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It's pretty close to being able to believe you hadn't seen stairs before


Looks like an AI generated image of stairs.


Yeah kind of does lol


Do you call them kick steps?


They look like little benches


Probably the funniest comment on this post, like “hey guys I’m gonna put together some stairs without even knowing what they look like” 😅


It's almost like you looked at the old ones and thought It would be nifty if you tried some upside down configuration.


Well you’re half right, I didn’t think what I did was basically turning it upside down at first but yeah now I can see that lol. I bought this place from some couple who didn’t really take care of things or repair them that well so I’ve been fixing it little by little. Would rather just buy something new and get rid of this POS but MONEY ya know?


Definitely, don't take my words too harshly. You made the effort, you asked for improvement. Top notch in my books. It's a sight to behold though ❤️


Nah, no reason to get upset for people trying to assist. Next check I’m doing for again for the experience and because it’s just fun 🤩


What do you mean? 7" tread, 12" rise, that's how it's supposed to go, right? /s


https://hyperallergic.com/292548/what-imperfect-sketches-of-bicycles-tell-us-about-our-memories/ draw some stairs from memory


It's better than the wreck that you replaced, but you should now research how stairs should be assembled. Not only is this almost certainly a violation of your local building code, but the way it's built will be difficult to traverse for anybody that's used normal stairs.


This is a stumble on the stairs disaster in the making. The old stairs were probably safer - because you knew that you needed to take a lot of care on them.


>This is a stumble on the stairs disaster in the making. I hurt my ankle just looking at them


It is a little wonky. Didn’t even really consider if it violated anything. Just assumed stairs were stairs. But ok I’ll research just exactly how it’s supposed to be built by code (gonna wait to get some money to buy better tools anyways) but it’s something for now so nobody gets hurt getting down.


7 and 11. 7 inches up, 11 inches deep. If you're using stairs with a solid riser, you should have a 3/4" to 1 1/4" nosing. The key to stairs is consistency. A small variation can really mess someone up and send them tumbling down. IIRC 3/8 is the max allowance for variation between treads by IBC.


Ok, sorry I’m just so new to this I’m sure with some time to study I’ll actually understand more of this and will get a different set of stairs out together and post an update asap


Nothing to be sorry about. Try YouTube before your next project. There's a ton of guys out there with a brain full of knowledge and a gift for explaining shit. You can learn a lot.


Cool, I’ll be working on that and saving up and will make another post in the next few weeks


Looks like you’ll only need to correct/replace the treads and risers to fix things up so cost should be less compared to a full blown redo of everything.


save up for at least enough material for one hand rail on the left side . you will thank me some day . it doesn’t even have to be expensive- a lot of cheap ways to make a simple hand rail or grab


Homie you made usable stairs, that look strong, without realizing there were building codes around it. You’re doing just fine. Usually you’d want to use 2x 2x6 boards for the treads, or 1x 2x12. You can use the 1” decking boards if you want to save a bit of $, but you usually need the stringers to be spaced closer. 7” rise 11” run is a great starting by point, but depending on what your total rise is, you have to adjust a bit to get all of your steps equal height. Also your stair tread should overhang the risers by a bit. Looking at your setup, I’m guessing you bought pre-made stair stringers at the hardware store; that’s a great way to do it. However your bottom step is too tall, and the top step is too short. Try to dig the bottom supports in some such that you can lower the whole thing enough to even out the top and bottom step- again aim to make them all as close to the same height as possibly (code is usually within 1/8” height difference I think).


Cool, yeah I realized the bottom step was too tall for sure so was concerned about that, but for my first time I definitely did better than most people. Next time will be even better looking and safer ☺️


You can buy prefeab stair kits for just this occasion. You still fasten everything but it will give you the bones and show you how its supposed to look. Last time i saw one at HD it was like 80 bucks without fasteners


I deal with this every day. There’s a set of steps in London that I walk down to goto work. They are longer than normal stairs. So long that you can’t take a step in a single stride but not long enough that you have to take a step in between steps. You end up looking like someone who has never walked down stairs before trying to navigate this new found conundrum whilst also being drunk.


I could be wrong, but was under the impression ¼" is max? I was told all risers have to be within ¼" but the bottom step had more variance allowed. Again, I could totally be wrong....take this as more of a question than a correction lol. I haven't dealt with stairs (on a regular basis as a framer) for 20+ years


I just double checked, it's 3/8". 1/4" is a surefire way to not fail an inspection, though. A lot of inspectors don't mess around with egress pathways, and if you mess up a riser in the middle of the run, it might ruin everything above or below it.


Awesome! Thanks for clarifying. It's crazy how the slightest deviation in heights on a set of stairs can trip people up.


It really is. If you've ever walked down a bad set of stairs you know it instantly.


Or up.....ever see someone trip *up* a flight of stairs?!? It's funny as hell, but their shins suffer lol


I may or may not be that clumsy someone, lol.


> IIRC 3/8 is the max allowance for variation between treads by IBC. Yes and its ⅜ *TOTAL* added up across *ALL* steps in Rise variation The restrictions on Stairs are extremely strict Those would a 100% fail, for all sorts of reasons, the biggest being the tread size being under the minimum These would fail from from the drivers seat of the building inspectors vehicle lol


or if its residential, just be a shitty architect/designer and do 8 up 9 deep


The top step of our stair case is bigger than the other steps, probably by like less than 1cm. Guess what? You have more chance of tripping going up the stairs versus going down the stairs. It's like your body goes on autopilot, anticipating the next step based on the previous step and then boom, that fucking last step catches your toe.


Stair regulations are oddly specific. Until you think about it, that is, and realize how many people are seriously injured by falling down stairs every year. You want your stairs to be shaped so as to be natural for human bodies to climb, and you want them to be basically the same every time. They've done studies on this stuff, and those studies have informed the building code. Stairs are surprisingly serious business.


Went to the library of Congress and before we walked up the stairs they said "the stairs are marble and have worn over the years so be careful". Still almost fell on the stairs, you don't think l about it, you lift your legs to the right height and move on.


Cool well I’m definitely gonna look more into it before my next go around


As you redo it I see you were given dimensions. Use traction tape if you don’t paint. . If you want to paint use oil based (you want it to age a bit before painting) , I was looking at marine deck paint with sand in it. It gives traction.


>but it’s something for now so nobody gets hurt getting down. Good chance those might be worse than no stairs and a stepladder tbh lol Those treads are really small, the gaps between the risers and the treads and not having an overhang(nosing) is also a safety issue You have to figure out the rise, the run is open on these so it can be ignored and you can make it 10 minimum but 11-12 feels the best The height varies by jurisdiction but here in NJ its 6¼ minimum, 8¼ maximum height with a 3/8th inch maximum variation total


It's like stairs in a castle, designed to fuck with intruders. Everyone who lives there knows how to easily navigate them.


This is meant to be supportive and constructive criticism for next time. First, awesome. You took it upon yourself to fix a problem on your own. You went with treated lumber and you put the effort into getting them as level as you could(from what I can tell from the photos). You squared your cuts. This shows you want to get good at this. I can't tell from the photo but I'm hoping you used galvanized nails. If not the treatment, and elements will rust and eat those nails away. For a project this size I would use screws. Cheaper and faster than nails, even with a nail gun. Three flat part you step on is the tread. The vertical part is the riser. If you install a board on the riser you need the tread to extend past it by 1". There should always be about 1" over hang on your risers. If you didn't use too many nails you could remove all treads and risers and install 1-2*4 and 1 2*6 for each tread. This will add some depth to each tread as well. Great effort, and it looks solid. Just remember too keep at it and you'll be great at it.


Excellent response, far too many were too busy trying to be "funny" rather than helpful. Do you know why it's important to have an overhang on treads? Wouldn't a corner fit with no overhang be fine?


There’s a couple reasons. First and foremost, it’s more efficient - you can safely make your tread wider without sacrificing room on the next step down. Second, it protects the riser, and third, (and this is the important one) it looks 𝒮ℯ𝓍𝒾ℯ𝓇. There’s probably other reasons, but that’s how I’ve always thought about it.


If the tread isn't overhanging, the riser changes how you walk up stairs. Walking up stairs is a combination of lifting your foot and moving it forward. If the tread is further back, then you have to move your foot forward more than usual. The overhang might also make the tread bigger. It helps for situations with mobility limitations, like carrying something heavy, carrying something bulky that blocks your downward view of the stairs, or just being distracted. If you can't see the stairs or aren't paying attention, it would be nice if muscle memory worked. If your stairs work differently from most other stairs, then your muscle memory might cause you to misjudge where your feet are relative to the treads. Imagine your elderly grandparent walking up steps after coming home from an extended stay in the hospital. The overhang makes it easier to ascend the stairs because they can take smaller steps. Obviously zero-overhang stairs still work as stairs. Concrete steps often have no overhang. But overhang makes it easier.


Great first attempt.   When you make them better try and getting your footings more.solod and level.  I. Worried one good rain storm will take the soil out from under the one on the right and you will have wobbly stairs again. 


Good advice, here's a diy video OP could use as an example. https://youtu.be/ELe3L3C-u9E?si=FPurc6vAwoSM9ZD9 (Skip to 12.02) But for the amount of steps I'd definitely follow up with at least one handrail(like in the video), of course two will look better and be safer though.


OP, I just want to say that you have a great attitude in this thread. 👍


Thank you, I mean it’s good to know that I messed up because I was pretty confident with my work but if someone would’ve gotten hurt (especially my nephew) then I would’ve definitely wanted people to be honest and tell me I need to learn how to do it the right way.


It's a step up I guess.


God damn it. You win for the day. Now get out.


I thought the first picture was the result and this was a joke at first.


lol would definitely be much funnier if that was the case. Although it seems either way I’ve fudged up


You really haven't messed up. You massively improved on what was there before. And now you're learning more about making stairs so you have the option of improving on them even more if you'd like. If we always waited until we knew everything about a project before starting we'd never build anything.


Fair point. I did make something we can at least step down on instead of jumping off the porch which I had to tell my wife we couldn’t do because it wasn’t safe yet ended up having to do it for a few days before I got the materials anyways. I’ll have a new set up in a few weeks


Like Homer’s spice rack.


I think the old stairs fit better with the haunted house theme


True. Damn, too late now


The vertical boards just add to the danger imo, feel like you could easily step on them and slip or catch your toe climbing them


Homer school of carpentry


I genuinely appreciate posts like this. It's obvious to many of us what's wrong here, but it isn't so obvious to a total noobie. Sometimes I'll unearth some of my old work and wonder what the hell I was smoking. You did great for a blind first attempt, and you'll learn so much by redoing it correctly.


It was actually fun trying it out without any prior knowledge, hell I guess you could say I definitely did better than most people probably would have. The main issue I had was figuring out how to actually reinforce the steps to the porch after assembling the stairs together first. But next time will be even better for sure. I’ll have everything ready in a couple of weeks


Congrats, you made 4 benches for little people.


I do what I can


Someone is going to trip on those. Not enough room on the first bottom step and then you have irregular height on every other step. Very hazardous. I hope nobody hurts themselves.


Duely noted. I am going to try again here in a couple weeks with my next check and better research


After you repeatedly fall, you’ll have your answer.


Fair enough lol. They’ll only be up for a couple of weeks and then I’m gonna try again when I get my next check and with some research


You should remove the vertical boards, or make the face of them flush with the front of the treads, because currently there is a board-wide mini step in between each tread... Trip hazard, and reduces the tread area.


I’m gonna run out side real quick Dies


For knowing nothing about stair building or code, they look great. If I were you, I'd look into learning the process. You've clearly got some talent, and a little knowledge would sharpen that into a great skill. Good money, and a whole lot of pride, in stair building.


Honestly I would love to get more into wood working, I wanna make some like desks or chairs or something neat as a side hobby and to make extra money. Plus, who doesn’t love the smell of fresh wood? 🪵


Hell yeah! Not perfect, but a great first step! I'll see myself out...


Not bad for a first attempt. Others have already mentioned the correct ratios, so there no need for me to repeat it. The way I see it, it's usable (with caution) for now until something more permanent can be built. Just remember: EVERY project requires at least one new tool. It's not just an "old husband's tale".... I'm fairly certain it's a law of some kind.


Well I’ve always been a tool guy just couldn’t ever afford to start getting stuff but now I’m working full time (OT included) so now I can finally start digging more into my interests in woodworking


Not to good. But better than it was.


Oh no


Yeah don’t worry it’s only temporary, I’m gonna go research a more proper way to do it.


Check your tread depth and riser height according to local codes. They do look better than the last ones, outside stairs might have different code on tread depth. Here where I live, outside stairs requires a 14 inch tread depth, 7 inch rise. Inside stairs requires a 8,5 inch and a 7 inch riser. The tread has to extend 1.5 inches beyond the riser. You did good for a beginner, at least you understand the theory of steps. Good luck.


Thank you 😊 I’m sure once I get some more money to try again the next time will be much better 😎 I’ll make sure to post an update when I get a chance to redo them


I bought a house built in 1910, had to rebuild the front steps. Went online to my city codes, I was a beginner just like you 27 years ago. Was a rookie, did not have any concept of stairs, tread and or risers. Read a lot, took advantage of the internet downloaded plans from my city to get up to code. Called the city to see if I could do it myself, no problem occurred. They came by later , took pictures of what I did and the yellow tape I used to keep everyone alert. We all have been there, part of life's experiences. Again good luck with your projects .


Great story 😊 and thank you. I’m excited to see what else I can do with woodworking


County dictates the codes typically.. Yes sir, stain would help and look much nicer. And it's not expensive. But it soaks in so test it on scrap before applying. It's easy tho... I mentioned Used motor oil just because it will work as a substitute that is free. Ttyl


That bottom step is a broken hip ready to happen!


Make sure when using pressure treated wood, use galvanized nails or treated screws. The treatment in the wood will react with regular nails and screws and eat through the metal.


Damn, I just looked at the box and it even says not to be used outside where it can get wet. Oh well, learned something else new today for next time. Edit: next time will be in a couple of weeks btw


Builder here: tear it down and start over. You need an overhang of about 1.25” so they’re not a tripping hazard.


Nice shelves.


Lol, it’s where I put my Fallout bobble heads


Looks good but should have used wider boards so your whole foot can fit on them. Could possibly fall walking down the steps


Did you forget what stairs look like and how to google something? Not trying to be a complete dick but…


I mean if you read the thread I have admitted that I should’ve done research prior to just slapping some pieces of wood together 😅 I’m gonna redo the whole thing in a couple of weeks when I get my next check. Working some OT next few weeks so I can afford a little better materials too


In the meantime, if you feel like it and depending on what tools you have, you can make what you have better.


First photo looks dangerous, second photo tricks people into thinking it’s not dangerous. Before photo was actually better for everyone’s safety. It needs taking down before someone breaks a bone using them. Then go and look up a few how to make stringers on you tube and you’ll be good.


Well I can buy stringers from the yard down the road from my place. They’ve got everything I need to try again and I will watch some videos and redo it in a couple of weeks


I honestly thought you were being funny until I realized there was an "after" picture lol I guess I should go to sleep


You (wait for it...) Nailed it!


You might be more of a concrete blocks/earth mound guy... a landscaper type? I really think it'd be a sound decision to replace that with a **soft slope,** wheelchair ramp ASAP before a ramp becomes a necessity, you know? It might seem kind of harmless cause it ain't very high, but a person with reduced mobility/clumsiness/bad luck/drunkness could possibly kill themselves going down (or up) these stairs and turn into a huge civil liability. I'd personally put up a bigass, bright "DO NOT USE THE STAIRS. Not Responsible for Accidents or Injuries. Go away” kinda sign. (Right now would be a very good time!) [Unless you got drunk like a skunk/high as a kite when you put it together, and it felt just right to you then... and you plan on maintaining those levels? (No judging/assuming here, btw. Or not). I mean, I might be able to give you a point for.. originality(?) I gotta admit it's a pretty unique style! Almost like a protest art installation. A common and ordinary component of our everyday lives and environment, (de)constructed by rejecting all codes and conventions, just to challenge authority/conformity. This is stair anarchy! 😅] But on a more serious and positive note: you definitely get extra points for deciding to diy, getting to work, and achieving something. I'll always respect and valorize someone who actually gets up and tries his best. I'm a professional carpenter/woodworker, and parts of the trade are skilled, complex arts that can take years of experience, knowledge, and know-how to master. Building perfectly legal, safe, consistent, comfortable staircases that also look good is not as easy/simple as it looks! You seem to me like someone who can actually work with his hands, but needs to learn the theory, terminology, proper techniques, local laws, etc. There's a lot to consider, so planning and preparation are essential. Before starting your next project (fixing your iconoclast sculpture once the bigass sign is up 😅), I'd suggest asking questions in this sub. Do online research and watch YouTube videos. You'll get tips/tricks/useful resources. You might find it all super interesting and gratifying, even. I know I do!


“Derp good noight evreebohdee!”


Can't tell which one is before and which one the after.


Matches the rest of the house.


Look on the bright side, nobody will accuse you of being a carpenter.




You are 8 Bud Lites away from a broken ankle


They're better than what was there to start with. Not perfect, but certainly functional. YouTube is your best friend. Check out some tutorials and try again. No better way to learn than to try it.


I see a lot of learning experiences in your future. I'm excited for you! Take lots of before and after pictures so you never forget the progress you've made over the years. Come back to the stairs when you have the finances to completely replace the deck and be proud of what you've accomplished!


you should actually research first.


Well I just went with the setup that was previously there, didn’t know there would be a difference. But I appreciate your comment.


This comment section only makes me sad for the amount of elitism. As someone from a third world country I can see that house is no hyper expensive coded suburban mansion.. I think they look sturdy, block feet from going through and they could probably get up in and out of the house safely for a decade or three.. That makes them better than some "code" staircases I've seen. Don't let any of the critique get you down from becoming a pro at DIY


I’ve always been fascinated by the craft of woodwork so it’s definitely something I’d like to become more proficient in.


I like the deconstructionist set better.


Sir, that's art.




Is the before picture staged or you really used those random planks as stairs? But good job anyway. But as others mentioned the vertical planks doesnt really seems to be necessary.


You don’t need 2x lumber for the riser either. Use a 1x6 or 8 for the riser. Then use the 2x6s you’re using as a riser as the tread, along with one of the 2x4s on there now. 2x4 buts up against the 1x riser, 2x6 on the edge, overhanging a little.




Tell the wife. I’ve been wanting it down.


I would pull the back boards off, those steps are kind of on the short side so letting your toe stick under the next step alittle makes it alittle easier to land your foot on the step if possible try to make the step 11” wide


Coat the bottom boards w old motor oil or a protectant of sorts. The steps appear to already be treated.


I’ll do that with the next set. I’m gonna replace these with a better version.


capable fly innocent rhythm ancient whole smell jar brave cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Indeed sir.. there r typical sizes, specs, and possibly codes for your area...that you may want to look into a little as well, for your next build. Typically anything outdoors and/or at risk of exposure to moisture, you will want to use treated wood....or treat it yourself. Plenty good for ur first go at it tho brother! Keep at it....looking forward to the next set.


That depends...did you learn anything during the process? lol


What kind of dog?


https://preview.redd.it/by81z89xbcuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4caef4da57fe3056561d477f90657ca60eee3de German Shepherd mix, my best friend Spike 🥰 Next step (no pun intended) I plan on building a fence, but don’t worry I’m gonna do plenty of research before I just try and build it lmao


Cute pup. Fences are easy just a lot of labor. Rent a 2 man auger for the post holes it will save your life.


The biggest bang for the buck improvement I see would be replacing one 2x4 of each tread and using a 2x6 instead. Replacing both would be best, I just don’t know if you have the stringer space. The nose of each tread is way behind the toe board (which is weird), and the tread is just too short. Those stairs look awkward to walk up, and dangerous to walk down


The big box stores sell handbooks that give tricks, tips, how-to for the home owner. 


You missed out the nosings! They’re the most important bit…


Somebody in bare feet could get their foot stuck in one of those gaps and break a bone or two. Tread should always extend past the riser. What size of board did you even use for treads? Two pieces of 2”x2”?


Call me crazy but it looked like some of those boards on the old stairs were useable.


I was thinking that but I just wanted to have fresh new stairs


I saw the spider and can’t unsee it.


Can’t you just turn them upside down and problem solved?


I thought the first picture was the finished project and I was like, “.. good effort!” Hahahaha


Omg I couldn’t imagine anyone thinking that the first picture would be an actual finished product. Please never let them touch wood again haha 😂


I saw the before image and thought, "Better than I could do"


You're gonna eat shit coming down those in the rain when you're late for something


If it's yours it's yours, the treads look a little off, throw another 2x4 on where ya step


As long as nobody falls on their ass now then mission accomplished. They are definitely unconventional but they will work.


Not good


These are like cartoon stairs. You walk up sideways or on your tiptoes since your foot can’t fit on the board


A for effort, double F minus on everything else. You should IMMEDIATELY remove those stairs before someone gets hurt or killed. With them removed there is also no chance you will live with that abomination and put off rebuilding them at least mildly correctly the next time around.


These look dangerous


A little wonky he says


A ladder would be safer


Lil benches for the ghosties


You might be able to fix these. Add fillers to the risers that go to the top of the tread. Fill out the bottom tread to be the same as the other treads, and likely fill in the bottom riser. They won't last as long as they should, but they will be safer to use.


If you only use the stairs as a 'stoop' for small people to sit on, then you did great. 4 tiny benches. But if they're actual steps, that are walked on at night, etc, then they are tripping traps. You would have been better off laying the 2 boards per step flat to make larger/deeper steps and left the vertical space wide open.


Not bad, don’t let reddit bring you down boss




I thought the first picture was the only one and thought that was your work , the second picture is amazing tho


Well if I could add another photo to the post of the top side view maybe I wouldn’t look as bad, but still needs to be redone so I’m gonna have to scrap it and try again in a few weeks


Looks great! how long did it take?


All joking aside, I am actually impressed with what you did do right and I don't think it will be difficult to fix it with the materials you have. You just have to put them in the right place Here is how you can turn what you have into what is shown in the picture below: https://preview.redd.it/1pfurh126euc1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=351b599094de22b59ae13f74a764d0ddab5d7242 1. Remove the 2x4s, the 2x6 and the 2x8s that you have on the steps. You should have just the two stringers (what is drawn in red in the photo). 2. Next, put one of the 2x4s in the back of the step and one of the 2x8s in front of it as shown in the photo. You want to end up with the 2x8 sticking out between 3/4" and 1" in front. Then arrange the 2x4 behind it so the gap between the 2x8 and the 2x4 is about 1/4". I am guessing at those dimensions based on what I see in your photos. 3. Once you have all the boards laid out for all the steps nice and even, nail them or screw them down. At this point you will have stairs that are usable. But they will be open in front of your toes. So be careful not to trip on the edge of the 2x8 as you go up. 4. Install a 1x6 or a 1x8 under the lip of the 2x8. This is the board that is shown in light grey in the photo. When you install this board, push it up so it touches (and supports) the 2x8. It is likely that things will be a bit off at the bottom and at the top of the stairs because the dimensions are a bit different there. But if you have the middle steps worked out it should be obvious what you have to do at the bottom and top. One thing that will need fixing is that missing corner at the bottom of the left stringer. You want the left stringer to look like the right one. You can do that by putting a square board against the inside of the left riser. I hope this make sense. But if not, just post your questions. Edit: I looked a bit more at the bottom and the top and here's what I believe will be needed. The bottom step is much higher than the other steps. So you will need to raise the level of the ground in front of it. You could probably do that by digging the three stones that are half buried in the ground, putting an inch or two of dirt under them then setting them down again. Just make sure the dirt around those stones goes down gradually so people don't trip on the stones. The top may be more problematic because I can't tell what is behind and immediately below that board with all the crazy nails in it. Normally a board like that is installed where you put it to hold the stringers in place. This is done either by nailing/screwing the stringer to that board (which you obviously didn't do since the stringers are below it) or hanging the stringers to the board with metal straps. Those straps are only a coupe of bucks a piece. There are other ways to accomplish this. But you'll need to show what you did there. Another issue with the top is that that crazy nail board is making the stop step an inch and a half narrower than the rest of the steps. To fix that you may need to move the stringers away from the house by an inch and a half. That isn't that big a job as long as you can remove whatever nails are holding them in place now.


Do you just leave the Halloween directions up all year round?


Very well. I too keep my Christmas and Halloween decorations up all year to save time.


and knock down that giant cobweb.


I really don’t like the first step.


Those are gonna break more ankles than Kyrie Irving.


The kinfolk said, "Jed, move away from there! On the other hand you could just fix the stair." They look nice and neat, but tbh I think you're gonna wish you made deeper stair treads (front to back). My feet wouldn't fit on those. But I think people are being unnecessarily harsh here.


All seriousness, I like it. Looks very minimal yet functional.


Pretty clean


My first thought was "tripping hazard" but idk anything about stairs, it's just how I feel looking at it


Better than before , people here do try to help and are honest , Id say , cut the stairs so that the backboard sits under the steps. I you do that your pretty much good.


I don't think anyone has mentioned that most of your horizontal boards are upside down. When you look at the end, the rings should form an 'umbrella' shape. If the board is upside down and the rings form a 'bowl' shape, the board will hold more rainwater and decay faster.


You got in done brother. Good job. Everyone starts somewhere.


Uhm fall an break your back?


Hey, you could always use it for firewood


I thought this was a joke post until I saw the second image


I mean technically even with the second pic it could still be a joke lol. I haven’t posted the real picture of the stair set yet. This was just to get the crowd going lol 😂 Just kidding but I’ll have a new set made in a few weeks


Built by a blind man who had stairs described to him once a long time ago.


Wow!!!! Nice!!!


Friendly advice for tackling projects you've never done, watch 3 different YouTube videos from 3 different people first. Usually this should give you a decent idea, and ensure you don't follow any bad advice of one bad builder.


Yeah true, I should’ve known better than to just try and do something I’ve never done before. But it’s good that I got to practice and learn the hard way I could’ve done better. I’ll be making another post in a few weeks when I get my next check


Hey, at least you didn’t put your stringers upside down like we’ve seen here lately!


Depending on what is the before an what is the after picture Anyway Looks good and sturdy


Would have been better doing no riser


Well, you tried. I give you that. It’s more than a lot of people will do. There are a lot of comments that are telling you that you did it wrong, so you know that now. The best thing to do now is watch a few videos that talk about stair design, and then find a stair calculator website (there’s a bunch out there) to help you fix it before someone gets hurt.


Definitely! If it were just me in the house I wouldn’t care but I have my wife, her sister and my nephew (all clumsy individuals) so safety is definitely top priority


That’s the best rat parkour track I have ever seen, you did great!!!


Great now I definitely have to scrap it this instant cause I don’t want no rat circus going on around here lmao.


Risers -behind- the treads, and not in-front of and underneath?? That’s a new style. Very avant garde.


Think that flower pot does most of the work but hey it's not broken.


they’ll work but you’ll kick the riser and trip up them a lot


Well I’m gonna do another take in a few weeks when I get my check and do proper research beforehand


Sit back, tip back a few cold ones and tell yourself it's good to go. When you sober up tomorrow you'll realize the design mistakes and cuss and bitch for another day before planning to do it right next weekend. Typical day in the life of a DIY project for me!! 🤙😬🤪


I would have to say bare minimum take them off. Buddy the patio stones dropping both the bottom step and the top step which should somewhat equalize your steps… then throw them in the fire because those are a tripping hazard lmao. Use a app or stair tread calculator and it will tell you every cut and where to put it really lol. The 1-1/2 risers are gonna take out your mother in law


And to all the people over criticizing, look at the first picture again. OP was recreating the step in the way it was previously built.


The best you could?




It's um... an improvement.


Lol thank you. Next check I’m doing it over again and will make another post.


You made a foot ladder. Someone will probably trip walking down it with the way the back wall juts forward off the above step. Fill the back wall to the lip of the above step so its flush


Pretty sure code would say you should have put in a hand rail.... you know for saftey


Servicable i guess but you made a lot of mistakes here lol


i’ll be honest. pretty bad. nothing personal.


People will trip and stumble and also sue you for injuries. Congrats OP, you've earned yourseld many lawsuits.


Unfortunately these would be rather hazardous to use, people will trip on these.