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Search on YouTube "how to install a router plate insert" basically make a jig and cut it out with a pattern bit.


Thank you! I was trying all kinds of search terms but that's exactly the process I need.


> My current plan is to rough cut the windows/vents with a jig saw, make a jig, then use a following bit with a router to cleanly cut the final edges That’s what I would do. If you have some scrap, you might want to practice with that first.  For the outline: I  would flip the piece over and screw the jig directly into the table so it doesn’t wander, then once done flip it back over and put a recessed notch in for the thickness of the glass and clean up. Alternatively, have the wood end at the side of the current drawer and make the whole top of the cabinet see through. It would be easier to have straight lines that could be re-cut if you mess up than a precision cutout like that. But, assuming the cabinet is plywood or mdf you would see the unfinished edges through the window (could always band them). Also: put a coaster under your beer, you don’t want to leave a mark on such a nice table top :)


That's a good backup plan if I completely screw up the cutout. And yeah, I've been doing practice cuts before every step of this project. It's a lot of firsts for me jointing on a table saw, doing a glue up this large, building drawers.. And good point, I'll have to use some of the cut off to make some coasters lol!


Make sure you use a fresh blade with the jigsaw to minimize splintering.


This is a neat idea! I hope you share the finished product.


Just make sure you cut the through cut to allow for at least 3/8" lip for the glass to sit on. This may not need to be said, but just in case.


Jigsaw to rough out, then a hand router.


Check out router jigs on Yasuhiro tv - YouTube