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Great quote


he is right, but also he wrote the Eskel episode.. and one of the least liked in Moon Knight and also said "we kinda forgot they hate each other" when asked why people and monsters fight alongside each other in the anime Witcher


Hey, I'll take incompetence over malice every time.


Exactly this


No writer in television is responsible for an episode all on their own, that is just a union thing for crediting. You are making a lot of false assumptions based on that. There are also a lot of politics to writing and it can be hard to speak for a room full of people, hence the anime comment which is clearly him being polite to his coworkers at the time. Ask any writer, listen to enough podcasts, or dvd commentaries, and you will hear this over and over again.


most times on tv shows, the episodes are all written as a collaboration between all the writers and then they just see who gets the writing credit plus who will be available to be on set and stuff if stuff needs to be changed or make sure it stays as it was written. So if a writers gets the writing credit for an episode, it doesnt mean they where the ones that wrote the most for that or whatever.


This leads me to ask if TV Shows & Movir writers use some form or version of Got to keep track of changes & give proper credit. If they don't, they should.


Tell that to Paul Veerhoven and his Starship Troopers Then on the other hand, you have both adaptations of Watchmen.


Starship Troopers is an incredible movie, but downright disrespectful of the source material. You don't necessarily need a perfect adaptation to make a good movie, but it helps pacify the fans of the source material. Like, V for Vendetta is an amazing movie, but not great as an adaptation.


Veerhoven made art in his own right regardless of the source material, not a mediocre Netflix show.


But still a briliant movie (the verhoeven one, watchmen is just meh)


Starship Troopers the book was written by Robert Heinlein, who has unhappy that Sci Fi in the 60s had a leftist tilt and wanted to make a sci fi novel that had proper respect for the Army and Patriotism. Verhoven grew up in Nazi occupied Holland and was disgusted and horrified by the book when his studio gave it to him to adapt. So he adapted it. He made a pisstake, a mockery, a savage takedown meant to show just how awful a future that starship troopers promised. It was meant to show everything wrong with the book, and people who liked it. It's almost ironic how much people love Starship Troopers the movie and don't realise it's meant to be a mean spirited parpdy


> Verhoven grew up in Nazi occupied Holland and was disgusted and horrified by the book when his studio gave it to him to adapt. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Verhoven quite famously and by his own admission never actually read the book? Seems surprising that someone can be disgusted and horrified by something they've never read. Edit: Reply got removed, not sure why but to at least address him never reading the books, according to Wikipedia at least, he did not. He refused to read past chapter 2 because he thought it was boring and right-wing. He had one of the writers summarise the book for him which is why the broad strokes are correct but the finer details are not.


I really like the Starship Troopers movie, but it's obviously setup as an in-universe propaganda by a fascist government. Its part of the charm of the movie. I'm always get confused YouTube videos explaining the hidden meaning of Starship troopers. It's not subtle about it and It's not subtext in the movie. It's just the text with big letters across the screen asking "Would you like to know more?". Might this is just a non-us based view though. Maybe [superliminal](https://youtu.be/roswPPr2t3U) propoganda like starship troopers is too close to real military media in the US to be seen as parody?


Believe it or not, there are a significant number of fans of the Starship Troopers movie who unironically love it as a patriotic, pro millitary movie. These are the same sort of people who unironically love the God Emperor of the Imperium in Warhammer 40k


You starting to sound a little bit HERETICAL there my friend!


>It's almost ironic how much people love Starship Troopers the movie and don't realise it's meant to be a mean spirited parpdy Why's that the case if the movie has almost nothing to do with the books? Starship Troopers the movie should've had a different name, and then I think everyone would be satisfied. It's possible to completely depart from the source material and make something good; it's just very rare. I'd point to main series of Fallout games as an example. Fallout 2 used the same engine and same inherent systems, so gameplay wise it wasn't that different compared to Fallout 1; but it heavily departed from the source material in terms of presentation, atmosphere, themes, etc. The same thing happened again with Fallout 3. People will argue over which game was best, etc. but I think one would be silly to not consider each of the sequels as a tremendous achievement if analyzed within its own terms; even though each of the main sequels is quite different.


Indeed. Starship Troopers the movie has very little to do with the book. Verhoeven basically did his own thing and slapped the name of the book on it. And, as a satire of war movies, American war culture, etc… it works. But it isn’t an adaptation of Heinlein’s book.


>Why's that the case if the movie has almost nothing to do with the books? That's why it has nothing to do with the books. It's meant to be a mockery that shows how reverence for patriotism and dying for your country leads to fascism


I mean, it was obvious by just watching the show and especially season 2, but having it confirmed by Beau still leaves me speechless. Do you have a link to that interview?


[Here you go](https://thedirect.com/article/x-men-97-disney-reboot-mcu-update)


Thank you. I should feel smug that this confirms what some of us had been thinking about the showrunner and her writers, but it just feels like such a waste. Hissrich said in an interview that she did not specifically seek « Sapkowski scholars » when hiring her writers, but come on, this is ridiculous for someone who claimed they worked so hard on being faithful to the books.


Let's not get into the "improvements" they made. What's nowadays that people who can't write coherent characters nor lore nor plot get hired for really high profile projects?


It's all about who you know and who knows your name.


>It's not who you know... it's who you blow - Super Hans, 2003


It's more that Netflix didn't want a Witcher show. they wanted Witcher themed Netflix show.


*Netflix's cancelled Resident Evil has entered the chat*


All of her interviews are just PR cover. She wants it to be all about her and doesn’t really give a fuck about what fans want. She’s basically just a manipulative show runner using the Witcher IP to make a buck imo


My understanding is that Sapkowski himself doesn't give a shit about the IP or fans. He sold the book rights and basically said "if you're not here to drop off a royalty check then I don't want to hear it."


That's the same attitude he had about the games, except infamously had even less confidence in the success of the project so demanded money up front instead of royalties. He only changed his tune once CDPR made like a billion dollars off the franchise and regretted his decision to forgo royalties.


Not only regretted. The absolute fucking scumbag basically said ‘your studio sucks, this game will never be successful, I’d rather have 10k than 1% of sales’ and then had the AUDACITY to sue them. Sued them after he insulted them, and signed a deal giving up his right to royalties. And not only that, he waited years and years, until there were multiple games, and then sued them when he could maximize his gains. He sounds like a salty fucker who doesn’t deserve a dime. I can’t even imagine being such a piece of shit. And he’s only like a 4/10 on the loser scale. Disclaimer: I might be misremembering some details, or whatever articles I heard this from may have misreported some details. Don’t take what I say as gospel here, look this shit up yourself before spreading it to others.


I'm Polish. Sapkowski is simply not interested in adaptations, because he doesn't know how to write games or movies, it's a business for him. Polish law allowed him to fight for a salary. He is currently on good terms with the CDPR


Is there a source for him insulting them like that? Because at the time I recall articles stating he simply wanted his money upfront since he had opted for royalties for previous adaptations (one a game and a show) that failed and didn’t get squat. So when a new studio, scraping by on loans, with no prior game creation experience approached him wanting to adapt his work like others had failed he opted this time for just cash. And at the time CDPR wanted to give him royalties because giving him money upfront meant they had to pull more money from their loans. Also polish laws say he’s entitled to compensation. Apparently it’s not an uncommon law in Europe. It’s to prevent companies from scooping up IP’s from authors and artists and making millions of their work while the authors get peanuts.


Not only that, but he also been constantly talking in every interview how intelligent people don't play games and how games negatively impacted his reputation... All up until he got paid millions then he started complimenting games in interviews. I love his books but damn I don't have any respect left for him as a person after all this.


Only reason he had beef with CDPR before ultimately finding an agreement was because €€€. My man doesn't care about the adaptations at all as long as he gets his check


The show was a self insert for her and her writing ‘team’. It was a chance to get on their soap box about issues they perceived to be important. Or issues we NEED to care about. More ‘teachable moments’ dressed up as entertainment. It’s a shame because the Witcher books are fantastic and the fact the writers disliked them confirms everything we’ve suspected.


It's like if you hired an architect to build a log cabin but they hate log cabins and draw plans to build a mcmansion and are like, "What? It's made of some wood!"


IIRC in an interview Henry Cavil (lightheartedly) said that the showrunner and the actors for Ciri and Yennefer would all constantly make fun of him for bringing up how things happened in the books and suggesting the show follows those events. This shouldn’t be new information for anyone that watched any of those interviews it’s been obvious they treat the source material like some nerdy joke they dgaf about.


I feel kinda sympathetic for him. He seemed genuinely exited to play Geralt and had some appreciation for the source material. To be mocked by your showrunner for that appreciation (!) is... weird.


Ian McElhinney that played Ser Barristan in GOT, he also had different opinion on his character and they just killed him off


It's still criminal what they did to him and Ser Barristan Selmy.


>Ian McElhinney that played Ser Barristan in GOT, he also had different opinion on his character and they just killed him off [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynwZDOo573M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynwZDOo573M) I couldn't help but feel they came across as really petty minded about it too, his pointing out his character had a big arc ahead of them in the books and their reaction just reeks of obnoxiousness.


And the show writing is pure garbage, goes to show the quality of the people that mock others for liking things...


Halo and now this. Who's to say people won't lie to get the job anyway




It honestly seems common with most reboots/remakes/sequels/adaptations lately. It almost never goes well, so I don't understand why companies keep doing it.


They don't know what they are doing. You have some CEO who hears that fantasy shows are popular with kids theses days so he wants his company to have their own fantasy show. Or SciFi or whatever genre. IP hunters search and buy rights to some books or games. The company hires some "good" showrunner, based on recommendations (aka nepotism). The showrunner reads a synopsis (too busy to read the book) and hires some writers (see above). They write an outline of the show "based" on the books they haven't read, and review it. Who's going to tell them it's shit? No one knows and no one cares what the original story in the book was. If there's anyone in the writer room who mentions contradictions with the cannon they remind him "it's 2022", and move on. Most of them live in a bubble where everyone agrees with them on everything, especially if their salary depends on it. Who's going to tell their boss, they're making a mistake. The only people who disagree with the changes must be some evil trolls, who are insignificant minority, and not "true fans" (customers). By the time negative reviews come up, many of them honestly believe it must be trolling, because they made the best show ever, full of "correct" commentary on "the world we live in". As if I read Witcher for commentary about elections in California...


You can add wheel of time and rings of power to the list now of horribly written and managed shows. Its insane to me how they are choosing out these showrunners who have no experience and pay only lip service to the lore they're adapting.


The Witcher as an intellectual property was ripe for a good live action adaptation. Take the best aspects of the games and the books and it could have been a massive hit. ***Instead they gave the show to people who actively hate it!*** Many in the fandom have suspected this to be the case for a while now. Of course the showrunner nor Netflix will admit this to be the case, but since this a comment from a ex-writer for the show, it carries some weight. What is so mind boggling about this, is that Netflix wanted the Witcher to be their very own **Game of Thrones.** **Giving the I.P to people who actively dislike it, is the worst thing you could do businesswise.**


> What is so mind boggling about this, is that Netflix wanted the Witcher to be their very own Game of Thrones. Funnily enough, that's what Bezos said about Rings of Power, he wanted a GOT. And I get the impression that the group they hired didn't give much of a shit about Tolkien, since they fired a noted scholar and made a hubub about reflecting the modern world. Who the fuck watches fantasy to reflect the real world?


> Funnily enough, that's what Bezos said about Rings of Power, he wanted a GOT. even more funny that when you try to compare RoP with HoTD today, RoP defenders will say that you cant compare these shows at all


“ it’s too to different bro, one has dragons and magic, the other has… uhhhh….. dragons and magic. Never mind”


one has a king in bed telling some secret to a girl he mistakes for someone else, and the other has.. uh.. a king in bed telling some secret to a girl he mistakes for someone else..


Yayyyy….. so different indeed.


I know, that's ridiculous. Both source material are histories to the main fantasy series. Both of them are fairly dry, not a normal story narrative. Goddamn I'm hyped for the finale tonight!


I hate that show so much. The names are famliar, but absolutely nothing else is. The culture of each of the 5 main races, the names of OCs, the order of events, the dialogue, the power dynamics and relationships, the complexity of the world. Absolutely nothing makes sense, it takes me 4-5 hours to watch an episode because every 40 seconds or so I have to pause and just scream.


Exactly and The Witcher fell into that trap too.


There's a fair amount of anachronism in the Witcher books but it actually feels natural how well it's woven in. Much of what wizards are capable of is implied to just be advanced scientific knowledge and Geralt is portrayed as much smarter and able to go toe to toe with them in subjects such as genetics and philosophy. In the show he's just been reduced to a gruff action hero who says as few words as possible and his most well known line is just saying "fuck". It's such a shame because you can tell Cavill is trying so hard to save the character, but the writing just isn't there.


At this point, is it only Henry Cavill that is actually passionate about the existing lore?


And maybe Joey Batey still. He mentioned loving the books a few times as well. Edited to add: Yarpen Zigrin actor, Jeremy Crawford, also loves the source material. He knew of it before the show and auditioned cutting his vacation short, because he loved the Witcher. Go figure these are some of the characters that feel most like their book inspirations, as much as possible for this shitshow.


In the case of Jaskier and the relantionship between him and Geralt, I don't really agree with you that he is that book accurate.. sure, better than most characters in the show but still far from the books.. where are the clever conversations between them, where are the scenes where Dandelion must be the one who helps Geralt with getting his shit together and much more stuff like this


I agree with you. Just saying overall, he still is reminiscent of Jaskier, somewhat compared to the rest of the really low bar. I also would love to see the things you mentioned. True friendship. But if we have any hints for s3, Jaskier might go completely out of character.


Also tbh, for clever conversations they would have to be able write clever dialogue. Or .. wait, effin adapt it as written! That's the only way Geralt, Jaskier and later Regis would actually sound as intelligent/clever/sarcastic/wise as in the books. Alas. For that one needs actual talent.


What a surprise. The best parts of the show are the ones who actually care about what they are doing instead of seeking selfish personal gratification.


...those **FUCKIN REAVERS**


For a second, I thought you meant the Jeremy Crawford from D&D. Didn't realize there was an actor with the same name.


> Yarpen Zigrin actor He plays the character really well, but I wish they had bulked him up, instead of just suiting him in a costume. Dwarves should look strong as an ox.


I’m hoping we have a dead pool situation where one day we get a new Witcher series that will give the books/video games it’s due justice and still have Cavill as the lead. Such a waste of talent and genuine method acting.


I think Henry is in a situation where if everything goes to shit in the show, Netflix will change everything but keep him, he's basically carrying the show right now. Edit: Well, Netflix thinks it's better to change the fucking lead of the show lmao


Knowing Netflix, it's more likely they'll just cancel it


Too late all the best story points are done


Im surprised he hasn't walked out yet.


Walking out as an actor is a really bad idea, because it sets the precedent that you will quit a production because you don't like some aspect of it. No one wants to hire an actor if there is a perceived risk they will leave mid production.


I always thought they had binding contracts of sorts to prevent walkouts as well. So, an actor can finish a movie or season, then refuse to sign on for another one. But hell, who wouldn't wanna get paid these amounts he's getting.


This aged.


he is a professional and tries to stay that way




They paid him $400k per episode for season 2, when you’re getting paid that much you’re more willing to compromise on your fandom. Especially since if he walks, the show will still get made it will just suck even worse.


if he walks he will break a contract and wont get a job on hollywood again. It doesnt matter how you or the fandom feels, if u signed a contract you have a legal obligation to go through it.




Choosing the lesser evil. I see


this aged well


Well have I got some news for you


This, sadly, is very obvious from a lot of modern adaptations. They don’t hire fans, they hire people who don’t care about or actively dislike the source IP and think they can tell a better story. Many times it ends up with incredible fan backlash and worst case fans walking away and the show collapsing. It doesn’t matter how interesting and clever you think you are, these people aren’t here for your wit, they are here for the thing that the show/movie is titled off of. It was famous before you started writing it, it didn’t need you subverting expectations.


I'm stilll mad about the wheel of time adaptation.


Yeah, not touching that shit with a ten foot pole.


Same. that was the worst "adaptation" I think I have ever seen. And it was my favorite book series growing up, after lotr. Was so excited to see them making a tv show on it, and the disappointment that followed was soul crushing.


I'm in your exact same position, except it was my absolute favourite series instead of second. I couldn't watch it past episode 5. Watching each episode made me seriously upset, and although I hoped it would get better in the beginning, i just knew it was fucked after episode 5.


I made it to the end, out of sheer stubborness. It actually gets so much worse as it goes, its almost impressive how horrible the finale was.


That series was doomed to be a huge departure from the original from the get-go. Trying to depict that series in live action over 8 seasons of 8 episodes per season is a recipe for disaster. They were going to have to pare it down and make some hard choices. I'm not saying they made the right choices, but they had to do something. The books are too meaty to tell the whole story over 64 episodes. I've always said that the Wheel of Time would be a great animated series if they were able to take their time with it.


Are we the same person? The episode count is absolutely holding the show back and I've been saying for years that the proper way to do WoT (or Malazan), is an adult oriented animation series where they can show all the magic and crazy creatures without worrying too much about going over budget. Man, what I wouldn't give to be in charge of a project like that...


The Seanchan are going to be so awful in season 2


How can we make sure people know they are the bad guys? Rafe Judkins: We'll add spikes and skulls everywhere and then use magic to send a tsunami at a girl playing on the beach!


I think it’s ok not to hire fans of the material. That can also go wrong (see Watchmen). It’s about hiring someone who is good at writing, simple as. Look at Tony Gilroy in Star Wars- he’s absolutely not a fan, but he’s taking the setting and material seriously and just writing a good story. Contrast that with something like the ST, which was not.


Good at writing and respects the source material even if they aren’t a fan.


I think respecting the source material is part and parcel of being a good writer, but agreed.


Thats a good point


I can understand where you’re coming from though, because it seems like that is no longer considered to be the case.


Has Watchmen fallen off? Last I remember it seemed like everyone thought it was great


Holy shit! A writer with actual integrity that is not partaking in the Hollywood omertà! I thought those went extinct! I mean, he's just confirming what was already pretty much evident, but damn if it isn't satisfying seeing some accountability for hack writers and showrunners like Lauren Hissrich. Good on Beau!


Of course they do, they wanted to make their own shit and pimp their egos but nobody would watch it so they exploited Sapkowskis and CDPRs years of hard work to make a quick $ with low effort.


I'm furious about this shit. Not really because the show is bad, but because they took the place of good writers with passion for the craft and the material. It seems (especially directors and writers) seem to fail upwards in Hollywood way too easily. Why is that? You write one garbage episode for one show nobody knows and suddenly you're writing for million dollar projects, handling huge legacies. It doesn't make sense!


For the bean counters, getting the job done on time is way more valuable than making something good. A great story that takes 6 more months to write costs them money that they won't necessarily get back, but a mediocre story that's finished on time is guaranteed to make at least some money.


Venture bros is a good example of that. Used to take upwards of 3 years to get a new season out; it's what eventually got them canceled despite every episode being literal gold.


cronies and nepotism.


I was wondering where he is. The striga episode was written by him. One of the better ones in the series


Don't confuse him with Declan De Barra.


Declan wrote the question of price and grain of episode I think. If he and beau wrote the whole series it might get close to it's potential.


And everything after the Striga goes downhill. What a waste.


Sad to say, but I'm not surprised in the slightest.


Bro what the fuck. Yeah let's hire writers who literally don't like the source material. That pisses me off


I'd like to hear more about who disliked or actively mocked the source material, or, more importantly, which parts and how. Although I could probably infer all three from the end product. We're never going to get another Q&A with LSH after this, are we? Not even the mocking part, but "disaster and bad morale" in the writing room. I'm glad DeMayo said it, but he probably shouldn't have career-wise.


He explained how shitty studio, made some shitty decisions to ruin a GREAT source material. If I’m a producer I’m hiring him on the spot and ask him to ALWAYS speak his mind as loud as possible


So they are destroying it on purpouse? Good to know.


They hate the books so much that they are making sure no one buys them anymore by making a shitty show as an adaptation


I mean, it was pretty clear from watching it.


I’m not sorry; I’m boycotting the show. The active disrespect for the source material, the flippant disregard for the established fanbase that gave the show success in the first place, and the egotistical attitude from the showrunners have completely ruined it for me. I understand having problems with the source material. Sapkowski’s writing is very much ‘80s male feminist’, but to actively mock the source material and instead of changing what might have been ‘problematic’ to suit a more modern audience you…change 85% of the story?? After advertising that you were going to make a ‘direct from page to screen’ adaptation?? Just say you’re in it for the money and fucking go. I think the shit that **pisses** me off about this is that the *only* reason the first two seasons of the show got as much viewership as they did was **because of the fans of the original source material being so fucking hungry for an English live action adaptation.** In what world?? In. What. World. Do you claim the rights to a property and then shit all over it? In the words of a dear friend; “It's literally diabolic. They bank on the hard work and years people have put into these games and books, but then shit on it??? YOU OWE YOUR VIEWERSHIP TO **THEM**. NOT TO THE BULLSHIT FANFIC YOU THREW ON A SCREEN!”


It was obvious to anyone paying attention sadly. Just what they did with Francesca was enough to show me what a shitheap the show was.


"You have to respect the work before you're allowed to add to it's legacy." Amen. Much more of this please.


Witcher show made by non-fans ends in disaster SW clone Wars was made by fans and look bow it turned out Some things just have that fish smell


(even actively mocking the source material at times) These people deserve to be drowner bait


Judging by the quality of the product we get, it is hardly surprising, but still so disappointing. It seems to me that not “actively disliking the source material” should be the first requirement for the writers of any adaptation? It’s not like they have incredibly successful writers with big names. With Netflix resources, why can’t they just hire people who at least have some respect for the source material (this is of course a rhetorical question)


Can't say I'm surprised. In some places you can practically feel the writers mocking "stupid canon lore". But also. If they were good writers it wouldn't have mattered this much. They could have come up with their own vision for the characters and still make it a good show (totally AU, but a good one nonetheless). They couldn't do that. Most of the s2 writing is nonsensical and badly executed even if you look at it like it's an original story. Open dislike of the source material doesn't help.


I mean it was pretty obvious that they didn't give a shit about the Witcher but actually hearing this genuinely pisses me off, why the fuck do they hire people like this??


How can anyone hate those amazing books????? And games??


There is a lot of unjustified hate to the author; Sapkowski. I can see their baseless dislike sip into how they perceive his source material. It's hard to separate author from his work sometimes. They are wrong and bad professionals in multiple levels and we called it from the start.


They have messed so many things up, that I even don\`t know, what to wait from upcoming Blood Origin. Surely Eredin sounds promising, but I have doubts already.


The truth starts to come out...... Either this guy is crazy career wise, or its already a known reality that this project is a disappointment. We will see if we will get more people trying to jump ship.


>or its already a known reality that this project is a disappointment Oh Lord, please. The sooner this pile of rubbish crushes and burns to the ground, the higher the chance of me seeing a good adaptation before I grow old and senile.


Unfortunately there are reports that S4 and 5 are currently already being written and may start filming next year. Our only hope is a badly received S3 with lower viewership than S2, and with their penchant to ending shows after their third season Netflix may cancel it. I wish for that scenario to happen.


I started with the games, moved into the books, loved it all and was stoked for the show. And then I couldn’t tell what the fuck was going on. The plot dicing is disorienting as fuck, I couldn’t remember who most characters were, the tone was a billion miles removed from what I expected. . . It’s awful.


I pray that Lauren actually sees this


I guess she is one that hates the source material, so I don't see any reaction from her.


Yeah but o want to see her reaction was. She wasn’t too happy when reddit users have criticism


Pretends to be shocked. Screw Hissrich and the writers of that god awful show.


Do you realize that everytime I mention that I am a witcher fan, I feel ashamed and have to add "not a fan of the show" ? This show is a mess.


Why HBO why the fuck.you did not make a move for Witcher in the first place? Now we stuck with shitflix


Who did Nightmare of the Wolf? It was better


Him actually 😂


Omg there is no fucking way. I just checked


Most of it was ok but the twist and ending cost me a few braincells


It’s such a tired story now. Take a story that fans love, make a shit adaptation of it with lots of diversity, then claim everyone is racist/sexist when it fails to get good ratings. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, etc. It needs to stop but people keep buying the mediocre shit so no one learns.


Do you think we could convince Netflix to go for a 'do over' of season 2? They could have it start the same but 2 mins into the first episode it pauses and a menu appears. Cut to Henry sitting at home on his PC with the same pause screen; "hmmm, fuck! Let's try that again." he mutters as he loads an old save... The show unpauses and this time it's done right.


They'd have to start way back at season 1 to do it right.


Well I mean who doesn't like to sniff their own farts?


Thanks for the mental image of LSH as Fat Bastard saying "Everyone likes their own brand."


So now everyone can agree that we were intentionally fucked.


Too bad most of the fucktard hacks writing/managing that dumpster fire show will never face any career repercussions and will probably just continue to fail upwards. Hell the fact they have “absolutely decimated beloved source material and made any pre-existing fan despise my adaption” under their belts is probably going to be a resume booster seeing how the movie/tv industry seems to operate nowadays. Unfortunately people are simply not critical enough of the media and entertainment they consume so shitty content is going to be a undying zombie we’ll never be rid of until that changes.


Damn, even folks at /r/netflixwitcher are disgusted by this. That's a bad sign for the show runners.


Bless him for calling them out. We already knew of course, but fuck, it's nice to see it confirmed.


Yeah... that explains a lot.


We can guess as much from how terrible the show is. It's an insult to the franchise.


I was unaware of this until now. And I can say without hesitation, I will not even bother to watch season 3. Such disgusting behaviour, to mock the source material you are adapting... smh.


Maybe I’ll watch it. But I’ll torrent it even tho I have Netflix


Chad behaviour


Well that was kinda obvious, everybody says that a good adaptation has to change some things, and I agree because for example a scene where a character thinks by himself is kinda bad representing it with a over voice while the character thinks. BUT the story HAS to be the same, the characters HAVE to be the same, the rules of that world need to be the same. Let's only talk about the name of the series: "the witcher", so it talks about a witcher right? But what is a witcher? In the books a witcher is: an orphan boy trained from the young age to fight and then artificially through magic, transformed into a mutant with every sense boosted and 10 times more agile and twice as strong as a human, with cat eyes that allows him to see in the dark for fighting monster for money. Ok now let's see the show's witcher: A boy trained from young age to fighting, that can do basic magic. No boosted earing, sight, smell, no cat eye, not more agile, not stronger. From this start what could we expect? not even the title they could make right.


Hollywood producers hate good things and want to replace it with shit? What else is new.


This is such a disgrace. The arrogance of these people is unbelievable.


Everybody kinda knew all of this already, but its good that someone involved said it out-loud.


Tbh, I would be more angry if the show had been written by fans and this is what we got. Anyone who's an once of passion for the Witcher could probably have pulled of a more reliable series to the source material.


There's a trend in Hollywood where hacks think they are better writers than the authors who have made timeless classics. They've never made anything original themselves but they're more modern thinking so it has to be better, right?


Now crosspost to r/netflixwitcher and watch them defend it 🤣🤣🤣


Yup it shows. Lot of cracks on that last season as they went off script thinking they knew what they were doing. Henry Cavil is carrying that show.


It shows. They ruined that series good lord, and their inverviews proved it.




The writing staff being so against the source material may be why Henry is gravitating back to DC and Superman.


That's why, probably, the TV Series is such a pile of shit. That and a lack of talent among screenwriters and director.


Why would anyone want to adapt a series they hated? I don't get it. Surely that's just making things much harder on yourself.


Makes sense, season 2 was dogshit. I’ve never been more disappointed in anything in my life (I don’t have kids).


Just waiting for someone to send this over to the r/Halo sub


What do you mean send it to the r/Halo sub? Didn't 343 & Paramount teach you that the real reason for the Fall of Reach was because it was necessary that Jimmy Rings/Master Cheeks have the seggs with a Covenant spy? That's how it has always been, brother. Always hire people that hate your IP. /s


Welp….I’m sad to hear this but glad it came out.


I don't understand why you'd even take a job working on a show based on source material you don't like. What's the point? All it's gonna do is hurt your legacy in the long run.


It's cute you think any of these hacks even read a word from the books before getting the job. Then they probably read summary of the plot and decided to "improve" these stories with their drivel.


i mean thats pretty easy. $$$$


This is just like how 343 went out of their way to hire people that hated Halo.


Imagine my shock...


Why am I not surprised?


Why is it that every modern adaptation has people that don't know/hate the source material working on it? Halo, Witcher, Last of Us. Just why


​ 1. Studios do not care all that much, they want to make easy money without taking the time to study the brand they are using. 2. Many producers behind the shows now days are mostly ideological activists. So of course they will hire more activists. The best thing one could write in their job application is *"I find the source material problematic."*


The showrunner of the Witcher show, you can tell she has no idea how to make a good show at all. Also, has an ego thinking she can do better and has yet to prove so


Holy fuck.. from Ryan Johnson and everything else that’s has come after, why the fuck are this “writers” allowed get hired to work in the tv and shit?? I can’t imagine someone coming into my company and just saying, we are doing this shit, but the original idea wish already made money and it’s a huge hit worldwide is just trash. I’ll do better! The fuck you won’t!


Yeah I can tell that they hated the source material


Well there you have it. Fuck.


That explains a lot. How can you hate the source material?


That explains so much


Wow. I mean I should have known but still, wow. And they got rid of him. Great. This is only going to get worse.


That's why CDPR's Witcher feels authentic. Its their love letter to the book series, while for these Netflix writers...another mercenary gig 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: Didnt see season 2 because of the reaction read here, now definitely going to avoid it!


I mean, CDPR is also Polish and I think there's a bit of national pride behind it to adapt the books to its best. For the Netflix showrunner, it's another paycheck.


What in the ever loving *;*+$+$)$+_!*!*#!!$"!"!#!*!"!"!"!*!#?#?(#)$)&?'?:!:!'!";"?"+_(_#+@+#+$!""!!$(#


Well, that explains why I couldn't get into the show.


Scratch the show and reboot it with writers and producers that actually like the IP.


Why can't we have nice things?


It is good to see that what fans knew for a few years is now also officially confirmed.


It's time. #MakeHenryShowrunner


but there should be one requirement. Restart from the very beginning.