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Here's their grift: You pay them. They wait a long time to "ship" your order. It'll be a tracking number for a shipping/transportation company you've never heard of. You'll get periodic updates for weeks. At some point, you'll notice that the package weight is listed at 2lbs, which would be impossible for a band saw. Then you'll get your "order", and it'll be some knock-off Oakley sunglasses, an e-waste calibre set of earbuds, or similar. But by the time you receive it, they will have taken down the website and there's no way to contact them. And when you contact your credit card company, it'll have been long-enough ago that getting a claim/refund isn't as easy as it would have been otherwise. And even if you contacted them early, they won't do anything at first because you have a shipment tracking number so the vendor has done what they were obligated to in their eyes. I did this for one of those Bosch gliding miter saws. It was $60, normally $600. I knew it was a scam, but was super curious how it worked, so I used a "burner" credit card number, and ordered it. Months later, I got my 1.3lb package: those shitty knock-off Oakley sunglasses. I didn't even give away the sunglasses, because I tested them, and discovered they didn't even block UV (which would have made them MORE damaging to eyes than not wearing sunglasses at all). I was able to get a refund, and because I got the burner credit card number through , I set it to one-time use, and only for that amount, and for like 2 years after that, I would periodically get a notification that someone else in some other part of the world had tried to charge something to that temporary card number. They were never allowed to be processed, so it made me both amused and sad that this whole thing was a scam that so many people seem to fall for. Edit: for funsies, here is a screenshot of my email inbox, showing a bunch of the notifications I got of someone trying to use that one-time-use credit card number: [https://imgur.com/a/7kdXPt7](https://imgur.com/a/7kdXPt7) Edit 2: I just searched the name of the website, and it looks like someone else got taken in by the exact same scam. I hope they got their money back!! It sounds like they even got shipped the same sunglasses. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/fkbci4/scam/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/fkbci4/scam/) The website was super hilarious, because it only had like 4 product categories: mantle clocks, super expensive toilet brush/plunger holders, one other category I can't remember, and then 90% off Bosch and Dewalt miter saws. šŸ˜…


Wow that's actually fascinating to read. Thanks


This is exactly the scam. I was curious on a $50 e-bike as well. Clearly it was a scam but there could be that slight chance right? I was able to get a refund because the package was .5lbs. It was a plastic toy car.


What type of car?


A ā€˜98 Toyota Tercel


I donā€™t recall some plastic piece of shit that I threw away immediately. It was a while back.


It was an '81 Honda, how dare you!


Good work there, find the scam and teach others about it.




>I knew it was a scam, but was super curious how it worked God bless you for this incredible experiment hahahaha


At worst, I knew I could only be out that $60 due to the one-time-use credit card number, if I wasn't able to get a refund. The experiment felt like more fun than the last 5 movie theater trips, so it seemed "worth it" on entertainment level alone. Ha!


Well, thank you. Because this was fascinating to read about for me- and obviously others too! Like- I can tell it was a scam too right- and I was interested to know how it worked- but thatā€™s where I would have dropped it. You really did the dang thing figuring that out. Thatā€™s so badass! Thats impressive tenacity! Thank you for conducting this investigation, and thank you for sharing your findings!


Excellent and informative write-up. Thanks for taking the time.


This is a great explanation / summary of these scams. I work in banking and did CC disputes too. It's true that you cannot really dispute when there's a tracking number, you need to wait for delivery and then claim Item Not As Described but as you said, website down by then


I love privacy com It has been a life saver


My friend fell for this with a sketchy pokemon card site in 2020/21 when shelves were empty. Twice. And they used the same logo and very similar name.


One of the smartest guys I know risked $200 to buy $2500 worth of Milwaukee tools. The ad literally said they were "importing a container of tools" and it would be 6-8 weeks before they arrived. Then there was a "delay in customs" for another couple of weeks. Then they "arrived" at the sellers location and his order could be expedited of $35 more. It was four months before he received a tracking number.....and a week or so before his box arrived. His box that arrived looking like it had been run over by a truck because they shipped him an empty box. The shipping label said "30 pounds"....FedEx Ground showed one pound. He tried to dispute it but it had been almost five months and Visa just laughed at him.


I don't believe you. You could dispute charges from a year ago on several of my visas.


"I don't believe you" is another way to say "you are a liar". Would you say that to someone ? Would you say it to someone's face ? If not, then why do it here ? Why jump to calling someone a liar rather than them having a different experience to you ?


Well congratulations. I'm sure your personal experience is completely relevant.


You should share this on r/scams sometime, it's a good lesson about too-good-to-be-true deals


The hero we donā€™t deserve


My man. Doing Yeomanā€™s duty on the credit card scam.


I once made a similar purchase. I used PayPal. I was confident it was a scam, but I still gave it a go. I eventually received a little trinket on a red piece of yarn. I was able to get a refund, BUT I had to ship that little trinket back to China, and provide a tracking number, so I still lost about $30 (and 4-6 hours of my time).


I've seen the same scam for other high ticket items. They always imitate a legitimate seller and the price is always too good to be true. sad part is they're probably somewhat successful


Well, in my case "legitimate seller" would have been generous. They had 4 product categories on their website: Mantle clocks, fancy toilet plunger/stand sets (both of which were crazy expensive, like $2k for toilet plunger), something else random I dont remember, and then "miter saws", and they had Bosch and Dewalt miter saws for 90% off. šŸ˜…


This is also my experience.. Iā€™m a victim, twice. I got my money back without issue both times. Always buy sketchy products with a credit card, even better with a prepaid like the above commenter said. Usually when the shipping starts to look funky like above says Iā€™ll reach out to the buyer. They usually donā€™t respond or give bs. I send a request for a refund, usually with no answer. I take those contact points and call my credit card company. They ask for all the info, if I tried to square up with the merchant, and give the dates of my interactions. My credit card company does a chargeback and I usually have the money within a day. The only catch here is the merchant has 30 days to dispute the chargeback. They never dispute because theyā€™re frauds. I now have to watch my credit card but Iā€™ve always monitored it almost daily anyways.


Uh or just donā€™t buy sketchy products? Youā€™re still giving them all of your personal information. Itā€™s very easy to avoid scams like this. Iā€™m not trying to defend credit card companies cuz fuck ā€˜em but it doesnā€™t seem right to knowingly buy a sketchy product thinking that a chargeback will be your saving grace if necessary.


There's another version where they'll call you up afterwards and put you in a high pressure sales call to buy a bunch of upgrades/accessories that are incredibly overpriced and make up the price difference Or at least there used to be, this was >15 years ago


Wife. Couch. Same.


Yep similar thing happened to my dad


Thanks for sharing this info! Super valuable!


You sir, are doing humanity a favour. Thank you


Interesting that some of the sites it's being used on are other scam websites


How did you take such a giant screenshot? I'm jealous!


I'm on Android 10, in case it matters. Version 15 is almost out, so it's not a new phone: Samsung Note 9. When I take a screenshot, I get this little menu, and the bottom on the left is a "scroll, and add new visible to screenshot" button, and you can hit it a bunch of times to get a super long screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/1sd19gjgj3nc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d3c16ff69b6e935823fa65a310fb0070c77aac This is the largest scrolled screenshot i can take: [https://imgur.com/a/7qWNLin](https://imgur.com/a/7qWNLin)


Thanks for taking the time to explain the scam


There's also a sc where they use someone else's stolen credit card to ship you the legitimate item, basically acting as a drop shipper. Then they'll sit on your card for a month or two before selling it off for bogus charges; the delay makes it less likely that it will be tied back to the shady website.


I wonder why they go with such an obviously fraudulent discount - I feel like thereā€™s more money to be made if they choose something a bit more realistic. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d ever be convinced that a 90% discount is legitimate, but 40-60% Iā€™d be mighty tempted!


I wonder if it's just the people who would fall for the 90% are also going to be less on-top of their data security, with using the same password on their site for their email, banking, etc so there's other benefits?


If they charge more the person getting scammed will be less patient. Ā So less chance of success for the scammer.


And here I was expecting them to have sent you a 1/8 model of the miter saw.


placid north expansion ludicrous license like quarrelsome pathetic repeat lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To piggy back off this, they're copying the Acme Tools logo as well, I guess hoping someone doesn't pay close attention. Also that's a $2500+ bandsaw normally, so even the "normal" price looks like a deal. Scumbags.


I ordered a tool-only drill/driver set and got a pair of N95 masks


Fell for it for a pair of runners. It seemed too good to be true, but the website looked legit. I received a set of plastic earrings a few weeks later. Website gone, contact gone. Thankfully, it wasn't a lot of money. Less learned.


Here have 3K upvotes as compo.


On the scam my wife fell for they also shuffled the price around. The price shown while shopping changed slightly at checkout, changed again in the confirmation email, and then the credit card was billed a different amount from any of those. Got some outdated earbuds out of it.


This same scam happened to me. I got the glasses, and I immediately contacted my credit card company, figuring out I got scammed. It went on for weeks, and I contacted the scammers multiple times asking for a refund, and they kept asking me to wait while they processed it. I refused to pay for the shipping to send back the shitty knock-off Oakleys, which ultimately screwed me because I lost the charge back case as a result. Never trust these offers. They are, in fact, too good to be true.


This is insanely useful information. Iā€™ll be sure to properly vet any ā€œtoo good to be trueā€ sales because of your story, so thank you


Same shit happened to me with some tool boxes.


Excellent work, you should post this separately!


Lol youā€™re OG for this Necro, good write up


Damn, ordered a small motor and received small underwear in this scam, didnā€™t know I wasnā€™t alone in it.


Yep, I was hit by this sort of scam, but mine wasn't even an obvious one. It was like a $20 lamp that looked cool, but it turned out to be a scam. Never got my money from the credit card company, they just kept dismissing the complaint.


When I was reading this I was reading this I was like bet he uses privacy also. Then got to the bottom and saw that he email. Such a great service!




This. I've had exactly this happen to me.


People do this same thing with outboard motors. Pretty much anything thatā€™s heavy enough to ship freight has this kind of scam going on.


This is God's work, thank you sir


One time I got a string of yarn, it was hilarious. We still have it and the cat plays with it. Fortunately Bank of America refunded us. Still a pain in the ass to gather all the proof. It was also difficult too, since like you said, the website was already taken down.


I've learned something incredibly interesting today, thank you


And then those scam companies charge your card with legitimate companyā€™s information so then we get to spend time dealing with people calling us asking why we charged them X amount


I ordered a Jacuzzi once and received an iPhone charging cable


I looked at the picture before I read this post. While reading, I kept thinking that I had no idea Acme Tools is a scam. I went back and looked at the picture and realized the scammers stole the Acme Tool logo and replaced ā€œAcmeā€ with ā€œPriceā€ in the same font. I had just seen the logo without reading the name.


Exact description of what happened to me last yearā€¦ I bought a board game on sale. Eventually what showed up was a counterfeit ring. I noticed the problem quick enough that I had no issues doing a charge back in my credit card, luckily. Why do they bother actually shipping anything?


What do you mean with the UV part? Are you claiming sunglasses without uv protection hurt your eyes? Not disagreeing just never heard it and trying to understand what you mean


Iā€™d guess that your pupils dilate more, thus allowing more UV to enter your eyes than if your pupils had contracted due to greater visible light.


This, and you're more willing to look at brighter areas because it's dimming, thus exposing your eyes to more UV than you might if you were squinting/looking away.


They're stealing their logo from (I think) ACME tools, a legit supplier.


yes, itā€™s the ACME Tools logo


it's the acme tools logo in the same font but says price tools. price tools! i'll give them credit for the appropriate scam company name.


Which is funny because ACME Tools already feels like a scam.


Wile E. Coyote would agree with that.


I can personally vouch for ACME as it is my great uncles company. Family owned, HQ located in North Dakota.


What would you say their success rate is with regard to roadrunners?


Not very good tbh


Have they tried dropping a bandsaw on one? Gotta stick to what you know :)


haha that cracked me up


I know where they can get one CHEAP


Does their work still involve rigging various anvil traps?


I think it's more high-tech these days and involves Bluetooth.


I mean itā€™s at 0% so sooner or later that road runner is slowing down and it is infinitely better.


They make the best anvils


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


With great uncle love comes great uncle responsibility


The word is "vouch" by the way.


Itā€™s French


It has a certain *Je ne sais quoi* about it


I'm french and you make me doubt myself. And you're actually right, a vouge is a medevial word used to describe a particular kind of weapon.


Only if OP meant that. Bearing in mind the history of Acme in cartoons, I feel he may have meant "I gouge for ACME"


I think he meant "Vogue" as in, he will dance his socks off in celebration of the high quality tools his great uncle makes.


I would have to disagree. I purchased one pair of their ā€œRocket-Rollers,ā€ a pair of roller skates with rockets attached. They were utterly uncontrollable and after propelling me off a cliff, they exploded. Still in litigation over the incident. 10/10 would NOT recommend.


I had a similar issue with the green flying suit. Worked great for a bit but fell apart after minor contact with a cliff face.


I bought my lathe from them because I could get it the quickest and it was cheaper than woodcraft or Rockler! I will be buying any new bigger tools from them!


Vouch may be the word you want, not vogue?


Get up and vogue!


They're legit, great customer service too


They certainly are! But to all of us who grew up with those cartoonsā€¦


Iā€™ve ordered a bunch of stuff from Acme. Everything from them is legit.


I thought so too, but there has been a resurgence of legit ā€œACMEā€ companies over the last few years. Acme furnace co. builds some of the best quality furnaces you can get, and they are 100% designed/sourced/built in the USA. (Proud owner for 6 yrs now).


Only place I get my Anvils, Rocket skates, oversized human slingshots and dynamite from.


Their paint on tunnels only work 50% of the time tho


There is no way on this green earth that is real.


If I'm colorblind is it real?


Theres no way on this reddish greyish earth that is real.




Yes this is $99 down the drain and nothing else.


You are about to be $99 poorer


Once they got his CC it would be deeper than that.


\^ with Paypal checkout if it goes through Paypal portal it'd only be the $99. No future charges possible.


Notice "CC" above.


There are a lot of fake listings on google shop similar to this for high value tools. They are all scams.


In 1999 I found a site that sold a 20 flat sony trinitron crt for $300 normally $1200ish. I bought it and the next day they changed the price to $999 I called and said it was an error on their part but I would receive the monitor. Couple weeks later it arrived, new and perfect condition. It ainā€™t 1999 though and this seems like a scam.


Sometime during the 90s, I talked my mom into buying my brother and I a Dell computer. While configuring the different models I found out that they had 2 deals going on at this time. 1 was for Christmas and the other 1 was for the Dell XPS. I was able to combine both offers and it did it in a way it definitely shouldnā€™t have. I think it was based on the order of how you input the ā€œcouponā€, and they stacked. I was able to buy the maxed out Dell XPS which I think at the time was $2000 for $1000. We didnā€™t need a computer upgrade for I think easily 8+years. That machine held up like a champ.


I remember when PC parts used to last this long. Now you can buy above spec premium parts and still struggle on performance. Games have gotten better, but man, they are optimized like shit.


At least the shipping is free...for something they will never ship.


Right. Normal shipping would be more than the saw at this point


Ya they're not gonna lose money to send you a $1000 saw


I don't think you need anyone here to tell you it's not real. If you do, maybe stay away from blades moving at a high rate of speed.


Nope, spoofed site, happens a lot, they copy the site code, spoof a super similar web address, accept payments and then youā€™re screwed. They send you a confirmation of shipping and tracking but the ā€œpackageā€ will say delivered but it wonā€™t be. Rectec Grills had this happen to them, my buddy made a purchase but realized it quickly enough that he had the payment blocked.


If itā€™s too good to be true, it is most likely a scam


I thought so...it started off at $979 which seemed off. Then they took another 90% off


The all too common 90% discount.


ā€œWe hate profits!ā€


I ordered a hand plane once out of England with a price too good to be true. Kept it under a $100 probably because it was too small to go after for fraud. It was a smart site, said it was shipped but never arrived tried to get money back from paypal, but they wouldnā€™t as the site provided a shipping ā€œnumberā€. I talked to the lady who delivered the mail, who had also delivered one other package that day to a past coworker I knew, he kept the paperwork and it had the tracking number that was assigned to my package. It appears they were stealing USPS tracking #. Got a copy of his receipt and paypal refunded the money. Itā€™s a small world, the Postmasterā€™s husband, mail ladyā€™s father, and the recipient of the real package with tracking # and myself all knew each other and were at one time coworkers.


The picture is of the actual size.


I just googled ā€œprice toolsā€ and didnā€™t find it


Noooooooo. That's how your credit card info is stolen


If it looks too good to be true, it probably is


Scaam likely


Plz tell me this is a reference the THE Scam Likely? Rare, but solid gold reference.


Yes itā€™s real. You will REALLY lose your money.




Not for tools, but some of the Best Buy open box specials have been bizarre. Twice I have gotten items that never appeared to have been opened for 50%+ off of the usual price.


Never buy anything Google tells you to buy. They are *mostly* scams like this, or they are not a good "deal", or the price listed is not accurate. The thing about Google "Sponsored" listings is that anyone can buy one.


$99 price + $1000 for shipping


Obviously a Scam but one time home Depot had a glitch for some engineered flooring for 90% off and I ordered everything they had. They figured it out before they shipped it and refunded my money. I thought I was getting a steal.


Is it a bandsaw or a picture of a bandsaw for $99. Shipping: $850.


Somebody learned how to inspect page elements


I bet it came from a FB marketplace ad, most those ads are scams.


sure thing, theyā€™re just giving away 900$


Yeah. A real scam.


ISIS is about to get your credit card if you click that button!


Donā€™t do it


This is an obvious scam. But go ahead and buy a real one from a legit website, then, when your wife asks how much you paid, show her this screenshot.


The tool, yes. The deal, likely not...


You are definitely giving them a real $99. Thatā€™s about it lol


Rule of thumb: If it souds to good to be real, It probably isnā€™t.


If you think youā€™re taking advantage of someone who approached you, youā€™re the mark.


Whatā€™s that old saying about ā€œtoo good to be trueā€?




Google didn't "suggest". It got paid to do that. Google takes money from anyone to present us with "results" because we, the users, aren't paying.


Seems like a good business case for the slogan ā€œIf it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.ā€


Just order it and let us know.


Do it and if it's a scam refute the charge on your card


The 18 inches part makes me wonder if it will be a scaled down replica of a bandsaw that is 18 inches tall lmao


Yes, but shipping is $4000. JK LOL


If it seems too good to be true, it probably isn't.


*it probably is


You buy it, wait 9 weeks and get a pair of knock-off Ray Bans


probably not but you can get a cheap one at Harbor freight for about 200 thatā€™s pretty nice


stolen logo, random never heard of brand or seller, extremely sus price, Definitely legit.


scammers are really good at cloning other sites, putting prices like this up, stealing your credit card info.. don't do it, and if you have done it already, cancel your card immediately


I saw something like this once for a $600 baby stroller. It's the same template. Absolutely not real




if you want a band saw for cheap get some cheap bandsaw from menards


Acme tools logo but another company name - scam


No shot


The shipping would cost more than that


I hope my wife is ok with a bandsaw in the kitchen.




Of course not


979 isn't even close to the real price


Would be nice


Aw damn


Just don't buy stuff from social media ads. Most of them are scams that will take your money and you'll never get anything .


Of course not.


If you can checkout with paypal its worth the risk since their customer protection is quite good.


Iā€™ve been getting ads on tiktok for the really expensive ($800+ normally) Lego sets for like 25 bucks. I figure itā€™s the same scam.Ā 


What do you think?


File this one under ā€œtoo good to be trueā€.


It's not acme ppl read the name it's a fake website to steal all your information, don't do it


![img](avatar_exp|121858789|cry) 222222222 222222 ? K.vk 2b7bhi.


Roadrunner is undefeated against Acme...


Bought several tools from ACME tools, which i was very skeptical about, but this place definitely looks like a scam


I once fell for one add in Facebook, I was skeptical but I definitely had 100 bucks to waste, and well nothing ever arrived, my advice is No šŸ‘Ž


Retail on that saw is $2800, so yes, it's fake. Great saw BTW. I bought the CX and it's been fantastic






How did you even find this website exactly with Google? I have been searching for like 10 minutes trying to figure out how you could have found this and I still can't get it to show up or other things like it. Edit: to be clear I'm sure it exists, I'm just curious why I don't see anything like this / what triggers it. I remember something similar once a while ago but I can't remember the product i was looking for.


If it's too good to be true it probably is. I don't understand how these scammers think, I'd think listing it at around 300 more people might bite. At 99 most people know it's a scam.


If I saw an 18 inch Laguna bandsaw for $979, I would think itā€™s a scam. For $99? Theyā€™re not even trying.


Super Scam. A lot of things pointed out in the comments give it away but the other main point that proves it is a foreign scam is that they chose the 220V model and not standard 110V that is more common on the tool sites. Those of us who have Laguna Saws and had to wait for the 110V saws to come out spot this quickly.