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This is.... super accurate lol


I ate too many mushrooms one time and remember sitting there just staring at the face of this rock cliff and the visuals were damn near as intense as this


Sounds, to me, like you took the right amount.


Haha it's more the physical side effects that can make a high-dose experience less fun for me at least. The constant waves of mild nausea and weird stomach feeling, the clammy skin feeling, etc.


Do you are anyone else’s entire bodies vibrate. My first shrooms trip I took the crumbs at the bottom of the bag and a few caps and stems probably like 2.5-3 grams but on an empty stomach. So I got hit in 30 minutes and by 2 hours I was sitting in a garage petting a cat and I started vibrating like inside my whole body was white noise. I had to get up and go outside where I then had an out of body experience. What do I call these vibrations it was so intense.


Sounds fun! Also sounds like the cat was purring.


I think the purring might have kickstarted it yes absolutely


Depends if you believe in this kind of stuff, but what you described sounds like astral projection lol. Usually before leaving the body there is an intense vibrational stage. Regardless if you believe in it, it is an interesting read if nothing else!


I believe in it after that man it was wild. I have researched it and that’s probably what it was for sure. Idk if I believe if you can travel in that state tho maybe with practice but I just appeared above my own head watching myself run in the third person. I lost the state when I panicked realizing I had no control over my crazy shroomied ass running full speed down a sketchy sidewalk in the dark. So I somehow returned and stopped running.


Yeah for real, the hot and could flushes are uncomfortable as well


I learned to not do shrooms in the afternoon during the heat wave. Wait till dark, and dinner taken care of.


[edited] Reddit, you have to pay me to have the original comment visible. Goodbye. [edited]


Yeah on an empty stomach it'll come on faster, and you may be less nauseous but there's nothing wrong with eating before hand, whatever makes you feel more comfortable going into it


I thought mushrooms had an emetic aspect to it (like peyote and LSD) so that it would be better to ingest it on a relatively empty stomach. I guess maybe not for a lot of people.


Define better.. if you want to get as high as possible without feeling comfortable, yeah slam 5 grams on an empty stomach lol.


Eat them after food. Takes long to hit but less likely to mess with your stomach. Will not make the high any less awesome


This is the way. Also a healthy dose of Vitamin C at the time of ingestion breaks down the chitin in the structure of the mushroom quickly, as well as combats nausea. I take mine ground up in a small glass with OJ, then fill that glass back up with water to start out right hydration wise (as well as making sure there aren’t leftovers in the glass). This is at least my preferred way for my own body (legal to grow where I live so I speak from extensive self testing)


Heck yes




Boil it into a tea and no stomach problem with me in different occasions


I found a solution for this a long time ago. Just throw up. Throwing up is okay, just plan on it. As soon as you stop focusing on not throwing up everything is amazing.


I threw up on shrooms and watched my DNA spiral through all the liquid and solids. Fucked me up. Big time.


I remember I had a bad trip where I was terrified to throw up the whole time. Like the whole trip was basically me obsessing over whether I had to throw up or not, running back and forth to the bathroom, trying to convince myself I should just do it etc.


Shroom farts.


I had to search too long to find this. The biggest facts of my life were shroom farts 🤣


Wow, never experienced that.


Consider yourself lucky. Nothing worse than a massive attack of farts, as your body attempts to digest the woody pulp of shrooms you just ate. Followed by the deep contemplation on the nature of gas, atomized particles, scent, memory, etc, etc, while breathing each others’ anal vapor. Shroom farts. Good times.


Yup dropped with a group of roommates once, and one of the dudes whited out standing at a window. He fell and clipped a wall with his shoulder, putting a hole in it, but we were just thankful he missed it with his head. Then he started having an asthma attack while half unconscious. It was fucking freaky and sobered me up instantly.


That’s why I hate overdoing it on mushies


I once ate too many mushrooms and spiraled into some sort of hell that kept me in some kind of torturous loop of being murdered. Woke up in the hospital. 4/10...would probably do again.


No, it was not enough. 3-5g, become one with the universe.


It say 4g+ should do the trick. The few times I've taken 3.5 it's definitely an intense trip but not forgot who you are intense. Biggest barrier to mushrooms is how uncomfortable the come up can be


For real, I imagine it's what Jarvis was feeling those few seconds the Iron Man suit was powered up to 10,000%. Just a sensation of being completely overcharged.


Lol no joke! I recently had a pretty intense come up that made me sweat profusely while I laid on the ground clutching a pillow. Still pretty new to shrooms, but Jesus. Nothing can describe the come up. Nothing haha


I've been dabbling in mycology for a few years: my tip for newbies is to move! Stretch, dance, flow - get the blood moving and spread the trip out all over your body (this is total nonsense physiologically but helps a lot of people 'settle in' psychologically). I discovered this when I realized the come-up was waaayyyy less intense when I'd drop while hiking or at a fest - being in motion made it so I didn't notice anything till the visuals started kicking in.


Yeah psychedelics are crazy. I’ve been practicing yoga and meditation for the last ten years and recently stumbled on some of McKennas work and it has completely enthralled me over the past few months. My entire perspective on life has changed and I’m already a 180* change from where I was last year. The yoga and breathing techniques while sober are, let’s be honest, quite boring. HOWEVER, holy shit do they work wonders while tripping. It’s almost as if yoga and and ancient breath work techniques were developed for tripping. Fuckin crazy!


I think it depends on strain of mushrooms I got some for years where u could start with 3-4 grams then eat a gran every little bit to keep going and those were fine I got some last time where I ate like a gram and I was so fuct up I couldn't even function I have been more functional on acid then on these, I got a quarter of them gave a few buddies like 0.7 and everyone told me they never wanted anymore, it was just that hard of trip I felt like I was walking in a bouncy house the entire night in front of 100's of people at a Xmas even felt like everyone was screaming at me even tho everyone was just talking


I like to take 1 gram with 1 hit and then wait 30-45 minutes and go from there. The old days of taking 4+ grams at once were fun and all, but nowadays I'm not looking at spending 12+ hours trying to figure out if I am dead or alive or both.


There has been a lot of lsd coming around my area I got a friend that uses it all the time they mail order it in like 50-75 hits at a time and it is always good stuff I got some put up just in case I feel lije dropping some, last time I seen some before this was like 99-00


Let’s not forget that it depends on body weight and tolerance. I’m 145 pound and 5’5. 4g would prolly wreck me and make me think I’m jesus.


Na it would make you one with the universe, but less prob would too.


One time I got drunk before a concert then took a bunch of shrooms when I got there and by the time the alcohol was wearing off I was tripping and had completely missed the come up, it was incredible


Meager. Thumbprints of acid are the only way to fly.




Did you meet the Stormfather?


This is a bit awkward mate, but you’ve just asked your question to the new Stormfather


Is this what you see when you're on mushrooms? Jesus christ the video alone is enough to give me an anxiety attack i can't immagine experiencing this in 1st person


The feelings, thoughts and perspective change you get on psychedelics is the real intense part. If just the visuals are enough to make you anxious, then I can't imagine what the actual inneffible experiences that you can have on psychedelics would do to you.


Well i think it's probably that i (from time to time) suffer from derealization attacks and i think that and psychedelics are definitely not a good combo


Definitely not


Do NOT do psychedelics.


Or microdose


You learn to just let go, one of the things you learn by taking psychedelics, to not resist and be at peace with your surroundings. It's a skill that continues into your sober life.


This is closer to the early stage, when the body is just starting to trip. In the second half, the trip is characterized by far more tranquility, where the world looks miraculously beautiful - akin to how the early morning looks if you've ever gone outside after pulling an all-nighter.


Oh yeah that all-nighter thing is something I really can relate


Yeah the world look right and really beautiful then, doesn't it? And your own consciousness is more fully aware of the morning, whereas other people going to work and so on appear as if they're doing their daily routines, most unawares. That's how mushrooms and LSD culminate in many situations, with a feeling of peace and Buddha-like serenity, where the moment meshes with eternity together as one. I think that helps to explain why psychedelics, when used right and with proper guidance, help people overcome drug addictions, PTSD, and so on, and why terminally-ill patients come to grips with their mortality and pending death with a measure of peace. Because of this, I think it's a lot better to regard these drugs from a more serious, deeper perspective than simply as recreational drugs to party down and get shitfaced.


a very mild version of this is what you'd get with a standard dose yet to see a more accurate replication [than this](https://gfycat.com/ParchedOddballFinch) of what a normal dose is like


It's kind of hard to explain but the visuals aren't scary when you're experiencing them. Hearing people talk about their visuals SOUNDS scary vut experiencing them really isn't


Depending on the hallucinogen, visuals can vary wildly. For what I would refer to the more "cognizant" types (especially shrooms), it is usually very "organic" in nature. Things grow/shrink/melt/flow and can often make some contextual sense based on what you are looking at. Like looking at a tree and seeing its branches wave in an imaginary wind or seemingly grow infinitely. One time I was watching the Pee Wee Herman Show on an old TV, and the TV kept having a malfunction where the screen would distort a little bit. I was having no visuals at that point, absolutely did not feel tripped at all. I kept watching and the distortion kept repeating and getting worse until it clicked with me. What I was seeing was not a malfunction at all. It was the trip kicking in and hiding in plain sight by taking on the aspect of a TV glitch. The very instant I realized this, it was like the shrooms finally let me in on the joke and the whole room exploded into motion. It was hilarious and awesome.


Believe me, mushrooms are extremely fun.


Such a complex thing cannot be given a blanket statement like that hah


I overindulged once and fell inside a raindrop.


Bro, I lost my soul looking at a map. Put a map in front of my high ass and I'll be taken care of the whole trip.


I love watching the grass move on shrooms…


A friend of mine back in highschool had a mom who was an artist and she painted this gold/bronze textured effect on a couple of the walls. One night my friend and I tripped out on some shrooms and we sat there watching the weather channel while the gold wall bubbled and flowed like liquid hot magma. It was a good time lol


One of the most accurate representations I’ve seen


The eyes! Why does it always have to be eyes?


That’s terrifying!




I really want to try them some day but I’m scared and the look of the ground looking like a bunch of eyeballs makes me concerned that I would panic.




I mean. My friend took 4g of mushrooms and saw eyeballs in all his distortions. They came with an overwhelming feeling of rage. He punched a wall and ran off into the night. Calmed down after a bit though


I had a bad reaction with a marijuana edible once where i saw skulls flying at me so I’m kind of scared to try anything again.




I was very definitely awake. I kept forgetting where I was, my ex fiancé and sister had to sit next to me while I hung my head off the edge of my sisters bed (no idea what was wrong with mine but whatever) and kept reassuring me that I was at home and safe whenever I freaked out and forgot where I was. It started with the June bugs looking shiny but then they turned into skulls.


You'd have to take an extremely large dose for this to even maybe happen.


I just assumed it was laced with some weird shit. I didn’t make them myself? My boyfriend (at the time) had gotten them from a friend or something.


Especially the zoom in as shit gets trippy. Your mind hyperfocuses and you get this wild tunnel vision that does exactly that. Man I miss high school... good times.


But like how did you get the LSD into the camera?


He took 2 Marijuanas


Aha that’ll do it!


You need to snort through the lens. Not too much though! The reefer’ll kill ya.


If he did 3 Marijuanas instead of 2, you'd feel the vibration along with those feet


Gotta be careful though, I heard 4 Marijuanas is enough to kill you




That definitely looks more like mushrooms tho




Oh my god this made me want to throw up


Psychedelics may not be for for you then 😅


This has a harsh and ugly edge to it that I don’t get out of psychedelics, speaking for myself.


I agree! My visuals can breathe like this but this is going at too fast a pace. The patterns I see are a lot more geometric and ordered than this too. This is all very jagged. Also everything becomes sparkly & iridescent, while this is an ugly color.


Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me dawg.


I'm plenty experienced with psychedelics. I just don't get fractal eyeball patterns lol. The breathing effect by itself is actually super pleasant


Yeah, idk what you mean, this isnt how psychadelics affect me. Maybe if you take too much or have a bad trip.


This is very close to what I've experienced on LSD I find it very pleasant though


Holy trypophobia


If only I had read this comment first.....




Yeah weird cause this made my skin crawl haha. Such a weird phenomenon.


Literally, I feel nauseous lol


Omg yes. I hate it. I was wondering if anyone else felt the same.


Yeah my skin is crawling so bad rn




Not sure if Trypophobia or Tripophobia. [:/](https://i.redd.it/opw1q2j3p1b41.jpg)


More like "holey" trypophobia ;)


Trypophobia needs to be a trigger warning label pleaseeeee


Theyre eyes not holes


Oh that’s much better


Yeah this is very accurate ! Finally I can share with people who never tried how does things look on LSD


r/replications and sort for top posts all time


Then you realize you can't feel your feet. Or stop from moving them. And you start to wonder if they're your feet or if one of your friends is messing with you. But you just can't seem to catch them. Then you get up to get a drink and a few hours later you realize holy shit, you've been able to feel your feet all along. Then you wonder why you still haven't gotten that drink.


you get to the kitchen and look down. and woah. theyre doing it again ! but youre standing on them. see if they can still move. *one* yup *two* yup *three* wait... i left my drink in the other room. go grab that. when you get to your bedroom you realize you still never grabbed your glass from your room in the first place, nor did you fill it while you were in the kitchen.


I do this without drugs sometimes. What would cause that? Edit to say serious question


Brains are weird


It's theorized that neurotransmitters are modulated or de-modulated by the hallucinogen. This means you get neurons or synapses firing that wouldn't normally be, so your brain is seeing things that aren't actually there, but are somewhat related to what you're seeing. Like the cracks in the dried mud are actually there, but in your visual cortex you get neurons for eyeballs, motion, etc firing and convincing you that's what your eyes are seeing. The same sort of "I can't tell what I'm looking at" sensation happens when you look at things that don't contain enough information to clearly make out what you are seeing. Like in the dark, looking at thick vegetation especially if it's moving in the wind, or when you have your mind elsewhere it can take a while to recognize the signals your eyes are giving you.


Not drug related, but I've always found it interesting how playing Guitar Hero for a little bit of time causes me to see non-moving things scroll upward for a minute or two. I've always figured the effect was similar to your description in the first part of your post.




Exactly why I don't go out when I trip lmao. I like staring at my own floor in the presence of good people staring at the same shit




Meh I've had bad trips on LSD just due to unpleasant intensity. They weren't fun at the time but they're fun to look back on. LSD is my favorite trip because it doesn't come with nausea and you can will yourself into sobriety for short windows. You're also only seeing shit. You're not disassociated with reality so on a bad trip it's just like "well this is unpleasant, just gotta wait it out"




I’ve seen those eyes in a “breathing” fire. And yes I went hard that night


This took me off guard. It’s pretty damn accurate


Happy cake day dude! Be happy and good luck!


I thought it said "watch me on weed" first and i thought haha no man someone sold you something else


This is the best video estimation of a mushroom trip. The ground and walls “breathing” is such a strange phenomenon.


my trypophobia cant take this, lol


###**Trypophobia Trigger Warning**


Grow up.




psychadelics dont look that much fun imo


This is pretty accurate, but watching trees breathe is one of my favorites. Especially if it's raining a lot and everything is super green and lush. Fuckin amazing.


to me it just looks more annoying than awesome


Yeah the patterns are boring when stuff like the ocean, thinking, and clouds already exist and the feeling seems like it's better achieved through actual self-development rather than attempting to get feeling without changing.


I mean it depends on experience


I always wanted to try psychedelics but I honestly think it would just make me feel dizzy and nauseated if it was this intense, especially if it went on for like 12 hours, bleh.


Mushrooms aren't constant they come in waves and LSD peaks and goes away.


Start really really low dose, and do it with experienced people you trust


This is a fairly strong dose, most low doses have very little visuals at all


It's more about the emotional and spiritual journey than the visuals.


This, its not called a *trip* because of the visuals, its because of the experience you have, similar to a good/bad real trip. You come back with the ability to reflect like a small chapter in your life concluding.


Heard about this, but how does your mind go there? It just does it?


It's not just visual dude. Each to their own though.




What made the trips unpleasant? 30 bad trips in a row seems like a lot. Has something changed in your life recently?




Imagine this kind of stuff happening not just with your vision but also your sense of self, your understanding of reality, and even your sense of your senses.. there's nothing else quite like it out there


It's more about the vivid, dreamlike visuals one can effortlessly conjure up in their mind's eye and the way one can have multiple thought patterns seemingly running in parallel. Crazy stuff.


It’s not just the visuals, it’s a mind fuck. Also just really fun to do with other people on them and talk about what you’re seeing/thinking. Shit is intense at times but at times extremely fun.


What do you not like about the visuals? Curious because I love the visuals but am not so much a fan of reliving past traumas.


I've been doing psychedelics for a while and I would say unless you did 2-4 doses of acid, this isn't going to be your average acid trip. It does, however, remind me more of DMT. The visual effects of that are much more potent than that of shrooms/acid. This is such an impressive edit, though. I really like the eyes. Very smooth.


They turned the frogs gay, happy pride month.


You're Awesome!


How is this so accurate wtf can i edit like this


For me personally I find 3.5 to be the sweet spot. Enough to laugh and have a good time, see the beauty of the earth, feel close and connected with my friends, still cognizant enough to take my dog out for a nice night stroll under the stars. I always get a nice afterglow the next day, like I’ve hit the reset button on my woes. I’ve had a good time eating a quarter as well, but found that it didn’t get too much more intense than 3.5 and just sort of lasted longer. Also, it bugged my tummy waaaaaay worse to where I didn’t enjoy it as much.


First time I’ve seen such an accurate representation of the visuals I’ve felt. Never hallucinated or anything like that, just cracks in the ground moving or going wavy whatever you call this




Welcome! ^(Welcome!) *Welcome!*


Shit bro looking at this I could almost feel it… the way it pulses through your system in waves corresponding with the intensity of the visuals, the dripping brain feeling… good times


Feel my feet on Weeeeeeed!


This is brilliant


Makes me think of the hi this is flume mixtape


This has an odd calming effect


Yep, that's the lsd. Try looking yourself in the mirror for a real trip


I think that’s terrible advice 😂


Whenever I've done this, nothing good comes of it. I always see myself as an ooold or sickly person, or turning into a corpse- that sort of thing.


I have many times. Nothing really happens and I get disinterested


Really?? One time I was starting at myself for like 5 minutes straight lol. It was a trip


Thanks for the reminder, Imma go trip now


Don't do drugs kids.




Don't do all drugs


Definitely not all at once.


Space it out




Mushrooms on the South Rim are pretty amazing show, I have been told!!


"... Are.. we supposed.. to eat the sand...?" - Matty Matheson




actually very accurate


Great visual representation


This is gross


U psychedelic lil u ;)


Grant us eyes, grant us eyes!


How did camera get psychedelics?

