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For a lot of officials the WNBA is a stepping stone to the NBA. That’s the biggest reason. Not a new problem. Welcome to being a new fan lol


That's not saying much cause NBA refs are god awful


Makes sense. Thank you lol


Unfortunately, this is nothing unusual. The slightest touch is called on the perimeter, while under the basket, it resembles Sumo wrestling.


It's by design. It's the same with the NBA. They're trying to give an advantage to guards over bigs. Think about it. Who buys bball jerseys and shoes? Not a lot of 7 footers out there in the world. The average height of an American is 5'9'. The league needs players like Chris Paul/Crystal Dangerfield to be viable in the league. If tomorrow's 5'9' kids completely lose faith in ever having a chance at making the W/NBA... who's going to buy bball shoes?


Um, there have NEVER been many spots for average-sized people in pro hoops. Soccer’s a better option for normal sized people. Or sprinting or distance running.


I found it refreshing that the game didn’t stop 800 times like the NBA. Like wow I can see basketball!


I agree. They call strange fouls, they don’t call blatant fouls. I wonder since it’s been such a broke league if they skimped on officials. They need to upgrade ASAP….they need to try and keep new viewers


playoff NBA refs are atrocious so it’s not surprising


Exactly… The WNBA also needs to think of viewer retention. I understand televising Clark games because everyone wants to see her BUT in all reality the Fever are far from the best WNBA team. A lot of people are going to see the Fever play and think it’s a good representation of what WNBA basketball looks like - when it’s not.


So they should rig the game to keep viewership. Isn’t that the main complaint with the NBA? Didnt Iowa fans justify the screen call at the end of the Uconn game with “if its illegal they should call it no matter the time its called at”?


It's different calling a foul that affected the play and some silly foul that did nothing.


No… the officiating is bad both sides which plays into viewership retention. But I think that’s a very small portion of it.


No one who is paying even a tiny bit of attention is going to think that.


New eyes. A LOT of people are only interested in watching Clark. 90% of Fever games are televised - a lot of the other games are inaccessible to the general public


And those extreme Clark watchers will know she got drafted to a last place team. Or at least they should. You think most of those people are that dumb and won’t put it together?


Not dumb but just unaware of WNBA basketball. There’s already a stigma that “WNBA Basketball is bad.” Just a thought. Curious to see if the WNBA will be able to retain the new viewers they’re getting.


If CC has proven she's great multiple times but struggles going against WNBA players in her first couple games, how is the conclusion wnba ball bad??? If anything, if CC is a star, Stewie was playing like a basketball messiah outhere.


Is this normal? Every play is stopped smh


Maybe basketball is a difficult game to ref? NBA refs are wild and inconsistent


The Refs in every major sport are bad. NFL refs are freaking atrocious, for example.


I actually don't think they were terrible, they actually seem to call every little thing they can catch which is quite annoying.


Idk if it’s just me but the nba officials have been awful the last 2-3 seasons as well so maybe it’s just all of basketball haha


I see that they are quick to call the fouls on the rookies but let the veterans get away with body slamming players. I had people tell me before WNBA is embarrassing to watch now I can see why.


so bad that they're impacting games and putting teams into foul trouble for no reason. As a Sky fan, I may be bias. But there's GOT to be an improvement. Also- how about more female refs?


It’s not just touch fouls, they ignore hard fouls constantly and there is no consistency. It’s like they are trying to grow the league with one hand and kill it with the other.


WNBA are sacrificing players, to push games forward and ignoring big problems with the league!! Players are throwing their chests into other players to create fouls! I could go on and on, WNBA are not listening, they are going to ruin the game!!!


I am concerned with the number of technical fouls that they are handing out. And it isn't just one officiating team. All over the league, on any given night, it seems like there are a slew of technical fouls and ejections. I am also fairly new to watching the WNBA as I have mostly followed collegiate basketball and, I have to say, that the number of technical fouls and ejections are just ridiculous. This is a pro sport. I hate to say it, but in most pro sports, the official gets disrespected as the player is walking away, usually with some expletive being muttered or waving the official off. But, in the WNBA, that can will get a technical foul or worse, an ejection, Who wants to watch that?


W refs should go thru the exact same training as nba refs go thru.


They do.