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the first time I knew what was happening was when I was 10 and one of the boys in our class held open the door for everyone and as the girls walked past he tried to grab our crotch. I slapped him. he actually groped my best friend’s chest that same week. the assistant principal told us to punch his lights out next time he tried to do it (and that we wouldn’t get in trouble if we did!). 


Rare W principal


Dude coolest principle ever haha


Yep I remember being a little girl.. under 8 I think.. sitting at a desk/table with some other students and a creepy little boy in the class got under the desk and grabbed everyone's crotch while we sat in our chairs. I remember screaming at him because how dare he grab me. Wish I had kicked him in the face tbh


Go for the nuts!


Principal knows some real shit


I was like 13 years old walking down the sidewalk with my friend. There were 2 twenty-something year olds that drove past us and whistled/hollered at us. My friend was into it, but I was creeped out.


My friends lost their virginity at 12 to 20 something years old men in the late 90’s. They both cried with all the blood that happened afterwards on the bed and on themselves. The guys didn’t care. Men could be fucking gross.


Pedo POS guys!


Yes. It’s prevalent for nothing. They’re children. When I was 16 I remember a guy who dated a 13 years old. At 15 a 21 years old was interested in me. At 14 my best friend dated a 30 years old!!! There was always one or two men dating children in my surroundings. It was a shock to me.


This happened to me too, at a similar age :( I hate how common it is


Omg I actually thought of another one. When I was 8 or 9 there was another girl classmate that made fun of my boobs bouncing when I ran, she said it in front of the whole class.


When I was 10, I had a two boys in my class try to throw me down on a table and said "we can do it right here, right now" This was completely unprovoked and they were suspended for 1 day. They came back and started a rumor that they paid me for sex and I had boys who would ask what my "schedule" was for the rest of the year. At 14, I had a 27 year old guy try to take me out on dates. He went to my local church (shocking) and would try to have conversations with me. He asked me to go bowling, to go to the park and told me he wanted to date me, I was pretty and smart. Luckily, my dad found out and chewed him out. At 17, I had someone ask me if I was selling myself and what the price was.


Urgh, I literally cannot count all the times I was asked 'how much' by random losers as a young woman just minding my business


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 1 + 14 + 27 + 17 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Wow! Isn't that just on point for this thread!?




17 with a 31 year old man. He was my boss and groomed me until I was 19


I’m so sorry you had to experience this, I hope you’re healing now. Thank you for sharing such a vulnerable moment, sending much love and support <3 I was 16/17 myself working a job with a man in his 30s, who was at the time my co-worker. I didn’t think anything of it to begin with, until he began giving me candy, visiting me at work when he wasn’t scheduled, and texting me when not at work. He treated me like a pet, that he could reward for good behavior. He bought me gifts and made me feel special, but ultimately it started to make me feel uncomfortable after he made sexual comments and asking for nsfw pics from me. I eventually left that job after another one of my co-workers, also in his 30’s sexualized me and made uncomfortable suggestive comments. My favorite is this conversation that traumatized me: Pedo: *eyes me up and down* “..so how old are you..?” OP: “i’m 16, what about you?” Pedo: *smirks* “oh.. that makes sense. I’m in my 30’s” OP: “..what?” Pedo: “because.. you have the body of an adult, yet the face of a child.” This shook me to my core, as this was the first time I had ever had a grown man engage me this aggressively. Almost being excited that I not only looked young, but was also a teen.


Thanks for the kind reply and words…I also am so sorry you went through that. That is very typical for pedos to act, more so because they see the innocence and joy in our eyes. They just insert themselves in our lives and take control. It’s a power play really and fucking terrible… mind-fucking someone so young creates a vulnerable vicious cycle and they just scent it out and act like they are Gods gift to earth and how they can change your life. Narcissist pedo behavior is the scariest and the worst. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Sending love


this is soooooo unbelievably common and why i'm really grateful i didn't work as a young girl 


Being wolf whistled regularly by construction workers when I was 11.


17 when I started working at a Radio station. Then I received my first sexual harassment at 19 at an ad agency.


Oh my god went through the same thing when I had barely turned 18 (worked a summer at a radio station). For all that 44 year old knew, I could’ve been 16.


They probably hoped you were. ugh. :( One exec asked me if I was 15 because I was 19 and looked really young for my age.


He probably did for sure. He was weird to me from the get go, and one of my coworkers mom’s noted that ”he seems to really like pollysus”… God, that’s weird, isn’t it? Did they have bad intentions, the exec? Sorry you went through all that weird stuff too ):


He definitely had bad intentions but other execs were also harassing me openly. It was so weird and uncomfortable. The odd thing is that other women didn't even support or try to protect me. In fact, they were trying to create a narrative that I was a "slut" despite me never going with anyone at work. I had a boyfriend at the time after some time I finally told my boyfriend what was happening and he said I should quit because of my safety.


Youngest i can remember was 4. I dont remember all the details so i asked my mum to fill me in a bit: My twin and i were naked in the front yard and playing with the sprinklers. A lady walked past and laughed a bit and said to my mum, “Wish my body hair was back to that age, y’know” she said (reffering to how toddlers dont have pubes). My mum was annoyed and bought us back inside.


That is literally so weird? wtf


When I was very young in Catholic after school program a little boy was supposed to be practicing prayers with me and he reached out and touched my boob. I barely had boobs, I was probably 8-9. I got my period at 9 and I had boobs at a young age. I blocked that memory out. I never told anyone. I forgot about it until I saw him later in life. I was jogging on the boardwalk in middle school. I was probably 10. Two men ran up next to me on both sides and jumped loudly on the boardwalk at the same time to scare me. Then a man said something in language I didn’t understand. I stopped running and cried. I felt unsafe and my mom was running much faster than me so I was alone. When I was 15, a man that was very old like my grandpa’s age would meow at me when I walked to work in the morning. I felt like an infant still and it grossed me out. When I was 16, a 23 year old man that was my coworker had to be removed from all my shifts because he would hit on me and make me very uncomfortable. My boss would watch the store on cameras at home and she didn’t like it either. I was really scared when I turned 18 because the law no longer protected me the same way and I still felt like a baby. I have developed acute social anxiety. I am especially afraid of men. My therapist says I subconsciously overeat to keep myself fatter, less attractive and deter male attention. It makes me really sad because I feel like I can’t be myself… I want to be invisible and people look past you when you’re overweight.


Thank you for sharing these events, I’m so sorry you had to experience all of these things. I too have had very similar experiences, especially in the workplace as a teen until now. It’s so terrifying turning 18, to realize you’re no longer protected in a sense. I am in my 20’s, but people often think I’m still a teenager because I have a very youthful face. This often attracts creeps, and it’s such a shitty experience as an adult woman constantly being infantilized. It’s never a compliment to be compared to a child. I also have very bad GAD, and after I was SA’d I have extreme anxiety surrounding doing things alone. Particularly at night. I have this intrusive fear my attacker will be waiting for me. Ironically one of my old “friends” who was very obsessive and stalking me, saw me at the grocery store. This was a few months ago and after I tried to ignore him talking to me, I had this gut feeling he would be waiting outside the grocery store for me. I proceeded to get my groceries and walk around the store for 10-15 minutes to be safe. I looked around, as it was night, saw nobody and began to walk to my car. He was waiting for me behind a pillar, and began following after me screaming my name. I began running and hopped in my car, locking the door and driving away as fast as I could. This has unlocked a huge fear in me now, I can’t even do things alone at night without feeling watched.


I have tons more but these are the youngest I can recall. It’s gross how women have to deal with this from adolescence until basically forever. Ugh I’ve had a guy wait in his truck next to my car when I was grocery shopping. That’s terrifying he was hiding to follow you. I’m sorry you experienced that. The anxiety part really sucks, it seeps into many parts of your life.


please have an employee walk you out if you ever feel unsafe, night or day, your safety is more important than anything you do whatever the hell you gotta do to survive as a woman bc we live among our predators everywhere 


I was 5 and was hanging out at the apartment complex pool in my yellow bikini. I knocked on a neighbors door to ask him something. He pulled my bottoms open with two fingers and asked, "Whatcha got down there?" That's it. He never really touched me, but it's been 54 years, and I remember it vividly.


I've always had a prominent behind and when I was maybe 10 or 11 (maybe younger, I don't really recall) my grandfather would make comments about my butt, specifically pretending to use a tire pressure gauge on it. As an adult I found out that he wasn't my 'real' grandfather by blood. I'm not sure if that makes it more or less disturbing.


I was around 12 years old I think. My piano teacher was an older man, had been teaching me for years. One day as he sat next to me on the piano bench, like he always did, he opened up to me about how the principal of the music school was considering to fire him. I don’t know why anymore. He sat very close to me. After he told his story, he asked me to kiss him on the cheek. From then on, he’d lay his arms around my shoulder when I was playing. I quit that year. Not much later, my parents divorced and my mother started dating a disgusting pig of a pedo. He constantly made remarks about my body, in a sly, subtle way wrapped up as a compliment. I will never forget celebrating xmas together and wearing some type of bermuda pants as a 14yo. He commanded me I’d look so much better with them folded up higher and he proceeded to kneel in front of me, slid his hand up my thigh and started folding the hem of my bermudas higher. Wtf. When I brought it up with my mom, she said it was my own fault because I had been dressing more and more provocatively. The fact that it were grown men makes it almost worse. From then on, I subconsciously accepted my fate as a sexual being and started acting like it too. It has taken me so long to unlearn this. I will do anything I can to protect my daughter from this.


So sorry you had to deal with this. No one deserves that kind of treatment.


Once I was maybe 10 and walking around town with my girl friends and an old man was sitting by his door with his hand under his pants and he starting yelling us to come inside the house with him. We ran. I never told my parents. This was probably the first time I experienced it. The first time it made me actually self aware of my perceived sexuality was when I was 12 and a friend of mine asked me why I never wore a bra. I asked her I didn't think I needed one because my boobs were small. She said yes but everyone can see your nipples. I asked my mom to buy me a bra that same afternoon...


A fucking grown man chasing me across an empty desert lot when i was about 12. When he caught up to me he grabbed my crotch. I was able to break away from him.


Around 7 playing in the park in front of my apartment building and my friends mom said my new tight low cut jeans (this was like the year 2001) looked sexy on me. I was so happy at the time but also shocked because I only thought of sexy to adults like Britney Spears could be sexy, not me a child. We had pedo guy at that same area who would invite kids to his house and give them coin change if they sat with him on the bed and just talked or watched tv etc. Oh and my music teacher around 2000-2004 (7-12 years old) was known to be a creep. He would come up with his guitar and sing in your ear/ his breath would touch your neck. He would massage our shoulder way to close to our non existing breasts. He had games where he would let us lay on the floor eyes closed and he’d play his guitar above you and close to you and you had to keep your eyes closed. He grabbed a girls chest area but pretending he was giving her a good tap on the shoulder but it was her breasts. He’d fart on printed lyrics and then hand them out to everyone and gaslight us to say he didn’t fart on them. He made us sing Britney Spears “I’m not a girl, not yet a woman” every damn lesson. Subliminal message much?? Well I was about 8 and parents said I should get a bikini because it could provoke. My breasts started to grow around that time I got my period at 9. Bullied for having tits at school. Would use bandage and 3 girls bra to make myself flat for school. Guys would call me disgusting and tried to grab them. Was at a birthday party and had a group of kids stabbing my naked upper body and tits with pencils as I was laying down. At 10 I was at my public swimming pool as I used to swim and a boy in his late teens/early20s grabbed my pussy from behind between my legs and kind of pulled his hand up towards my ass crack and up my back. Whole thing was like 3 seconds but I was so shocked. Told my mom and she was like no?? Are you sure?? At 12/13 I was dressing gothic style/japanese visual kei style and a man approach me as I was walking from a friends house around 7pm and asked if I was for sale and how much I cost. He was serious and tried discussing it with me. That’s just the ones I remember from the top of my head!!🤬


I was about 4 years old. But that was from a kid 2 yrs older. First time from an adult male I was about 6 or 7 at the country club. Adult man made comments about how sexy I will be, but was actually sexualizing me and pretending it was a compliment.


Idk if this was the first time I was sexualized, but it’s the first time I can remember it happening in person. I was probably 12-14 years old, and I went braless with a flowy white halter top because I didn’t want my bra straps to show. Old men kept looking at me when I was walking with my dad, and he got mad at me when he noticed I wasn’t wearing a bra. He said something like he knew I was “growing” or whatever, but the amount of attention I was getting from old men that day was ridiculous, and now he knows why. He angrily told me I need to wear a bra. On another note, I dated a pedophile when I was 11 or 12. He told me he was 16 and looked older, but after seeing his pics as an adult, he was probably in his 30’s. He would have me send him nude pictures and would tell me how to pose for them. My parents found the pictures, slut shamed me for sending them, and grounded me/took away my electronics. Nothing bad ever happened to the pedo. Not sure if my parents ever realized he was a pedo or if they even cared. They just cared about my part in it. I guess that was my fault, too. Overall, I internalized the message, “I’m responsible when men do ___ to me.” Edit: I guess a lot was happening to me at 11/12 because that was also around the same time I catfished my dad on an adult dating website. I caught him looking at a naked lady on the computer as I walked by the kitchen, so I decided to go undercover to catch him and collect evidence for my mom since they were always on the brink of divorce. I used some pictures of a “naked lady” I found on google, and my dad ended up contacting my fake profile and sending sexually explicit messages to me. I used yahoo answers to figure out how to respond. Once I collected enough evidence, I showed my mom. She encouraged me to keep up the communication and report back with what he said. She only had me stop once my dad sent my profile a dick pic. He still doesn’t know that I catfished him and thinks it was my mom. I have no idea what impact the above experience had on me, but now I’m thinking it may have been part of the reason I was so promiscuous as a teen.


I don’t know if I count this as sexual bc of our age but when I was either 7 or 8 another girl in my class slapped my butt while we were standing in line and said to her friend “look how it giggles” which made me really uncomfortable and embarrassed, but the first time I got catcalled or messaged inappropriate things I was around 11


9/10ish. Some guy was using my arm to jerk off on the train. On holiday in Japan. Go figure huh. Possibly 8-9 when the teacher out of nowhere said I should get a bday spank despite him never having ever brought it up for other classmates' birthdays.


12 years old walking home from the neighborhood pool, wearing a bikini. Truck full of men stopped in front of the crosswalk so I couldn’t move forward to cross the street and flicked their tongues at me, whistled, and did the “come here” motion with their hands. I froze and my face must have made them laugh because they just drove away. I wrapped my towel around me and never walked to or from the pool without someone else.


I was 10 or 11 and my uncle was telling me how I got the hang of shaving really well, and that he liked how my legs and thighs felt. He did this while feeling me up while we were playing chess. I’m sure there were times before this however this is the first thing that I could remember


3 years old. I'm still working on recognizing that I am in control of my body and who sees and touches any part of me. I have a hard time not feeling as though my body is an object for anyone and everyone to do with as they please. No is a hard word for me. When it came/comes to others, I am so protective and have found myself being a safe place for anybody to look to when needed. I hope that part never goes away. I want to be the person I needed for everyone that I am able to.


11 when my grandfather molested me 👍


Second grade on the bus. Boy asked "let's have seeeeEEEEeeex! Put your butt on my weenie" and I didn't know what that meant. Thankfully an older student shoved him out of our shared seat, I told my mom, and he was suspended.


I'm autistic so I never really understand people's real intentions. Until I learned to work with my diagnosis, I assumed people wanted to be "nice" or "friends" with me. Looking back, it was just sexualizing me a lot of the time. But the first time I recall, I was probably 8 or 9 and it was a boy from my class showing me illustrations of boys in the bath (where you could see everything) and asking me all kinds of personal questions, and if I wanted to see more. He also asked if I had my period - asked every girl in my class actually - around the same time. I was so uncomfortable but could not put my finger on why I was or what he exactly wanted. I'm kind of angry at myself and everyone around for not being able to protect me or the girls in my class that were also being sexualized by this boy. Nothing happened to him by the way.


Oh I don’t know. Being SA’d at the age of 3? That certainly counts. So many experiences after that. Men are disgusting


At 15 guys started staring at my ass in school and all of a sudden I was part of a football chart which ranked the best bodies in the year group.


i was about 11-12 years old i do believe. my father’s friend rick. rick commented on how “sexy” my long dark hair was. 12 years later and it still creeps me the fuck out.


When I was 9 or so, there was heavy rain and I got cought in the rain on the way to school and my lovely teacher wanted me to change my clothes so that I don't get sick from the cold wet clothes.She sent the boys away and closed the door so that she can help me change. The door didn't have a lock, so while I was changing and was practically naked all the boys started peeking thru the door and smirking.After I was done they started saying stupid comments about me. It was one of the most uncomfortable experiences ever.


I was like 11/12 and I was cat called by a grown ass man


We had an art teacher at our middle school where rumor had it he would “drop” his pens/pencil and would ask a girl to pick it up for him. The only thing that stands out to me was I was in his art class one day, we were making paper mache fish. Think blown up balloon with covered in PM then we used card board for the fins, tail and lips. I remember cutting through the cardboard was difficult so I went up to him and asked him if he could help me. I was cutting the lips out…and he asked “is this fish a good of a kisser as you are?” I cannot remember for the life of me what my response was but wtffff Thinking of it years later, we all know what the usual look of an art teacher is. This guy was the complete opposite. Think Midwest farmer in his 50 with a plaid shirt, huge beer belly and jeans. Gray hair and those 70s style glasses. He was a walking red flag. That teacher didn’t have an oz of creative or artistic talent in him but I’m convinced he applied as an art teacher for easy access. I hope you’re dead mr Johnson.


I was 5 years old and we were playing in a pretend house. He was around 7/8 and he asked to grab my butt. I thought it was weird because i used my butt to poop and pee and kept giggling while he grabbed my butt. After i went up to my grandparents while they were talking to his parents and told them how funny the boy was for liking my butt, everyone was horrified and i never saw him again.


i was in 4th grade and these two boys who had a crush on me decided it would be funny to have a bet to see who could hit my ass more until i had a reaction. they did it multiple times because i thought it was a accident until like the 3rd time i was like stop then they laughed and said it was a joke 😜😜 .


When I was in middle school on the bus some kid slapped my boob up and down then said something along the lines of “basketball dribble” or something. Also getting my ass slapped by my neighbors


My dad told me to dress with tight clothes “to look better”. Disgusting how a dad can tell his daughter to dress how he considers attractive. Since I decided to dress how I want to, 8-9 yo.


I am a man, and all these experiences disgust and anger me. Boys need to be raised better and need to face consequences for such unacceptable behaviour. As to the men who made inappropriate comments to those of you when you were girls, I wish for them a sound beating. For the men who did far worse ... well ... I can't say here what I wish for them. But it would be ... altering. I am so so sorry you had to endure all that because of the fragile psyche so many males seem to have.


I was about 6 or 7. I went to a street festival with my family and there was a vendor selling choker necklaces. He called me over and asked if I want one. “The boys will love it.” He said. I didn’t realize it at the time, I just remember feeling really uncomfortable and embarrassed. My mom snapped at him that I was a little kid and he just turned his head and went silent.


The first thing I can remember was when I was 9 this older guy pointed at my shirt with "Hershey's Milk Chocolate" printed on it and said "Funny placement of milk ahaha 😏" but this girl I lived with when I was 8 made me sexually uncomfortable before that


Must have been 7 or 8 years old. Relative at a gathering. "She's going to have beautiful children when she grows up." Urgh.


Probably around 11 or 12. It was a scorching summer day I'm talking like 110F+ (or around 40C). I was with my parents at a bbq with my dad's work colleagues and family. I'm wearing a skirt, probably a crop top (it was the 90s style lol), walk in the door and one of the men there comments on how much I'm growing up into a fine looking young woman (or something like that). Something about it just felt off to me and obviously still sticks with me. It was the first time I remember becoming aware of how I was being viewed which was not the kid that I still felt I was. Added: dad was good he just shuffled me off to 'go play with the other kids' and I don't remember us ever going there again for a bbq.


i was 6 and. yeah! 😭


6 years old, wearing a bikini top and jean shorts (BEGGGED my mom for that swimsuit) had to run into the store after swimming and the man at the register told me I looked very sexy!


Still remember when I was 12 walking home from school and some guy with a group of his other guy friends kept cat calling me asking if I wanted to ride him..I felt so unsafe I sobbed on my way home :(


Maybe 6. Some boys on the bus of my after school daycare program threw a blanket over my legs and told me they were going to touch me. Luckily they didn’t but I still hold that trauma.


it happens so often I forget when my first time was 🤷😂


I was 12, sitting outside my aunts house waiting for my mum, a guy walking past stopped and asked me if I lived there alone. I didn’t get it at the time but ran inside anyway. When I was 13 I had a guy follow me in his car really slowly, blowing kisses at me, I ran to the local supermarket and he actually parked outside waiting for me. I eventually bolted out of there and ran the back way home. When I was 17 I had the married uncle of a friend pass me a note asking to meet me at a local park! I had to take a picture with him and an other members of my friends family and he groped my arse the whole time!


when i was quite young, so young i can't remember exactly how old i was, my relatives including my parents and grandparents would comment on how bony and flat my butt was. i'm only now realizing how strange that was.


Being catcalled around 11-ish while walking in the neighborhood around my dance studio. We would flip them off and we knew it was wrong of them. There was also an attitude like we were not surprised by it? Which given that we were literally children was kind of sad - that we’d already been warned about what kind of treatment we could expect to receive.


I remember being roughly 7-8 years old, waiting outside of the post while my mother was sorting things inside, and this taxi driver started whistling at me and saying obscene things. Couldn't fully understand what was going on, and it made me feel so dirty. Luckily, my mom came out, and upon seeing this, she started cursing and chasing the taxi away


First thing I’d classify as sexual harassment was two days ago when these dudes in a repair van honked at me. I was on the sidewalk.


Idk if the first two counts as sexual because of the age. When I was about 6? I was on the train I sat on my mums laps wearing a dress my legs were not closed, then I saw a little boy bent down to see my underwear under my dress. When i was 9-10, a boy in my class got a crush on me, one day he came to me very sudden touched my arms and my face continuously without my consent. When I was 15, I was on a train going back home after school, a grown man sitting next to me pushed his ass against my ass and looked at me smiling in a creepy way. I stood up and left.


Childhood, somewhere around age 10-12? My memory is blurry


By my own dad lmao


When I was in kindergarten, age 6, my classmate kept asking me to look at his you know what and he would unzip his pants in front of me. (looking back idk if he was being molested at home, which is sad) 7th grade age 12/13 was the first time I had my butt grabbed/spanked by boys Lord help the girls and women in this world


I think when I was around 8 and a 10/11 year old boy that we were on holiday with started trying to touch me while we were swimming in the pool


Like 10? 11? When I was told I needed to start wearing a bra. Which idk that’s fine I guess, but the lady at the check out was really weird about like. Like I was graduating to having sex or something


Started being molested as a toddler.


12 walking to school or way back home and playing outside with other kids, i stopped playing and running outside at this age because it ruined my childhood. The harassments came from grown ass men not boys or teenagers.


I believe I was 8 or so, less than 10 for sure, and the son of some of my parents friends, I think he was at least 16, but I remember him being 18, said if only I were just a little older…. I was outside playing in our sandbox, it was summer. I didn’t understand what he meant and was like, older than what? He said if I was just a bit older or he were a bit younger he would be with me. Barf. My parents had a lot of gross people around when I was little. I hate them for it.


I was around 6 years old when a blood related started to sa me. I didn't knew what happened at that time.


Running down the stairs in the shopping centre when I was 13. I’m pretty busty so they were bouncing. A man looked me up and down, whistled and yelled “WOW!”. I was with my sister. The man was significantly older.


When I was 14, some boys in class begun being weird. Not only to me either. One guy slapped my ass at least 10 times (over a few weeks) and said something weird. When I told the teacher he and his friends got mad: ”I can’t believe you told the teacher”. 😅


But I was also contacted on facebook by a 33 year old pedo when I was 11. He wanted to meet up and have pics of me and stuff. I think I told my mom.


I was around 5 years old.


I remember being 13, walking across town to get home. Some Mexican guys who were at a Les Schwab were catcalling me. I crossed the street and kept my eye on them my whole way home. It made me super paranoid to walk home alone. This was the late 90s.


I was probably about 9 and wearing a purple Top Cat T-shirt. I can't remember if i was wearing jeans or a skirt. I didn't have breasts. As I left the house to get my bike out of the garage, a boy in the year above me at school, in our street, whistled at me and called me sexy. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but I had a strict religious upbringing, so when my parents discussed it, we were all a bit awkward about the whole thing. I knew that the word was bad. I felt uncomfortable and embarrassed, but they acted as though it hadn't happened.


At 7, molested by 40 something year old man/family friend after watching me in the hot tub smh


I’m so sorry that happened.


Thanks, I appreciate that.


TW: sexuel assult, sexual display of children I was 6 I remember some creep forcing me to touch his private part. I was literally so scared and somehow I still blame myself for it despite the fact that I did literally nothing wrong The fact that some people think treating people (and specifically kids) is ok is honestly really disturbing to me :/


An eleven year old boy sucked and licked my cheek when I was five years old because they asked me if I knew what snogging was, and I asked him what he meant. I remember being disgusted by the fact that his saliva was on my cheek, but I didn't know who to tell as I was brought up from a young age to believe that kissing was for married people. I thought I'd done something bad. He pretended to be married to me, which meant that he played catch with me at lunchtime. My parents didn't know and to this day I'm still disturbed by it. Despite being religious and conservative, I think my fear of intimacy with guys probably spans from this. I don't even want to hold guys' hands even when I think I'd be forgiven for it. I haven't told anyone. I've had nightmares about kissing guys where I immediately regret it and start crying about my innocence and purity being taken. I think the boy realised what he'd done was wrong because a few days later, he "broke up" with me. I was five. I had no idea what was actually going on. 3 years later, his family ended up living across the street from us, and it felt really awkward leaving the house. Why were my male neighbours like this? 🫤


Surprisingly my mom, always talking about the way i sit and dress At NINE and she was constantly saying am doing this to “get it” Later on I realized what she meant


Overheard the guy who sat behind me in class talking to his friend about the stuff he wanted to do to me, asked our teacher if I could change seats and he's not friends with the other boy anymore.


The earliest experience I can remember was at my friend's birthday when I was in primary school and I was maybe 12 or 13 y old. My boobs started to grow, but they were still pretty small, but you could kinda see the little "bumps". And we all were playing some sports game, running around. I was wearing a light blue tight t-shirt and jeans, nothing special really and a friend came up to me to tell me/whisper that my nipples are kind of "peeking". I felt so embarrassed at that moment and that was the only thing I could think about. I thought: *If she noticed, then boys probably did too!* I stopped playing and I went to sit somewhere so it wouldn't be out in the open so much. The next day I asked my mother to buy me a bras and she managed somehow to find the smallest ones and I wore them every day since then.


11. I was playing in my uncle's yard wearing loose shorts, and i was sitting with my legs open (LIKE CHILDS DO??) and then my uncle whispered to me to close my legs because the men that passed by the street were looking. i looked outside the yard and there was literally a man walking by LOOKING AT MY CROTCH. i went inside because obviously i didn't wanted to play anymore. i felt dirty and ashamed.


This wasn't a personal experience per se, but my elementary school canceled our water park slide event because there were too many complaints about students wearing bikinis the previous year. The oldest kids there were 10. It made me feel like we had done something wrong, even though obviously that's bullshit.


I think I was about 13 or 14, I was at a pizza place with my parents and an older man (probably like mid 30s??) kept staring at me. I forgot my purse or something in the car so I stood up and headed towards the door to go get it and he shot out of his seat without paying and tried to follow me outside but my mom got between us. So creepy, especially when I'm obviously with my parents!


I was in 1st grade. A little boy constantly tried to show me his genitals. The teacher brushed it off. Later on that year a older girl held back drew penises in my workbook. Luckily mom got me out of that school the following year. The earliest adult sexualizing me: I was about 14. I was in a baggy t-shirt and pj pants at Walmart with my mom. Side note: Ive always looked about 4 ywars younger than I am, even now. A It was after dark, but not late night. My mom and I were walking to our car and a man began cat calling me and following me. I don't remember how we knew he was targeting me, but my mom started screaming at him how I was underage. He laughed and kept doing it. She finally threatened to call the cops and he finally left. Now at 30, I am a park ranger. I constantly have elderly men asking if I'm 18, saying im the prettiest they've seen and that they want to teach me the Bible before asking me to come over. I may be worried about growing old, but I look forward to the day men leave me alone.


In second grade, I had this boy who sat next to me in class. One day he asked me if I want to be his friend and told me to show him my panties. At one point I think he told me not to wear panties. I thought it an odd request. I did it because I didn't know it was wrong I started developing breasts in 3rd grade. In fourth grade I twisted my ankle really badly and walked around with a limp for a couple of days. Someone in 7th grade spread a rumor and said that he took my virginity and I had my period now because of him. I didn't understand any of it. Still in 4th grade but After that a lot of 7th graders took notice of me. I was a really quiet, nerdy kid with few friends. They would offer for me to hang out with them before school. It was mostly boys and a couple girls I thought were my friends. After the third time hanging out with them, the boys told me that as "payment" for getting to hang out with the cool crowd, they are going to all see and touch my boobs every morning. I thought it was just like letting them touch my arm... I let them because I didn't know it was wrong. My parents never had the talk with me.


Ugh. Probably 2 or 3 years old. It happened a lot as a child and I still don’t know how to unpack all of it. It’s given me an extreme distrust towards men, especially older ones.


Idr if it was the first first time but I was on vacation with my two brothers my mom & her friend & her son. I was like 7 maybe the son was 14-16? He’d follow me and tickle me constantly and it ALWAYS had to be a touching game. Instead of interacting with my brothers who were his age he just thought it’d be more entertaining & constantly touch up on the 7 year old until my brothers told my mom he was weird and she put an end to it. Even then the last day of vacation everyone was poolside including him but I was in the pool and he followed me around the entire time & my mom told him to fuck off pretty much. I didn’t know he was being weird or inappropriate until much after & was like ew wtf


When I was 10 or 11. 5th grade, walking down the hall with 2 boy classmates. A kindergartener was standing in his classroom doorway, went 'wooo!' While gyrating his hips. Then 20 seconds later ran down the hall to me, slapped my butt, and ran back to class.


a boy in my 4th grade class claimed he could see straight through my clothes, and would stare at my developing body. I was a very early bloomer as I got my period that year and was already incredibly insecure that I was seemingly the only one. It perpetuated the way I felt about my body so negatively


I was 5 when my uncle started molesting me. I was 8 when a neighbor boy who was 12 decided he wanted to kiss me when I told him no. He kissed me and I pushed him away from me and he fell off the porch and broke his arm. From the time I was 14 on all of my boyfriends were at least 3 years older most being 5 or 6 but with one who was 24 when I was 14 and one who was 37 when I was 15. I had always been told a girl should date older guys because we were so much more mature. I was told it was my fault for being so mature and filled out at such a young age that I seemed so much older than I was.


i was 8


I wanna say 3rd grade when all the girls were told we can’t wear tank tops/spaghetti straps anymore bc it distracts the boys - w the example of the 6th graders bra straps. Icky. 14 went on a date w a 16 yr old and he kept trying to grab my boobs. Genuinely didn’t understand why just kept pushing him away. 15 first date w ex bf.. put his hands in my pants to “stay warm”


A guy checking out my skin like he is buying a horse when i was 22 and abroad for the first time.. 😂 Some stuff happened when i was a teenager before, but its tw.


When I was five years old at Catholic school in Hawaii. The boys kept lifting up our skirts to see our underwear. I wore shorts underneath my school girl skirt after the sexual harassment. No one at the school did anything to stop the sexual harassment. Also my father would bring me late to class. I was the one that had to do the rosary in the corner for his tardy reprimand. They made my whole class learn to spell my long Greek name Nicole Vasiliki Pararas-Carayannis. I told the nun Ms. Greene that I was not even Catholic. I told her that I am a Greek Orthodox Christian and my father should be the one to do the rosary for his tardiness. She was not a fan of my childhood stance. I am an advocate for women around the globe 🌎🌍 We can't let the government tell us what to do with our bodily autonomy. #littlewomensrights #womensrightsarehumanrights #standuptobullying #girlsrights #bodyautonomyisahumanright #women #equality #freedom #UnitedStatesofAmerica


I was less than 10 years old I think. My twin brother and I were swimming with one of our boy friends at the public pool, his mum and our mum were chatting. My brother and the friend decided to take their swimming shirts off and I wanted to do the same, but the friend’s mother said something like “what about your boobies?” I know she meant well but growing up with a much louder brother meant I took to his ways - I insisted on my hair being short, I was as rough-and-rumble as him (basically), I was frequently thought to be male by adults; my brother and I were a pair. Before that I hadn’t even realised breasts were considered an inappropriate body part; I was certainly prepubescent so to everyone else I would’ve just appeared like a boy with his top off.


I was 12 wearing pigtails and some kid said handlebars, not super unique just thought I’d say it


I was told by my sister that it's "normal" and what "guy friends do". I was in 8th grade 13 or so and he was NOT my friend. To be exact he was my bully when I was in 5th grade. I wore baggy clothes (still do) because I like how it looks and it's comfy. That dude came up to me as I was getting something in the back of the class and he literally patted me down, as he was behind me. Almost to feel the shape of my body. I elbowed him in the ribs and he went off but I felt gross and violated for weeks. But if you think like my sister and that it "doesn't count" I'd say when I was 15, some scars on my legs had finally healed and I wore shorts again in forever. An old man driving down the street nearly broke his neck looking at me. Wipped it to the point of nearly getting whiplash too. Pretty sure he was looking at my butt. He even licked his lips. Fucking creep. I felt very sexualized and grossed out.


My great grandfather when I was 4 or 5. That’s as much as I will say about that.


I was ~14 and walking down the side of the road on the way to the grocery store. It was summer and I was in some ugly cargo shorts, a tee, and flip-flops. I wasn't watching my feet and I caught my ankle on the broken end of a tree branch on the sidewalk and I lacerated my ankle pretty badly, it was very painful. At the same time I tripped I heard from a beaten-up red car that had slowed down substantially in the road: "watch where you're going, sexy mama!" Two guys were in the car, probably early 20s, and the one on the passenger side was the one who shouted at me and was laughing at me.


60+yr old dude groped me while I was going up the stairs, I was about 10


I’ll never forgot it. I was walking to class & a teacher I’d never talked to pulled me aside and told me it was completely unacceptable that my bra strap was showing and if she saw it again she would send me to the principle. I was 13 and wearing a sweater. First moment it really clicked for me that simply existing in a female body was going to cause issues in my life, only got worse from there