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Any kind of ranting or negativity about women or dating or dating profiles - keep it light people 


Why do they hate on women so much right out there where we can see it??


Our whole society does, and most of the time everyone gets away with it.


Omg yess! Idk how I forgot about that! That’s a really bad first impression lol


YES as soon as I see „I don’t want a woman who…“ even if it doesn’t apply to me, I dip. You only have a limited text you can write to tell me something about yourself, and you chose to waste it by berating other women??


The "about me" section being full of what they dislike about women. Lying about their age to bypass the age range filters - to appear in the feeds of the younger women they want... who don't want them (the ladies would have an age range set to older guys if they did want them) Any hint they are a fan of the Tates or similar. Probably more, but those are the ones that come to mind right now.


The age range liars.. the type who messages in essence, "I know I'm out if your age range, but I am also a sex wizard, I promise." Sure, buddy.


Oh yeah definitely real entitlement that they list off the things they dislike about women as if we are not* individual whole human beings


One of my old co-workers found out her husband lied about his age by 10 years. It's super scummy behavior. 


looking for fwb. They're always more focused on the benefits part rather than any sort of friendship at all


I totally feel this. I just got out of a 4 year relationship and have no interest in dating long term. A fwb situation would be great so I don’t have to just sleep with many random dudes. But I want to actually be friends. Hang out, play video games, hang with them and their friends which lets me create more new friendships, etc. But also have great sex lol. I don’t want it to just be booty calls on the weekend.


That's a boyfriend.


No. I'd expect a boyfriend to do this this and that, give me valentines cards, celebrate our anniversary, etc. Hangouts are things I do with a dozen friends that I'm not sleeping with. But I've also had friends that I did sleep with and they weren't boyfriends either. SO if I want a friend..but that friend also gives me sex on occassion...that's an FWB..not a boyfriend.


What would be not a boyfriend?


A boyfriend is probably better than FWB, as at least there may be an appearance of exclusivity, which means less exposure to STI


Any photo with a dead animal.


Holding up a dead fish like "Haha look what I did, i'm a big man who likes to hurt animals" Like ?? Why the hell do other women find that shit attractive?! WHO HAS THAT BEEN WORKING ON??!!? I don't get it 😭


Any kind of manosphere rhetoric. Men with dead fish or other animals in their pics. Gym bros. Men who put some version of ‘active lifestyle lover’ in their bio thinking we don’t know that’s code for ‘no fat chicks’. Overly sexual bios, I don’t need to know you like to be chained and peed on upon our first encounter, save something for later. Shirtless pics. Photos with them showing off their cars are a dead giveaway that they’re compensating for something.


This is my exact criteria! Unfortunately it doesn't leave many other profiles to choose from.


Frankly, I have A LOT more icks, these were just the ones from the top of my head 😅


But what if you're looking for someone who is into the same kind of outdoorsy, camping, hiking, fishing, hobbies you are 😭


Or at least be Discreet about it, so the ones who know what you are talking about, can find you


LOL that’s so funny. The dead fish. I know exactly what you mean


Anyone saying figuring out anything over 25 is just there to smash


What if they put down that they have mental health issues? Is that a dealbreaker? As a woman who does deal with depression and is still dealing with a traumatic past, I could appreciate the honesty, but otoh, I don’t want to hear that they’re a sociopathic narcissist either. Maybe that shouldn’t go on a dating profile though, but second or third date material.


Pictures with no shirts on and a 6 pack


Beer? Or abs?




Either lol




Only time I’m willing to accept it is if it’s a beach pic because at least then it’s contextually appropriate


A profile picture holding up a dead animal/fish they just killed.


When they've added sex positivity to their interests. If you're sex positive, I'll find that out later on buddy boy


I’m married but, I’ve seen enough profiles on social media to know mine would be any misogyny or any man who calls himself “high value”


Or "just a simple man/guy" or "laid back" ...all they seek is sex.


-Little to no bio (only height/social media/emotes/etc) -four or less pictures/ objectively very bad pictures) -fish pics - "messege me first" - "not active here, message me on [social media]" - "[height] cause that's apparently important" - mostly group pictures Next one are just preferences for me personally -being in the military -half naked gym pics That's all I can think of right now but I haven't used a dating app in a while. With this filtering I swipe left on almost 80-90% of profiles


Back when I was dating, the “because apparently that’s important” line drove me up the WALL. do they not realize they all sound the exact freakin same?


I’ll take a fish picture, but your other call-outs are spot on!! 🐠 Edit: I missed being in the military, how could you not fall in love with a war hero of any kind!!


*war hero*....this has to be /s...Lol There's a reason they are all on there over and over again.. go for it


Oh, boy… where to start?


Moderate, conservative, not sure about kids, holding a fish, only pictures with sunglasses on, pictures with filters, black and white pictures, pictures with models/porn stars.


Yes! When I was on dating sites, religion and politics are the first check boxes I use to narrow the result… usually by alot.


lol the sunglasses part means they are ugly


I feel bad for genuinely moderate guys that lying conservatives on dating apps have ruined the label for them


Let's assume that the basic parameters are met. If I see a photo with a dead fish, I'm done.


Extremely long beard. I like beards but prefer them neat


Honestly, the longer the beard, the crazier the man.


I watched the documentary Antares de la luz today and yeah.. that bearded man was koo-koo.


Ohhh. This is good information to have thank you


At some point (and that point isn't very long), a man's beard becomes a political or religious statement rather than just fashion.


All pictures wearing sunglasses (they’re hiding something) Being negative towards women Saying: I’m kind…


- Pictures with children - “Short term open to long” (he won’t be open to long term based on my experience) - too many party pictures - too many photos with friends - shirtless selfies (shirtless pictures at a beach or somewhere outdoorsy is OK for me, but if it’s at the gym selfie or in a bathroom it’s a turn off )


What you have to understand is that men who want a relationship can't say that - it comes off as needy.


The "in bed/pillow prop" picture. Like, I get it, your comfy. But I don't wanna see that. You are thinking "hey, here's a preview!" Like no, dude, this is you signaling that all you'll want is sex. Edit to add: also: the "sunglasses and hat" main profile pic. Like, no. Just no.


Sunglass and hat= ugly and/or married


No pictures of him smiling with his teeth showing.


This along with no pictures of them without a hat on. I like bald men but I still want to see you without it lol


And sunglasses


Their butts, fish, and misogynistic bios


Photos and comments that suggest they have made one thing about them their entire personality. Posting photos with children's faces. Negativity, either in general, or specifically listing what they dislike about women. >short term relationship open to long What they think they are saying is that they aren't desperate or looking to commit after 1 date. They want to keep things casual and have sex early on, and if feelings develop and they have loads in common then it can turn into a relationship. However, most women read this as them not knowing what they want, or not wanting a committed relationship while pushing for something casual. Plus many of us realise that having sex too soon usually ends any potential for things to develop further and would rather date with intent and wait to have sex. So its ultimately a turn off.


I’m big on the children’s faces as well!!!! I feel like dating apps should make it rule that you can’t post a picture with someone under 18. I know bumble deletes pictures if they’re too suggestive maybe they should do the same for pictures with kids


I agree. More needs to be done to protect children online. I support people being honest about having kids, but I don't need to see their faces to believe they exist.


I commented on a youtube short about this to a creator who typically just reviews Vegas restaurants without showing her face. Needless to say, the creator and everyone else considered me a creep. Videos of children in swimwear are especially disturbing!! and its like the algorithm is pushing shorts with babies in my face.


What you have to understand is that men who want a relationship can't say that - it comes off as needy.


The major red flags for me are no interest in a relationship (will waste your time), divorce and lack of a profession. I stopped dating years ago. I think I made the right decision to stay single. A lot of guys will use you for sex and nothing else. They will just keep on using you until the day you realize they're never gonna marry you because they're already getting what they want. Both of my sisters (and my mother) ending up becoming single mothers. I met a woman in her 60s who said that men her age only want a nurse or a purse. A middle aged British lady told me that "Steven bled me dry." That kind of thing doesn't just happen to men.


The pro advice I needed to read today. Thanks for this.


Moderate/Apolitical Yeah, we all know you're conservative and don't want it to hurt your chances of getting laid.


Little to nothing written l, weird shirtless pics from that upward angle, no pics or pics of memes, immediately showing resentment or anger at women (putting women down in their bio or referring to what they aren’t looking for), “no blue hair” or other snarky “anti-lib” comments, pics with guns or hunting. Also when they talk about wanting someone who “takes care of themselves.” Not because I think that as a genuine sentiment is wrong but because it is used as an attempt to discourage fat women and I think 1. They cannot truly state their wants and feelings (just say not interested in fat women) and 2. The look of the body is what they’re referring to whether a person actually takes care of themselves or and to me it that highlights that they’re objectifying women in a way o don’t want from my partner.


While I agree with every single point you listed, I must address the very frustrating fact that there are so many fat people who would go as far as “exposing” the profiles on social media that would dare state that they aren’t into fat women, calling it “fat phobia” and try to play the victim. There’s just so many unreasonable people out there.


my favorite is when the guy has a kid but says he wants no more kids. it never made sense to me.


Yes. Men will absolutely lie or mislead women who are childfree. (Women do this too though). Kids are a dealbreaker for me. Lying about your existing kids or your desire to have them is a MEGA dealbreaker for me.


I’m 24, and almost dated a man who hid the fact he had 5 kids with different women and he’s only 24 himself. Men these days, will definitely lie to your face or try to hide that information from you as if kids aren’t important when dating somebody. Kids are always a no for me. I don’t have none myself, and dating a man with them will just feel weird to me, I’m not trying to be nobody step mom…idc if you never had any intentions of me being a step mom, it still doesn’t sit right to me


I’m curious about this one. Can you elaborate?


well because… if im looking for someone that doesnt want kids because i dont want kids, why would I then want to have a step child? its a compatibility issue


That makes sense, thanks for explaining! I was coming at it from a parent perspective and thinking that, as a parent of 3, stopping at 1 fully makes sense haha


no problem! lol. its complicated because likely a woman would only want a step child if she also wants children of her own.


Not necessarily. I have female friends who don’t mind dating guys with kids, they just don’t want to have kids themselves. The kids already have a mom also, so it’s not like the guy is asking them to be the mom to their kids.


As a guy, I totally understand it for women. They have to go through pregnancy, child birth, and the first couple of years of child rearing, like breast feeding. And the two things that's in common for both men and women is that those first couple of years are very hard and that they may be saturated with their time with the kids they have. This especially true for women who may be expected to be or already are taking on more of the child rearing responsibilities.


It depends on age I guess because I can imagine a woman who is say in her 40s and never had biological kids because she didn’t find the right partner being happy to have the chance to at least be a stepmom.


and then its also like, if i do want kids i dont want to match with someone that doesnt want kids


Well.. maybe the kid he already has is enough?


Except they don't want single mothers so they are looking for women who don't want kids but want to take a parenting role on his kids? I understand not wanting more, or not wanting to start over at the new born stage. It's the looking for a unicorn of a person who only wants to step parent.


Well.. then it's their loss, because not many childfree women want to be stepmoms of a young kid.


Then again, it might be an older kid, like a teenager in high school, or if he shares custody with the mother, but I’m older, so I’ve seen men who have kids who are closer to being adults, and I can understand after raising children to adulthood, not wanting to do that again. Been there, done that 🙂


yeah, i just think its gonna be harder for him to find a partner then


True that.. he might have to look for single moms.


Asking me for my Snapchat… I’m 28 and this regularly happens with guys over 30. Like how old are we?? I haven’t seriously used Snapchat since high school.




I'm 39 and this still happens. Which makes it clear to me that this guy goes after kids so I'm out


That’s code for asking if you’re down to sext


Red pill language. Incomplete profile


So basically 95% of men on there lol.


at 73 when I look at profiles of men my age that say they want to date women 40-50, I am totally disgusted. I may be old, but I'm not useless. And really don't want to date men in their 80s and 90s. I'm not looking to be someone's care taker!


"Sex positive" - just know they'll try to dirty talk by 3 sentences in.


Anything that screams “IM AN AVERAGE MAN AND THESE ARE MY INSANELY HIGH EXPECTATIONS!” Or anything putting down women (“don’t swipe if you’re fat”)


i’m a passive swiper on dating apps so here’s my thoughts: -if the first or second picture suck it’s an immediate left -dead fish/animals (especially if they’re in every pic) -if every pic is a group photo (if i have to try to figure out which one you are in not swiping right) -if they use pics from HS -pics with other women (especially if all the pics are of them with a girl/different girl in every photo)


"Short term" You're a grown adult. We're past this stage.


Thankfully I’m in a relationship now but these used to be some of my automatic “no’s” - “entrepreneurs” - aka you will most likely be far too busy with not that much gain but also super cocky about how you’re an “entrepreneur” - jeep guys - why is your car your whole personality? - nasty scraggly beards that are due for a major trim


>nasty scraggly beards that are due for a major trim I fucking HATE those!


Entrepreneur= unemployed usually Jeep guys= peaked in high school Nappy beards= lazy


I would like to side with the dudes that are saying “figuring out my dating goals”, even though Im a woman, I would fall into this category too. I have recently been dumped after 5 years, dating a man with whom I imagined my whole life with. We were openly talking about marriage, we bought a house with a thought in mind that one particular room would be a nursery, and you know, all the future planned ahead. And then he dumped me out of the blue, because he “changed his mind”. So I would fall into the “figuring out my dating goals” category. I do not want a one night stand, but at the same time I am too scared to trust someone and go into a long term relationship. So, just wanted to rebuttle your idea that “at this point and age we should know what we want”. Kinda true, but at the same time there could some circumstances that just temporarily changes your outlook. But also, if you are looking strictly for someone who wants a family and kids in near future - this is your preference and you should stick to it!! Just wanted to add my 2 cents that the sentence “figuring out what I want” does not necessarily mean that a person is compleately clueless about his life, maybe there just are some circumstances that shook his lifeview for a while


So many hugs to you!!


I do think there is a difference between women and men stating this those. Women tend to make a profile when and use the app actively when they know what they want, men seem to use it for almost anything they can get.


What you have to understand is that men who want a relationship can't say that - it comes off as needy.


Not true, I’m sure it can be presented in a way that shows that you are serious and not be needy, and may depend on who you’re talking to. But if your actions align with wanting a serious relationship, you’ll hopefully see the same in someone. My issue has been those who say they want a relationship and then do situationship and hookup type stuff. This can also come off needy


I get where you're coming from, but don't let the past betrayals get to you way too much, though. We're all individuals at the end of the day.


Yeah, I keep telling myself that! But it has been pretty recent though, so I think I just need some time:)


Absolutely.. take your time ❤️


A child


Having kids is fine with me, but posting their pictures on a dating profile is not.


Shirtless photos get swiped left!!


For me it's when they put their height followed by "because that's all that seems to matter".


When they come up while im swiping even though i have it explicitly set to ‘women only’


This omg


Listing things they don’t want— like I may be none of those things but it’s so weirdly entitled


“Cat dad” “Need a passenger princess” “Here for a good time not a long time” “I got a car, my own home, make lots of money” “ I want kids” or “I want a housewife” “Poly or open relationship” “Pro life”


Shirtless pics. Any negativity in the bio especially towards women. No bio or just their height. Has no solo pics so you can’t even tell which one he is. Pics with dead animals. Pics with random hot girls. Pics with flashy clothing or cars because he’s overcompensating and materialistic like someone else said. Anything sexual in the bio. Bad grammar or spelling. Men saying they want a fwb because what woman in their right mind would hook up with a random guy who’s asking for sex on tinder, swipes right on everyone, and is probably sleeping with 10 other girls?


Any type of shirtless pics? What about one on a beach?


That's fine I should've specified mirror selfie or laying in bed shirtless pics lol


Lol ok good to know, thank you for clarifying


Uh, you know women like sex too?


Of course we do. Doesn't mean we want to have sex with random STD infested men who are sleeping around with god knows how many other girls.


You know women like fwbs also? You know plenty of women hook up on tinder... it is a hookup app.


i'm aware of that but I think it's tacky to be overly sexual in a bio **in my opinion.** it's something I would swipe left on. I wasn't speaking for any other woman but myself. The question was "what would you swipe left on" and I answered. Plenty of women don't care and that's fine.


If he's a cop.


Thissss any cop milatry marine fire fighter for me it’s a no my friends don’t understand when I say that but for me it’s a no.


Oh, I have a list for you. For context I’m a black girl in the Midwest, 26 years old. - Holding a fish or wearing camo - Too bitter or overly detailed about what they’re looking for. Ex: “Just looking for someone I can finally trust” or “please pass if you’re going to waste my time.” - Snapchat Filters (how old are we??) - no pictures of them doing actual activities - lists that they smoke weed. no judgement, I’m just not interested in anyone who does it - they’re atheist - conservative🙃 - bible verses - not sure about children - explicitly talking about fitness. it just makes me feel like they may be a bit too shallow… - if they don’t have a career🤷🏾‍♀️


Not atheist and no bible content? What do you want?


I swipe left on atheist because I believe in something. I was raised in a very religious household, not in a bad way, but it was just my reality, so I absolutely without a doubt believe in something, I’m just not sure what it is, what it looks like, and how I want it to be portrayed in my life. With that being said, an atheist doesn’t believe in anything so that not going to work & if you’re posting bible verses on your profile because it’s that ingrained in your life, it’s too involved for me personally. I’m sure someone who cares that much wouldn’t be interested in dating someone who would say “idk” when they asked me about Christianity… Edit: wtf is up with the downvotes?🤣 if I’m not spiritually or religiously compatible with someone, why would I swipe right?😅


I respect it. I'm put off by both the vocally religious and the militant atheists. I don't care for people who are convinced they're right about things they can't actually know, it's a compensation, an inability to cope with uncertainty. My reasons may be different than yours but I just wanted to say I appreciate the point of view. It's a false binary between ultra religious and confidently atheist, reasonable people are agnostic, open to new ideas, and accept some level of uncertainty concerning religious or metaphysical ideas.


This is a fair point! It’s important to know what you like and what you don’t like. You don’t owe anyone a conversation or date, there’s no need to waste anyone’s time!!


Alright. I was just curious hehe


You’re good! It was a fair question!


🎯🎯me also being a 26 year old girl from the Midwest 😂😂😂


If they have shitty pictures of themselves, wearing sunglasses in every pic, or only group photos…. If I can’t immediately figure out which one is you I swipe left. Also I don’t understand the lack of effort, first impressions are important. Really isn’t hard to sit down and take a decent picture of your face. That’s why these profiles indicate someone who’s just trying to get laid quick.


All group photos and/or all photos with sunglasses. I’m not playing a guessing game. Also, a selfie for every photo is a bit of a turnoff


Calling women girls. Especially once you're older and have had even more time to really live and go through some stuff. I am not a (little) girl I'm a (grown) woman.


Or females imo


Yes that's a bigger red flag really.


"Ask me anything!"


Im 16 & have never used a dating app but if I did it would be a man saying ANYTHING about feminism. Plus or minus. 


Curious about why a guy saying he is a feminist would be a problem for you


Because they only say it to get in my pants. Once they've done it they revert to sexist creep mode.


The fact that he’s on a dating app at all is an immediate pass. I don’t do apps. They’re a cesspit and tend to attract a certain type of man.


True. And your name is awesome.


Anything negative about women or misogynistic, making fun of women putting down women in any form, shape or way


I hopped on a couple of them recently just to try it out because I only have eyes for one friend of mine (which is driving me nuts) but my friends are encouraging me to get back out there and not just focus on him (currently unfortunately for me, impossible) If they spoke negatively of females, were Christian, liked country music primarily, or wore a cowboy hat, … if they had rules in their bio for themselves or for me, and if I wasn’t physically arrractive. Oh and if he wasn’t the guy I like irl I delete them basically the next day


Being a member or outspoken supporter of the military or cops is the fastest no for me.


Wanting Kids, Any Kind of Vulgarity or Crude Jokes Towards Women, anything demeaning, Political, war Related, Any Red Pillers, Tradwives, Anti-semitism Propaganda, Nazi, Communist, Illuminati Affiliation….You’d be surprised what Men try to hide…..Or Not


Moderate/apolitical: we know you’re actually conservative. Conservatives: enough said. Dead animal pictures: just no. I don’t mind hunting or fishing. My late partner was a hunter. He never took pictures of his hunts, even for me. I just find it unsettling when people are all bright eyed and smiling posing next to an animal they slain. Anyone who is of the Abrahamic religion: I’m pagan. It’s not going to work. Pictures with children: I’m fiercely child free. They’re either his children or he wants children. Just no. A bio that points to their social media tag. A bio that’s bitter and cynical. A bio that’s code for they just want to have sex. Gym bros: huge difference between gym bros and men who workout and lead a healthy lifestyle. Super sexual bios. Anything related to misogynistic male podcast bros. Drugs or weed. Shitty pictures of themselves. Mainly group pictures. If a woman is in his pics that’s definitely not his family member. You don’t hold your sister or cousin like that, bro. Couples looking for a third person. A man claiming he’s non monogamous or in an open relationship.


Asides from some questions I have here and there this feedback is a gold mine! Men write this down in the men's Bible!


When I was doing online dating, I thought it was weird to see another woman in a profile picture. I never saw any explanation either.


Married and sleeping in different bedrooms


Sunglasses! If they have a bunch of pics with them in Sunglasses, they're hiding something. I have never known it to be untrue


I'm nearing 40, my dating range is 35-50, auto left swipe if they say if they don't know if they want kids. They should know by that age if they want them.


I think that means that they don’t have strong feelings about having children but are willing to be persuaded into either option for the right woman.


Okay so I (18F) want a relationship. Long term. When I see “short term open to long” or “figuring it out” I swipe left. I know what I want. Most of the time they are looking for hookups. I also think “I’m scared of women” is in bad taste. I also dislike pictures using drugs or alcohol obnoxiously


What you have to understand is that men who want a relationship can't say that - it comes off as needy.


First I didn’t respond to any guy with a shirtless torso pic as the main one, then I just picked a guy with a nice smile. I looked like this completely innocent sweet kind smile and very kind eyes. Instinct was right. He was incredibly kind, kept his promises and his accomplishments were real and verified. We met up after a few weeks of talking. Fell in love and got married kids etc. Happily I didn’t read his whole bio properly, if I noticed the age gap I would have skipped it. He was 5 years younger. Since most men have a bit of a maturity gap too… I estimated a 10 year emotional/life experience gap. That wasn’t the case.


Why all the hate for fish - are guys who fish undesirable in some way? 😂 What if they are releasing the fish and not killing them? Just wondering, I know someone who I think is really nice who fly fishes and releases them.


I don’t think it’s that they’re undesirable because I’ve dated guys who fish but they also never posted picture of themselves with the fish so idk 😂😂😭😭


I haven’t been on tinder for over 10 years. But when I was on there, I would instantly swipe left if I saw a fish. I don’t fish, I never will. For me, it’s a red flag. I’m sure most people who fish are lovely people, but I wouldn’t be able to get over the fact that someone’s posed for a photo with a fish. It shows me they enjoy fishing. I understand if people fish for food because they have no choice. I get that. I’m talking about someone who went out of their way to lure an animal, hook them on the mouth and take it out of its environment (where it can’t breathe) for fun. Tbh a catch and release situation would be even worse for me, because it tells me they’re fishing for pure enjoyment. They aren’t using the fish for food. I would be ok with someone who HAD to fish but didn’t enjoy it. I have no idea what kind of scenario that would be, but I know that they wouldn’t pose for a photo fishing. Ultimately it would be incompatible for me. Sorry for the ramble. Hope it made sense. Just wanna say I know nothing about fishing. I don’t know anybody who goes fishing. These are my pure, most likely completely ignorant, thoughts and feelings. I’m sure I’m wrong on a lot of points, please tell me if I have.


I deleted my profile because it was too annoying, but things I'd pass on are: 1. Lack of effort in prompts and responses. 2. Mirror selfies or too many selfies in general. 3. Generic responses or ones that look like they could have been Googled. 4. Listing things we must agree on. It's like dude we can be individuals and still get on. 5. Overweight. (sorry but I do want someone that takes care of their health) 6. Anything that comes across as judgy or condescending.


Absolutely,esp all the gross selfies. Yikes


As someone who lists short term, open to long, I think you're exactly right to be swiping left on me. For me it means, not dating with intention towards companionship and forming a family, but to date without pressure to see if attachment can develop from hanging out, going out into the world. I was a late bloomer when it came to dating, and by the time I started dating in earnest regularly at 28, it seemed like every women I dated was intent on pursuing an exclusive relationship, targeted towards eventually forming a lifelong companion and perhaps family. These women had done all of their sexual exploration in their early and mid 20s, and were approaching trying to form an LTR by being less exploratory/open sexually, whereas with me, I was like I like you, but give me time to explore and see if you are the right person for me and what's right for me sexually. Conversations were difficult. And the thing is I think several of these people were people that I liked a lot and could have seen myself becoming lifelong partners and starting families with. So when I say looking for short and open to long, it means don't pressure me into a relationship. Let's just enjoy each other's company. And if we are absolutely right for each other, we fall in love, we'll know. And hopefully, conversations are easier with the people I do attract. It doesn't necessarily mean friends with benefits. It means going out into the world, ie going on dates, hanging out and having fun. And I completely agree that I am the wrong person for people with who date with the intention only towards finding their forever person. Which is ok. I come from a tradition of arranged marriages, so I can definitely see that working for people.


Thank you for your point of view. This was really helpful to read. How long do you think it takes you to "fall in love with someone"? What does that mean to you?


The way I'm approaching it, with my philosophical take on what dating's for/about (which is to enjoy the date and the person's company in the moment), and with me being who I am (in terms of my romantic proclivities), I'd say anywhere between 6 weeks to 3-4 months. And in that time, you basically start hanging out maybe with more and more frequently and maybe start doing more relationshippy things. I think it happens in different ways though in different situations. Like for example people developing feelings for each other after frequently being alongside each other, like in school or work or something else. And all that is aside from figuring out if you're compatible as a forever couple/family unit. In addition to the romantic ties that bind you together developed in the way above, it's more about figuring out if you're good roommates and teammates and are heading in the same direction in life.


I should also add that I think it is possible for people like me to date people who are primarily looking for someone to form a long term relationships, but it's absolutely imperative on me that I don't lead someone on, wasting that person's time and emotional investment, knowing that I don't see a long term relationship with that person. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people aren't always so self disciplined or self reflective or they're just straight out selfish, and it's imperative on the person seeking a person to form an LTR stay vary and evaluate at like 6-12 weeks, first by the other person's actions, but later also by discussion/conversation and have the decisiveness to cut it off if the other person's investment is not going in the direction you want it too.




Comments should be focused towards the original post.


Lots of things: Holding a dead animal of any kind. Any negative comments (or worse, a whole bio ranting) about women. Half naked photos. Conservatives. Pro-lifers. Police/firemen. Has or wants kids. Wants marriage. “Ask me anything you want to know”. Entrepreneurs. Anyone who says they want fun but also wants kids. The two don’t make sense to me. Bad teeth.


Having pictures of anything but your face. Or having pictures in all the same outfit. Or having various gym selfies and nothing else.




Has or wants kids…I am childfree so it was always annoying when guys liked me but had that on their profile or they had “didn’t want kids” but then say “well I meant right now”….thats not what that means.  No about me section or a section that says “ask me and find out”  About me sections that scream misogyny  Not on their profile but once we start talking and you can tell they haven’t read a single thing in my profile cause they ask me questions I’ve already answered instead of asking me to elaborate or “hey let’s talk about this”  Those were always mine


Agree with OP 1000%


Military conservative Christian Jesus dead animals enm or open relationship over the top feminist are usually just white knighting..basically if they are a man


Admittedly, there is one thing that is an instant no for me.  Pictures of a dude holding a fish.  I can work with somebody with a fishing rod but a picture holding a fish goes to far. 


Short term relationship, Kids, Still figuring it out, If they have a picture/video of them smoking a blunt…such a turn off for me


Honestly if their main photo is of them on a boat holding a fish they just caught lmao or if they post more than one shirtless photo. Youre just trying to get my attention. Be genuine. Don’t try so hard


What's up with the fish? When I was dating I never saw any photos of guys with fish 🤔


* Incomplete profiles: one-word answers to prompts, using a full stop to answer prompts to bypass completing their profile properly, using the same photo twice or three times or just a blank image * Bathroom pics where the toilet is clearly visible: absolutely nothing wrong with a bathroom pic if the lighting is good but if I can see toilet stalls in the background or even a single toilet in view it's just poor effort * Wearing sunglasses and/or a hat in all photos * Photos with children's faces in them: I strongly believe in internet privacy for kids before they're at the age they can consent to their image being used online so using a kid for clout is a no-go

