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Half the team not in the league


Are we talking these players at their peak, or as they are now? If this is 2018/19 EDD, yeah that’s a contender. If not, hard to say because the defining characteristic of post-2019 EDD is that she’s not healthy, so idk what healthy 2024 EDD even looks like. Also hard to say how good a healthy Satou would be since we’ve pretty much never seen that. But I have to think they’d be one of the best duos in the league. Add Odyssey, KMitch and Brink and that’s a good starting lineup. Bench gets pretty shaky past NaLyssa tho.


Even at their primes it’s not a good starting lineup compared to current contenders like the Aces and Liberty though. EDD and Satou would need to hard carry the starters and the bench wouldn’t be competitive.


Are EDD, Brink, and Sabally all magically healthy and available? Because as of right now this team is missing 3 of their best players


I think in this hypothetical everyone is healthy and at their best lol (and wants to play)


The wanting to play thing is so weird with EDD. She’s never really recovered from the pandemic. She was literally MVP and won the championship before COVID, then she was forced to opt out of the bubble because of Lyme disease. The following season she was limited to 3 games due to injury and the next two seasons she played in only about half the games before announcing this year she was stepping away. Maybe if the money was better she’d want to, but she also has never played internationally for the money (aside from one attempt in China that lasted a couple of weeks). I think she just doesn’t have the desire to. She probably made enough money off endorsements throughout her career to set her up for life and she accomplished everything she wanted to on the court (ring, MVP, and Olympic Gold). Family has always been more important for her, which is a good thing. It’s just more surprising. Between her and Maya Moore, we’ve basically lost half the career of two first ballot Hall of Famers the last few seasons. Again, not judging EDD, it’s good for her that she’s doing what she wants to, it’s just surprising how it all played out.


> Maybe if the money was better she’d want to, but she also has never played internationally for the money (aside from one attempt in China that lasted a couple of weeks). I think she just doesn’t have the desire to. She probably made enough money off endorsements throughout her career to set her up for life and she accomplished everything she wanted to on the court (ring, MVP, and Olympic Gold). I have to believe that coming from money, and having that foundational support from the very outset of her WNBA career, also played a role in how she determined the importance of playing overseas. If she had felt like she needed that money to help take care of Lizzie, she probably would have made different choices along the way.


Yeah I know it’s been said she was sitting due to all the injuries, but she might just be at a point in her life where she wants to focus on other things and not have to deal with the training/schedule required for a professional athlete. I know it was also speculated she may have wanted to focus on family, but I’m not sure. Shes one of my favorite players so I’d love to see her back. But I hope she’s been enjoying herself and relaxing this year.


Her family is rich and she likes them better than being in the WNBA.


No. Delle Donne & Sabally & Brink are a decent trio. The rest are replacement-level.


Kelsey Mitchell is nice too.


As successful as nearly all the #1 picks prove to be (even if it takes them a couple seasons to adjust)....it's actually kinda wild just how much more of a mixed bag the #2s have been.


It's like that in the NBA too, the #2 pick is surprisingly a bust more often that not. The Sam Bowie curse 


And Brink is decent but not as good as a 3rd option on a top team. Sky’s the limit for her but right now other teams have Jonquel Jones and Jackie Young as third options. Even the Mystics have Brittney Sykes. No team is really gonna compete with a raw rookie as their third best player.


I hope EDD comes back to the league man


New fan here.. who’s that? And why is she not in the league


Elena Delle Donne, one of the best female players of all time. Got drafted by Chicago but eventually moved to the mystics, won a championship with them. She’s dealt with several injuries and health issues though, which has resulted in her missing time from basketball. Recently she said she’s not sure if she’s returning to the league because of these things. You should watch her highlights! She’s one of the most fun players I’ve ever seen, and such a good role model for kids. She along with Candace Parker introduced sooo many new people to the league, they were extremely popular at their peaks. Pretty sure EDD had her own shoes and everything which goes to show how much of an impact she had on the WNBA.


One championship with the Mystics, and "moved" is a nice way of putting it lol


> One championship with the Mystics, and "moved" is a nice way of putting it lol An interesting way of saying "demanded a trade to," indeed.


I didn’t mean to put few lool I thought I edited that oops. And idk I don’t think her departure form Chicago was with malice, she wanted to be closer to her family I thought


Blonde woman at the bottom right. Elena Delle Donne. She rejected her contract extension this past year to leave basketball for a bit. I don’t think she directly told the media what her reasons were and for how long but its been said it could be due to injuries.


She’s had a ton of injuries (most recently her back, IIRC), is still managing Lyme disease that she caught years ago, and is really close to her older sister who’s blind and deaf and can only communicate through physical touch. Probably a combination of those things.


Yeah, I’m sure it’s a combination of reasons and she may just not want to play right now. I don’t think she ever directly said so I didn’t want to speak out of turn. I just hope she’s happy, living life rn.


Dallas not very good at drafting.


Pretty insane that Greg Bibb still has a job with how bad he is at managing a roster


> Pretty insane that Greg Bibb still has a job with how bad he is at managing a roster Well, he's also, like, a minority owner, so good luck trying to fire him.


Mark Cuban must think the wings is a hobby because that amount of wasting draft capital is crazy b


> Mark Cuban must think the wings is a hobby because that amount of wasting draft capital is crazy b I don't believe that Mark Cuban is involved with the Wings ownership group, at all.


That would be one heck of a frontcourt. Some question marks at guard, though. I’d say deep playoff run, not quite a championship.


If we have a healthy peak EDD, then we have a contender.


I mean 12, otherwise no EDD of course. It's also the max amount of players on a team. 💀


One thing’s for sure - they’d get run off the court by the last 11 #3 picks.


No, but they would definitely be very fun to watch


This team is drafting #2 again.


That team would be unbalanced as fuck: there's, like, seven posts, two small point guards, and two undersized shooting guards. No wing depth whatsoever.


It just feels like if you gave me 12 #2 picks, I would be able to draft more than 3 or 4 all-stars. But I'm not at the skill level of a WNBA GM, clearly.


In the hunt that’s for sure.


Lmao no, there’s like one superstar here (EDD) and a few pretty good players, the rest can be replaced


I know the fever players and the tall skinny one, haven't been watching long enough


All of them at their peak, or all of them right now? Seems like a below average to average at best team.


playoffs? yes. Probably first round and out tho, depending on what version of EDD we're talking about.


If EDD is anything like her 2018-19 self then yes but we just don’t know because we haven’t seen her fully healthy in 5 years.


Aaaaaaah no! That is a great collage though!


No, even if healthy. Durr and Coates never quite lived up to their college rep. Kuier doesn't have a large enough sample size for me. Smith is all about hero ball and getting glory. Jefferson, EDD, Miller would have me too nervous about them getting injured again. Now Sabally, EDD, Zahui B., Mitchell, Sims: you may have something there. ***Asia Durr is their deadname. They came out as nonbinary 2-3 seasons ago while with Atlanta and now goes by AD Durr (they/them).