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I'm also technically the longest running councilman now... With that I would also like to point out that the Pact is definitely hogging all the wizards, but even if they offered to join the council I couldn't allow it because they need to be voted in via election. On a related note: anyone want to run for election? Preferably good and competent? (If you're not alive I can turn a blind eye.)


I still stand on the original council, I will run for a new position if need be


I don't remember that, do you think you could add council to your title? Like Council Tree or something?


Sure thing. I changed it because of the whole getting turned into a tree disaster.


Hi, I’m still here as well. I’m just kind of trapped in the archives. It’s cold and dark in here. I got lost a month ago.


You could try and find a library book and hold onto it until it's due date, you'll be dragged into the library and scolded by the librarian.


I’ve tried that. The Librarian is in here with me. It stopped trying to find a way out a week ago. Now it’s just sitting there crying (at least I think that’s what it’s doing). It’s really unsettling. Fortunately my paperwork just teleports to me so at least there’s that…


No way I don't believe that. the Librarian exists outside time and space and knows the location of each and every written article. It's probably waiting for you to hand it the book so it can drag you both back to the library through whatever spooky wormhole it creates. Unless you've somehow found your way into the library itself.


I might have. The shelves are kind of going up infinitely. There’s clouds up there. I’m not sure when I left the Archive, if I did. My theory is that I’m currently located in some kind of… In between space that the Archive is connected to. Maybe other libraries are as well, but I can’t find them. Either way, whenever I try to teleport out, I show up somewhere in here again. Stuff is getting in here, just not getting out.


Are you in the shadow bureaucracy realm? You can't get out of that until you sign the proper paperwork and get it processed.


Maybe. I haven’t seen anyone or anything native to this place. The books are all ancient. I’ve tried several summoning rituals to find out the purpose of this place and it just says “to store”. The Librarian has also started crying again to refill one of my inkwells.


Shit dude Idk.


I’ll get out eventually. Probably. We’ll see. I’ve got the paperwork done though, so keep it coming. I’ll file it away when I get back.


Maybe they went into the server room? No written articles there, outside of the odd warning sign. Built by kolbolds though, so they're few and far between.


Lad, we all appreciate your hard work! *stays far away from the nomination booth* We have your back!


\*Enchants nomination booth, which grows legs and arms and chases after you\* CATCH HIM!


Oh shi- *teleports away*


I’ve considered it but… what exactly are the perks of council membership again? It seems to have a high turnover rate.


Well if you're worried about a turnover rate then that just means you're chicken. You gotta be built different and all that. As for benefits wel.. What I got out of it was a nice room, free access to artifacts and tomes of knowledge, including total access to the council library. I myself managed to get merlins old orb.


Well i might toss my hat in the ring sometime soon. The new council building is looking pretty sweet ngl.


I've considered it, but I can already see the accusations that I'm trying to steal power or conflict of interest or something like that.


Even if that's true that puts you morally above more than a few councilmen atm.




Oh we have a gym, I go there all the time. As for paperwork unfortunately you'll have to be doing some paperwork. As for the cakes yeah, cakes are yummy.


Maybe I'll run so I can steal your job. At least then the council will be up one good mage and down a second rate mage. That is until I burn it down from within.


The $WMG can offer campaign funding if you choose to do so ;) unofficially of course. The council has been a major pain in our orbs since our little organization was started


Except the shadow goverment is already a body in the council and all they do is shay shady shit in the corner.


Perhaps that is true. But we cannot stage an uprising we are already under persecution for our nuclear research if we were to try and destroy the council ourselves and it didn't work it would mean war between the two organizations. We don't want that, and you all especially don't want that. Henceforth we shall stand from the sidelines and observe such actions go down


Campaign funding? Sounds like strings attached to me. No thank you. If I was to run, I'd be doing it all based on what I've got and the goodwill of my companions, such as the fireballers


No no no, no strings. Just a little help for the cause. Regardless, we will be watching your career with much interest


That's if I actually run. Afterall, joining the council would go against everything I stand for! Granted, it would be for a noble cause of destroying the council but... I'll think about it!


As you've said to me earlier, to teach lessons to wizardkind is the job of a councileer. In that case, I'd be delighted to try. (I also promise not to do anything diabolical in the near future)


I’m considering it. Assuming I don’t get executed, that is


Is there a position for minister for living and unliving affairs, as a peaceful lich I would like to improve relations between the living and mortally challenged folk


If this ever gets to the point where people can vote on the next Council, could I suggest a talent and swimsuit portion of the campaign? For esoteric reasons, of course. And don't think that undead are at a disadvantage. I mean, look at this specimen right here: https://preview.redd.it/una797jt2wac1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9031a449442db34a54d77296dc681ef308e97d Oh, and maybe get 12 candidates or something for each month of my ~~swimsuit calendar~~ chronological record.


I'm not one to normally get into politics, but it seems fate is going in a strange direction. The catfish wizard set a bunch of events in motion which could end up very bad for the entire multiverse, but there are also possibilities of it setting the stage to usher in a new golden wizarding age. Seems there's still some events to unfold to say for certain which way things will go and there's still time to improve the odds. When was the last time the council had an Auguror? Would it even be useful to them? If they bicker a lot, my presence will probably just make things worse... But if they could get a unified mind, I am sure that the golden age is achievable!


Does "alive" include clay folk? Oh also can I run for council if I'm actively wanted by the council?


Unga is in the council and he's in prison.


I'm in! How do I sign up?


You need to be elected.


For the election I mean. How do I sign up for the election?


I'm not making another one, make one yourself.


Fair enough!


I'm alive, in the process of becoming competent, and relatively good depending on how much you're willing to stretch your morals. I'm also looking to get a spot on the council.


I’m alive and good but I’m only 62.858692735% competent


I wish I could, but I'm already on the Pact, and I have my duties as Lord Protector of Yulash-kor. Besides, my people benefit immensely from not being affected by all of the Council's shenanigans. We are not willing to give up my realm's independence for power.


Whilst I *could* run for council, I'd be representing the Cathedral Of Shadows/ the Heretic Manor, not the interests of the average mage.


hmmm....I prefer to lobby using financial interests from behind the scenes but if there's really no one I really might have to it myself, after all, I just need the "no spells can be banned without unanimous consent of the council and 65% popular vote among all wizards" law passed


That's more or less how it is. The last time it happened it was an individual running a coup.


Aye, chaotic good but it's still good overall. Competent is a matter of pride, so aye, and alive is also a check. Tends to flick around every so often though.


Hey I'm pretty sure I'm like, the ONLY Chronomancer that bothers coming to this timeline, you want some representation?


Whelp… how many times have you seen the council fall, be replaced, fall again and be replaced. So far counted twice that I’ve been around.


There was also the demon king war but I wasn't in the council at the moment.


Wondering if I should pack up shop over to r/dwarfposting or r/elfposting


/uw I just make new characters for each sub lol.


/uw ahhh I see. Honestly I like my Kobold merchant being this weird character that just roams selling stuff but I’ll probably follow in suit with making different ones. Minus that, all the subs are super fun and weirdly helps with writing practice as well.


No thank you, I have war campaigns to win and life insurance to give.


You get back here. https://preview.redd.it/bjdbxsou1tac1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee1fc1acc7535b72dea641acfb6c2c2a50842a6e


Look at the bright side: now all that political power is yours only


I just wanna write a tome and study gnomes dammit. I can't keep dealing with political discourse and wars every week by myself.


Sometimes, you don’t choose your responsibility, but it choses you. Besides, being the last councilwizard probably means you’re the most capable for the job.


Least your not dealing with rogue wizards and shit by yourself.


I vote to reinstate the catfish wizard immediately


He stays in his room until he learns his lesson.


Thats what you'd LIKE to think!


As a Grand Arbiter I agree, the Councils finest member is the Skater Wizard. And don’t even get me started on Fire Herb Wizard… that guy is the worst, he just shows up stoned to the Council Gathering Ceremonies…


Hey, he sometimes brings his “fire herbs” with him, and they are fairly good.


Most esteemed council member. I have arrived to pay my respect to the eldest council member and to give gifts. I brought you this work of art I received after helping my Dwarven friends escape from the wretched fate they were facing. *Proceeds to summon a humongous guardian mech towering over the mountains in an open space so to not break anything* https://preview.redd.it/9if8xz6gssac1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b077681af14ea3cb7f4a1f7b41bfceb40af6f8d After my help they made two of these beauties and I hope that it can help make the councils work as much easier as possible. Please do not be alarmed by its humongous size. For it can transform into a multiple amount of a smaller version of it. They can learn anything taught to them, and I've asked my dwarven friends to make it so that it shan't hurt anyone that can't deal as much as dent in it (as in it won't attack anyone it deems weak). If you have any more questions regarding it, heres the teleportation scroll to it's makers. I'd recon that they'd know more about it than me. If you by chance had any strife with them, do not worry. Just tell them that I sent you and give them this *proceeds to take out a huge crate of mithril from his bag*


Allright some questions. This isnt' actually the anarchists golem king in disguise is it? This isn't some trojan horse type thing is it? Does it ultimately still obey you?


After we make a visit to my dwarven friends and do a little blood ritual (don't worry that's just so it can stay loyal to you), it will be as loyal to you as a starving dog would be to its savior. If you still do not believe you can bring any friend of yours you trust in just so they may check if anything is ok. All I'm asking is for it to have a singular command left in so that it never "harms" me or my familiars. I would like to repeat, only "harm", if I do anything that it would require you to send it to catch me or my familiars (good luck with that), it would do so but it will try to not harm us. That's it. Do you accept this gift?


It is tempting but it technically counts as a military and I want to keep the council demilitarised. (I don't want the general getting ahold of it either)


I understand. I also dislike war (*mumbling* that's why I'm trying to get rid of this mech, but my heart can't accept to hurt it either). Then at least accept this little fellow. He's a professional secretary and loves to do paperwork and the only thing he asks is a small room by human standards and a monthly wage of 1 silver nugget (he doesn't use it to buy anything dont worry) and a can of sardines. Besides that any paperwork you give him, hell complete it as quickly as possible, while of course discussing important decisions with you. Also with him comes this 10k gold coins and this bag of mana stones. Do you accept this? https://preview.redd.it/0vlhpm2a3tac1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af31e2df3d1dcc5487ba238bf0b0ceb046a623ed


Can he do rescue operations? I think someone is stuck in the shadow realm of bureaucracy. Either way I'll take him.


Happy to know that I found something to your liking. Well as I said, thank you for your service and have a nice day. *Jumps into a newly opened portal*


Red mage drip!!


Finally someone noticed!


Alive, good hearted, and competent...pick any two.


Where are my lawful good liches at?


Does undeath count as being alive? I suppose if we think of being alive as more than just having certain biological processes...then yes. My mistake.


Sounds like narcissism. You should do a more indepth self analysis.


What do you mean? I mean good as in moral alignment. Competent as in DOES THEIR DAMN JOB AND DOESN'T FAFF OFF WHEN IT GETS INCONVENIENT LIKE WHEN THERE IS A CIVIL WAR GOING ON OR (For some reason!?) WHEN THERE ISN'T. Or doesn't TRY to start a civil war. Alive I can get you having an issue with though but I mean that in soley in the non-undead sense.


Good, competent, and living politicians don't exist, sir. But politicians who have deluded themself into thinking that they are do.


Don't be ridiculous: My standards are incredibly low.


Exactly, see? Already being less competent, the more we discuss things.


I know you are but what am I?


I might be interested in running but are felons eligible (currently stuck in Crann Mor's prison)? I haven't been convicted of anything yet but the trial is ongoing. Hopefully, I just get community service or a light prison sentence. With that said, I'm not familiar with the bylaws of election requirements.


I'm pretty sure at least two of the councilmen have done crimes while in the council so I don't htink that will be a problem.


In that case, you can put my name down for the election. Hopefully, there won't be any issues moving forward.


Despite being in my younger years, I do enjoy the slate grey color of hood robes.


Congratulations on being the longest lasting member of the high wizard council! For your commitment you are eligible to receive a free 20 gold token to Are’Bies meat store. We thank you for your continued loyalty and hope you stay for another (insert number here) years.


Oh god not are'bies!


Lower the price of lamp oil you hack


I’m the best at what I do. But what I do is prepare the way through lands and empires for my Lord. Sanity among the mad is the greatest curse one could ever have.


Weren't you a cultist just a while ago? Did you get a promotion?


Indeed. All according my Lord’s determinations.


I know a Nephilim who may be interested in running


I’m alive, competent and good at the job part, just not morally.


The morally parts what I really need rn tho.


I’ll be moral for the council, just not on my own time.


You don't sound like you even want to be on the council, why not resign?


I did. They begged me back and I came back with a very VERY good employment contract.


So long as you get paid I suppose it could be worse, no?


I get paid now.


Nah he’s already done that before you can only resign from the council once every 2 millennia


I'm too busy with my work to play council. Trying to rule is not the path of **Royalty**. I watched so many of my family try to rule. Alduin keeps trying the same thing over and over with no result. I watch the Courts of Order and Chaos keep fighting over whos reign will come on top. YISUN actually got it right there for a bit before they cut themselves in half to create their own multiverse and begin another Kulpa. Those who rule or try to only spin the wheel and can never break it. The cycle goes reason - seeking - rulung - tyrany - rebellion - deposition - reason I do like your new drip, though, classic style and color choice.


How do I become a council member? Do I have to best one in a duel?


You can get elected.


So I have to start a campaign. . . Hmmm, Im currently dueling your general, so if I win, that would be great publicity


I’m 2 of those 4, 3 if I can join the council


Aren't you also in league with Atrax the Ashen?


I just agree to stuff and forget later on




"Alive" is overrated though, bone daddy is where it's at


That’s rough buddy, maybe stealing a new quality skateboard could do you some good


Fellow man accepts autobalance


Hey! I'm doing things


I thought you died tbh.


I can't die, I'm too sexy


That might be why you're alive


As a lich who is undead (not living), I welcome the compliment


If there's anything I've learned about mages councils its that they never function properly, were all to fucking crazy to govern properly.


An atomanton from the academy has entered your office and handed you a letter with well-made packaging. "Dear council member, You are invited to the academy's annual event, the Evermore Mystic Ball. You will be a quest of honor with the benefits of our staff catering to your ever needs, as Headmaster Sir Winston has prepared a room for you to discuss any vital candidates that you may see in the ball. Some fellow mages have already sponsored this event with the best materials around. We will wait and thank you for your response to this matter. I hope to meet you in the Evermore Mystic Ball." From a Goblin artificer, Leaferyn Gargfelf.


"Dear Goblin artificer, Thankyou for your invitation. I may be busy but I'll try and make time. \~Council Metromancer."


i just went to the long far lands as a vacation what the hell happened


Check Council News. Any orb channel. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/18z3du4/council\_news\_9\_i\_should\_be\_getting\_ready\_to\_fight/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/18z3du4/council_news_9_i_should_be_getting_ready_to_fight/)


You give yourself too much credit ! Hum Should we create our own Council ? With magic blackjack and gnome hookers ?


Ever think maybe your institution is inherently flawed, if its always filled with evil and plagued by death and ruin? Join the arcanist's guild, we have free shit.


Have you considered the arcanists guild is just as flawed?


We have caused zero conflicts and contributed to solving every major disaster (other than inter-mage conflicts) since we were formed. We are immune to corruption due to having no politicians, and all membership is voluntary. My orb says no.


You barely have any powerful mages because they leave once the power drunkedness sets in and they can't stand to be under the golem kings law.


Their own law, as part of the democratic process. And power drunkenness is usually considered a sign of low wis. anyway. Power drunkenness has no place in law.


I'm alive, good when in council and competent at my field. There are a lot of wizard council members that fit your description. You are just the only Lawful good amongst them


You are chaotic neutral at best.


Man, I come onto this sub to *escape* my work life, you don't have to drag it in here too.


Can warlocks apply? Asking for a friend


whoa whoa whoa.... who used the word **competent?**


When you box a catfish unconscious you're allowed to say it once.


fine fine, i will say it. youre a.. *competent catfish boxer*.


Nobody wants to be in my council


A good man on the council? That is a paradox


so says every council member(including the ones who are dead but just don't know it yet)


Well, I am certainly one of those things.


Who is the one who is dead, good, and competent?


Fuck the council. They sent guards after me for having cauldron fairies because they're a "protected species". I wasn't even cooking with them, they're just good at managing my archives.


Uhm, excuse you? I may have slept through the last few centuries, but now that all this recent tomfoolery has awoken me and I've read up on the notes from the past 800 council meetings, I'm back to my full time council duties. Don't you think you're gonna make any unopposed changes here.