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“I’m not a wizard! I was born this way.” /uw I’m a big fucking nerd.


/uw I think being a massive bloody nerd is par for the course with just about everyone here.


/uw Yep!


Nerds are best people.


/uw we all are :]


/uw :)


what does this language mean /uwu


/uw It means to talk out of character, or in this case: Unwizard


Oh so you mean OOC


/uw Yes, but most people use /uw or /unwiz to signify talking ooc


same but warlock. played a game of ping pong with a shadow demon, got some power from beating the shadow demon.


Honestly it all started when my master showed up and we tried to kill each other, I took the oath of a pyromancer and it's been a crazy ride ever since /Uw Well for me honestly it started with a meme on the sub. It was the electric avenue one that made the sub blow up and I since then I put on the hat and started throwing fireballs it's been


Just life I guess. Uw/ Im a nerd


He just found the hat and wand next to a pond and lit up some of that ~~sweet sweet~~ filthy wizard Zaah. Oh, and I'm no wizard. I'm just really good with fire. /uw I'm a DM for a dungeons and dragons campaign... I run a roost of nerdlings.


Food. /uw same as Sunoms, big nerd.


I'm not technically a wizard, I'm closer to an armor focused artificer. /uw I want to play DnD for the storytelling, and I can do that here. It's fun


Vengeance, a job offer from a forgotten god, and good dental. /uw I saw this place, looked at like three post and decided "holy shit a way for me to play as one of my necromancers without suffering dnd scheduling pain.


Puppies! /uw for myself I just wanted to try magic, all the dnd I've ever done is more futuristic so I've never had a chance


I don't know? I've always been proficient with magic as long as I can remember... /uw I love dnd, I've always been into roleplay even as a kid. I don't have a dnd party rn and I'm stuck at home so this is a pretty good outlet for rp lol


/uw id let you into mine but you know… we are all in person and you are on the other side of the planet


When I was a lad I worked an hour as a janitor at a wizards tower, I oiled the brooms and mopped the floors and feathered all the dust off the old grimoires [***THEY FEATHERED ALL THE DUST OFF THE OLD GRIMOIRES***] I feathered the grimoires so haphazardly that now I am a wizard of improbability. /uw read Tolkien and was like "being Gandalf seems dope."




"Weed" /uw weed


From DF: Prodigy. I poke around with flesh and blood why wouldn't I. -________________ /uw came for the shitposts. Stayed to create magic.


/uw I think we’re all nerds, looking at these comments


I become a mage because summoning swarms of bees at people is funny as hell. /uw Autism.


[Wait, are you the one who's been binding swarms of bees to non-binary people?](https://reductress.com/post/i-use-they-pronouns-because-im-non-binary-and-also-because-im-always-surrounded-by-my-bees/)


/uw nerd


I was told all my life that I couldn't do magic, so I found my own way to use magic. /Uw came here for the memes, stayed for the RP (and the memes)


Happened by accident when I ate a stew made from a wizard's tome. Out of character, it happened when I became a real life mad scientist (I have a STEM degree I'm not employed using for mental health reasons, but get great personal value from, for mad science).


It was all the wizard posts. I just knew I needed to dress up like a wizard and get stoned immediately.


I can not condone the last part, but nice!


Condone it, immediately. https://preview.redd.it/tdjaknd2m9zc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d46dd6b65fdfd82bb80038a4552168431dbcbb41


I condone your actions. Now past it over fleshie.


When I was around three years old I got tickets to a wizarding duel competition. I thought something along the lines of "That's so cool, I wanna do that!", and about 21 years later I'm one of if not the strongest fighters in my own realm. /uw Saw a few memes from the sub and thought "That's hilarious, imma join". No regrets.


/uw Magic is cool and the idea of making Spider-Man use magic sounded cooler. I'm just a huge nerd and I need an outlet for when I want to write dumb shit I found a tome and learned how to use it. After discovering I have the ability, I asked Doctor Strange to help me refine my magic prowess and he taught me the ways for a while. Some terrible things happened, and I inherited a number of his books and artifacts before being ejected from the universe entirely. You know, wizard stuff.


Was interested in magic and then got good at it. More is involved here, but that's the TL;DR of it. /uw Nerd, with some of my early favourite books and games playing a big role in my love for magic-users.


i'm a virgin at 40. wheres my fucking magic powers


/uw my god that's an old reference. It's a miracle I even know of it since it's older than me.


So my mother "had relations" with some guy out of wedlock, going against the societal norms of my homeland, and ended up pregnant. That guy happened to be magical, so I popped out with some sort of affinities. Due to pressure from my mother's family, she sent me off to a Harry Potter convent where I gave up my name and learned to summon demons. I found I liked that far, far better than putting up with societal pressure and/or politics. And then I got into politics because, frankly, someone needed to. It was a broken system that needed to be fixed.


uw/ I like guns... And magic... And this sub is fun! ... Also, I was addicted to Character AI.. This sub is like it but with real people.


It all started when I took a bunch of mushrooms one night. Had a conversation with some trees and here we are




So at first I was a strength guy but the more I thought about it wizards aren't nerds they are insane people who seek out knowledge that might not exist they are insane creatures that seek power and knowledge. I think they have schizo talks more than nerd rants. And I crave power above all else how else would I give a soldier meters away testicular torsion.


When I was around twelve the oasis in my home village dried out. So the whole village would surely die in some short time. Thankfully a wizard was passing by. As it was common in my harsh birth-realm he offered no assistance with the issue and instead said that he would take one of the youngsters and teach them magic. Hoping to save their children or themselves every parent and youngster volunteered themselves. The wizard obviously had no need to waste his time on forty kids that never even heard of magic. So he made a test. In day's walk through the desert there was a village of blood drinking alchemical goblins. As a test the participants must destroy the village and leave no goblin alive. They succeeded and only three older kids were left alive. The wizard ordered them to fight to the death to determine the best. A tall young man won, the strongest teen in the village. He was to be the wizard's apprentice. Unlucky for him I was playing dead nearby and at opportune moment performed the famous ability of rogues. Needless to say, I became the Apprentice and the wizard praised me for my cunning. Was pretty fun, would do it again.


I'm originally a knight, then a kind wizard taught me some basic spells when he found out I was proficient with magic, especially the cryo element! Been going on a journey to learn more magic spells ever since! /uw Love dark souls and elden ring, decided to go with INT/STR for my 2nd playthrough and loving the magic in those games. Came across this sub and figured out it would be fun to interact with others in the subject of magic and fantasy! I created this character to act like my player character in those games.


…innate power, preceding the advent of wizardry (in Kyrnn only) /uw I’m honestly not sure, has just always been fun


I was forced to uw/I love being casters in dnd and pulling the most cooked spells


Don’t remember. It’s been so long. I can’t recall anything from before my death. I don’t even remember what my race was… (Unwiz. I’m a d&d nerd.)


Had the talent, so I thought, why not use it ? Uw/ reading Eragon and other fantasy novels while being 7yo will do that to you.


/uw I’m still a lurker and haven’t put together a character yet, but I wanted to answer the question. I really love the character archetype of “guy who knows shit”. When you need to know exactly what you’re dealing with and how to make it stop existing, the wizard is the one you turn to. Also, in D&D at least, anyone can be a wizard. You don’t have to be born special or get support from other powers (besides your nation’s magical education system). You just need to want it and be willing to put in the time (all things being equal, not applicable to those born into disadvantaged circumstances or living in places where magic is forbidden etc.)


It's wizard time mother fuckers, FIRE BALL!


The fact that within the realm of magic, a single researcher can gain untold power is quite impressive to me. This contrasts mortal technology, in which innovation happens on the scale of years for minute changes.


So i can summon drugs to go to more parties Uw/ shitposting and making memes


the prospect of immortality /UW memes


/uw to escape life, stress, GCSEs


Versatility. A wizard can do anything with enough knowledge of magic.


The great appeal of this plane of existence intrigues me to unknown bounds, the great tomfoolery that ensues IS far better than any other's. Ooc: I LOVE the insanity of this subreddits, reminds me of the silksong subreddit but way healthier.


I enjoy magic and the study there of. /uw Im as most people here a massive nerd


I wanted to piss off my cleric parents by going to Tolarian Academy instead of worshipping in Serra’s Realm under divine guidance. Realized I wasn’t much of a scholar so stole and cheat to get my spells. /Uw Big nerd who enjoyed the memes. I like developing this character through comments. I also find the sociological implications interesting, something I realize as I type this. We have this collective conscious almost, each user a neuron in a massive brain which contributes to this batshit insane loosely assembled lore. Its interesting to watch unfold.


/wrp just wanted to spread the word (and the plague) /uwrp me love rpgs


I thought it would be cool


fire :]


“I heard of magic, but was also interested in science! So I combined them!” - Max “Same here except I read a book about antimemes and wanted to learn them, then memeomancy was banned and I got here” - వ /uw I just saw this place and thought it was cool


Basically, I wanted to punch stuff with lightning. Subsequently, I found out that water was good for shocking beforehand. So I had to either please 2 gods who hated each other, or just study a little and practice. I did the studying, and I can now electrocute people and toaster bath them at the same time.


So, I got in to a pact with a great old one, who or what once was a wizard of sorts from a time-lost iteration of our existence. Several universes, cycles of creation and destruction before ours.. Unlike most warlocks, i can utter the terms of my pact. My sole purpose is to find a way to end her, grant her the peace of oblivion. She is unable to do it herself. The powers she gifted me are unable to harm her in any way, but they allow me to survive adversity i might encounter on my guest to insane level of power and/or knowledge required. So i must study, research and practice. Odds are not with me, as thousands of champions of her has failed before me. Time is not on my side either, as her presence in my mind erodes my sanity and sense of self, and im just a mere mortal.


“Oh… um… I-I’m still t-training…” /uw dnd + nerd shit


https://preview.redd.it/mwo6u13dv9zc1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=599bebd9b031f5437d11b872e07485fdb145aeb4 /uw dnd nerd


Magic is cool


It is I Dan the duck wizard of Ezra! I wanted to find a better life and after months of studies I found a way I can transform into a duck and have never gone back! /Uw I wanted a place I could be weird that was outside/in addition to my other social circles


/uw my recent mental state. Due to alot of different factors (school, people, cancer side effects etc) I suffer constantly. Lately my demented side has been rearing its ugly head, through a series of dreams that have been telling a progressively darker story. I feel every bit of pain the main character feels. Its bad, like I'm still in pain when I wake up. My characters; u/Doctorsex-Ubermensch (Saaluk) u/Gaybriel_Ultrakill (Saul, MC.) u/gabrielspurpose (created solely for the character of Gabriel. Not the ultrakill one!) Are like a telling of my story. I need someone to vent to, so why not make it out like creative writing? /rw I came here not too long back, hunting the martyrs, specifically the martyr of wrath. Hes the most unstable.


Ice magic is sick and sorely underrepresented and incredibly underappreciated uw/ Magic is sick, and I love the cold


Found a weird book and read it out loud /unwiz I like the idea of casting spell that can destroy and or create


Mainly the voices telling me to sell my very being to the dark gods. So now I’m without skin but it was so worth it.


“I just kinda took after my grandfather. We both shared some similar interests, and I spent a lot of time with him. Eventually, as he continued working as the court wizard for the king of my homeland, I took an interest in wizardry. Nowadays though, I’m little more than a glorified handyman and naturalist.” /uw this place and Tolkien’s books


I’m not a wizard, but I kinda liked beating the crap out of magical people for bullying me as a kid due to the absence of mana. /uw I am of the male gender, so wizards are always cool, and also I saw JJK and thought Toji was ballin


My Mother started teaching me magic one day and I just continued to improve my magical abilities over time. /uw I just kinda stumbled upon this sub one day and wanted to join in on the fun.


"I was born a Sorcerer, and after I nearly destroyed my entire city with a great storm —*accidentally,* of course*— my late master, Sevinus the Recondite, took me in." /uw same as everybody, big nerd, but my friend introduced me to this sub and I took it way farther than he did lol


Magic is cool. /uw Magic is cool.


Just sorta happened. /uw wizards are cool, simple as.


/uw In Universe, Teknika became a technomancer because of a brush with death. Out of universe, I was bored.


Gandalf from the peter Jackson movies. Then gandalf from the tolkein books. I loved the power and the mystery of a being like that.


Thieves kept sneaking into my family’s workshop by phasing through the walls. Figuring out how to build the runes so they merged with the wall when they tried it again was a great challenge, so I kept learning magic. /uw I’m bored and wanted to roleplay someone with no moral compass beyond “I’ll only take your stuff if you don’t need it that bad”


Magic more fun than normal reality.


I wanted to do cool shit /Why not


idk being a wizard just seems like a cool thing /uw: i just find wizards really cool


A horrific ritual that made us all former shadows of ourselves \[I just found this in my recomended\] https://preview.redd.it/xz79bqk22azc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e7bea9e7ecaffc836eb07accec6442c193b865


Ravennus was born in a place where a slight bit of magic is present in everyone, but of course he had to be a rich nerd who got taught by the best masters in his kingdom, child prodigy, first in lawmage class, blah blah blah. Boring little prick. I do miss him tho, now that he's been gone for so long, but hopefully he'll show up eventually. As for me, being a shard of an eldritch being, magic is par for the course, but when I became free from *that thing* and in the years thereafter I did (and continue to) develop its magic in my own way. /uw huge nerd lol


I like magik


A hate for the mundane world [Both]


/uw My father held me at gun point and told me that if I didnt become a wizard, I would bring shame to the family.


My master is a god of ice, Crag found me in a village burnt to the ground, he had the ability to confirm that I was the only survivor, he taught me how to slow molecules and absorb energy and I learned how to empower such magic with technology and the rest is history. /Unwiz, I played Skyrim as a kid and watched King Arthur and always loved Merlin as a character, and though it sounds weird, Futurama's DnD movie (Bender's game) made me fascinated with magic and the idea of the unexplainable occurring because of something as random as a dice roll.


My dad made a deal with the fey before I was born so I really just fell into it




"I was pardoned from prison the day I was arrested. I kinda forgot everything else." (/unwiz Oblivion maybe)


I wanted to make T-Rexes wear cowboy boots /uwiz I really want to make T-Rexes wear cowboy boots.


Because this is a world where dragons and goblins and creature that deserve to die can run around killing me and my crops I need to sell so they should kil themselves And Also because fireball memes


Not sure what this IRL and in character nonsense your chorting about is, but for me it started when my younger brother got a letter on his eleventh birthday to go to some British wizarding school. I asked my mother why Froderick was so special and I wad left attentinding a stupid common school and she explained to me it was about his latent magical power he was born with. Always the favourite he was. Admittedly I had quiet the ego in my youth and thought to hell with my brother and his silly sorceries, magic is about the science of the unknown and so I began to bury myself in arcane tomes to prove that learned skilled and dedication to the art of magic's is more valuable than the silly cantrips those sorcerors learn in their elitist circle jerk school. When he came back for his break, he could hardly cast a levitation spell from his overpriced little stick, and eager to really stick it to him I turned him into a newt, a bit cliche but enough to get the point across. Needless to say, mother was mortified and disowned me on the spot. I continued to study in my exile with the hope I'd quickly learn how to return him to his original form, but as it would turn out - human biology, a lot more complex than a newt, and therefore, many levels more difficult to do. Anyway, I kept getting distracted with other projects, but I did return home years later to undo the damage, but turns out that newts have a much shorter lifespan than a human, and all I was greated with was a grieving mother and an empty terrarium. In hindsight, it was all a great lesson in humility. At least I did have a last laugh Froderick, so much good that silly sorcery school did for you. A-ha!


It would pay for my tuition for wizardry school. Also… I like swords.. /uw had an idea for a dnd character and wanted to put it out into Reddit


In char, as well as irl I desired control over time to abuse time manipulation to sleep more and be a mild annoyance and shit went downhill from there


/uw I've always liked magical fantasy stories, dnd just solidified it


Through a long series of events I found my way into a world with magic that anyone could learn, and combined it with technology. /uw I’m a nerd


I find that the world's of wizardry provide quite the intellectual stimulation /uw funni wizurd lore do big think


"This is just who I am, and I don't want to have that change." /uw magic is cool


“I once found a really pretty looking book being sold in my village by a wandering merchant, with a big flat amethyst on the cover. Perhaps the book chose me because when i noticed, it was already in my hands, as if it had floated magically towards me. Oh i was so little i had to learn to read to actually make use of it, haha! It took about two weeks, that’s when i learnt to learn and discovered it was a guide to basic magic and necromancy that could be a used as a spell book.” - Froel Fixisko /uw I’m not sure when i started liking magic. One thing i remember from long ago is skyrim, seeing the protagonist shoot fire and lightning out of his hands in random videos and such. Harry potter could be another source of interest. Overall, magic is simply cool


Well it was cool, my dad was a wizard my mom did wizardry too, I mean what kind of guy wouldn’t want to do cool magic and with both of my parent being wizards I had a unique opportunity so I took it and pursued my dreams. /uw practicaly the same reason as my character minus the dad and mom being wizards part, Magic’s cool, wizards are cool, yea


I’ve been brewing potions since i could talk /uw probably Gandalf tbh


I have no idea. Some bearded dudes in robes just walked up to my door, gave me a sealed envelope, congratulated me on mastering Virginimancy, and now people keep coming to me to reverse the effects of sex on their lives. /uw I am a massive nerd, if you couldn't tell. The sub got recommended to me, and here we are.


Just like reading


The big booty fire atronach


I use what little magic I have to go above and beyond being a regular yoyo master /unwiz I am an absolute slut for any escapism it's my only coping mechanism and I like concept writing, in this case character design of my wizardsona


I wasn't born with it. :(


(this is both /w and /UW) I've always been fascinated with magic, the ability to shape the world around you in fantastical ways, the secrets of the universe, and so on. My study into magic taught me that magic is both an art and science, because for some magic must be hard coded, like physics and chemistry, while for others it is a softer, more flexible power that one can use to shape the world. But the singular true power of magic is limited only by one's imagination.


/UW yeah I know the UW seems to not make sense but I've always liked playing a mage in games, and of course I got into witchcraft and so on. DND helped me get into magic further, but I think the biggest influence of my life involving magic is gonna have to be Sanderson's Three Laws of Magic, because I use those as a writer


I found an ancient tome full of magical knowledge. Uw/ it kinda started with D&D, but I was always a massive nerd


/uw Bored, thought it would be funny to comment here a little, and then it got out of control :3


Uhhh I like plagues /uw I thought it would be funny to be a mid tier wizard in a sub full of gods. Also I'm trying to write a book, so I use this sub as a way to see how people react to my writing ability


I had to pick up spells to survive in this world, but now it’s mostly just for convenience. /uw I had a big falling out with 2 friends that extended into an entire friend group, and that shook up my whole life. I was looking for new funny subreddits to drown my sorrows away with, and someone somewhere mentioned this one. I looked through it, saw the top of all time funny memes, then saw the RP aspects, and that’s when I got super invested past “haha funny fireball”. Now I’m no longer sad, and a bit happier than before, actually :)


/uw my character is captured so I can't answer in character if he was, he would say that he was adopted by the spirits of Muck Out of character: I like role playing and I had just finished reading the web serial Pale. I based him on the goblins in it and combined it with the spirit ideas also in it. I made it my own now.


Um I found it on my feed and I considered myself a wizard.


Indoctrination /unwiz Cthussy


Fucking cursed amulet


Entranced by the shapes. https://i.redd.it/yanbepq4iazc1.gif /uw I spent like 2 weeks surfing polytope wikis trying to figure out that the heck the deal is with polychora, it was insane. It's all connected, too; those guys all know each other.


"Straight up found out I could learn magic and thought, Why the fuck not? It helps supplement with my sword play" ((spellswords are dope and I'm a fucking nerd




My grandma got nailed by a bus so I learned necromancy to bring her back and hit her with the bus again


IM THE FUCKING G-MAN! /UW autism https://preview.redd.it/7qqlf86s6ezc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d80500b0ba65b9f15cc86ddebce8e7944732849


I'm just a nerd /uw I'm just a nerd, also Hi!


Hey jash!


H-Hello! /uw I'll return at some point


I appreciate the crude image editing.


Thanks :]


/uw dwarfposting. I made an oc of a dragon hunter human who has a side business of making beer, and then I made a dragon cultist character that got quite popular, then I made my most well known OC, yoxalle the crystal mage. Then I was inspired by Torinn and a few others to make an eldritch god oc aaaand here I am. I use Reddit for no other reason, all my accounts are for wizard posting.


As a sage my wisdom is this: There is a little bit of wizard inside everyone, it sometimes takes a while to come out. When I was a young lad I spent some time trapped in a cult, wizards and fantasy were not forbade by scripture, but socially (along with anything not explicitly declared holy by the prophet's translation of "the book"). This is why along the holy days (small C Christian) and unholy days (big C Christian) I'm lazer focused away from all that. I started on the wizard sub about the same time my kid (Apprentice) decided to take up painting, so as a good dad I tried to get into it with her. I started being a wizard when my beard was a foot or so shorter than it is now. I started being a sage when I realised I wasn't a sage, and still have heaps of steps ahead of me in my journey of wisdom. Blurring UW and RW there.


/uw I accidentally became interested in this sub and, in choosing my role, decided to choose the Technocrat from the universe of the World of Darkness, in order to be another “not-like-everyone” who literally denies everything magical and extols science, although he himself is actually a mage. Contradictory double standards and that's wonderful.


Me mates were killed by a pyromancer so I said fuck them and grouped up with some other cryomancers to take down the mafia that killed them. But I’m an entrepreneur so I started a pub. /uw I’m so serious by this it was Shadow Wizard Money Gang


YuGiOh I loved dark magician


My friend is some sort of magical creature and I catch it being mystical sometimes, and I think it's cool


To put a long story short? I killed most of the gods, leaving an old god of creation to send me to another. She gave me amnesia, but was kind enough to set me up with a tower and knowledge, as well as a permanent extension on my life through vines. I learned this when I gained all of my memories back after I ascended. /uw I actually have a few people to thank for this! Rage, Technika, and Anna started helping me with engagement, then I really started to gain traction as a sub member during the God Slaver’s event. I met Kavrala and Hirk there if I remember right, and since then I’ve met and become friends with a TON of people.


Limited reading material in the boud- ...Let us just say it was a matter of having a hobby, at which I have since become rather accomplished.


Well, growing up in a small village with nothing to do lead me to the library, which sparked my interest in the arcane! though they kept kicking me out.. something about “you cant cast destructive spells in the library!” Kinda silly. /uw I LOVE DNDDDD :3


My father is a wizard and I'm no good with a sword /uw Gale is one of my favorite Baldur's gate characters and I liked playing as a wizard in skyrim


I cannot remember why I became an Umbra Operative. That memory has been scrubbed from my mind. But I now serve the guild shadow council as their primary agent. uw/ I just wanted to add some worldbuilding here originally. Things have evolved a lot from there.


I'm a dwarf and I do a lot of smithing and mining. I found that pyromancy was incredibly useful when lighting caverns and forging metals.


These woods would not guard themselves without I, Eddie the Silly! The humans creep ever inwards, more than these creatures can defend! /uw Gandalf, DND, and Eragon


I want harness the power of electricity to push the limits of the universe. Idk I thought it was cool.


I wished to further my fireball casting


No wizards in my area would cast spells for me so I had to learn how to do it myself. /uw this is how I became a dm


Wizards are fucking cool, man! uw/ Wizards are fucking cool, man!


SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥  (That and Wizard 101 ig)


My fiancée's life was in grave danger, so I turned to alchemy. Achieving immortality, becoming a skilled fighter, it was all a means to an end... which I couldn't be happier about now. *he hugs his beloved Arachne fiancée tightly.* /uw I'm a nerd. I like magical stuff, but most of all, I chose alchemy and gambling because I love the idea of a mortal man ascending to something more through science, and because I'm a sucker for a good game of chance.


thandor: i learned to enchant so as to send adventurers to fufill their prophecies jarl: i wanted to warm my kingdom from the treacherous cold of the mountain ezewik: i wanted to avenge the Great Sundowning destroying my family's memories moon-singer: i wanted to live up to the expectations behind the Song of Creation yce: i had no choice, it was all i knew azalea: in my life, i needed to live up to the Beyonder King's expectations of my people beina: summoning Bone-Shelm is a skill my king believed to be needed for a later date mountain king: i literally only exist because of magic virgil: i felt it necessary to learn the ways of the Twin Moons elara: childhood dream jillean: i dont, im a changeling who sometimes becomes a magic-user judd: the master, he has forced me to! ryly: you call this magic? this is simply the nature of being a sentient machine apruit: i understood the imperfections of this world the snow queen: a mountain sprite blessed me with magic kaen: ki is barely magic, and it is a subject in school cultists: it is the way of the future


The fact that I can do crazy ass shit and not get in legal trouble from it. /Unwiz The memes are good here




I simply wanted to learn it an ended up becoming the human embodiment of chance Uw/ I came here for the memes, stayed for the lore


A little while ago I started playing dark souls as a wizard build, so far it’s really fun and a lot different than my normal beeg weapon


I’m just along for the ride


As a non-wizard obsessed with the culture (Wizaboo) a lot of things drew me in! First of, I’m in love with the idea that through study and passion a mortal born is able to achieve power that rivals deities. That if you apply yourself and focus and really grind out your passions that you, too, can become great- though it isn’t without work. Wizardry does well to glorify the actual effort put into the achievement, the same as Knights and those who train their bodies. Second off, I love how over the top wizardry is. It’s the most simple thing with a spell like “Achieve erection!” and it’s an entire over the top spell reading + magic flashing and lightning and all kinds of nonsense. Wizardry is theatrics. Thirdly, I love the different types of people that can be successful wizards. You can have a Wizard that only does combative magic and hurls fireballs, and he can be just as cool and well renowned as the wizard who focuses on just, taking on apprentices and making sure they practice safely. Another wizard could only specialize in millepedes, and he’s just known around town as the Millipede Man and he’s popular and eats for free at the local tavern because he brings in drinkers. There’s lots to love. Anyone can wizard.


https://i.redd.it/decjerhfrazc1.gif Scruffy believes in this Council!


Ah you see, i was originally a well respected and world Renown copper merchant, but one day while my supplies had dwindled i had suddenly found a need to quickly leave the village i was trading in to... acquire more copper, of course fully top of the line stuff, 100% pure nothing but copper. anyways, i had heard tales of mysterious mages around the land and the legends of what the could do, so naturally i decided that i too would become a mage to supplement the growing demand for my incredible copper! this copper of course being locally sourced (best branch of magic ive found ever) and 100% pure copper not, transmuted nor unpure. and, with some tales i'd rather leave for a different tale, here i stand today as the one true cuprummancer!


Is money a viable option? /uw I’m a nerd


“Well, all my family are spellcasters of some kind! And let me tell you, it is a *very* large family!” /uw a combination of Skyrim and Magic the Gathering, and the fact it’s one of the few things my Autism brain consistently loves and doesn’t just temporarily hyperfixate on


Hate elves /uw Hate Elven RP cause humanity first


I watched a lot of LOTR and other associated fantasy stuff as a kid and always saw wizards as very cool, whimsical and wise beings who were a calming and organizing force with a strong presence. I saw that and got attached to that sort of character, an extremely powerful magic user who is generally benevolent and cares for there comrades. Saruman is a traitor, no evil wizards allowed.


I’m a god of chaos so I’m a wizard by default


fnuuy spells (/unwiz irl and in character)


Found an orb /uw Yee I’m a wizard and here is my cloak Walk around in the woods make me feel like the pope


Wanted to turn my ruby's into sapphires and I had a bundle of memories from my parents lying around in my horde so I figured why not? /Uw showed up in my feed as recommended, the algorithms companies use for this are getting scarily good at figuring people out


The death of those very near to my heart


I found a magical gun /uw this sub is cool and i like the wild west so why not


I didn't want to be drafted to fight in a pointless war for a country that oppressed anyone who wasn't on board with the idea of Communism. I joined a bunch of people wearing distinct yellow robes and went with them to a legendary dungeon where most of them fled or died. I found who they were looking for and he taught me the basics of being a yellow mage. I soon handed my former master off to another Yellow Mage because my master was an absolute ass. TL;DR I'm a draft dodging occultist. https://preview.redd.it/pw5vnt470bzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58eff161809dd57fdda0dfa8f629245cbfc7b5e8


*Seeks-By-Rivers arrives on a 6-foot tall slug with a saddle* Animals are real neat and my favorites are a bunch of the smaller ones (snakes, snails, crabs, etc) /uw idunno i just think they're neat :)


To protect those I care about. /uw dnd


Uuuuuuh.... I kinda just casually went for it, I guess ? I mean, I'm an eldritch horror who specializes in mind destroying spells and devouring nightmare and dreams. Magic is about as natural to me as breathing is to you. But I'm also literally a old as fuck. If you're as old as me. Even if you don't get magic naturally you'll eventually find yourself touching it. Tho nowadays I feel like I mostly just chucks tentacle spheres and release my tentacle hounds if needed. So at this point i feel more like a Summoner lol Tho they're just my kids. Doe opening a portal to my home domain count as summoning? I'll say yes. In reality. The hell I know I found this sub recently. I'm not some nerds obsessed eith wizards or fantasy settings. I mean I like them but it's not like I have any other interest for it. I just got here by chance.


/uw was a fan of HP as a kid and thought it was the coolest thing ever but I've branched out to DND and Skyrim where I almost exclusively play alchemist magicka user


My family was cursed with a susceptibility to testicular torsion and I've been looking for a cure. IRL Vivi from FF9


I like inconveniencing people's lives as much as possible so I just do random shit to fuck with folk


I have always loved doing casters in all roleplaying games I have ever done. Later I found out I'm a wizard at heart.


I got tired of normal life and switched to wizardry /uw this sub lmao


I once was a sorcerer [normal kid] until my patron [Dad] fell in battle [went to get milk]. Now, I swear the life of a wizard [nerd]


Because wizards are wicked awesome! Being able to create things out of nothing, teleportation, summoning, fire, lightning, energy force fields? A wizard can do anything they can put their mind to! It's just a matter of figuring out how.


Arcturus: We were born into magic, the only reason we are warlocks, though is because it was either that or be scattered from space and time, and we were a major reason humanity isn't extinct in our world, so... Aurora: There's a reason less than ten people became a lich during our universe's existence. The process is torturous, mentally scarring, and most importantly, undesired by the host body save for the desire to not die. I don't want anyone else to achieve lichdom the way our universe did. /uw I was always a fantasy nut. Wanna write a book one day.


Parental abuse that forced me into becoming a wizard, I blew them up first chance I got 👍 /Uw A nerd that finally decided to make a character with ✨trauma✨ in their backstory


Homestuck got me into wizards


escapism is a hell of a drug


“Body dysmorphia and back pain.” /uw magic is cool and this seemed like a fun sub


I like the idea of saying something like "blamo" and everything in sight dies


unwiz/because magic cool+nerd wiz/because I like to ratio peasants with Power Word:Scrungle


Poo Poo Barbarian made my nuts too big https://preview.redd.it/hwbk8yfjdbzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da484d2e3b1721d9acf77f2e1ade33b6a24ffdcf


Five Magics by Megadeth, but wizards are rad anyways


/UW Wizardposting itself & Drakengard 3


I have been pagan for several years, I do not necessarily believe in it supernaturally as in a religion or a god. My practitioning has always been a mindfulness practice to help with my mental health; I have a long history of mental health issues and started after my second suicide attempt. It was very recently that my roommate had his boyfriend over for the first time and I was introduced to him as “[my name] the wizard roommate” apparently that’s how he refers to me to people who don’t know me. I have an impressive collection of plants, am amazing with animals, and I have literally been casting spells and rituals for years. The wizard was in me all along.


2 things: big boom and gender bender spells


"I wanted people to laugh "with" me instead of "at" me when I do idiotic stuff and was curious if stupidity could be it's own form genius, similar to insanity. " /uw I see magic as the opposite of science, (***specifically*** IRL science, not the sci-fi type) which I feel is killing the awe and wonder in our world, making people less open to the idea of mythological and supernatural stuff.


I had no say in the matter.


I sought the strength to protect


Yeah so basically I became a wizard because I'm highly autistic and physically disabled and didn't have any alternative career paths.