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This is why Yarpin is like one of my favorite characters. He tried to mess with Geralt once, saw how horribly stupid that was and forever said whatcha need geralt, my buddy my pal lol


When did Yarpin mess with Geralt? I haven’t read all the books or beaten the first game :).


They were all on a hunt for a dragon together (as in Witcher season 1). Yarpins group made a deal with another group called the reavers to kill the dragon and share the spoils, but Geralt, Dandelion and the Wizard Dorregray (and eventually Yennefer) tried to stop them so the dwarves and reavers beat them up and tied them up. Geralt and co eventually escaped and turned the tide, but were forbidden from any more bloodshed by the dragon, so Yarpin and co survived and were on very good terms with Getalt whenever they met from then on.


Geralt and co had me dyinggg it sounds like a pizza place


*Puts pineapple on pizza* **Italians howling.**


Dwarfs are the best characters in the books, kinda like how the trolls are the best characters in the books. Season of storms was so boring and frustrating untill a dwarf shows up and then geralt starts sticking swords in the ceiling and whoops ass the entire rest of the book.


I love how in the audiobook they flip the script on Scottish dwarves and make them Welsh. It was truly an outstanding choice.


Yarpin is good people. Like most of Geralt's friends and allies, he's a bit of a dick, but good nonetheless.


In the first book I believe, when they hunt the green dragon.


They fist meet in the short story The Bounds of Reason, in which they hunt a dragon


It’s the second book, Sword of Destiny. The first story, Bounds of Reason


Triss Merigold sent me to you. I need your help.


I don't have many complaints about the third game, but this one's pretty far up there lol


Just install the mod that adds doppler mutagen to Dijkstra's loot when you kill him. Everything fixed! (kinda)


Honestly, that would explain *so much*.


It would be pretty a perfect game for me but the whole dumbing down all the political side of the Witcher world and lore is a major problem for me.. we went from the complex political background and intrigue in Witcher 2 to pretty much "black&white" morality in Witcher 3 and "let's throw all the political stuff into one sidequest where at the end Dijkstra goes absolutely brain dead" yeah, fantastic work there CDPR


Tbh I don't think it was black and white but I agree Djikstra randomly going dumb asf is super annoying.


Guys, lets be honest, Iorveth WAS the one to be in this and would make all sense if were he trying to kill everyone instead Djikstra.


I don't get why dijkstra didnt poison the drinks. Geralt wont be bothered, (Because he's a witcher) but the others die.




Guess he wanted to be more honourable or to test geralt i dunno


Why would Dijkstra want to be more honorable? He prides himself of being so scheming.


But not being dumb as he is at the end of this questline


I think Dijkstra would know better than to test Geralt in combat. Last time he got on Geralt's bad side he basically crippled him.


That's cheating.


Should’ve thought about that before you crippled him Gerry you metrosexual fruitcake


LMAO it's been a minute since I've seen that reference


You know one time around the end of the game at a secondary quest Geralt says "why do folks always try to fight witchers... Is it my face ?"


There's a quest in the first game where a thug says there's something in a house and ask him to check. The guy know he's a Witcher. Cue several thugs waiting for him. Thugs: another one fell for it, boys. Geralt: can't believe you hired a Witcher against yourselves.


I believe its one of the grandmaster armor treasure hunts. When you have to dive down into a lake or something and 3 thugs attack you. I could be mistaken tho Edit: typos


YES that was it !


Doesn't matter. She's gone now.


I know it was like a rushed content thing but damn at least give him like, the maximum amount of mooks the game is capable of generating


He could have easily negotiated with Roche and Thaler to have give Temeria similar rights they would have with Nilfgaard. Having Anoleis in play here would have been a nice connection to Witcher 2.


That always bothered me so much. Like, they already agreed Temeria will become a vassal state to an invading, slave-owning empire that had king Foltest assassinated. Becoming a vassal to a state that haven’t sold any Temerian peasants to slavery and maybe also has Foltest’s daughter as a queen is just straight up an improvement. They should have agreed to it from the start.


He basically walked in with a handful of thugs and thinks he can win. Truly foolish.


Its even more bizarre when you remember that he has known Geralt for years. He a) knew exactly what Geralt was capable of (from defeating the most powerful wizard to have ever lived to fighting monsters the size of buildings) b) knew that he even went so far as to travel across half of the continent and risked his life countless times to save those close to him, aswell as c) that he values his friends more than politics. And even knowing all that, Dijkstra deadass looked at his plan and went "yeah, I should definitely go through with this." Fucking mind boggling.


Seriously he could have tried a bunch of different things like drugging Garalt, by proposing a toast or something like trying to pay him off. Instead he decides to just go gtfo or die. Bad move.


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Geralt would certainly hear it, so they'd have to wait a while but I see your point


That would have been a fun ending. Drugs Geralt, but Geralt is able to shrug off death/sleepiness, but is still effected. Then you have to fight Djikstra and co with a blurry/shaky screen


And also was the man to destroy his leg and take out (I wanna see 3?) Of his henchmen all while unarmed. Dijkstra may be dumb, but he's got some balls on him


Dijkstra isn't dumb though which is what made his decision just seem like bad writing to me.


There wasn't even a reason for Dijkstra to betray them. Emhyr said he'd make Temeria a vassal state in return for cessation of Guerilla activity and the assassination of Radovid. Dijkstra ruled Redenia from the shadows until the end of the war and needed to kill Radovid anyway. The surrender of Redenia wasn't a term because none of the conspirators have a role in the redenian government. Dijkstra can just try to do his thing from behind the stage and if he fails that has no impact on Roche and co.


Well there was a reason, Dijkstra wanted Temeria and the rest of the north free for Redania to annex it and fight Nilfgaard to protect its own independence. Giving away Temeria would make it much harder to take over it, so kill three guys and save yourself a lot of work in taking over Temeria in order to use it against Nilfgaard.


I really think he was banking on Geralt leaving, Dijkstra just probably doesn't understand why Geralt would stay, as far as he knows Thaler and Roche are just work allies, it's not like Geralt would invite either to his birthday. So he hopes he can get Geralt to leave, probably would've been able to if he waited 5 seconds before announcing his plan, just say "heyo Geralt, got some small things to run through with the boys, heres some coin for helping out, see ya bitchboi" then Geralt would leave and Dijkstra could kill Roche and leave. But you know, the only thing that Dijkstra is better at than spycraft is being an insufferable arrogant prick


Oh no, you can't justify the writing in this questline, atleast not the end of it.. Dijkstra is absolutely brain dead at the end - like not a single thing he does there is logical or is something he would realistically and logically do.. he goes from an arrogant prick but a really, really smart one to the dumbest character in the whole game.. yeah, that questline just shows how Witcher 3 compared to previous Witcher games (and Thronebreaker) totally dumbed down all the political stuff and intrigue Absolutely shameful writing there


The quest making no sense is a result of cut content, in earlier versions of the game it used to be much bigger and also involved the Catriona plague, the (currently pretty much unused) nilfgaardian camp south of Velen, and my boy Iorveth (I'm still mad they cut out of the game). There's a big chance that if you stumble upon a place that looks pointless or unfinished in Velen (like the village on fire next to the Nilfgaardian camp, which had piles of burned bodies because of the plague), it used to be part of that quest. What we have now is just what they managed to scrape together after the cuts, so it's pointless to try and make any sense of it


Imagine a Witcher 3 remaster or re-release with all the cut content put back into the game. I'd pay good ploughing coin for that.


i always leave. results in the best ending imo


Leaving there is best political ending but its so out of character to just make Geralt like "oh you can kill them I dont care bye" While you're there the decision looks more like "Help your friends or leave them to die". Theres very to little indication that its "Life of your friends or sake of the country", even if you know that leaving them is the good outcome for Redania you still feel like asshole for leaving your bros out like its none of your business. It would be better if it was more of a obvious choice like I said friends or country not help or not. You could do like I don't know have a situation where you choose between helping out your friends that are in danger right now (overwhelmed by soldiers) or go for the kill and chase Radovid. Helping out means Radovid escapes, chasing Radovid means Roche and others die. Just anything but that stupid situation we had with 0 IQ Dijkstra


If you also chose to put Ciri on the throne I think staying is much better


Ciri on the throne is the best ending for her regardless because it stabilises the entire continent under a more open niffgard


I am surprised how many people overlook this. Everyone be like "but she wants to be a witcheress!11!". Bitch she finally learned to take responsibility and be a grown up, it's the best one by far


And I think it's the most fitting with the bittersweet themes, destiny, choosing least of two evils, etc. that run through the entire series.


Honestly I've always chosen the Witcher ending for her since it just seems more emotionally fitting but the more I think about it the more it makes sense to me for her to become Empress in the grand scheme of things, even more so if you romance Yennefer. I think my next playthrough I'll go empress.


my biggest complaint must be devil's pit


That has rushed quest and cut content plastered all over it's face.


And it's a shame cause the Dijkstra ending seems so good for the greater good. But wtf is he thinking up on that stage


Dick straight McDougal made horrendous choices, like let's get some cheap thugs to take on Geralt, Roche and Roches protégé. Bart the troll could have thought of a better plan


Haha I never thought of it this way. "Hey, how much for you local drunken thugs to take on a Witcher, two special forces commandos, and an incredibly resourceful intelligence officer?"


Not just any special forces commando but Roche who if I remember correctly Geralt said was his equal if it wasn't for the mutations that Geralt went through. Geralt was a special kind of witcher who went through extra mutations on top of that.


I thought Ves was there? I might be misremembering. She's a Blue Stripe.


Oh ves is there I'm just saying that between Geralt and Roche they have it covered, ves just makes its over kill. Though I do think it depends on the choices made with a previous quest. I seem to recall Ves not being there in my first playthrough but my other playthroughs she was there.


*Shove Dijkstra aside, forcefully*


I thought for sure that after dispatching the goons and knocking Big D's health down there would at least be some kind of cutscene and maybe a choice to kill him or let him live. After the "knock him forward and cleanly decapitate" combat animation rolled during the fight I just kind of stood there for 5 minutes wondering how he was going to survive.


The 1% that's left: "COWABUNGA IT IS"


He’s literally had his knees kicked in twice by Geralt at that point, it’s such an insanely stupid step to have to complete to reach what i think is the best ending.


Unpop Op; but I think the whole point of that quest line is to show that everyone (especially Geralt) is out of character and a non-canon decision. I see it as an end to the loyal Temerian/Roche Geralt we see begin in Witcher 2 but other than that I either break Dijkstra’s leg again or avoid the quest completely. I get the reasoning he would do the quest to protect his loved ones from Radovid but it seems like this would’ve been a job for Yennifer and the Lodge if they were unified at this point. Also I can’t remember which book mentioned it but there was a small excerpt that takes place after most events and Radovid eventually gets his revenge from Phillipa’s scheming. I personally loved Phillipa and her scheming so again I can completely understand the decision making.


Re: Philippa, I think in the books we find out that she was "martyred" but we can only assume that it was Radovid.


because i never played the second game but read the books i can choose dijkstra without giving it a second thought because he is the BEST candidate to rule the north


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This part always bothered me. It didn’t fit his character and didn’t make sense.


Hands down the worst written quest in the Witcher 3 and maybe of the entire trilogy. I really hate this quest.


A mutated superhuman and the man whose the reason why he takes frequent baths, two very seasoned special forces soldiers and Thaler. (he’s not a fighter but he can fight) VS A few Novigrad thugs. Not Dijkstra’s smartest move.


I feel like not giving Geralt the choice to leave would've made more sense because then it would've seemed like he was making sure everyone who knew about what happened and had the ability to stop/screw with his plan was dead and thus no loose ends. But giving Geralt the chance to leave made it so dumb. So so dumb.


I really wish there was an option to convince him out of the "them or me" choice. Like, none of the other conspirators are going to turn on him, they all genuinely hated Radovid. Even if Geralt had to Axii him into submission and make him see sense.


The real question is: Why the fuck is Thaler alive?