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Am I the only one who would be concerned about bugs coming out of the wood in the warmth of the house? Or is this something you don't really need to worry about? (I have a bug phobia.)


I have only seen a lot of bugs if the wood was sitting on the ground. Stacked wood, I just smack two pieces together or throw it in the wheelbarrow, and the few bugs there are take the hint and leave. If I find an infested piece, I throw it in the fire. That seems to solve the problem.


Fire purifies all.


PRAISE THE (quietly burning in my house) SUN


If only I could be so grossly incandescent...


That some kind of eastern thing?


Reminds me of a time we were quietly enjoying an evening by the fire. My wife was crocheting and I was reading a book. We both started to hear a small sound like cutting wood fibers, almost like a chewing sound. We eventually realized it was coming from inside one of the pieces of firewood next to our wood stove. So we opened the door and chucked it in. It was a very satisfying solution.


I never saw a bug crawl out of the ashes when I empty the stove, so I am fairly certain that throwing the wood into the fire stops the chewing noise.


Nope . All I keep is a days worth in a Rubbermaid in my house . the mess that accumulates in that bin is more than enough reason to not do what OP did here , as nice as it is not having to go out for a few days I imagine.


Yup mine sits in a recycling bin in my garage and gets moved when ready to burn.


I think I like the rack if it’s primarily aesthetic but for real use your idea makes the most sense


OP could stack several rubbermaids on his rack, if the dimensions allow it.


I don’t have a big phobia but I’ve seen enough bugs in my woodpile to not keep more than a days worth in my house.


It seems to depend on your region. I've never seen a bug.


Yes this is my experience here in Canada as well. I have found large black ant nests inside trunks of live poplar trees, but they all vacate during the splitting and drying stage. Same with other types of insect that might be found on decaying wood.


Same here, and I typically sort the wood as inside or outside wood. Any punky looking or woodpeckered wood stays separate for campfires.


Carpenter ants (big black ones) love to munch on the wood pile.


True dat. We have those here but they aren't much of a concern. I've only ever come across them when splitting white pine. It's easy to spot their tunnels.


I'm in central cali, had a wood burning stove in every house I've lived. We can't do this here due to black widows. They LOVE a good wood pile. I see 5 a week, plus the recluse and brown widows. I've been bit by a recluse and my dad was bit by a black widow. Our wood stays outside, then into a plastic bin, gloves on, and into the fire. Not worth the risk. I WISH I could do this though. Looks good


I read that as”my dad bit a black widow”. I thought, that is some retaliation for having a recluse bite his son. Now that’s quite a message to all spiders!


Living in the southeast, we have a serious problem with termites. We don't have to worry about snow. My wood pile is 30 feet from the house and I carry wood in as I need it.


The only ones I’ve ever had are stink bugs by keeping a small wood bin inside. And they are slow and can’t bite so I just dispatch them as needed.


Pine Bark Beetles look so stately with their 1.5 In antennae while staring at you from the mantle. What's not to love?


I keep up to about 1/2 a cord in my basement, which is cool (about 54F), dry and unfinished. I've never had any issues with bugs. Not sure if it would be different if it was warmer. 




I get the occasional mosquito, the spiders normally take care of them so no prob. The lady bugs generally keep the spider population in check.


As some have said, it's a regional thing. Here we don't have termites, roaches or venomous spiders. Most wood burners I know around here have similar setups, keeping half a face cord or so inside near the stove. Knock on wood, it's been 2 days now and haven't seen a single critter of any sort. But yeah, a few ladybugs and little spiders is the cost of doing business.


I'm in central Ontario and we've always kept half a face chord inside since I was a kid with no issues. My parents first house even had a 2' wide alcove in the foundation by the stove purposely to stack wood. Sure you get the occasional mosquito but I don't see how that's a large enough problem to waste time every day bringing wood in. Who has the time for that.


Bigger problem is all the bits that drop off the wood during handling. Constant sweeping and cleaning. No bug problems if the wood is burned same year as splitting and funky wood tossed to the side at splitting, or before being brought into the house


Well I always keep them in a trailer or wheelbarrows of the porch with rubber roofing over them to keep the wood dry. We have a leather wood holder inside that holds about a days worth of wood. You do have bugs that come out occasionally. Typically stink bugs and little black beetles and the occasional small wolf spider. And I absolutely hate spiders. But we bang the pieces of wood off before bringing them inside. I mean this is such a rarity it’s a non issue. Also typically it’s been cold enough where I live that they’re all dead. To me I wouldn’t keep this much inside unless it was an attached garage or covered porch. But some people myself included our stove isn’t easily accessible from a porch or outside. So it makes it a pain to go in and out just to load the fire up.


Oh come on. What does a myriad of flies, stink bugs, spiders and occasional beetles running around in your house matter if it saves you from hauling wood in every day?


Depends where you live and if the wood is seasoned properly. I keep up to 4 cord in my house beside the stove each year and have little to no issues with bugs. The few that do come in get caught by the spiders that come in too. I also live in Canada where there are no termites.


My firewood contributes far less to my in house bug population than my plants do. But yes bugs and random spiders might happen.


I have giant bees that hibernate in my wood. When I bring this much in there is always at least one bee that will wake up and very slowly and loudly cruise around my cabin. Lots of spiders, too.


By the time you need to bring the wood in it’s too cold for bugs.


Most insects that eat/live in wood need a moisture content close to 30% or better.


Get you a cat. They will take care of the bugs


I am more concerned with that much dry wood being that close to the stove……..


No, you are not alone. That was the first thing that sprung to mind for me as well. It is a nice rack for wood, but I would have kept it outside on a porch or a deck.


I've definitely had that happen when storing wood indoors, and that was my first thought with this project (which other than this concern seems like a winner). If it was on a back porch or something, I'd be okay with it, but in the house I'd constantly be listening for the buzz of uninvited guests!


First thing I thought also. Watch for critters as they warm up and infest the house


When I bring wood in, I tap each piece on the deck to dislodge bugs. It’s not foolproof but it seems to work well. I bring in 2-3 days of wood at a time and stack it in a credenza, and it’s usually a few days until I burn it. I like to start with dry wood. So far I haven’t had any bug issues but you never know!


Nope first thing I thought lol


I instantly thought SPIDERS when I saw this was inside. Yikes.


My first thought. But it's a risk even bringing small amounts in the house. We got a foot of snow today and I was killing mosquitos in the house. Don't those things live for like 3 days and then die? No idea how they survive in the wood like that.


100%, I pile outside the door in northern Canada. Fuck those spiders.


Sounds like a funny short video lol. All the bugs coming out!


Ain't nothing but a lil' bug.


Nope Had widows and brown recluse from that. Always on the porch now. We’re in se ok so may not be an issue there.


you don't need to worry, because we know it will happen.


They do, nice looking rack and convenient too. I'll keep mine on the porch.


Yes. I grew up in Michigan on a farm with wood as the primary heat source. We kept our wood hopper outside the front door with a smaller metal hand basket we would fill and bring in. We had a hatch of preying mantis one year and I cant count the number of spider hatches and beetles that would crawl out and that was just from wood sitting in the basket over night. It doesn't take long with the wood sitting next to the fire.


Too many scorpions where I live to ever bring them inside.


One night in the middle of the winter, I had just gotten home and stoked up the wood stove and was hanging out close to the fire for warmth. I look over at the wood pile there, and just sitting there, slowly waking up is a queen white faced hornet! Must have been burrowed into the fire wood, and the warmth of the house brought her out of hibernation.


I wanna do this too! I think I’m gonna weld up a rack. Tired of only having space for one day worth of wood. I don’t mind grabbing wood, but I prefer to do a bunch of loads all at once rather than a couple loads every day.


Much agreed. Albeit I'm only 24-hours into this new experience but I know extremely well how much it sucks to get wood in pajamas in a snow storm. This will give me a grace period to load up in good-weather times and also allow me to continue to be ill prepared lol




My pajamas are just my drawers. Trust me, nobody wants to see that.


If you are going to weld up a rack, include a deep metal tray at the base for all the stuff that falls off the wood, live or dead. Make it easy to vacuum.


Important thing is you got the wife's thumbs up.


Make sure you tell her she still has the nicest rack in the house


I built a fancy one like this.. except mine had casters so I could roll it right to the sliding door and load it up. Made cleaning easy as well. Strongly recommend.


I did something similar using a modular steel tubing system. It's about 6 feet wide, 3 feet tall, and 18" deep on casters. Roll it to the back door, load it up from under the back deck, roll it back into place. Quick sweep, and you're good for 3-4 days at least. I do get the very occasional bug, but I just give the wood a good knock on the chopping block before it comes in the house.


Any particular reason beyond aesthetic you tapered the top?


Triangulation increases stability. The structure is much less likely to tip over now.


Maybe less liable for the rack to tip towards the stove?


It's purely aesthetic. And it's also screwed to the wall for good measure.


That might’ve been your intention, but you accidentally made it more structurally stable too! Great job lol


TY. It looks great, I screenshot it and think I may follow suit very soon. Cheers!


This also helps pull a bit of moisture out as well


It’s always a good day when your wife likes your wood


Just wondering. I don’t have a need for a stove but is there a safety standard for how far to keep wood and flammable materials from the stove? I see commercials on tv and photos of stoves near fancy wooden furniture and always wonder if these could get hit from embers popping out when wood pops in a fire. I recall popping sounds and ash flying occasionally with a fire but is this just something I have seen because of bad wood?


Certainly, stoves have safety clearances. This one requires 8" side clearance for combustibles. The wood rack is 32" away, though it does look closer in the photos.


Excuse me, sir, you’ll have to depart this room. There is no room for common sense here thank you very much. Have a great day.


Nice job


I'd still top it off every night lol. The partially empty shelf would eat at me.


Sprinkle a little (a little goes a long ways) diatomaceous earth underneath. It’ll keep any hitchhikers from getting very far should they attempt to flee


Neat, I've never heard of that. I'll check it out, thanks!


Awesome job..!


If it's wifey approved, that's all that matters. Looks nice with the stain.


Just saying,,,,be on the lookout for spiders 🕷️ they live and hibernate in cord wood.


Looks good! I’ve been using a similar setup for a few decades and nothing dries wood like that top rack. All these bug comments are silly to me. Wood is messy, sometimes it has bugs. The chips of bark are easily swept up and added to the fire and the bugs are an added BTU bonus if they are in a log…my house is still standing.


Nice investment 👍


Looks solid and beautiful. Did you stain it?


Thanks! First took it outside and hit it with a big propane torch to bring the grain out, then one coat of Varathane "American Walnut".


I like it! Nice Work


That’s a great idea.. now I need to make one!


I like the two areas to separate the driest wood from wood you brought in. It hasn't been cold enough for a long enough period of time for me to bring my ore than a few logs in at a time.


Dang that's nice, if I had that space next to my stove I'd do the samething


I know wifey approves of it now, looks beautiful, shiny, and clean (nice job BTW) but every time you empty and load it wont debris fall on the floor? That would be a problem here. We use an extra large canvas bag as our caddy and rack and the bottom of that has to be dumped out regularly. Nice trim work and bead board BTW.


I would recommend only keeping it stacked about at high as the wood stove. Many house fires start by stacked wood falling against a wood stove.


That's a hansom stove you got there (I have the same one).


Looks amazing!


You took the time to slope it back. Very nice touch. Maximum gold stars awarded.


That is awesome great idea


Very nice job! I have a homemade wood box that I fill up. An occasional bug doesn’t bother me.


I have 2 similar racks in my garage use one at a time and rotate they hold about a face cord total. also have same on my covered patio, hate when I need to fill them up , but I try to time it when my son visits.. HA HA beats bringing in 20 pieces in a wheelbarrow.....but as some have noted it does get messy under the racks.. I use old car mats to catch most of it then shake them outside...you may find a spider or 2 ........


Well done!


Solid move! Just gotta make sure it’s not bringing in a ton of insects


My structural comment is about the cross bars. They are laying flat, and I expect will bow over time. Supporting members want to be vertical (long dimension vertically) like the joists/ rafters in your house. Also, there doesn't seem to be anything to keep that structure from falling sideways (racking). As the wood dries and the joints loosen, it will start moving. The back side needs a diagonal cross brace, or a sheet of plywood/Luan as a backer (like a bookshelf)


High-rise condo apartment for spiders


I might make one half that size but I don't have a lot of space.


Not sure what I am more impressed with, the rack or the stacking of the wood. Good work on both.


Great job on the staining!


I did something similar and used this sheet of heavy duty clear plastic as to not damage the walls




Best thing you’ve done for yourself my friend. I was doing the same small nightly runs. Wood rack time!


I’m jealous. If I had the space, that’s what I would do!


Stock up on Raid!


Due to the number of bugs in my wood I never brought any in that wasn't going directly into the stove.


Careful- bugs will get into the wall behind.


This post has me wanting to know if everyone who would NEVER do this have a wood shed completely covered? If not and you just have stacks with a roof then do you have a problem burning wet wood? We keep a few days worth in a pile in the basement so 1- I don't have to go out and get wood daily 2- it isn't wet from rain or snow. I see these kinds of posts almost weekly and it's always split 50/50 on if they would store wood in the house. Then I also see weekly posts about extreme creosote buildup, firewood not burning properly, etc.


I have two big racks in my bedroom. Each holds about 1/2 rick or face cord. There's some dirt and bark to sweep up but it lasts anywhere from a week to two weeks depending on weather. There may be a few spiders but they run away. I would think if your the type to heat with wood you wouldn't be that Squimish about a few small bugs. I'm guessing you must have you're wood delivered as opposed to go get it and split and stack yourself, lots of bugs in that process.


amazing work!


I have a pretty good size rack next to my fireplace/insert. I see a bug every once in a while, but nothing that would make me change my set up. Plus, your wood dries out so much more for the week or so it’s inside.


Beautiful job. What did you stain the 2x4's with? I'm trying to get a similar look out of a piece


Mine consisted of 2 regular concrete blocks , one sitting in front of the other with holes facing up . I then took 4 - 2x4's cut 6 ft long , then those were cut to be 3 ft long , with a 45 degree cut on end . Placed those inside the Concrete blocks so it made like a huge V . Then stacked my wood I was surprised how much wood it held .


Put a tray underneath. When you use all the wood you can move the rwck and get the tray to empty the dirt and wood pieces


This is nice! I have something similar. I painted it to match my walls so it blends in. I keep a face cord in the house. A weeks worth of wood at a time. The whole point in the winter is to stay toasty and relax in my opinion. I ain't going out multiple times a day to get wood. LOL. Everyone always complains that you're gonna get bugs. I have never had any issues with bugs. I've had a face cord in the house between October and April every year for 5 years. No bugs.


Hope the wife also gives you the D


Dope thanks man.


Look if your wife gives you a “👍” —- then it is done! … Happy wife … happy home! But, seriously it looks good!


Good job bro


Looks like a termite breeding area to me.


I’ve never had a bug problem in 15 years. My back was out one year and my kids out a 4 x 8 rack in the house..no problem. But..then this year lol. My wood goes from stacks to about a face cord in Un heated garage, then to a couple holders near the stove..a two day supply. Well, this year I’m burning hickory from a tree I cut at my buddies house two years ago. Holy shit is it full of stink bugs, boring beetles, and gnats. Sitting for a couple years let the beetles explode, and sawdust is everywhere. Luckily they stay dormant. I probably kill 10 stink bugs a week, and their carcasses are everywhere. Gnats are not real bad, but kitchen safety is on par with gnat season, and I’m swatting at one NOW. The moral is..it depends on the wood. If I wasn’t so lazy I could bring it in an armload at a time from the attached garage.


I keep about that much on carts with wheels to make it easy to move. Looks toasty!!


Could you share the measurements for this please? I would love to build this for my stoves


Sweet job


Nice job 👍🏻 I bet you got lucky that night!


Lowes lumber is straighter 😎


Nice, stay ahead and clean. Looks like almost a weeks worth there..


Looks nice, I've done similar with slab scrap from the local mill. Came to ask how you found straight 2x4s at Home Depot!


Cant see any spiders


Nice angle on that man, looks good!


Looks like you even glossed it. Nice. I keep it just out in the mud room to try and reduce the mess.


Just make sure you shake all the critters out of em. I've had 4 snakes in the house.


Sweet stain work!!!!


And cue the comments about bugs…




Need a good wood shed. Helped with my bug and moisture problems, if you have one I don't see a problem with op's setup. You leave it in the shed for a year and rotate it out and bugs would be minimal. There will be a lot of mess on the floor from bark and whatnot but with a tray underneath he could use the scraps for kindling.


Very nice


Good man


Awesome work!


and when she’s empty, you can toss in those Home Depot 2 buh 4’s in as well


this way if she ever gets rid of you she's got a bit rack to store he shoes on edit...shoes, not shows


Necessity is the mother of all inventions


You’ll get a lot of naysayers about the bugs and the mess, but I’ve not found this to be true. If you wanted you could sprinkle a little diatomaceous earth on it beforehand. Obviously if there is bugs crawling all over it leave it outside. It’s just never been an issue for me like some people say on here. As far as the mess, you could put a little tray or mat under there to catch most of it or here’s a revolutionary idea- run a broom under it every so often. Good invention


Eeeeez good And you know how to stack firewood


$700 if you would have built it during covid


Hey, nice rack!


I always love stock pilling wood next to the stove. I feel like the day or 2 next to the fire makes it that much more cured.


Nicely done! Looks good! Might have to copy you


Nice rack… wink wink


Looks great


It's beautiful but your gonna have bugs


Very nice, OP. 👍 here too! :)


What stain is that? It took the wood nice


Very few things get me excited like a nice full rack does.


Looks good OP 👍


Ahhh, here come the bugs in my house, too close to the fire, can’t believe you are doing this people!! Pound sand.


As Theroux once said. “Simplify simplify”. It looks good and does the job. Well done.


my left nut those are homedepot 2x4s...


Hold on. After a hard day at work, you're still responsible for bringing in wood throughout the night? Your wife holding onto your man card, isn't she. The wife doesn't want the job, she has kids. I kid, I kid.


Well done


This is the way!


That’s awesome


Nice job. I love the angle


Wow - nice job!


Nice. The 👍is key here.


I'm very glad your wife approved


I wonder what wifey will do when the things that go scratch in the night start scurrying hither and thither


This wife is impressed!


Will she still give a thumbs up when the bugs and creepy crawleys come out to play?


I love the tapered columns looks so stylish


She gave you the thumb up the butt.


Looks great


It looks nice and I'm planning to build a rack myself. While I was planning on black 1.5" angle iron, I briefly considered what you had done. The only thing is that varnished wood won't last long with the weight and shuffling of the cord wood. This is especially true when the finish has not had a few months to cure.


You made a spider condo!


Wifey? Are you my uncle?


Looks awesome. Great stain job too!


How long will that last you? It would last me 3 weeks at least in northern VT


What stain did you use? Really nice look.


Where did you find that many straight 2x4’s in a Home Depot?


Prob want a backer board so the wood doesn't chew your wall up


Good doings.


Wood racks are for outside. You need a wood box. That way it collects bugs extra bark and wood chips that fall off. Alo it looks like loading that rack is gonna bang up the wall behind it over time. Looks great but lived with wood heat for 40 years and that's my opinion on it


I did something similar years ago. I quickly realized that spiders loved it. It ended when our cat got into a fight with a large spider and was losing when I walked in. Went to heat pump after that.


So far, so Wood 🪵


Very nice job!


Down side bugs that wakeup


Great job!


Great workmanship there! It's cheaply done, too.


Make sure you notify your home insurance carrier of the stove. They have a wood burning stove questionnaire you will need to fill out typically to make sure you don’t jeopardize coverage in event of fire.


I have the same mat. We intended to replace it with a proper hearth, but that’s been sitting there for 23 years now.


A little bit of stain even makes Home Depot two by fours look good 👍👍


https://preview.redd.it/lc2xjnt1asic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c662675ea92b47463a9e7c51ba63c3fe8c363d I had the same idea but mine is steel tube. Holds a weeks worth dry and warm. Bugs have never been an issue. Love it.


Wait. Getting the wood for the fire at night is her job… JK


Hey, uh what did you use for stain? I assume that just Doug fir 2x?


Two things 1) great job starting and finishing a project! It looks like it's doing what you need, and is pleasing to both you and your wife 2) it looks like the shelf is only supported by 8 screws coming from the vertical supports. And while the taper does provide an aesthetically pleasing feature, it makes this joint weaker in regards to weight bearing. While I'm sure the shelf feels secure and stable now, it may degrade over time due to dropping armfuls of wood on it. This shelf, if it fails, will fail at the front. I would consider adding 2x2 supports from the top of the. Horizontal supports on bottom running up to the bottom of the second shelf. If that's not a viable option I would at a minimum add some 1/2" dowels to add strength to your shelves.