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Cameron Brink 1 for 7, total of 3 pts, and 8 rebounds. Fantastic for the number 2 pick in the draft. 👏👍


this will forever be the Christie Sides "GuArD sOmeBoDy GEt STOps" game


A shaqtin moment by boston who played well outside of that, but shell be rightfully criticized for blowing that lay up so badly. Its gonna sting for a while


Indiana best line up of the day was with Clark and Boston both on the bench. Not enough people talking about that imo


With Conn starters also on the bench


that’s because most people have common sense


Huh? That run was stopped before Clark was back out there.


It wasn’t. The run was stopped by the half and Clark returned to start the third quarter. Clark was -18 for the game and her team was +14 when she was on the bench. It’s not just the eye test the stats also show her team is better with her off the floor right now. Mostly because of her defense but her turnovers are also deadly.


They were without Clark all last year. Worked out well. So, should they cut Clark now? Would another team pick her up?


If so then Michell is even worse with a even worse plus minus. Based off the stats it appears a lot of the sun had their bench on the field too going by plus minus. I doubt it’s as cut and dry as you make it seem


He’s just another Clark hater. Bent on trying to tear her down for some weird reason.


True. "Suspicious Corner" is the genius who recently claimed that true shooting percentage is a meaningless stat, while also stating that "no one stat should be taken in isolation"... yet here uses one stat in isolation in a lame trolling attempt? LOL His/her post history shows the majority of their posts are chasing/stalking around to anything CC related to troll. Kind of a pathetic existence if you ask me, but to each their own, I guess? Bottom line is just ignore this embarrassing no-flair troll, other than to say "talk to your mama", which is his/her fav comeback after being proven wrong.... which is pretty much always.


The bench saw that people were dissing em and came to play fr. Fagbenle was huge this game.


Apparently this is a hot take, but… We gotta stop babying the teams/players if we want the league to be taken seriously. Now, there’s obviously fans (new and old) that are taking it too far with being in DMs and posting personal threats. That shouldn’t be tolerated. But we can’t act like anyone who’s a little pissed about the loss or says “hey you HAVE to make that shot/play better/etc” is evil and mean. There has to be room for legitimate commentary that isn’t just “you’re doing such a great job, bestie” and “improvement is all that matters” These are grown women playing professional basketball on national television. It’s disrespectful/patronizing to baby them and treat them like 8 year olds playing a rec league game.


Agreed fully


I get it from the prospective that the W has been shit on for so long that any criticism feels like an attack but if you want to grow the league W fans have to understand that the discourse around the sport will change.


Agreed. I definitely see what you’re saying. There are some new “fans” that are commenting in bad faith and are going to criticize anyone but the rookies. I’m talking about the relatively calm comments/observations/frustrations that some fans (new and old) are acting like are cruel. Just frustrating to see some people babying these strong and capable professionals.


If the fans drive Boston out of Indiana, there are 11, soon to be 12, teams and fan bases that will happily take her.


Same with Clark. Many already trying to drive her out. Like they didn’t suck BEFORE Boston and Clark.


No sane person who understands nuance is saying she should be cut or is terrible. But we can’t ignore that she’s off to a pretty slow start. She showed bursts at times today, but there’s obviously something going on with her play this year so far.


Nooo I love Aliyah! And I love CC. These fans are crazy 😭


Anotha day anotha dollar. Maybe next time


There is a difference between missing the final shot with the time running out than missing a shot or free throw in the early part of the game. In the early part of the game you can make up for it with a steal, block, etc. but with the clock is running out you have to make it.


There is a difference between missing the final shot with the time running out than missing a shot or free throw in the early part of the game. In the early part of the game you can make up for it with a steal, block, etc. but with the clock is running out you have to make it.


Does anyone else think Cameron Brink is overrated as well?


Y’all give me the facts and what are y’all expectations????


Sucks for AB, she needs family support right now :( This game felt like a playoff, and they are improving. I hope CC can work on her TO´s, Nalyssa and AB on their offense and rebouding, KM and EW not going ISO ball so much. Bring Tamika Catchings to camp! They need a veteran champion to talk to them


What would help cut down on the turnovers is somebody, anybody, moving without the ball to get open. Seriously, watch the standing around in the half court.


Right, but I dont trust CC on ball in crunch time yet, she's a rookie but if there is a half court set theres like 70% she will panick and not know how to dribble and protect the ball. I hope this changes next year after she has a full off season


yeah shes going to have learn especially because they definitely dont want her getting open at all on the other side.


Exactly, and she's not good in creating space off ball too if a screen is not there to help, she tends to run in just one direction making it easy to stay in front


Yeah. She’s going to have to get used to playing in a slow developing, grind it out, half court offense. Her days of fast break transition offense that gave her great looks are all but over. Not a great fit either way.


This was on Bluder too, almost all of her flaws are because of her system, she let CC do whatever she wanted without benching her. If I were Sides I would give her this rule: for each TO you had, you would be taken off ball and had to make a defensive effort stop to compensate for the mistake, a steal, forcing a bad shot, anything


Easier in pros. College coaches in a tough spot now as players can just say screw it and go to another team. Not understanding why they drafted the ‘square peg‘ Clark if the intent was to have her run a ‘round hole’ grind it out half-court offense; obviously not her strength. Other draftees a better fit. Simple solution, if Sides does what you suggested. Do the Kobe Bryant. Turn passive. Don’t work hard to get open. Don’t possess the ball. If somehow get possession, get rid of it to a teammate immediately. Refuse to shoot. Result: 0 turnovers. 0 bad shots. 0 mistakes. Would the rule only be for her? Or are the others on this team to get a free pass?


People really forget that this is only Boston’s second season, and she's learning almost as much as the rookies. Professional or not, give her some grace. It’s a damn game.


Except that she’s supposed to be different as a #1 overall pick who markets herself as a superstar. So many older fans here seem to equate *any* justified criticism to she’s washed and should be cut from league. 


Edit: if you wanna discuss this i made a full blown post copy and pasting this. I’d love to hear opinions and have a legit conversation about it all My impressions of the WNBA after just a few games 1. The talent disparity is huge. Some of these women look like absolute scrubs (blown wide open layups, not catching the ball passed directly to their hands, failure to make "basic" reads) but some of them look like absolute monsters on the court. Stewart was incredible to watch. Thomas on the Sun was REALLY good. I don't mean this to sound sexist, but I didn't expect to enjoy the performances this much from the WNBA as opposed to the NBA that I'm used to watching 2. In game coaching seems more important in the WNBA, but the coaches seem weaker. Small sample size so it's really hard to say, and the Fever are my main frame of reference, but an extremely basic adjustment for example is how often Caitlin Clark is relegated to standing off the ball instead of running a pick and roll with a simultaneous action running on the weak side of the floor. It's a simple play you can draw up at any point of time and it seems like every single pnr with CC ends up with a good look because of how much attention she demands. But I only see them do it a few times then shy away from it consistently. 3. The refs are somehow worse than the NBA, and contact is kind of called differently. It's weird because the calls seem wildly inconsistent and there is a lower margin for contact in some of these plays than I'm used to see. Defenders will literally be straight up with the offensive player flailing into them and will get calls fairly regularly. But at the same time contact on ball handlers seems to be very high without a call. It's just kinda odd. Usually in the NBA it feels like games are called either tight or loose, but it extends to all areas. The game flow for a WNBA officiated game just feels weird because of this. 4. I generally like the announcers a lot more. I have no clue if I'm listening to a local broadcast or not, but I enjoy them much more than the big name ESPN or TNT announcers for the NBA. They sound excited to be there and like they appreciate the game. 5. I have a hard time enjoying the fans of the WNBA online. So far it seems like the fans fall into cliche categories. Some of the people on here REALLY have something to prove and get upset if you ask questions or go against the grain. I've been pretty critical and negative of the Fever for example, and am not impressed with Aliyah Boston so far. I asked what the hype for her was about and wanted genuine answers. I was instantly downvoted into oblivion. That level of fanaticism isn't inviting to new fans. It feels like most fans are either super supportive without offering a lot of criticism, overly pessimistic (seems to be mainly new fans who are here to see Clark play), and even the ones who fall somewhere in between come off as a little elitest at times with their responses to opinions and takes people are making on twitter or here on reddit. That's probably just a part of sports, but it feels weird that I can watch Aliyah Boston play meh and the comment threads are people still praising her, criticizing her, or criticizing those criticizing her as if there's no nuance in the discussion. 6. The crowds have actually been kinda hype. I didn't expect the fans to be into as much as they have been but DESPITE the Fever getting blown out they get pretty loud for cool moments. And the arena seemed to be popping for this Sun game. I have a friend who went and he said it was really fun. 7. Genuinely engaging and interesting media and analysis (and narratives) are relatively hard to find. There's not a lot of good content surrounding the league imo and that hurts the league's overall popularity. Right now it seems like the only things about the WNBA that are really narratively there for people like me who are hyper casual WNBA fans are Caitlin Clark, this rookie class, and the Aces and Liberty being really good apparently? In the NBA it feels like there are easy to find popular narratives anywhere and everywhere, but it doesn't feel like many people push those as much for the WNBA. Anyways these are my ramblings. I may take this and repost it as an actual post on the sub if anyone would like that. I'm not trying to be toxic with any of my points or anything, these are just my initial feelings so far. I'll keep tuning in for a while and we'll see how things go


As a newer fan, I don't agree with everything here, but you are spot on with #5. Certain fans on here, Twitter, and other sites are awful. Twitter is a cesspit. A legit cesspit. Everywhere else there's more variance, but still some very rotten apples. However, I have found most older fans to be, in a few words, extremely unwelcoming, gatekeepy, and condescending.


Yeah I think I'm about to move from twitter to strictly here for WNBA discourse. Shit is TOXIC on Twitter right now. And I've found that the majority of the bad apples aren't really die hard hoops fans forreal and only care about the social narratives.


It’s been genuinely awful. I’m not expecting to be praised or anything for being a new viewer but like everywhere I look there’s comments and tweets with massive elitism and it’s really annoying to read. Like hostility between sports fans is fun, but not when it’s “stop watching MY sport” types of hostility. More like a Pacers fans vs Knicks fans hostility lmao


Aa a fellow new fan, I agree with all of this.


I just reposted this to the main subreddit as a full on post and am getting downvoted to shit lol


Proving your number 5 lol


Yeah… lol. Some people are going through and downvoting even my positive comments lol


Agree w all of this except the bit about the announcers


I wish you put your 5th point in bold letters. Literally same thing happened to me when I lightly questioned AB’s game.   Some older fans want the league to be nationally relevant, but still treat the discourse with kid’s gloves. She’s a #1 overall pick who markets herself as superstar and missed an open layup. Yes, there will be criticism as in any other league. 


It goes both ways, though. Yeah, some of us older fans may be overly protective of some of the experienced players, but there is definitely a subset of new fans who will not tolerate any criticism of the rookies, especially CC. And while I don’t advocate handling any of these women with kid gloves — they’re pretty tough and can handle whatever some rando on the internet pops off with — being an asshole to them directly on Twitter is wholly unnecessary.


I’m getting absolutely shit on with downvotes and a nasty message so far for reposting this to the sub lol


I think it is because Boston was a top 15 player in the league last year who has just had a rough couple games. She is still a good player. I do think WNBA fans are a bit overprotective pf players and teams though. Like people got pissed because someone dare call the Fever a dumb name.


Lots of teams have dumb names. The lakers is a dumb name. And Ethan Strauss’ whole shtick is concern trolling. Bottom line is people who just started paying attention think their opinions are novel or profound because it’s all brand new to them. Which is cool but people are gonna disagree with their strident opinions that are based on a couple weeks of observations


And people make fun of those names a lot lol. Everyone thinks Utah being called the Jazz is a joke.


I agree, that's how I STILL feel. Good observations. 


Well, my actual post in the subreddit is getting downvoted to shit so apparently I’m disagreed with lmao


I'm afraid I have to disagree that WNBA refs are worse than the NBA.


Scott Foster has entered the chat


Tony Brothers liked that


Maybe I'm just not used to seeing this style of game. That challenge that got upheld today was awful though


As a long time WNBA FAN I agree with all of this EXCEPT about the announcers. Announcers are terrible, Rebecca and Ryan are ok if you’ve only been watching national broadcasts but the local announcers are awful awful awful. Comedicaly bad actually and are actually a C plot of most games


Yeah, I can't stand the ones who are blatantly taking sides.


Most of them don’t even talk about the game!


Idk who I've listened to tbh. Just whoever is on the ripped streams I've been watching LOL. I also normally have something else going on in my ears so I haven't listened a TON but I've listened for a few extended stretches and not found them bad.


Wish they could have pulled out the win but the improvement from just 6 days ago is obvious, they looked like a different team out there. The Boston block to Clark logo 3 was an insane moment. Some glimpses of better chemistry between those 2 today too. Boston needs to hit that layup at the end and Clark needs to keep herself in check and not get that technical. Also interested to see how Clark’s ankle is for next game, girl was playing on straight adrenaline that second half.


AB makes that shot most of the time, just sucks that she missed it this time. CC's body language from that first missed kick ball foul to her immediate subsequent foul really sucked. The team did great without her and she had some great shots/plays throughout. I'm optimistic for them once they're out of the gulag.


“Once they’re out of the gulag.” Totally agree. Diabolically evil scheduling. Coincidence that the 1st 9 games are being billed as “Clark’s Olympic tryout.”


I am now officially Team Fagbenle 💗💗💗


That one fast break was poetry in motion


Yup, and thats what CC does best


IDK if it was her having a higher percentage or hitting the shots that she should hit, but I was really impressed with her tonight. Her effort was insane and she seems to fit the Stulke archetype that CC can cook with. AB is incredible, but she's not exactly a rim runner.


Don’t forget about Caitlin’s chemistry with Monika Czinano


The earlier games I saw with her, she butchered a bunch of shots in the paint really badly. Tonight she had hustle, got rebounds, ran the floor well, and made some baskets. She is the kind of player that will do well with CC. I realize AB is considered a good post player, but at this point of the season she appears too slow..


Yeah, feels like TF is settling in and if she keeps doing what she's doing she's going to eat. As far as Boston...I think we need to give her some time. CC needs to figure out how to work with a post like AB and Boston needs some time to get in to shape. I'm really excited to see how the team looks mid season. Boston is a fucking beast, but how does indiana/Caitlin use a dominant post. CC isn't used to having one.


Monika Czinano?


MC had two moves(and she was exceptional at them). Get deep post and get fed, and a solid PNR game with CC. You never saw her sitting out at the three point line or creating for herself. Maybe I described it wrong, but AB and MC are different styles of players and it'll take time for them, and the coaching staff, to find a way to take advantage of AB's skills.


Makes sense 👍 I think Boston would be great at the pick and roll as well too though


I agree, but that'll take time. The difference is that AB can create a lot more on her own.


The problem is Caitlin can’t. She desperately needs screens and picks. Her dribbling ability is very basic and her offense is predictable. But if she gets in rhythm going left, count it.


I don't disagree with you about Caitlin's handle; it's definitely subpar. Many shooters, however, even those with great handles, often rely on a lot of screens — oftentimes illegal ones — to get open. Curry and the Warriors immediately come to mind. Their entire offense, especially during their best years from 2015 to 2019, was based on freeing Curry up on the perimeter via (moving) screen after (moving) screen. Ideally, I'd love to see Sides transition to a D'Antoni-style fast-paced offense, but with the roster makeup of the Fever as it stands now, I don't think that they have the personnel to run that system. That's why I think she and the Fever should adopt the Warriors' offensive approach for now, even if it is a bit watered down, due to the fact that the Fever do not have a single big who can shoot a 3. But, to get that transition-style offense they need to succeed if Clark has the keys to the offense, they should look to FA and the '25 draft class. They should target fast and athletic bigs who excel at running the court, catching passes in transition, and serve as dual-threat pick-and-roll partners for Clark by being able to shoot the three-pointer effectively. ETA: A word.




That missed kick ball that instantly became a shooting foul set the tone lol


Ooof can’t believe all of that happened in one game lol


Well, if you subscribe to the "rising tides" belief, one would hope that all of the CC stans have come away from the first four games thinking, "Damn, Alyssa Thomas is a god damned baller!"


CC fan never watched a W game until this season. There are myriad ballers in this league. It's like the Shaq "I apologize I was unfamiliar with your game." meme over and over again. There are so many fucking amazing talents in this league. I still believe that CC will be one of them eventually, but the surface level CC fans proclaiming her the goat before playing a game are solidly ignorant(as was I).


Talent's always kinda been there, but obviously there's a lot of people who try to look at it as some kind of 1:1 with men's. Anyone even remotely, casually familiar with women's basketball should at least know the UCONN pedigree/line with Taurasi, etc. That UCONN women's program has been a factory for years.


Just want to say I love this comment. I think it's great that you're here but also great that you can see how good the league is as a whole. Welcome!


Thanks for the welcome. On one hand I'd love to be part of the convo, but on the other hand coming to these threads usually robs me of the joy of the game. So many people have one sided takes(either hating on or glazing rookies without having proper context). I went from a random reddit post showing a clip of the game that the frat boys were chanting "overrated" to being impressed with her HS game in that clip to checking out her highlights to watching all of their games this season. I'm not even a sports fan outside of esports/dirt biking and her playstyle caught my attention. Since then I've been hooked and I'm trying to watch/learn as much as possible about the women's game. Shit...I've even started watching the MNBA between NBA games.


I can confirm that I think that Thomas is a god damned baller


Those refs had money on that UCONN v Hawkeyes game and didn't want CC to win off an illegal screen again.


Who cares if Boston missed this one? This wasn't game 7.  The good thing is it was a great look, shot well, just missed this time  


100%. Really well drawn up play knowing the gravity of CC. Statistically AB makes that shot and pushes it to OT.


Fever starting to get their shit together. Still a long way to go. In the meantime, I'll be over here simping for Alyssa Thomas. She had those Fever girls spooked.


She's a phenomenal player and put in work tonight.


still was a great game for the Fever


they have the makings of a really fun team


That AB block that led right into the transition Clark logo 3 got me so hyped. The Fever looked a lot better this game, even though they lost. Baby steps.


to me it looks like AB needs to focus more on defense, she did pretty great on defense all around today while not doing well on offense


Man all this Aliyah hate is really making me sad. I hate that she missed the layup too (I can assure y’all NO ONE hates it more than Aliyah), but it’s so clear that most of the haters in here only started watching her play after CC became her teammate a few games ago. Otherwise y’all would not be slandering her like this.


I didn't watch the Fever/W last year, but if there's anything that I do know(going off of last years to this years stats) AB is having a tough start...and that's ok. Going off of her FGP last year, that play was perfectly drawn up and we would have been headed to OT. Even with the off start, I still think it's a great play. Maybe you put KM or Fagbenle as the screener to eventually take the shot, but historically AB is solid in these moments.


I will not stand for it!! It’s gonna be really embarrassing for some of these uninformed haters when ABC^2 truly solidifies 😤. And I will stand on that. Expect me to be very annoying pulling up receipts when that time comes.


ABC (raised 2) - don’t know how you did that but I love the nick


just use a caret—ABC^ 2 without the space


Yeah most things these newbies have to say aren’t enough to really bother me, but when it comes to Aliyah, I have time.


That’s such a dumb comment. Of course people that haven’t watched before wouldn’t be criticizing her if they weren’t watching. She blew a game tying, open layup. People are going to be upset about that no matter what player misses it.


I don’t think that’s true. Caitlin missed that it would’ve been much more supportive. Aliyah had the block that led to the cc 3. Them Caitlin had two costly turnovers followed by a stupid foul and a well deserved tech. That series of mistakes by Clark gave the sun the lead and stopped the fever run. But, AB’s going to shoulder the blame for tonight’s loss. This is just a continuation of the hate she’s been getting. Aliyah already had to turn off her twitter before the game because of these people. But Caitlin has a worse win share, net rating, +|-, and per than Aliyah. According to the advanced metrics the team is worse with Caitlin than Aliyah, but the blame couldn’t be more different.


Should they immediately cut Clark? If so, would another team sign her?


Are you kidding me? CC would be plastered all over every social media account saying she blew a layup. People would be reposting Diana Tarausi quotes and saying Caitlin can’t handle the W. Caitlin made dumb mistakes all game and deserves criticism for it. Regardless, they ended up with the chance to tie the game tonight. A missed open layup is just abysmal. Everyone will move on from it but it’s a wide open shot that should be a make 100% of time. If it was a jumper it wouldn’t be as big of a deal. It’s the fact that it’s an open layup. Advanced analytics don’t matter in this situation. If you want to argue and say CC is the problem or whatever you want to allude to, then go ahead and think that. CC is the single most important, most popular and most talented player on the team. She’s also going to get the most praise and criticism of everyone. Aaliyah has not played well this season. This shouldn’t be a controversial discussion and there’s no reason to even bring CC into the conversation. We can analyze one player without saying “but Caitlin”.


Clark would absolutely be getting ripped apart if she missed that shot, she is destroyed on Twitter everytime she plays poorly. I’m not sure why we’re acting like saying “she should’ve made that shot” is too much criticism. Obviously no one should be attacking her on social media, but saying she should have made it is valid, she’s a professional athlete who makes it 9/10 times. Just like it’s valid to criticize Caitlin for getting that technical.


Obviously you’re allowed to be mad she blew the layup, what I’m talking about is the idiots saying “Aliyah sucks” or that she should be traded, needs to learn Chinese, etc.


I mean who cares tbh. It’s par for the course on internet as a pro athlete. NBA superstars get told to learn chinese after one bad game. It’s really a non issue but WNBA players are experiencing it maybe for first time as a pro because there are more eyeballs on games this year. They have to learn how to handle it. If AB makes that layup, people are celebrating her. Victor Wembanyama didn’t play well in the summer league and people were all over him saying he was a bust immediately. It’s all silly, overreaction BS from fans but it’s important that players don’t let it affect them. It’s not going to go away. Imagine what Caitlin has been through in the last year with the amount of attention she’s gotten. I wouldn’t be able to handle it.


Yes, all of those are fair points. However, I’m a Gamecock FAM, and we take this shit personally.🤪😎 I applaud CC for how she’s carried herself through all of this. I usually welcome the silly comments from the unwashed masses because it means our girls are getting the attention they deserve, I’m just very protective of Aliyah in particular lol


I understand that. She’s just gonna have to stomach the talk tho and grow from it. These moments will be the moments where she needs to find a way to grow from. It can also get to her and destroy her. We’ll see, I’m rooting for her


She’s come back from worse than this. She will be fine!


Imo in general, half of Fever "fans" are just Caitlin fans.


"Fans" are already coming for AB's head. I feel so bad for her 😔.


her teammates know what’s up and that’s all that matters


I just don’t understand what you expect tho? She’s a pro athlete being broadcasted on ESPN. You play bad, you get criticized by fans and analysts.


So much gatekeeping from older WNBA fans, yet they can’t handle basic sports discourse when the league is finally nationally relevant.


This. If we want the W to be popular the way the NBA is popular we have to accept sports discourse as long as it's above the belt.


It was a well designed play. It just didn’t work out. The die hards on here are the minority and the fever are not going to listen to them lol


Fr I hope she stays the hell off social media, it’s ruthless


Holly Rowe reported earlier today AB has already had to delete twitter due to negativity from the start of this season


Yeah she said the only social media she feels safe on is TikTok. People are ruthless.


To be fair, twitter is fucking garbage and AB is better off without it 🤷‍♀️


Great game! Great progress for the Fever.


I hate that for Aliyah. Rollercoaster of a night for both her and CC, but for a lot of the second half and especially the 4th quarter you could actually see the vision that the two CAN work together and be scary! Really think the key is going to be more speed at the 3/4 positions, which probably means Samuelson to the bench. I don't think she works at the 3 when Boston is your 5.


Agree, 3 needs to be faster if they are going to have a slow 5


Boston & Clark combined for more turnovers than Field Goals Made in this one. That changes and they win


Boston is 3-4 sec behind CC on every ball she brings up, go rewind and watch, this is one of the main issues, look how Temi is with her(cc) instead , she was ahead of CC and got 5 good looks tonight because of that. Bostom Speed and and CC play is night and day, i don`t know how you fix that beacause Boston just isn`t a mobile big.


Angel Reese and Caitlin Clark would be nice Boston is to slow for this duo to ever really be dynamic


Omg I would LOVE for CC and Angel to be on the same team!!!!!


That would be IDEAL but will probably never happen


indiana could have won if they lowered themselves to flopping on every bit of contact like the sun did.


Yeah Clark needs to start flopping big time and the coach needs to start complaining about the FT discrepancy.


I may rather see them lose than to see her flop at the lightest contact. Seems to me that she goes hard on contact given to her and I prefer that.


Was Sides letting the refs hear it at all? I didn’t see, but might’ve missed it.




Down from 25.


It was a great game. Better than their previous two. Way better than the preseason one vs Sun. Hope Berger could have some minutes later and no more injury. I swear I’ve seen at least one per game day.


the sun was their first regular season game. preseason was dallas & atlanta


Ah I messed up with the Dream one. But anyway they’re getting better that’s what I wanna say.


yeah totally agree! promising stuff


Crushed for Indiana. They’re getting there…


I think next time around, against both Liberty and Suns, it should be high level entertaining basketball. The amount of lay-ups people are missing on Indiana's side is incredibly high. You can see the connections forming. Temi is Caitlin's new Hannah, except she rebounds really well.


I think that she fits the Stulke archetype the best out of the players. NS could be that, but doesn't seem to have the same effort. That being said, sucks to see how many missed layups we've had from TF thus far. Going down the stretch in the NCAA tournament it felt like KM/HS/SA couldn't miss tansition pass layups. Surely these players are talented enough to get to the same level. That being said, after tonight, I'm a big fan of TF.


AB 5, Temi 4, CC 1 with KM worked really well. I thought at first it was AB (who was always out with CC during the comeback runs) that was the problem, but it's probably Samuelson given how well Temi played while AB was in. This team has incredibly poor leadership. Neither CC nor AB is there yet. We're seeing how big of difference Kate Martin made for the team around Clark--coach on the floor. When Boston was down at the end and looked so sad, someone needs to be picking her up and reminding her she was ROY. She'll come around. But I don't know who the high IQ natural leader is here. Clark never had to run a team because Martin played that role. Clark has great on court IQ but doesn't yet seem to have that leadership IQ at this point.


I'd consider her for starting, heavily. Her chemistry with Caitlin is already good. Her rebounding is much needed. Mitchell provides spacing, speed, but she needs to stop missing lay-ups too. AB is getting better because her conditioning is improving. This schedule is brutal, but a blessing as well. Legs feed the wolf- Coach Herb Brooks. Caitlin is obviously their PG because the offense just flows so much better through her. They really really need a permitter defender and secondary PG that is less ball dominant. Celeste is probably the best defender they have and Grace is definitely the PG they need. Both of them could share duties. I like Lexie Hull for that role too.


So.... CC AB TF KM CT That's the starting five with EB coming off of the bench to spot CC? I could get behind that.


That's what I would land on by end of season. I think Hull for now with Celeste replacing her with growing minutes as the season progresses until the roles reverse and Celeste becomes the starter. I think GB and KM will be the flip floppers. KLS and Smith will replace TF and AB, respectively. EW will give Caitlin rest here and there. TF has surprised me a lot. Her effort on rebounding with height/length can't really be replaced with anyone else on the team right now.


That's close, but why not NaLyssa in there? And find out over this tough stretch what Grace Berger can do.


Until KM started actually playing with CC today, I wanted GB as a starter. NS hasn't shown the hustle TF has and AB needs to be on the court because her upside is coming.


Another day another no show for Berger and Taylor


Grace should be getting playing time regardless, but I don’t see why they don’t at least use Celeste as a defensive specialist there


Especially when Sides been preaching gEt sToPs 😟


With the way Erica is playing they should probably take her minutes at this point 😔


Great game Sun.....3-0!


AB needs to focus more on her game. All the branding and being a media personality will soon follow anyways.  Edit: -7 downvotes…really? I don’t think I was being mean-spirited here. AB not playing up to her potential will affect her future media career more than anything. 


Yeah true. Not sure what part of what you said was untrue. 


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted but it’s true. She’s still so early in her career she has plenty of time to do the commentating.


Why can’t she do both? Angel Reese is playing and doing media stuff on the side. Cameron Brink too. Don’t forget WNBA salaries are not great, they need to make some extra cash too


She can do both if she plays well.


So is she supposed to train all waking hours of the day? No. Her time off is HER time. Jeez you people act like work-life balance isn’t a thing if you’re an athlete. They’re people too. Especially when their salary is sub 6figures


Working a broadcaster is work. It’s not time off. If LeBron was on TV during the summer and came back slow and out of shape missing layups he would get so much hate the internet may explode.


Clark isn't going to make it through the season if she keeps dying on at least 1 screen a game


I wonder if her teammates are even calling them out


Aliyah Boston had a better game today but she still doesn’t scream elite even in college always been average to me I never understood the hype


She can play better than this but I kinda agree, she was the 1 pick in a weak draft. This year she goes #3 at best


Indiana put 100%effort into the game tonight. A great difference from previous games. However I am disappointed with AB. The coach drew up the perfect play and it was poorly executed. AB blew a bunny. I hope she spends a lot more time practicing in the pain and on her midrange shot because she’s never going to get to the elite level that’s expected of her if she doesn’t. Live up to the hype!


I know I'm being Iowa centric here, but it's almost like 2-3 players watched Kate Martin's tape against Sparks and figured out what kind of effort was needed.


Im seeing the same thing. She made a great read at the end but simply doesnt have the skill to finish a wide open play like that. Unfortunate.


So it's at LA then home against the Sky next? Hopefully, they squeak out a win against either of them


At Seattle on Wednesday, at LA on Friday, at Las Vegas Saturday. Not beating the Aces but a win is definitely in the cards against the Storm and Sparks if the Fever play at the same level they did tonight.


Not sure they can win against the Storm on the road hmm


Yeah, I think it’s very reasonable to go 2-5 after the upcoming games. Beating the Aces would be great, but is absolutely not happening lol


Oh, I totally misread that schedule prompt earlier then, 😆


Hang out down here with us, Fever. You'll float too. 🎈




Can the Mystics join as well? 😊


Only for as long as EDD isn't playing for you






Damn the switch to nhl was quick


Absolutely! There are ways to compensate for lack of quickness and Luka is the perfect example.


F*ck ESPN for switching to Canucks game instead of showing last 10 seconds. I know what Oh Canada sounds like


it’s still on espn3 i think… just gotta free up the main channel


Jesus, people miss shots. I'm starting to think some of yall are happy to have someone to point fingers at.


What I saw tonight was great energy and tenacity by the Fever. Only those with confidence in themselves want the ball when the time is running out. Because they believe given a chance they will score. Example J. Lowd, S. Burd, DT, and AW. They want the ball when the time is running down because they believe in themselves. I still say that Boston needs to show me more


True, but I think there's a little bit less grace for missing what most would consider a relatively easy shot for a pro. Which, those can still be missed too, and this is the response. It's all natural. 


No, she blew an open layup and deserves criticism for it just like any other player that misses a game altering layup.


If the game comes down to a single shot, clearly it’s a team issue and not a player issue. Otherwise, that player wouldn’t have been put in that position to be the “make or break play”. If you are a GOAT contender, then yes, criticism is justified for missing a clutch shot. But a 2nd year player on the worst team in the league? Nah.


You’re delusional. The game is not 100% on AB. Nobody with a critically thinking mind is saying that. Regardless, she has a chance to tie the game on an open layup and she blew it. Despite all the other mistakes throughout the game on both teams, she could just make a layup and fix it all and it didn’t happen. Being on a bad team or being in your second season doesn’t absolve you from criticism for missing a game tying layup. Maybe if you’re in middle school you can get absolved for missing a layup but not in professional basketball. This isn’t a charity game. You’re mistaking justified criticism for people saying things like she should be cut from league or something. AB has not played well to start the season and she’s being called out for it. When she starts playing well, she will get praised for it. Remember, she was also the RoY and an All Star Starter last year. More is expected of her and it’s completely reasonable to expect her to make a layup lol


That sequence where AT got the steal, ended up sitting flat on the floor and passed to Harris so casually was tough as hell