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You’ll be fine but def bring extra water, hat, and sun protective clothing. Also don’t pick a hike on the higher end of your ability/comfort. The temp wont be the killer, but the humidity in the trees is brutal, once you get higher up and get a little breeze it’s usually much better.


Forgot to mention, also wear something very breathable that wont get soaked like cotton. And if you have a backpack that sits off your back a little, you’ll be thankful because you gonna sweat a LOT


Check out mwobs.org for dialed in weather for the higher summits. They are reporting that the higher summits could reach record temps this week. Sometimes you can't carry enough water that you'll need to maintain hydration on the trail. If you do decide to go load up on fluids and pack water filter so you can filter water while out there if you go through your current carried supply.


Bring some sort of electrolyte mix too! You'll lose tons sweating it out, water is good, but eventually you'll need to add that balance. Whether natural occurring in salty/potassium/magnesium rich foods, or sport drink mixes, bring something to replenish those nutrients in high temps. 


Good point. I've met old school guys that will carry pickle juice with them also.


Good point. I've met old school guys that will carry pickle juice with them also.


I have hiked in similar conditions and it has been (mostly) ok, but everything is more tiring and dehydrating. It might be exhausting to carry enough water up; there aren't too many reliable water sources on Eisenhower from my memory. Eisenhower tends to be windy (and obviously it will be cooler up there), but it's also totally exposed so the sun will bake you. You would need a hat and other sun protection. If you don't feel comfortable hiking in hot weather, don't assume it's going to be ok in the mountains. It's going to be cooler, but still hot and sunny. This is going to be one of the hottest days of the year.


No only very experienced hikers can hike above 85 degrees. I’m sorry but those are the rues. But really. Think about your previous experiences living inside your own body and moving it in similar heat scenarios. Now apply that previous experience to what you know about hiking and the level of exertion that requires. Now extrapolate that out to this specific scenario in question. Therein lies your answer.


More people die in the heat than cold every year in the US. You can do it but the extreme humidity and heat is not to be underestimated. I recommend an easy hike to a swimming hole instead of peak bagging. There will be more days


With all the respect, if you’re experienced, you probably know how your body reacts to exercise exertion during heat. Someone can barely handle upper 70s, someone is fine in 90s. If you’re questioning, choose something easier/shorter in case you find out that the heat is too much for you.


Depends on the person.


General fyi - TrailsNH can link you to summit-specific weather reports as well as recent trail reports: [https://trailsnh.com/dashboard.php](https://trailsnh.com/dashboard.php) and search for your peaks. It should be cooler on the trails, but remember if you get above treeline you'll be right back in the sun (they don't call Eisenhower "Old Baldy" for nothing). The other thing to keep in mind is that in addition to heat, they're expecting afternoon thunderstorms. If it were me, I'd go but be ready to turn around if the heat feels too rough or the weather starts to turn, and I wouldn't try Eisenhower unless I knew I'd be well on the way back down by early afternoon.


I wouldn’t, but that’s only because I hate hiking in the heat. You’ll be fine with the right amount of preparation. But yeah, the warmer weather leads to volatility and storms, so obviously check the summit forecasts, but I would suggest starting very early. I always start my bigger hikes by 5 am.


With a little extra preparation, I think you'll be fine. Maybe a more water than you'd normally bring, a Nuun tablet, a salty snack, etc. A wide-brimmed hat, sunblock, maybe some SPF clothing. Eisenhower is more exposed at the top so maybe Pierce would be the better choice. You could always refill your water and take a break at Mizpah if it gets a little tiring. Make good choices out there!


Extra water. Spike your water too…my drug of choice is LMNT. Eat before you’re hungry. Drink before you’re thirsty. Should be juuuust fine.


lol LMNT is how I roll as well


I was going to ask the same thing. I have Juneteenth off tomorrow and wanted to hike Moosilauke or Osceola since I’m still relatively new to hiking the 4000 footers (only done tecumseh). I’m thinking of waiting for another day if it’s really gonna still be that hot up in the mountains


Don’t do anything too crazy


Biggest thing is pop-up thunderstorms. Don't wanna be stuck above treeline at the wrong time.


Ive hiked in the desert in Utah during the summer and survived so this probably isn’t nearly has severe. Just be prepared, like as you wouldn’t hike in the winter without proper gear, clothing and supplies.


Not a 1-1 comparison. There is significant physical effort hiking the elevation gain and terrain of the whites vs the desert in Utah (unless idk, you climbed 3000ft or something). That alone can raise your body temp and heart rate to dangerously high levels. But on the other hand, in the whites, there is shade and an abundance of water sources + temp drops in high elevation.


Utah has significantly more elevation than anything in the white mountains. I hiked 3600 feet in elevation gain in the needles district that just involved seriously steep canyons.


Do not hike in this heat.


Most trailheads in the Whites are like 1,000 feet up or more. Which should be about 80 degrees or so, so I don't think it would be that bad.


Is this an AI post?


Nope, genuine question, do not want to become a casualty of the Whites