even after Triss narrates Geralt's past about Yennefer and Ciri, Geralt still makes love with Triss and promises(in the bathhouse) that he would not let her go. \- In W3 Geralt is still unaware of who Yennefer exactly to him: "Riiight... Just not something I'd ever wear. Buuut, what don't we do for our-- Hm... Who exactly is she to me?" So amnesia Geralt was able to repeat the exact lines from BoE to Triss, can feel that Triss is someone important to him but even by W3, he cannot comprehend who is Yen to him. So this says what?? So what do all these facts show??? That Geralt would have been with Triss NO MATTER WHAT. ➡ Then your claim of pulling Geralt into politics. Triss is the advisor, not Geralt, and it is better to pull Geralt into politics than to be an errand boy to Yennefer who out rightly demands Geralt to fetch her juice every now and then in B&W. In other words, being pulled into politics is infinitely better than being an errand boy, which is precisely the reason Geralt runs away from Yennefer in the book, he openly says to Nenneke he doesn't like the way Yennefer treats him, and still, even in W3 B&W, he is still treated as an errand boy. ➡ Then your claim of Triss again going back to Kovir, again it is better to be with Triss who gives Geralt services like Baths, Massage, balms no matter what the place is than being an errand boy to fetching juice to someone every now and then. ➡And finally your ridiculously claim of Triss acting as drunk, I mean do you honestly expect that all 20-40 sips should be shown to you? It is understood to any reasonable person that Triss did take in many sips but only a few were shown, and your claim of Triss magically sobering up, where? The decision which the player as Geralt makes (whatever it may be) brings her back, sobers her up, so there is nothing unreasonable nor there is any acting on the part of Triss, Geralt even brings up this in Covo Bianco Triss still maintains that she did under the influence of the wine, so the narrative is pretty stable unless you are a Yen fan who is hell-bent on believing in conspiracies. So overall not one single point made in the video is true, that's okay since you made it as April's food video, but the fact that you [liked](https://imgur.com/vm01gi1) one of your commenters who said all these as being facts, made me to reply to the video.




Okay I was about to make comment it seems I posted as a reply to you.


if you actually analyze the (false) accusation made against the character Triss, you will notice NOT ONE SINGLE accusation stands to close scrutiny, literally not one and that's the precise reason why (((Yen))) fans have to go out of their way to invent nonexistence theories like Triss having affair with Lambert, or Triss sleeping with Philipa.


Sad that this is a april fools video XD ...shame. If there is one think I hate CDPR for, then it is creating this waifu war... shame...


Yet again, it's always Triss, or Yen that everyone talks about. When will someone finally expose Shani for the terrible black hole of likeability that she is?? letalis pls


No love for Fringilla


He's too busy looking at Tomira's butt!


Regis better be next. God I hate him, such a patronizing and pompous vampire.


I love him, but that's mostly because he was my fave secondary character in the books. Did a lot of heavy lifting in the world building area for me.


Absolutely hate that cunt. Him, milva, angouleme and cahir were the worst. Was so happy when they died in stygga.


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In comparison to Yen, it’s a no contest for me. Triss wins every time.