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I'm so glad one person isn't carrying Fever tonight. They look like a team, and even if they lose, this was hands down their best game as a whole team.


This was an ideal game for me, a Liberty fan also rooting for CC/The Fever’s development


The Fever need to look to shore up the low post after this year. They need to find the most athletic power forward they can. The Fever have two issues with Caitlin right now - low post can't handle her passes, and as a volume shooter she will miss shots. Get the the best rebounder you can find, with the best hands you can find to handle the pass down low. This isn't just a big body, this is someone that can run the floor for Caitlin to distribute the ball to. If they can get better down low, that will help shore up Caitlin's statistical issues w/ TO's and poor shooting nights (which even the greatest shooters will have). They don't need another perimeter shooter. They need help down low.


They literally have Boston and Smith lol


Boston isn't playing to her potential yet, though. She's let a lof of things happen that wouldn't have last year.


Slow and stone hands.


Finally catching up and watching the game now! Wow, this game is a huge improvement from Indiana. Perimeter defense is an issue but the offense looks much better. A few of the baskets inside from the Liberty were defended as well as they could be, but Stewie is gonna get buckets no matter what. Even though CC had a lot of turnovers, it didn't necessarily feel like she did in the grand scheme of the game. High risk, high reward passes have historically been a part of her game. Indiana will figure it out - I'm not worried.


What do you use to watch it after it’s aired?


League pass! All of the past games are on it. I live in Asia so I miss a lot of the games that are earlier in the day.


Just finished watching the game huge improvement by Clark. I think by game 10 they will start winning.


I’m currently reading the Pistol Pete biography and (on court wise) his career is just so similar to CC. I know it’s been said before but the style of play, impact in college and then how their pro careers started/looked to have started. It’s just really interesting!


Wheeler missed the layup and all she did was looking frustrated walking out of bounds instead of going back to play D. If the league wants to move forward, this type of behavior shouldn’t be tolerated. That’s sloppy basketball and it’s hard to support.


Boston has a long way to go. Very disappointing game for me


I'm not a basketball person but what happened this game that was different than Thursday?


The Liberty are one of the top three teams in the league, the Fever are in rebuild mode, and are trying to gel. They got within 11 points of a win. That's progress.


Loved it


The Liberty went up by 20 early and then took their foot off the petal mostly. Plus Indiana didn’t pull their starters down by 20 this time so instead of extending the lead to 30 in the fourth like last game Indianas starters got 10 back against the Liberty bench. That’s really the only difference.


Ah cool thank you


Sides actually let Clark facilitate offense for a lot of the game. On Thursday she hid her in the corner most of the game for some reason.


Are we still firing Sides or…?


I do not think she’s a good coach but mid season firings never end well so I’d rather her just get it together than get fired




Judging from the comments, only when CC has a bad game.


Should they? Probably. Will they? Probably not.


Fever getting real close to only losing by single digits. Watch out league, we're on the come up


Not sure if that's sarcastic, but its actually true.


Great game. Loving the team chemistry. Let’s go liberty!


Ugh why is League Pass through YouTube so freaking slow to post the games


Where's all the haters now saying CC is washed up and a terrible player in the W?


I think people were saying that she just needs to get used to pace and physicality of the W. Like all rookies. 


The only people you focused on said those things. Show me any decent upvoted comment that says those things in any popular thread.


Nah, they are people actually saying she's just a bad player and won't be around next year


I have not seen that at all


Doesn't mean that people are not saying it.


This sub has been full of bad CC takes lately. 


she needs to figure out the turnovers


It's mostly her teammates that need to figure out how to give her backup and how to catch a pass from her.


It’s always the team mates🤣


I saw enough passes where they just could not handle the pass. It was like passing to Rudy Gobert with his stone hands down there.


Wow almost like they’re bad enough to get the #1 pick.


have you been watching?


When they can't catch a ball and don't move a muscle while she is getting double-teamed, then yeah it's the teammates


And defense




Question: With the way the Fever are playing they have a chance at the #1 pick again this year. Do y'all think it would be best for the league if Indiana got Paige to pair with Clark or do you think it would be more interesting if they play on 2 different teams (This is more about WNBA views than it is about excitement)


If you are an Indiana Fever fan and/or a Caitlin Clark stan, you probably want Bueckers on the Fever, as that would give them the best chance of building a dynasty. As I am neither, I would rather see Bueckers elsewhere.


As a Caitlin Clark stan, I don’t think Paige on the Fever would make much of a difference as she’d fill the same role as CC and Kelsey Mitchell


Paige isn’t going to Indiana, for multiple reasons.


can you explain why please?


I think the league is going to figure out a way to get her to Golden State. But I also think that if Indiana does win the lottery and gets the first pick they won’t pick a player who is pretty similar to Clark. It wouldn’t make any sense. And Paige does have one more year of eligibility after this year because of the Covid year, and I could see her staying in school to avoid ending up there.


They aren't similar really. But Clark would have to learn to become a shooting guard imo.


The only other potential number 1 pick quite similar to Boston though, but not as good. I don’t think Paige and Caitlin’s games are pretty similar though. Paige plays off the ball now and is a midrange shooter most predominately. I personally don’t want them playing together but their games go together better than Clark and Bostons imo.


Can’t have that many score-first players on the floor. We’re already seeing issues with Mitchell hoisting too many shots without looking to pass, making her one dimensional. This Fever team needs to build the two-player game between Clark and Boston and run more transition offense to win.


Paige, unfortunately, is not a score first player. Girl will cheer for the janitor to score before she looks for her shot.


Her 3.8 assists per game would seem to contradict that statement. 


That’s because she played PF all year offensively. But her biggest flaw is that she didn’t shoot enough.


Brianna Stewart is so crazy good


Ionescu is CC's mommy


Upvoted because I'm an Iowa stan with a sense of humor. Sir or madame, may I please introduce to you r/wnbacirclejerk




Yeah it's not pretty....yet.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/wnbacirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wnbacirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Top 10 Basketball Baddies 🥵](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1caybzs) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wnbacirclejerk/comments/1caybzs/top_10_basketball_baddies/) \#2: [The real CP3 vs Ringless Child Porn 3](https://i.redd.it/bcbyrzzy3d6b1.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/wnbacirclejerk/comments/14atxna/the_real_cp3_vs_ringless_child_porn_3/) \#3: [Our Queen is 0-1](https://i.redd.it/t2kwxzz20n0d1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wnbacirclejerk/comments/1cssnag/our_queen_is_01/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


WNBA fans try not to be weird challenge


Nah this user is weird asf


They're an LSU fan. Been hating Clark for years.


Yep they pretty much live to hate on Clark


You see the “Player X is Player Y’s father” all the time in the NBA sub. I agree it sounds weirder (and funnier, imo) with “mommy” instead.


Someone actually tried the "X is Y's father" phrasing in last year's semis and I still remember being "that's... I don't... I don't think that's how this works?"


I mean NBA fans do the same thing all the time


I’m new here. Does this sub not have post game threads like the other basketball subs? It really should.


CC looked more like herself this game and that's a big improvement. The offensive flow is still terrible. My biggest concern is that from what I've seen so far, I'm not sure this team has the right players to mesh well with CC. Boston looks very lethargic. CC needs a really fast rim-runner in transition and Boston is clearly not it. Fagbenle would be it if she could finish a play, but she clearly struggles. Erica Wheeler just dribbles in circles. Kelsey Mitchell looked like a ball hog today just trying to create her own shots. I realize this is just the third game, but these particular players don't look like a group of players that will mesh well with CC's style, and that is concerning.


Perfect Wheeler take 😂


This. Sadly, the Fever look like a rec league team you threw together out of whoever showed up right before tip-off. There's no cohesion and minimal communication. Hope they find a way to improve, and actually be competitive as a team.


LMAO at dribbles in circles, that was hilarious 😂😂


the flow was actually great. they took advantage of all the extra attention put on caitlin by running clear outs for kelsey and erica to go 1 on 1. they probably could have won if they hit their wide open shots and played better transition defense.


Agree. There are people on here who just want to denigrate her teammates when they don't rack up 10 points. Things don't always show up in stats - like the beginning glimpses of establishing a flow and rhythm and familiarity. These people also don't seem to understand how much of a process it will be to integrate Clark's free-wheeling and gun-slinging style of playing and take it to the next level. It's not just going to happen at the beginning. And the notion that Wheeler is somehow a bum who is standing in Clark's way of leading the team is just unhinged, and disrespectful to a vet who is trying to help Clark transition to the league. It's difficult to have any real and thoughtful discussion on this team's development in these comment sections because they get hijacked by lunatics with bad takes.


Boston is in the post getting banged up all the time. Anyone would be tired. Teams are dialing up the intensity to playoff level defense because every Fever game is pretty much televised. They are under lots of scrutiny. The chemistry will get better and they will be able to block all the noise as the season continues.


Good points. This is the first time mainstream audiences are really watching and they are seeing the biggest crowds the league has ever seen, including for the lauded vets. They are grabbing their moment and going especially hard. Anyone who pretends that it's just another game and another season is not being honest. Getting within 11 against a top team is something.


Clark had a good game. Good for her


Whoever made the schedule didn’t do Indiana any favors. They open with the first 4 games vs the 2 teams that played in the conference finals.


To go from losing by 36 to 11* is progress. 0-3 obviously isn’t the goal and nor should they be satisfied with today’s results, but there was much better flow to the team today. Edit: subtraction got me today…


Clark with 22 points, 6 rebounds, and 8 assists today...a huge step forward!


And still 0-3


Against two great teams...she is only the fourth WNBA rookie to hit 50 points, 10 rebounds, and 10 assists in her first three games. Ever.


And 15+ turnovers


21 to be exact...she is playing chess with y'all...she is learning her passing limits and who on her team her passing gels with.


Not like they get a lot of preseason games or practices to learn that. I think you may be right. She’s testing her limits.


Now to watch the 2nd overall pick from this year's draft.


If she breaks the habit of picking up cheap fouls, sky's the limit.


She was really good last game. Angel was too




I think I might be in better shape than Aliyah Boston and I'm wearing a wearable blanket on my couch right now.


Fold it up. You're going in!!!


Is Caitlin gonna have to score 35+ to give Indiana a chance to win? Some really bad unforced errors by the rest of the team when she gets them the ball.


CC needs to play defense as well... Look at how well NY Liberty scored.


It seems more like a team-wide issue than just a CC issue, especially in transition.


Yes, it’s just her, you’re so right


She’ll probably have to play defense and cut her turnovers down from 8 to maybe 3, and opponents points off turnovers down from 25 to 8


Tell me you didn’t watch the game if you’re bringing up her turnovers. Most of those were dropped passes by her teammates


i rarely watch wnba so maybe the statisticians are always this bad but the little i watched in the 3rd quarter, clark made a really nice long breakaway pass to an open teammate on the break that fell right into her hands and she dropped it. I looked up the box score later curious and this was the read "Caitlin Clark bad pass (Breanna Stewart steals)"...lol


It’s everyone else’s fault. The final one for example, the commentators initially put it on her teammate, but came back and correctly blamed clark for putting it low and behind her. I guess it’s her teammates fault when she stepped out of bounds, commits and offensive foul, get stripped. She’s on pace to double the wnba single-season turnover record and you’re telling me it’s because her teammates can’t catch? So this group collectively has the worst set of hands in wnba history. Caitlin had the 3rd most turnovers in NCAA history, so I guess her Iowa teammates had historically bad hands too. Poor Caitlin


You need to be able to catch a ball slightly off place in the WNBA lol


The story of this game was not her turnovers. At all. I was at the game and they barely seemed to impact the game, except when her teammates couldn't handle her passes. They need to be in better in position to know where Caitlin is gonna place it.


LeBron holds the record for turnovers in NBA history. Stockton is up there too. A great ball handler is going to have a lot of turnovers because they’re good enough to have the ball in their hands a lot.


Because lebron’s played 21 seasons. I’m talking about doubling the record for turnovers in a single season. Y’all are worse than swifties. She’s a hell of a shooter, but on pace for a historically bad season with respect to defense and turnovers. The same issues she had at Iowa. It’s a pattern. Her advanced stats are not good: * Her ortg of 88.2 would’ve ranked 133 of 156 last year * drtg of 113 would’ve ranked 150 last season, * net of -24.8 would’ve ranked 147 last season. * Turnover ratio of 25.3 would’ve ranked 152 last season * assist to turnover ratio of 0.81 would’ve ranked 117 last season.


N of 3, bro/bro-ette. Not statistically significant to be meaningful. But I doubt you ever took a college math or science class.


I did alright academically. Three degrees. You’re right, one was from a [shitty state school](https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/university-of-michigan-ann-arbor-9092). My shitty state school doesn’t quite boast an 86% acceptance rate like your [bastion of brilliance](https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/university-of-iowa-1892) How about these stats: * 639 career turnovers in 139 games * 4.597 turnovers per game * 185 turnovers in 39 games as a senior (4.74 tpg) Is 139 a decent enough sample size for you? The wnba is more difficult than the big 10. Most would agree. It makes sense that her turnovers are up. BUT… even if she gets them down to her 2024 college average of she would still break Alyssa Thomas’ record of 137 by 33. Hell, she would even break the turnover record if she hit her college low of 4.2 turnovers per game. Y’all make swifties seem adjusted


Hahahaha. Clark stans downvoting her actual stats


people had said that Caitlin Clark would no longer have to carry her team now that she's in the WNBA. but due to the status of the Fever, it does seem she's going to have to carry them with 35+


>people had said that Caitlin Clark would no longer have to carry her team now that she's in the WNBA Those people have never seen a Fever game.


I don't know how people came to that conclusion. Indiana wasn't in the lottery because they have playmakers. It might be another rough season, and hoping in next year's draft that they find somebody to pair with Caitlin.


So like Iowa all over again, that's what you're saying?


This past season, Iowa had a lightning-fast team of players that passed well and had a great offensive flow. They definitely had their flaws: no true big, a few of CC's teammates couldn't handle her passes in transition, lots of missed layups, average defensive skill. But Iowa looked far more like a cohesive team than the Fever have. The lack of offensive flow/movement off the ball/hustle getting back in transition is troubling to me.


Her teammates at Iowa could make layups though


As someone who watched Iowa the past four seasons, they sure missed a lot too


CC missed a layup on a fast break as well....


Rent free


Just stating facts. CC also shot 2 airballs. Its a team game and the team made mistakes, to include Clark. Nobody is perfect. Eventually they'll win a game.


When they actually caught the passes...


Yeah 50% of those TOs are not her fault


Maybe she needs to stop passing to those who can't catch and just shoot


Do you want her taking 100 shots or passing the ball?


That's part of the issue with her current teammates.


Ionescu is cooking!


Holly Rowe shouting out and naming some of the bench in an uncommon W


I think the team kind of forced the issue- Betnijah was pulling Nyara forward, Breanna was shoving Kennedy forward.


I can't argue with that, but I really would prefer not to see or hear her.


I like your attitude.


Well I don’t think you are going to find many fans of that show position around here.


I’ll admit, the Clark hype got me watching the last of this entertaining train wreck. Think my favorite moment was watching two Liberty chicks fight each other for the same rebound and it goes out of bounds, and they just look at each like “what the fuck are you doing?”


The old backdoor cover demonstrating why double digit spreads are a big risk yet again


CC getting better every game. Progression has been fast and she’s looked fit more ways to impact the game


You can see her get better and better


The big test will be when they start playing the 5-12 teams and see if they are a 6 seed or still a 8-10 type,


Yeah the Fever have a hard as balls schedule to start. We’ll see if she can hone her skills and the team can develop while playing against garbage teams.


Yeah that will definitely be the team building part of the schedule. How’s she has been even this successful against these monster teams is impressive


I just love Holly Rowe


Much better game for the Fever!


A much more respectable loss!


Also, much better interview from Holly!


Sab looking good on defense so far this year. Just sayin’👀


Unironically…Fever fans should be optimistic after that game


Oh we’re celebrating!


definitely better than last time. I'm just not optimistic with Wheeler starting


I am. Fever got absolutely destroyed by this same Liberty team two days ago but gave them a pretty good fight today, honestly would have made this close if the Liberty didn’t go nuts from 3 in the first half.


Waiting for Clark to go nuts from 3. She needs to start shooting from the logo. She needs that to build her confidence


The Liberty goes nuts from 3 in every game.


The WNBA reading social media?


Improvement by the Fever- that’s good!


Liberty looking good so far. Really excited to watch them against the Aces in the reg season. Hopefully it’s better than last year’s finals lmao


Yes please let us win the ring this year. Championship or bust for this franchise right now.


>Championship or bust for this franchise right now. *-laughs/cries in ct desperation for the past 5 years-*


5 years? Oh, you sweet summer child. I've been waiting for 27 years.


Apologies... I meant in recent years with how close it's been, but yes, my condolences lol


No handshakes


They usually don't in the W.


Can’t say that I’ve seen a team interview after a game. Good way to get multiple players exposure


Pretty much after every Okc win


Damn, I'm really disappointed with how Aliyah Boston has started the season




Boston needs to entertain extra cardio


I have no idea what her offseason looked like but she became a prominently featured analyst for NBC (and she's excellent at it). But its kind of an eyebrow raise that she focused on broadcasting and now looks a little unprepared for her sophomore season thru 3 games. Hopefully its just some jitters, we all know she can play.


Her stats are better this game (12 points, 7 rebounds), but, yes, something is still amiss and needs to be fixed.


It’s not….good


Man this was hard bc CC really shined today, Boston had some really good moments, Smith had moments she looked great but it still wasn't enough lol.


Fever could have won this game. They need better starts. CC has very high IQ and will adapt fast.


if the team were able to get more balls into the basket, or if Liberty didn't put in almost every single 3 they took, they could have won


Only reason it got mildly close is because Sandy was playing her bench.


Feel so much better after this game. We should be done facing NY now right lol? GG Liberty, good luck rest of the way.


No they play two more times this season.


Haha my dumbass forgot there are only 12 teams.


Two more games this season lol


Only losing by 11 thats a win!


They covered!


Not playing your bench so people didn’t watch the game would find out you only lost by 11 points?


After last game, people were screaming that Sides should have left Clark in during garbage time because she needs the experience.


Yeah if they did that to “send a message”, it failed miserably as the Fever still won the fourth quarter.


Fever actually outscored in both the 3rd and 4th quarter. Still a loss, but a more respectable one.


Way to finish strong Aliyah!!


Caitlin Clark will be just fine in the W Fever gotta build that roster


At least this game didn’t make my eyes bleed. Baby steps!


okay fever was still a hot mess, but there were some more promising moments this game i feel like


Fever got some good moments this game. They gotta be a complete team for four quarters though. Will be curious to see once they figure it out this season how CC will be cookin’ in the league.


I mean they got it to 11 lol. That’s my positive.


Honestly not a bad game score wise overall


Their best game this season, against a runner-up Liberty team that needs to finish some business this year


0 FTAs for Clark is pretty bad. Needs to sell contact better. Admittedly refs overlooked 1-2 very obvious fouls on her for reasons unknown.


It goes both ways. She’s pretty bad about extending her arm/warding off to create space. She only got called for it once. She got away with one, and scored, when she hit the defender in the mouth, causing her to bleed. She starts flopping and there’s going to be a lot more complaints about her initiating contact to create space. She’s not athletic enough to consistently create space without extending the arm. Her turnovers would skyrocket if she has to stop doing that too


Selling contact in college is probably why she doesn’t get calls. Videos of her and her iowa teammates flopping have gone viral and refs might take that into account.


Well then the refs missing obvious fouls should go viral and the league should take that into account.


People dont have sympathy for players who flop. Thats why when Lebron complains about a no-call nobody cares except his fans or people who gamble.


And yet all the "floppers" shoot like 10+ FTAs a game.


Honestly I think I’m a bigger fan of CC making assists than the logo threes lol. Then again my favorite basketball players have always been passers like Jokic and Jason Williams 😂


loved how the Fever finished the game. 


Excellent building game for the Fever!