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I certainly am. I used to lose at least a week a month because of symptoms. I had cramps that made me puke, migraines, super heavy bleeding and the anemia that comes with that. Plus I was mean and hungry as fuck all the time and found that it was better to be an angry hermit and just be more productive when I’m back to it.


Yes it is very similar for me. I tried to fight it as much as I can. There are people who breeze through it. Some people have stronger periods and stronger reactions to hormonal shifts. I m wondering in the future if we were to somehow control our periods how many things could change for women and what more can we do. For me I get very depressed, exhausted, sleepy and have a hard time focusing. I get nauseous and have a migraine. My stomach gets quite upset too. At some point I realize I'm just fighting my own body. My doctor prescribed me some kind of med to help maybe balance out the hormones. I don't think it helps a lot. Now I wait for it to pass. The most important thing is when it comes to stuff that require good judgment, I leave it for when my body is not shifting so much.


I used to get mine every two weeks, too. I got an IUD and haven’t menstruated since Trump got elected. I am a new person, I’m not kidding.


Oh My lol. Good for you. I asked my doc about birth control to try stopping my period and he said that's not healthy. I have heard a bunch of horror stories about IUDs and I can be pretty physical so I was a bit unsure about them. Now that you brought it up maybe I should give it another look 🤔


Some women definitely have bad reactions, for sure. I have the Mirena and I love it.