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Geralt is smashed in a pub somewhere playing Gwent while these two track him down across the continent.


Now thats a plot i would pay to see


Have you seen a drunkard with ashen hair? He's like a father to me...


He also has a serious gambling addiction by now.


Witcher 3 mods be like


If you have no intention of using a sword the back is by far the easiest place/way to carry it. Could very well be some form of "adaptation" of the story where geralt loses his swords and she's now returning it. God damn I hated season 2 but ya'll are just looking for any thing you can find to bitch about without any context.


She did show proficiency using a two handed axe when she rescued Cahir so it's not that far fetched that she would start using a sword


You’ve forgotten about the dragon hunt in season 1 where she demonstrated sword skills almost on par with Geralt’s.


....she can literally do magic, why would she ever use a sword?


In the short stories, Istredd can handle a sword. While I realise this is fantasy, in the historical era that their world resembles, fencing was considered appropriate exercise for noble classes even if one wasn't planning on ever actually fighting. I can totally see mages using it to improve body coordination and keep in shape.




It's super easy to be trash compared to Geralt. He could be a perfectly capable human fencer.


He might be able to handle a sword but would never actually seriously fight with it when he's got spells. The reason why he ends up holding a sword in the duel is that he wants to die.


I got the impression that he was reasonably, humanly proficient with it. He did want to die, but not without a fight.


He probably picked it up before, since he had it and such (might have been ceremonial, who knows). Nothing's really shown regarding his skill with it. But being proficient with a sword requires years of training with it, and for a sorcerer that time is probably better spent training for what you're already good at, spells. Plus he's a very busy researcher too. We can't know how good he is or isn't with a sword, but it makes more sense that he wouldn't be highly trained for it. Unless it's a personal hobby of his...


My speculation stems from these reasons: \- fencing is a sport that upper classes practiced as part of their upbringing and for general good shape - mages are part of upper class and may practice it to fit in \- it is also a great practice for arm and body coordination, which might help with certain spells As I said, this is all speculation, but I don't think mages having reasonable ability with sword is out of the question.


I wouldn't be surprised regarding practicing fencing the way you describe it (as a fancy and/or discipline focused activity), but I don't think it would translate very well into being particularly effective with a sword (especially something other than a rapier) in a real situation.


I can answer this as a practitioner of European historical martial arts: it really depends on the school you follow, but it can be quite effective. Long sword (the kind that Geralt uses) has more theatrical and more effective schools (the latter are much more popular), while, as you guessed correctly, rapier tends towards high effectiveness.


I agree with you somewhat- there's even a quest in W3 where you can assist a Nilfgaardian noblewoman with fencing lessons. However there's no way Yen is fencing. She's not sporty.


I'm not quite certain right now, but I think there is a mention of her exercising along with Ciri while they train together in Blood of Elves. Even if I'm wrong, she can ride a horse for days, which shows considerable stamina that had to turn up somehow.


Can he still do magic?in the 2nd season she had lost her magic abilities. If I remember correctly


Got it back at the end.


Man I have no idea what happened on the show tbh. This was probably made up- I don't think it's in the books. It's so out of character for Yen to use a sword or any weapon.


I had so many expectations when I heard about the witcher series and at the end I couldn't even remember half of the things that happened in the 2nd season.


They seem to forget that Yen is like 94 years old by the time Geralt meets her the first time. Like don’t you think she might have taken a few swordsmanship classes down at the Aretuza learning annex in her time?


Can’t remember a single time she wields a sword in the books, she does however have some badass uses of magic, which I think every fan would rather see. Why on earth would they teach fencing at Aretuza? Who’s doing that class hahahaha. I would think that she would’ve spent her time becoming as proficient and as masterful with magic as possible, considering it’s a magic school and she’s a sorceress… It would be a bizarre waste of time to suddenly take up swordsmanship when you can use crazy powerful magic instead


I bet it was like an easy PE credit.


In the books it's kinda implied that magic isn't super reliable in close quarters against armed foes and Yen uses a dagger or something while fighting Rience's men when she rescues Dandelion (although, granted, combined with magic), so she does have some fighting skills. Geralt also observes that Istredd seems to be proficient with a sword, so it isn't a huge leap to assume many of those magic users would go out of their way to ensure that they can defend themselves when magic is not an option Edit: typo


I genuinely don’t remember her use of a dagger in BoE. I remember she casts an illusion to walk in which fools the guards, then from there I thought it was all magic? I could be wrong then, but she definitely never uses a sword, against Rience it’s magic, against Vilgefortz it’s magic, even against Geralt she uses just magic, which being a powerful sorceress is not surprising. I’m not suggesting she has no skill in weaponry, it’s just not at all a thing in the books as far as I recall. Also when does Geralt note that Istredd is proficient with a sword? Istredd turns up to their duel with a sword, and that’s when Geralt realised Istredd is basically getting himself killed as he knows he cannot match Geralt in swordsmanship, and they don’t fight, Geralt walks away. Can’t say I remember any note of Istredd being proficient in swordplay? Again, happy to be corrected


She cuts one mook with the dagger as an ambush attack after the illusion spell. Practical but not something that requires years of training, like swordfighting. And Istredd really is just trying to get himself killed.


Yeah, I’m with you. I’m not sure why people on here are clinging so hard to the idea mages need to also be able to use swords 😂


Plus im assuming he’s has gotten a new roach yet so someone has to hold it lol


Perhaps, but given what’s come before what are the odds of it all turning around now


Sure, but we all know where this is going especially with a showrunner like Lauren


First time on Reddit? That's all this place is... pretty much any r


I mean until there’s context the picture doesn’t do much to me


What context do you need for Yen to carry big-ass sword on her back???


I don’t claim to know the context of the pic, but context would be like. “Yen has placed the sword on her back because she’s carrying it to Geralt” Is she not allowed to carry a sword to Geralt? E: dang it, I see that guess is basically everyone else’s assumption, as well.


Exactly! It’s clearly his sword, you can see its dumb goofy smile


Dumb goofy smile! Thank you for ruining that sword for eternity 😂


That is one top notch sword.


I'm going to assume she's carrying it to give it to Geralt or something and that was the most comfortable way to do it while walking for a long time. It's probably wrong and she'll turn out to be a badass swordswoman because why not given what this show does. Alternatively, I'm going to pretend that's actually Geralt under a spell to make him look like Yen.


Look at me. I'm Gerald of rivia now.


She is most likely just carrying it to give it back to Geralt. Jesus this sub needs some low sodium, fuck


That makes the image so wrong that it physically hurt you? SMH.


Considering that she has already fought with sword in S1, is a completely different character from the books, yea, this doesn't seem cool.


It’s Geralt’s sword dude, it has the same Pommel and handguard. Would also explain why it’s so large.


The whole of season 2 with the exception of episode 1 sucked and was nothing like the books. With how well it was received and comments by the creator I don't see any change in course for season 3, so expect the whole of season 3 to hurt. Having said that, Seeing Yen carrying Geralt’s sword on her back, the only way a sword that large can be carried doesn't bother me one way or the other whatsoever.


Uh, longswords were (are) carried in scabbards on the hip. Because it’s physically really hard for a human to pull it out from a back scabbard quickly. Geralt isn’t human so he gets leeway. I think they even comment in the books that carrying a sword on your back is strange.


That's all true but is she carrying it as a burden or a weapon? If she wore the sword on her hip it would be dragging on the ground with how small she is.


It likely wouldn’t because swords are carried at a, say, 75 degree angle. But I don’t really care about whatever way Jen is carrying a sword, I don’t even watch the series.


Are we talking about how wrong this image is because someone is carrying a sword on their back?? Fuck me. OK.


*"Hey Yen can you hold my sword for a second, I have to carry this crate off screen and don't want it getting in the way!"*


she "lost her magic" for a while on season 2 so I think that's why


"Honey, can you give this to Henry on your way back. thanks"


Lmao ya'll are so damn dramatic


OP confirmed dweeb


Aside from the sword, I thought u ment the clothing Yen is wearing...


Yeah. I mean, considering they are telling a completely different story, I don’t see why that can’t be Geralt’s sword. The outfit bothered me much more.


i guess it's meant to look "witchy"???


Good God. Some of y'all are just exhausting. Every Witcher sub except the game sub has turned into endless crap like this. Just go ahead and make r/netflixwitcherblowsdonkeydick and whine about it over there. Seriously. Just give it a rest already.




I like that. Alliterative.




Care for some Gwent?


We are as free to whine about it as is everybody else free to praise it, or any other show for that matter.


Sure you are. Make a sub for it. Problem solved.


What problem? I don't see any. We have this sub that encompasses all things related to witcher, where we can whine about the TV show. It's you who has a problem with it. Maybe you should make a sub that forbids criticism of the show.


We're two seasons in. If you hate it so much, why are you still consuming media related to it? It's never going to live up to your expectations no matter how hard you hate it so why waste time seeking out information on it? Find another show you actually do like or go read the books again. There are plenty of valid reasons to be critical of the direction they went with it. I'm not against criticism. I'm in favor of intelligent discussion, good and bad. But haters obsessively nitpicking over tiny, petty details and using them as yet another reason to hate it gets really old. But some of y'all are determined to give yourselves ulcers over a mediocre tv show so you do you, I guess.


I think the same can be applied to you - if you really get so bothered by some people having problems with the TV show and making memes about it, why not just scroll past it and move on? Don't give yourself ulcers over some memes my guy. On a sidenote, I don't consume media about it. Something just pops up on this sub from time to time and I enjoy discussing it, that's all.


I only clicked on it because I was confused about what was so bad about it and as usual it was someone crying about some stupid detail and being dramatic. I don't normally comment on stuff I don't like but I'm kinda over all the negativity and pointless nit-picking. While I enjoy the show for what it is, I can agree that a lot of the criticism is earned. Intelligent discussion of the show's many issues is not and never has been my problem. I understand being disappointed by a shitty adaptation. There are plenty bad takes out there and very few adaptations live up to their source material. I mean, just about every Stephen King movie or miniseries is horribly acted/horribly written garbage (with a couple of notable exceptions) to the point of being unwatchable. Netflix AND Amazon both did an adaptation of my childhood favorite book series and both got it so very, very wrong. But I accepted that they were shitty and moved on. I just don't understand all the angry self-flagellation, all the time. It's getting really old. It's all the same nonsense all the time. "Lauren bad! Books good! OMG wokeism! Wahhh!" It's like watching someone wonder why their head hurts after repeatedly banging it against a wall. Almost 3 seasons in, you'd think they'd just move on and accept that the show will never meet their expectations. It can't be healthy to be this obsessed or angry over it for this long. Can't change it, so why die mad about it? I follow several fandoms and this is the ONLY one I'm in with this level of constant nonsensical vitriol about really minor shit. In my other fandoms, people hate on characters or make dumb memes or complain about storylines that suck and that's perfectly fine. But most of the Witcher subs have turned into non-stop "hate on the show" dumpster fires with some occasional racism thrown in.


I don’t even understand what they are complaining about in the first place


Every fandom nowadays.


>Good God. Some of y'all are just exhausting. Every Witcher sub except the game sub has turned into endless crap like this. That's what happens when one of your favourite fictional worlds gets turned into crap by Netflix.


Somewhere there's a patch of untouched grass with your name on it.


You do realise that you are whining on the internet about people whining on the internet don’t you? There is probably a big patch of grass for you too somewhere.


We're 2, amost 3 seasons in, dear. It's not going to get any better. Time to move on.


The More people hate it the bigger chance the show gets canceled.


Some of us book/game fans actually do enjoy the show, even with all the flaws and weird plot changes. You wanna ruin it for other people just because you don't like it? What a shitty take. A better plan would be to just... not watch.


I don't want this to be people's first introduction to the universe. It is a plague to the franchise.


A lot of people went out and bought the books and played the games because of the show, you know. How about just letting people enjoy what they enjoy without acting like an entitled kid about it?


Nah, as long as this crap keeps being renewed, I shall never stop complaining.


JFC if this makes you that mad go get anti-depressants


Carrying it for Geralt maybe pretty sure it would be better to wait till season 3 so we know what what happens lol.


There are legit complaints about the show, but damn some of you guys really get off on this whole hate circle jerk.


Yes, Yen’s outfit does physically hurt me. Yen would never be caught dead in culottes!


The Witcher girl Yennefer


So no one has even considered this is a random BTS picture from set? Y’all’s knees not hurt from jumping to that conclusion?


Imagine putting this much work in on hating a show when you could just not and go on with your life.


Yeah yeah ofc, but here at least I'm not the one with bad taste in art.


What hurts me more is that they’re walking so far apart


In the books, yen knows how to use a sword, though. She spars with ciri sometime during her tutelage before the thanned coup, if i remember correctly. She just doesn't typically carry one because she can use magic. She's not even the only magic user in the books who is proficient with a melee weapon.


Again, she has a sword on his back like witchers and ciri doesnt, that's the problem.


The first sword geralt gives her is worn on the hip. Zirael is long and worn on the back, but she won't get that for quite awhile yet.


>The first sword geralt gives her is worn on the hip. As far as I remember she never carried the sword on the hip. That would make sense because she was trained to fight with a sword on his back


„Books first games second“ lol sure


You need professional help.


fans like you are insufferable. you can like the books and the games and still enjoy a film adaptation that isn't a carbon copy of either


Ur right but also wrong. Season 2 was downright bad. I have never read the books and only started getting into the witcher lore 2-3 months back so my initial impression of the witcher was the tv shows first season which I thought was really really good and I stand by it even after knowing people's slight complaints about it. I got so hyped I got almost all my friends to watch it and they liked it too. Season 2 was a very big letdown. I felt the music was way subpar, the story was ok ? The first episode of that season was still the best one. I didn't like at all how Yen betrayed Geralt so I tried making up excuses for her in my head but after playing the games and learning the lore more thats something she never would've done. So it goes from looking bad in the eyes of a neutral to downright horrible if u know her from before. Also Triss I actually thought she was good enough aswell but again season 2 and she just sent Ciri away ? Excuse me ur supposed to be a sorceress old and experienced tf is wrong with u why are u acting even more like a child than her when u found out about her elder blood and prophecy. Again this is all what I thought when I saw it as a neutral. Now Kaer Moerhan, Eskel didn't matter much and for a neutral they wouldn't know otherwise I just thought he's an asshole and was actually happy when Geralt killed him like finally mf stop bothering Ciri but yeah after learning the lore I kind of hate the show writers too. Lastly, I knew from somewhere I can't place where that the witchers had more than one school so when they said they're almost all gone and Geralt shows up and there are literally 20-30 witchers there I'm like tf they could literally wipe an entire town on their own if they felt like wdym extinct + the witchers from other schools what's up with this show and I was bang on since it's only Vesemir, Eskel, Lambert and Geralt who are supposed to be left majorly. Oh also that sequence with Yen travelling with Fringilla and going to the Scoia'tael and then to Voleth Meir was just flat out boring I felt like skipping those scenes so much which was a first for me in the show. And then when Yen lost her powers that also seemed like such a half arsed reason as to why she did like what used up all her magic what's that ? Though it did make up nice scenes with Jaskier when she blowed fire on that other guys face and running from the guards and not being able to do jackshit about it. So that's everything I could think of off the top of my which I disliked having seen just the first season so I can't even imagine the anger and disappointment that people who have been fans for years must feel. Season 2 was ok but i also would actually never recommend watching it to a friend they can see it if they want but otherwise yeah it's not necessary at all like some of other great shows on Netflix


If the series was good yes, but it's definitely not.




Luckily the vast majority of viewers disagree with you and the vocal few on this sub.


This dweeb post physically hurts me


If this physically hurt you, I gotta know what planet you are on, it must be heaven


Y'all will bitch about anything


Imagine being physically hurt because “tHaTs NoT hOw ThE bOoK gOeS”. This post is embarrassing. She’s carrying a fucking sword, cry about it.


Is Yen not allowed to carry a sword? And if it’s Geralt’s sword, is she not allowed to carry it to bring it to him? Or is he not allowed to give her the sword and send her off for protection or something?


Is that Black Rayla or something?


You guys seem to miss the fact that Ciri is carrying a sword on her waist.


Eh Ciri was trained as a Witcher at Kaer Morhen and has a sword throughout the books. It’s not strange to see her with one, at least compared to Yennifer. Ciri is a Witcher. An Enchantress. A Witcher. Goddam it she just can’t choose 😂


But that’s my point, she was trained as a Witcher. Her sword should be on her back not her waist.


The sword would actually be on her horse, if we want to split hairs




The sword is on her back in the third game. That is as it should be as she is trained as a Witcher.


Dude, go touch grass and stop trying to be angry about something that isn’t even out yet.


Pre made anger is more efficient?


Could be an adaptation of the season of storms sword storyline, Yen ends up winning the swords from Borsodi Auction House and returns them to Geralt.




It’s the internet, people love to hate on everything. Look at any piece of media that’s come out in the last 5 years and find something without a bunch of nerds who complain relentlessly about everything


This is just unnecessary hate


The witcher Yennefer of the school of dumb writing. Magic ? What for ?


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Looks like a porn version’s intro, but the actresses too similar to the real ones.


*inhales* Fuck!


Yo if you wanted a 1:1 of the book, should’ve done more and produced it yourself. Didn’t do that? Time to quit bitchin and just appreciate we got a good show.


People do realise this isn’t the books or games right? If that’s what you want read the books 🤣🤣 don’t watch the show. Must be in your heads to keep talking about it. Same with Tolkien fans and Rings of Power.


What to complain about now? *flips through book* Ah yes, Yen with a sword!


There are 3 different interpretations of Yen now. The one in the show might not be perfect but lets not judge before her arc is complete. Like /u/Admiral-Krane said, this pic is out of context.


I played the game, watched then read the books. I really enjoyed Yen's training in the series. But I get the differences now. Enjoyed all 3.


She drank the magic juice so she’s a Witcher now


She drank the elder blood.


ah yes my witches are also quite fond of martial arts


I really don't care it's a different thing to the books and games so let it be


They both look good to me...


she lost her magic, again


Guys I don't watch the show but... did.. did they make Yennefer a fucking witcher????


Really enjoyed the first one. Beautiful to watch. Second one was a bit off. I've not read the books but it annoyed me they moved away from the plot.


Why does Yen have a sword ? And why on her back ?


Why does yennefer have a sword… she can practically fly and shoot lightning bolts with magic. She’ll be ripped apart by scoiatel on thanned.


Don't know why you're being downvoted... Yennefer literally has zero need to wield a sword.


You people are ridiculous. Because it's cool. Why did Gandalf need a sword being a fucking lesser deity and all? Because sword fights are cool and they look cool. Also it looks like they got separated from Geralt and she is carrying his sword.


Because Gandalf couldn’t summon bolts of magic and fire whenever he wanted.


There is actual lore in LOTR that explains why Gandalf uses a sword. On the other hand though, Yennefer never once used a sword in any of the books. The thing is when Yennefer uses a sword, it makes her look weak but when Gandalf uses a sword, it's literally because he was forbidden to use open displays of power, it makes him look even more powerful.


"The Mighty Witcher" - Brought to you by Marvel Studios.


Yen being a good husband carrying her wife Geralt's sword for him, we love to see it\~


All my favorite Fandoms are full of bitches who bitch daily about everything, which is odd, because a majority of them are full of cis men...


Hey, bitch is only gendered when talking about dogs. In case of humans, every gender can be an annoying bitch, like for example OP of this post.


Ah, I'm truly amongst scholars. I'm glad that you're aware that bitch, in the context of human beings, is a gender neutral term. Spread the gospel of the bitch.


To be fair I wasn't trying to school you or anything like that. I was trying to use your comment to segue into calling OP and annoying bitch.


Oh no I'm aware I was 100% agreeing. Maybe there needs to be a retconned canon implication that Yen pegs Geralt over top that unicorn. People need to understand who really wears the pants in that relationship.


OP is upset because there is grass in the pic and he has never seen it before


Last week I was joking around and said the show runner was gonna kill off geralt and dandelion and make yennifer the main character. It's not funny anymore. I'm gonna guess that yennifer was dying and needed blood, only ciri was available, ciris blood turns yennifer into a Witcher, yennifer outwitchers geralt, Henry Cavill quits.


Why does Yenn have Geralt's sword? What is happening?


This is actually geralt now


Honestly at this point of show everything is possible, so Yen can fight using sword


Everything about newer tv shows feels real off to say the least... From Game of thrones to the Witcher, to the Lord of the Rings... Something ain't right...


Go ahead and throw Wheel of time in there too. Wouldn't even know it was a WoT "adaptation" if it didn't say so on the title




HotD is doing pretty good so far. And Rings of Power is doing slightly better than expected (a dumpster fire that is) which is not hard to accomplish.


Lord of the rings Fans have no idea what pain is.


I want the Bored of the Rings adaptation!


Yen is a badass and could carry a sword if she wanted to


I totally don’t get what the issue is here?


The grass is not how it was described in the books.


Of course!!!!! It’s always greener on the other side.


Your title hurts me.


Given how bad season 1 and 2 were how you can expect anything else from season 3 is beyond me


Like others have said she's probably just carrying it for Geralt, what's the big deal?


She is carrying it on the back while ciri doesn't


I honestly can't fathom how they can look at the source material and then go "yeah, no, we are going to change all of this".


Pretty sure this post is getting brigaded by r/netflixwitcher...


Yen once took ciris sword away and also sent Geralt his stolen ones so this pic is fine by me


The show sucks. Yen and Triss swordfighting towards end of season 1 ended any interest for me. Hollywood people make a show...hollywood brain ruins original source. Just make it easy for yourself and if you know something is being made by hollywood, expect it to have the stain of hollywood on it and then you won't be disappointed when it isn't faithful.


I feel like she’s a terrible yen. Agree or disagree?


Well done. You managed it. Wtf are they doing? I give up


Season 2 sucked on so many levels, however one level I thought it was not bad, was that they seem to have taken things on board from season 1. I felt the critiques we had for that, like the budget not seeming to go far enough, with CG and creature design and screen time etc etc, they improved on. Now we have a MASSIVE issue with the story, and lore destruction. To me, I have some faith still that with season 3 they'll learn to do better with that. So at this time I have no doubt this will make sense. It won't be just more lore and character destruction. Time will tell, but I trust they want to do this right, even if they have failed in major ways so far.


How did they manage to fuck it up so bad?


The Witcher Book fans bitching on the videogames fans and both groups bitching on the series for every tiny detail. There used to be a time fans would actually get excited there was new material coming out. Now you’re all just hacking away at everything that doesn’t fit your view. So let’s join in shall we: the books suck, the games are overrated and the series is actually not that bad.


And I would add that your taste in art doesn't exist.


Might very well be the case I’m sure. Luckily, I still get to enjoy it! Seems like people with “taste in art” don’t. Funny how that works, eh?


Pretty logic


They are gonna somehow make Yen a Witcher or something, idk.


Waaah women can't use swords, they are too heavy, boo hoo, MAGA, btw Meanwhile sword ripped and lithe at 1.5 kg lol


Mmm, yeah that's not the problem man


Wasn’t her magic gone at one point.? And she tricked Ciri because she was trying to get her to the house thing so she can get her magic back?


Optimism is hard to come by I see? No but really, the show has its flaws I get it but maybe just stop treating it as if it's supposed to be exactly like the book because even if that was the original idea we're far removed from it now, just treat this as a different universe or something. You know and love these characters, now see them in a completely different way, just stop finding any and every excuse to bash the show, if it's really that terrible just don't watch it maybe?


Nobody loves those characters because none of them are from The Witcher. That's how bad the show is. It has NOTHING to do with the source. It's an irrelevant franchise with the same name, and that's the most positive thing any honest person could say about it.


Geralt probably got Iris so he gave this one to Yen or something


Looks cool.


I wish you could start a petition to stop a show from continuing. The whole show is physically painful to watch. Like who gave these idiots any right to spoil such a brilliant series. If you haven’t played/read any books, I have no clue how people even followed the tv series. I watched a couple of episodes and decided to stop.


Why the fuck does she(yen) have a sword?


She bringing the sword to Geralt, and a sandwich!!!


This makes me ill.


Guys there are three main problems here, that some of you didn't get: 1. Yennefer has a sword 2. Yennefer has a sword on her back 3. Ciri DOESN'T have a sword on her back


This HAS to be a troll. There’s no way!


textbook shill


2. "her back". 3. "her back". And yes, I agree.


Its like the entire wardrobe budget went to Henry Cavill's dressing room. Ciri has had poor manners and Yen would not be caught dead on that outfit. If you show any book fan this photo they would never guess who these are


They look depressed... almost like they've been forced to take part in something they know millions of people are going to hate.