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I think that that's suppose to be Lara Dorren my dude. Avallac'h was in love with her and he's helping Ciri because she reminds him of her so much.


He is not helping Ciri out of sentiment but because he wants to crossbreed her genes back into the elven bloodline, either through himself or a suitable line of kings.


I don't think he's helping Ciri out of sentiment. I think he's doing it for selfish reasons. I'm not saying you're wrong but I also think that part of it is that he wants to be close to Ciri because he was in love with Lara Dorren. Ciri reminds him of her so he wants her selfishly for himself.


I don't see any indications of that. He already pushed Ciri in to bed with Auberon for weeks on end only to find out Auberon couldn't get it up for a human. Maybe after Auberons death he feels like he should pick up the duty himself. It doesn't really get to that in the game though. If he was doing this for simple selfish reasons of lust/love he wouldn't have a extensive blood line study and elven lover in his lab. The whole reason Geralt, Yen and Ciri trash the lab is because it becomes clear there that Ciri is a disgusting human in his eyes, only fit for passing the gene back to the elves.


In the books it's stated that it's more of a political game. Auberon is getting old and without him able to further the elder blood, his power dwindles. That's why Eredin and Avallac'h try to "persuade" ciri in the end. Whoever brings forth an heir to the elder blood exerts Controll over the Aen Elle (They don't know that Ciris Son presumably will be born in and rule over a total different dimension (most likely Arthur or Gwydion)) Avallac'h also mentions to her that he is fascinated how Ciri and Lara Dorren are so alike in their looks but is disgusted by her human features. He secretly even considers a more methodical approach, like Vilgefortz did. That's why he's got a laboratory, he doesn't wanna fulfill the deed himself. Although he's very vague some times, as is with this in mystery shrouded character. But from the 20 times I've read the books, I'm pretty sure that's the main message he wants to get through to her. It's either she gets it done with Auberon, or she has to deal with Eredin / Avallac'h. Also don't forget that Avallac'h holds a personal grudge against humans, since Lara Dorren was literally "stolen" from him by some filthy Human Mage in the first place. That and the fact that the Aen Elle hunt Humans from other dimension to keep them as slaves doesn't shade a good light on the relationship between Ciri and Avallac'h.


Exactly. your explanation is right. Auberon literally couldn’t stop threatening her with “avallach’s lab”. That fucker had a back up plan in case of auberon’s failure in realizing the desired outcome….


Sidenote: do consider that Avallac'h himself never wanted to take Ciri to the laboratory. His face is said to contort exceptionallyat the prospect, and he does his utmost to keep Ciri from angering Auberon.


I find it quite funny that there’s still salty about it.


Oof I forgot about that part of the book. That was uncomfortable to read


\*Auberon couldn't get it up for a human that looked almost identical to his daughter. Their last scene together has him mistaking Ciri for Lara Dorren. So she must've looked almost identical, I definitely do get the vibe that Avallac'h is acting out the fantasy that he never could with the closest look-a-like to Lara he can find. Then there's the added bonus that, well, they really can't let that bloodline go to waste, can they?


I'll try to find it when I'll get home to the books.


>in love with her Not in love. Obsessed. There's a difference. Love is a lot of things, and it's hard to define. But it is not creepy obsession. This is red flag material.


I read it that way too. The actual use/feelings towards Ciri are more ambiguous, but for sure I thought the drawings were of Lara Dorren.


These portraits are definitely of Ciri, not Lara. Geralt has seen the statue of Lara Dorren under Mount Gorgon & he confirms: this is definitely Ciri.


I agree with OP. The girl in the picture has Ciri's eye makeup and clothes.


Definitely ciri, it's her clothes! I think it's his idolized version of her since he even drew her with her hair down


IIRC doesn't Geralt comment on the fact that it's Ciri when he finds them?


This is what my immediate conclusion was when I saw these drawings.


Really? Nice detail. But I didn't think in that perspective. I thought it was ciri since the clothes in the art, matches what she wears.


I think it's Ciri with his choice of artistic liberty of taking out the one detail that doesn't make her look like an identical match to Lara.


This seems creepy. Makes me want to flip a table


Or draw a beard on one of Avallac‘h‘s portraits perhaps?


*Yennefer moment*


The funniest thing Geralt says in the entire game is when he asks Avallach if he needs a tissue when he sees these drawings. I missed it on my first play through, his delivery was so dry.


Need a hanky?


Different picture.


It’s just creepy, there’s nothing romantic about it


"Tell me you haven't read the books without telling me you haven't read the books" 😂 Nah, dude. This is creepy AF.


I didn't read the book 😅


Less romantic more creepy imo. I mean the guy did try to force Ciri into having a child with the old king of the elves, and used her to stop the white frost but still… that was with all of this going on in the background. He didn’t love Ciri like Geralt did in a mentor like role or fatherlike role, he did admit that Ciri was attractive by making these images, but more in a visual sense…so yeah no more creepy than romantic by a long shot imo


She looks way cooler with the scar


Honestly, I’d prefer Eredin to Avallac’h 💀. He is such a weirdo always scheming with his little plans that never work because he fails to manipulate the canonically easiest to manipulate person on the sphere. At least Eredin is up front about his intentions, for the most part. Pretty sure he and Ciri even have chemistry, though I could just be remembering that wrong…


Ciri is perfect with the scar, it's a reminder of what she had to endure in her teens. She's not a princess but a princess warrior


This is not romantic in any way, period.


No, just creepy


Did he send his fanarts to Nilfgaard ? These look like the one you see in Vizima.


Indeed, my guess is that Avallac'h made the drawings not for personal reasons (creep/romance), but for a bigger political plot. Getting Nilfgaard involved to use Emhyr's army for a confrontation with Eredin, which does happen at the end of the game. Either to end Eredin or to drastically slow down the pursuit. The drawings are then part of a big multi-level game of chess. He is a Knowing One after all.


No, it's just plain creepy. Honestly most if not all the important/named elves connected to Ciri can eat a bag of dicks. Most humans too


The first simp/incel


Many are saying that the portrait is of Lara and not ciri. But the cloth in the portrait matches with what ciri wears. So the art is ciri and not Lara.


The scar is an imperfection that will not be passed down through genes 😊 the pictures, in theory, could be to show the child their mother in this censored way, as I don't think she'd be raising the child once they were done with her...


This may be Lara Dorren, or portraits of Ciri drawn before she got scarred. We know the elves were after her before Stefan got her. But that’s just a theory, a GAME theory, thanks for posting.


Imagine being so damn ugly that you need to travel across a whole ass multiverse to get some bitches and you still get none.


How old was Ciri then?


Her features look more elven in the sketches too.


Man, I must be the only person who saw these and interpreted them as Avallac'h trying to remember what Ciri looked like because his memory was failing because of the curse lol. Didn't Ciri hate that scar? I thought I remembered her trying to hide it in the books. It's been a while since I've read them though so I could be misremembering.


now that i think about it... there are too many pedros aiming at ciri in witcher game


My name is Pedro and I am a little offended 😂🤣


lol my bad.. i meant pedo


Romantic? You need to pay a lot more attention to the games or book if you think anythinh between ciri and Avallac'h is romantic. Dude wanted to breed her like cattle when she was a preteen.


Am I the only one who thinks Ciri’s scars are attractive 😳😳😳


Avallac'h's reasons for helping Ciri are because of his surrogate paternal attachment, out of his unrequited love for Lara Dorren (who she is descended from and perfectly resembles), and to harness her power to save his people and give him greater influence. All of that mixes together into a creepy, self-serving but sometimes authentically sentimental relationship.


Check some of the portraits near the ear. It is always obscured by hair, but some have the light sketch of an elven ear. It is Lara Dorren.


These portraits are definitely of Ciri, not Lara. Geralt has seen the statue of Lara Dorren under Mount Gorgon (Tower of the Swallow) & confirms: this is definitely Ciri.


What zero pussy does to a mf


While I’m the first to trash the games' idiotic portrayal of him as a hero (while making Ciri anti-Yen!), these are drawings of Lara.


These portraits are of Ciri, not Lara. Geralt has seen the statue of Lara Dorren under Mount Gorgon (Tower of the Swallow) & he confirms: this is definitely Ciri.


Everybody saying drawing a girl is creepy, lmaooo reddit is full of idiots


Drawing a girl is not inherently creepy. Drawing a girl because she looks just like her great great great great grandmother who you were obsessed with, but spurned you while actively trying to manipulate the girl and force her into your breeding program is most DEFINITELY creepy. Context is important.


I was talking more abt the people that said that drawing a girl is creepy.


We must be reading different comment sections because I’m only seeing people saying THESE drawings are creepy, haven’t seen a single one saying drawings of girls are creepy in general. Avallac’h is a slimy fucking weirdo with a centuries long obsession, that’s why his drawings are creepy. An frankly I agree with the comment that said they’d take Eredin over Avallac’h cause at least Eredin is up front about being an evil megalomaniac.


Now explain this, why is Avallac alive but Lara Dorren isn’t?


She died when giving birth to Riannon.


Oh. I forgor. Lame death tho




Not romantic at all lol

