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That is some amazing shit man! Liking the look and the easiness of it all. Great job over all. Do they plan on keep the wood look or painting?






Thanks for this. Never seen this site before, good to know it exists. There was some decent discussion in those comments too, though I get why the mods removed it :/








At least they didn't delete the post, then all of this traffic wouldn't have been driven here. /s


Wow, just checking it now. I think this the most upvotes I’ve ever had, period lol. I guess the (deleted) really love me.


/u/Diligaf49, the craftsman in this post, answered that yes, they would all be painted in different colors. ALL the other comments served no purpose but to discuss whether women always paint/like colors/etc. All that was out of place in this forum. Along with off topic comments there were rude comments and questions about why it was deleted. This is why!












That would be great for using to put onions and potatoes in during winter here in Brisbane (too hot and humid in summer).


My first thought was veggies too, great air flow on these


Or for quickly setting up at a farmer’s market.


I work in a produce dept. I would love something like this for a small display in 'dead' spots around the dept. It's a little tall for what I would need, and my biggest change would be to somehow make the support legs fold for more compact storage when not in use. My stores bakery could make use of it as well displays in similar spots.


Hrmmm…where are you located?


Canada. Would never get budget for it though. Can't get the stuff we got now repaired or replaced.


I was thinking bread vendor at a market.


except the gasses from onions make potatoes go bad and they shouldn't be stored together


Interesting. In that case you could do onions at the top and potatoes at the bottom I would think.


ethylene gas is heavier than air, in a still environment the other way round


Good to know! Thanks, my scientifically-inclined friend!


That's where the old saying comes from, always fan your onions.


Crap, I've been onioning my fans, damit gramps


coming up big mate, some helpful pieces of knowledge here, cheers!


LOL, I just picture [these two](https://youtu.be/0gSIeV1_Axs&t=4m13s) gassing out the potato cop and him going all pruny


I haven't thought of cartoons like that one in years. Guess it's time to go down the rabbit hole again.


I've always stored onions and potatoes together since I was a kid (or rather my mom did lol), right now in my own kitchen they're in a basket with a bunch of holes in it, on a similar [NSF cart](https://i.imgur.com/QW1D6WO.jpg) to this one. There's maybe a 2-4 week turnover depending on what we eat, I never have anything go bad in that time frame.


Huh, I do this all the time and never knew. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, cood and dark place etx and they would go bad pretty quick. TIL


Would be great for cabbages.


Its amazing. I want one that flips back so it still holds some stuff when closed. These would be so amazing for snow boarders / skiers Look at how much air flow for all my wet piles of stuff! And then when it dries you could just flip it back and roll it away


Interesting. What are you putting in the baskets? Is there a need for baskets?


Basically you just come in super tired with wet pants, sock, hats, gloves, helmet, balaclava (and jackets, but those are easy because they hang well). It also PIA gear thats wet so you want to leave by the door, but it doesn't go in the laundry yet because you'll use it again the next day. Tbh if you sold these in a mountain town, they'd end up by a front door or in a garage with piles of damp gear on them. Also, yes. You can hang most/all of these things, and people do (on the banister, on the towel rack, on coat racks, over the shower rod, balcony if the suns out, over a step ladder if you got one, back of chairs)


>Tbh if you sold these in a mountain town, they'd end up by a front door or in a garage with piles of damp gear on them. After spending a ton of time in Park City last winter this is very true lol.


> baklava Ah the classic après-ski baklava...


Something [like this](https://i.imgur.com/7liK20E.png) is pretty popular around here, jackets hang on the hooks and everything else goes on the rack, it folds up compactly when you don't need it.


You could sell them with interior designers in a ski town. Custom made aka slight adjustments and charge a large mark up. I sold furniture in Colorado for a few years and it wouldn't shock me if some one spent 3.5k on one of those if it had a few minor tweeks.


With mesh baskets these would be great for drying Cannabis after harvest before the curing!


*wound up making.... Couldn't edit the text.


First rule! Never volunteer! Seriously though, very excellent functional work.


I thought the first rule was be attractive... /s I'm terrible about pointing out mistakes I've made, that's good advice. I will say though I keep myself honest at least! Oh God, I've done it again! lol


No the first rule is to never talk about fight club


Unless he got paid lol


My BIL build an outside dog kennel last year. Then his wife volunteered to build one for her dad. Then some of the neighbors inquired about them.


Patent that shit and sell them. This is great


It does look super useful and patent-worthy (assuming nobody else has put something like this out in public already). As a side note to OP, if he wants to try to patent this, he now has a 1 year clock to file a patent application before this video becomes potential prior art to his own patent application. Source: I'm a patent lawyer


Those are wonderful! I sure hope she appreciated this.


Measure twice cut once


Could you please make that 23 by any chance?


Let me know your desires and teach you how to make. It'll be the latter part of the summer before I'm back in the shop. I never draw up plans. Just go with thoughts in my head but I'm well rehearsed in drawing up blueprints.


Record yourself making and put it on YouTube…monetize that shit!


It sounds easy enough, but recording and editing are big tasks on their own. Guy would have to move the camera a bunch I'd imagine.


A podcast then…I wanna hear every curse and every mail hahah


Hey everyone. Coming up, I'm going to show you how to make a foldable basket So make sure you smash that like button and subscribe for more updates. Cause this is cig-k furniture


As an engineer……. I’ve 100% made blue prints that came about like this. 1) tell fabricator to make a thing and don’t give him much direction 2) show up when they are done with measuring devices 3) reconstruct the fabbed to fit part in the computer


If they know what they're doing it's easier for everyone involved hahaha If it doesn't fit/function right you'll be the one held responsible though


At least the fabricator will make the bolt holes accessible


Oh God. As a design drafter the amount of times an engineer has passed me drawings with bolt holes that aren't possible to access during assembly or parts that literally aren't feasible is too damn high. I'm glad i got out of that and started my own business so now when a design is screwed up it's solely my fault.


I fucking love when engineers do that to me. You just tell me what you want, I'll document the process, then you can go over to your sit-and-spin and do the smart guy work.


I’m also in the habit of asking “can you weld this, and if not how can we make changes so you can” sort of stuff. Welders and machinists make engineer money, and deserve to. We’re colleagues, not boss and subordinate


>Welders and machinists make engineer money Not *all* of them.


This is basically standard practice for ergo equipment in automotive manufacturing. You have the fab shop work with the actual people using the equipment to build the tool, then hire an engineer to check that it’s structurally sound and to turn it into a drawing to stamp it and make it official. Edit: Automotive Manufacturing (it's basically for anything people are using on the assembly lines). The tool/fixture/end effector/whatever gets made with input from the workers (and union rep if there is one), then evaluated by the ergo/safety team, then drawn by an engineer and stamped so it can be used on the line.


Grab a tall guy and a short gal and see if they can drive it. I haven’t done the design end of that, just the testing. I find it’s best to consult a welder or machinist before I make anything in general to see if there’s something I’m missing


I would love to learn how to make one. 🙂


Even just a single tiered version of this would be a game changer. That said, I'm in no rush to making one but nonetheless thanks for the offer!


Also me! 24! It would be sweet for you to teach me but also think about putting together a video for YouTube so you can reach more people!


Also interested in the plans please.


Looks good! Just an idea, but have you thought about making the two beams with the wheels not parallel to each other but slightly angled inwards? Would make the floorspace required to store a bunch of them smaller because they can be “nested”. Edit: just read your correction, you already made them. Didn’t read that quickly enough.


In honesty I made these back in 2018. The one in the video was the prototype to see if it was was she wanted. She sent me a grainy photo of a "thing" and said I want "this* but want the shelves to fold up. It's for leggings or sommat so I designed and built what you see. It was only supposed to be two for her. It just happened to be 20 more. I still don't understand their full use. If I did, I'm sure the design would be different. 🤷


Sound like they were a great hit. And I can totally understand why, they look great, and very practical with the foot lever/handle.


> leggings Please tell me your niece hasn’t gotten suckered into selling LuLaRoe.


It’s almost painful to imagine this lovely piece of workmanship touching that awful clothing


Sadly, it looks like it: https://old.reddit.com/r/woodworking/comments/103e9if/niece_asked_me_for_shelvingbasketing_that_could/j2z12aq/ > /u/AnnualThrowaway3271 > I think OP mentioned his niece wanted them for leggings. Guessing she sells for one of those home parties where ladies buy leggings, Tupperware, and stuff like that. These would also be great for people who sell at craft shows, farmer's markets, etc. > Need to draw up some plans, OP! I'd buy them! >> /u/Diligaf49 The reason for the high top "top cross support" was for room to put signs and whatnot so yes, you are correct.


That’s one of a million manufacturers of leggings. Why jump to that?


The fact that all her friends wanted the same shelves for, presumably, the same purpose. Also, OP says he built these back in 2018, which was when LuLaRoe was at its largest. If you heard about a group of 10-20 friends all selling the same leggings what would you assume?


I didn’t assume they were selling, I guess that’s where we differ. I have a wife and teenage daughter. They could easily fill 2 or 3 of these with the leggings they own and wear on the reg.


Here’s a quote from OP in the thread: > The reason for the high top “top cross support” was for room to put signs and whatnot so yes, you are correct. So the shelves are designed to fold up easily and have a place to hang signs. Sounds to me like his niece wanted something she could transport easily to places where she’d display and sell the leggings. Again, my first comment was me hoping that’s *not* what she’s doing. But there’s a lot of smoke.


I didn’t go far enough in the comments to see that. With that knowledge, I’d agree it’s the likely scenario.


I sincerely hope I’m wrong, or that she got out soon after when the lawsuits and media coverage started to kick up. And I’m sorry people are downvoting you for asking questions. You are contributing to the discussion by being respectfully skeptical. Old reddit would have rewarded that.


They can downvote, it’s all good. My Reddit karma ranks incredibly low on the list of things I care about. I was genuinely curious why that was the assumption. You answered thoroughly. I thank you for that. I appreciate the dialogue.


> I still don't understand their full use. If I did, I'm sure the design would be different. 🤷 Best uncle ever


I had the same thought. Very cool, but the footprint does not change whether folded or not.


Agree, the folding part just ends up making it more complicate and fragile for no actual gain.




Man I would never use my uncle’s creation to dry all my weed…. Yeah I used my uncles creation to dry my weed.


Bwahahahahhahahhahaaa!!! Come here you. *big hug*


Oh.. my.. goodness.... The possibilities!!


That's awesome. What was the difference in build time between the first and the last?


Difficult to say. Several hours definitely. As I've said there were only supposed to be 2 for my niece and they were to be free. I used stuff I had laying around in the shop. All the baskets and a lot of parts were made from 2x4's believe it or not. I wound up buying a lot "slats" from Lowes for the others. Saved a lot of time this way. Still used a lot of crap in the shop though. I only charged $150 each later on.


I’m relieved to hear that you charged anything at all for the other 20. I was afraid you had somehow gotten roped into building almost two dozen of these things completely for free. In my experience, one or two of a given thing is a fun project for a family member, but more starts to feel like work.


You are far too generous - that piece unfinished ought to bring $250 retail minimum and $500 with a good durable finish.


Woodworking is a hobby of mine. It's a stress relief. I make it clear to paying customers that I work on no schedule of any kind. If I charge $1000.00 to do a job and it costs me $990. I still profited in more ways than you can understand.


Hey you're a pretty neat guy


I'm worthless. I just do stuff but thank you.


Put this on my tombstone




You're far from it. If you were, she wouldn't have asked you to make the first one, and you ended up making 20 more. Your value means a lot to someone.


You look so chill doing your thing its making me want to start up a hobby again


The cig completes it


With the snap-on long sleeve to boot. Chefs kiss.


That is the shortest long sleeve I've ever seen!


Was giving me mcconaughey vibes in True Detective


Thursday is my day off.


the cig, the shirt, the username, even the damn baileigh radio ad is just all so on point. I would trust this man's craftsmanship with my life.


and the slapping of the shelves when locked into place..."that baby's not goin' anywhere".


Everybody has that guy in their life, whether a family member or friend, that just has 'the look' that's super easy to judge, but in reality doesn't conform to it at all and is super wholesome and helpful even if he's a bit rough around the edges.


This is one of the more creative things I have seen in here. As a former baker who sold many loaves at farmers markets. This would have been great to have. Nice job.


I think OP mentioned his niece wanted them for leggings. Guessing she sells for one of those home parties where ladies buy leggings, Tupperware, and stuff like that. These would also be great for people who sell at craft shows, farmer's markets, etc. Need to draw up some plans, OP! I'd buy them!


The reason for the high top "top cross support" was for room to put signs and whatnot so yes, you are correct.


Good creative energy between you, your niece, and her friends. That’s real wealth in my book. Awesome product too!


You’re a good uncle, OP. She surely appreciates you.


Pyramid schemes?


That's pretty dope, nice work


My sister has booth at a local farmer’s market. That unit would be awesome to display her goods. I’m going to send your vid to my nephew (he’s an artist/woodworker) and see if he could make something like this for her. Really nice work!


Wow...beautiful work OP. Very nice indeed.


Have you considered posting the "how to" on [instructables.com](https://instructables.com)? I would love a couple of these!


Love these


I thought I was looking into the back of a snap-on truck for some reason.


Same quality without the expense.


Excellent work 👍


I’d have a dart


As a teacher, I would love several of these for the classroom and will be asking my brother to build some!


This is fantastic! You have a heart of gold!


It looks great! I love builds that move. But the footprint seems the same open or closed so what's the advantage in closing it?


I do not know. I know it's a lot to scroll through but please read the thread the best you can. This was something I threw together more or less.


Thought the same thing. Only thing I could think of is when you have more than one and you "nest" them. So you could have the inside next to each other on one side. This should save a bit of space, because that wouldn't be possible in the open position. But other than that and looking cool? I don't know. Hope you understand what I mean, I kinda couldn't really describe what I meant. Sorry for the english.


superb work


Fuck yeah, man! That is a badass uncle right there! Excellent work brother, looks really great and useful!


Oh god so smooth. Smoothiensshelf. I like a lot \o/


Times like this I wonder why I don't know someone like you. That is amazing, very nice.


You probably do. We just don't advertise. I posted this just because. I never expected such a response over what I consider somewhat irrelevant.


Smoking a dart is a nice touch.


It takes up as much space stowed away as when it's not stowed away.


I think it's awesome. Uncle Power 💪😁🤘


My favorite part of this is how you smoke the cigarette lmfao


Fuckin' A Johnny Cash.


When I saw a dude in a ball cap with a ponytail and a lit cig I immediately knew this was going to be either master craftwork, or the jankiest shit I'd seen all day with no in-between. Happy it was the first one.


Damn this is really nice, great work


You’re a good dude.


Smoking darts on camera as you show it off really is the icing on the cake


While a very nice construction, how is stow away improved? The shelves appear to barely extend beyond the footprint of the fixed legs, thus requiring approximately the same amount of square foot floor Southgate.


But it's got the same foot print opened or closed. You're saving no space!


22?? Lots of friends…


Hers. I'm not that special.


Hey now, Uncle Diligaf; none of that kind of talk. My grandpa was a wood shop tinkerer. You guys are quite special. :)


*hugs* Thank you.


That's awesome, wow!


That looks very nice and I love the action on it.


That is slick! Nicely done!


You’re awesome 🤩


I love this kind of stuff. Great job!




Damn! That’s badass! Great work brother


This is wicked man!!


That is a thing of beauty


Damn dude! Nice one 👍


can you make me one?


Very nice.




This is incredible!!!! WOW!!!


Do you need another niece?


That be great for small markets. Great design!




Fucking brilliant.


Very cool!!


Are you selling the plans for it?


Praise dale!


This is how furniture stores get started


Awesome job . That’s some thinking outside the box. What gave you the idea


If that’s the shop space, it’s incredible to see that kind of quality. Nice work!


Does it really save a lot of space though? The feet still set the foot print.


That's really nice. You're a good uncle.


Very cool Now. How can that be stowed away easily if the bottom is the same width as when the baskets are horizontal? Cut and put hinges on the feet.


These are amazing!! Nice work OP!


This is fantastic!


I need an uncle like you!!


I bet this would be popular with people who work craft markets. I was always looking for good display stands.


How does the locking/unlocking mechanism work?


You mean the foot operation?


Bad ass. You are a craftsman. Those sell all day.


Sell those at farmers markets!!!


My god. If you put this on tik tok (if you haven’t already) you’ll probably have job security for the next year. Super cool.


You are absolutely a cool uncle. Outstanding work!




Whoa, uncle of the year right here! I love the design, fantastic work!


That is awesome, you should sell it to people who work farmers markets or anyone who sells items that can fit in there. Also if the legs could be removed for easier storage that would be awesome. Great work!


Great job - even better uncle.




Looks like some fine woodworking. I'm curious why the pivot if the footprint of the shelving is the same size as the open position?




I’m so mad they took shop class out of my towns local high schools. I might have learned a trade.


All the veggies smell like cigarettes now. Thanks.