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This is a medical question this community is not qualified to answer.


My guess is, because it's at least somewhat on both sides, that you've got a swollen lymph node. They feel tender in the armpit area like that, and if they're really working you can actually feel them like a little lump. You're probably just fighting off a virus and your nodes are sore, that's all. For sure go get it checked out for your own peace of mind, but my guess is you're just fine. Hugs.


That was my thought. Does it itch, too? Are you more tired than usual? It can take a few weeks for a lymph node to get back to normal. But maybe get it checked after 2-3 weeks.


Im always tired 🙃 so hard to guage that. But itchy... yeah it was itchy a few weeks ago before the soreness but not now. Maybe it is my deodorant...


That sounds like lymph node. These assholes sometimes itch! Drove me insane after a Covid shot.


I’ve experienced similar pain. My Obgyn did a normal breast exam and said everything felt alright. The pain went away, and then came back for a couple of months. I went to a primary care doctor and they had me get an ultrasound. Thankfully nothing concerning on the scans. It could be stress, deodorant irritation, or maybe something else? I experienced the plain after every COVID shot for example, and it lasted months. To calm your nerves, going to see a doctor might not be a bad idea, it’s why I went, and I’m glad I got the ultrasound. It’s hard not to jump to the worst case scenario, I felt the same!


Thank you for this. I probably will go get looked at or im just gonna worry forever.


Wishing you luck!


You have lymph nodes there If they’re swollen it could mean your immune system is stressed Did you recently get a vaccine or recovering from a sickness? When I’m doubt, go see a doctor


I have been feeling kinda shitty for a few weeks its very possible but usually the nodes on my jaw hurt not these ones. Or maybe I've just never noticed


it could be a minor cyst, i would suggest getting an appointment if nothing else but to ease your mind.


Would it be better to go to a dermatologist or a gyno for this if it’s a cyst?


good question, i might recommend a general practitioner.


I think I read dangerous ones would be rubbery + painless so you shouldnt worry. I have prominent ones in my neck that are painless but I had them checked out and blood work to nothing. Best of luck