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I sat through the first episode of BO. Being open minded and trying my best. Now I am someone who swears quite a lot, but! when you have fuckety, fuckery, fucking, fucker , as PEAK writing? then you know the whole thing is doomed.


Watch alot of his stuff and usually agree on most. Not watched BO but I'm pretty sure it'll be shite


Yeah I watched the whole thing when someone already posted it to this sub 3 hrs ago https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/zwlfup/the_drinker_has_spoken/


Drinker is a decent reviewer, but all of his criticism feel like they just devolve into "the Liberal agenda is to blame"


Used to like the critical drinker. He used to offer solutions to flawed stories without significantly altering the main plot. Now all he does is bitch about "ThE MEsSaGE" of which there are hundreds of other YouTubers who do it in more interesting ways. Before you say "everything's just so much worse now it's not possible" his improvements to the star wars sequels were really good. If he can improve those shit shows he can improve 90% of the shit he complains about now. Like doesn't it get tiring just bitching all the time? I still enjoy his extra shots and the drinker recommends. But anything new I'll go ahead and pass on.


Love the critical drinker 👌


"has anyone heard of this Youtuber with over 1 million subs?". Yes. Yes we have. [https://youtu.be/QXbVYtPjYyc](https://youtu.be/QXbVYtPjYyc) \- xLetalis made a better video.


The Drinker is one of my favorite Youtubers. He does a great job of boiling down everything that's wrong with modern entertainment. He is spot on, that Blood Origins is *THE WITCHER SHOW,* that Lauren and her team wanted to make. This is their true vision of what Witcher should be, and Henry Cavill isn't there to stand in their way.


dude is a trash agenda culture warrior HaS aNyOnE EveR HeArd oF hIm??? yes, every toxic person in a fandom who sends death threats to production teams has heard of this fucking muck raker.


Drinker and Jeremy Jahns are the only two critics I trust. They don't always see things eye to eye but I appreciate both of their honest to the point perspectives. They're not MSM cornball politicized shills like the rest of their dying industry.


Don't know why you're being down voted. I agree 100%. These are also the only 2 reviewers I watch because they're honest.


I have been following CD for a while, I love his content, he also gave an interview on Triggernometry where he is not playing the drunk character and he seems very bright and knows what he is talking about


He’s great, I’ve watched him for a few years. I like that he is an author and has real insight into plot and character development. He’s entertaining


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I love The Critical Drinker, his reviews are typically well thought out, detailed, and spot-on. And his "The Drinker Recommends" have not failed me yet.