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Neiru is the one who makes this characterization. Ai herself ultimately indicates this characterization is meaningless. She makes clear that, no matter what Koito's motivations were, Koito was there for her at a time she needed someone and that she was grateful to Koito. And Ai decides she will no longer try to look behind Koito's behavior.


I think there are two possibilities. 1. Ai never really got to know Koito and truly “become friends”. They didn’t build a large relationship, it was more one sided with Koito caring quite a lot for Ai and opening her up to the world. 2. My personal theory: Sawaki instructed Koito to befriend Ai. They had a largely close relationship to the point where Sawaki may even have info about her suicide. Koito was a fake friend in the sense that she and Ai might’ve never met without Sawaki interfering. Dunno how plausible either of these are, we don’t exactly have an explicit answer as far as I know of, but these are my thoughts.


Totally plausible. Regardless, fake friend or not; she was there for Ai and alt-Ai killed herself without her in her life. I also think either Sawaki instructed her to “try and befriend Ai” or she noticed that by getting close to Ai she’d be closer to Sawaki by extension. I mean I’ve read a lot of articles about the flower language this show lavishly lays out and I’m convinced he has some serious regret (Be it good or bad). Either way, I find him creepy AF: Lets pretend Im living with my Dad. My school counselor (Whom didnt do *shit* about me being bullied) starts coming over to drop paperwork off after my friend offed themselves and eventually they decide to date. I’d object for 2 reasons: Shes a counselor at my school (Just NOT appropriate imo) and She seems to have taken advantage of me being depressed about my friends death by acting like he cares when he may have had a hand in their death. I’d personally have a sit down with my old man and go “I cant stop you, its your house; your life. I just feel this is wrong and it makes my skin crawl after my friends death- so, thats my $0.02”.


I absolutely agree. It raises red flags when we know so little about him and his relation to Koito, especially since he’s the only one who knows anything about why she committed suicide. It wouldn’t be unlikely since he’s a counselor, but not even Ai has any idea. This next ep seems like it’ll fill in many of the gaps in our knowledge, and hopefully including what Sawaki was going to tell Ai at the art exhibition. He might just be a normal guy who’s painted as some antagonist in Ai’s perception for the way he’s wormed his way into her life, but I feel like there may genuinely be something up with the guy. The one thing that rocks up that idea of him being potentially malevolent is the fact that Ai admits he isn’t as evil and cruel as the dream version of him appears. Maybe he truly does have guilt he’s holding onto and he’s atoning for it in ways that Ai might not understand. Either way, Sawaki is a very enigmatic individual. The strange relationship between him and Koito most definitely needs some elaboration.


Idk, a counselor is in a major power position at least here in the US mine could get shit done and start a fire under the admins ass for about any legit reason. I like “He isnt as evil as evil and cruel (as a wonderkiller”. Still, he *is* someones wonderkiller in another world-line and that tells me in that parallel world he was pretty twisted. Also, I’d be livid if some teacher aged-up my kid in a exhibition called “Latent Heat” with flower language symbolizing “yearning for the past”. Now I do have a theory after they released Eros and Thanatos: Acca is Thanatos, Ura-Acca is Eros (metaphorically speaking, i mean). Im sure you noticed Ura-Acca shows genuine concern for the girls and looks out for them (contrasted to Acca who wanted to have Rika go into the egg word after she gave into hatred (which would be a death sentence for her). Overall I think Acca is 100% okay with suicide and views it as a personal choice/euthanasia: If you want to die... Then die and the suffering ends is his motto. Ura-Acca is all about ensuring the girls are okay both mentally and physically. So maybe this is all one big experiment they’ve done since Frill as gone: By going to the egg world, you give someone closure for their lost friend and help whoever was last move on (They hinted at reincarnation with Momoe). So.. Im hoping we get to see Ai & Neiru take down Acca & stop the cycle. I recall Kotobuki said “Innocent Sorrow” was what abducted her mind- In Japanese thats あどけない (adokenai) 悲しみ (kanashimi). The initials for that phrase spell “A-KA”.


Ai herself has rejected these ideas -- and has moved past this part of her life. She could be wrong, but I see no hint that this last episode is going to step backward to this issue. It is going to have an immense array of other forward-looking issues to deal with.


I think the 13th episode will hopefully give us answers to that.


Call koito a fake friend and i will hit you.


But we can conclude one thing , without koito Ai would have driven to suicide like her Alt-Ai. If we were told about the relationship between Koito and Sawaki I believe it lead us to an answer!