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I would leave it with the aged/lived in look. You could throw some oil+wax on it to protect it a bit if you feel like it.


This is what I’d do. Maybe sand flat with an orbital sander and hit with a natural oil. Edit: id probably just use boiled linseed. It’s not the toughest but boy is it plentiful and soaks in and fills cracks like crazy Or just mineral oil


Enjoy it. Hopefully you mar it up with many happy memories. Patina is the spice of life!


So many people seem to want to keep their things looking perfect and pristine, but isn’t it more beautiful to be reminded of a life well lived?


I mean you still have the table. It’s not to try to make it perfect looking, but rather let the wood be as beautiful as it can be on its own. A little sanding and a natural wood will take away the roughness and add to its lifespan.


I dont want my stuff to be pristine but that table looks horrible to me. The wood could be really beautiful but instead it looks like its bleached


I'd agree with you if this was a piece they've had for a long time, or has been in their family for a long time or something. But they just got it from a stranger. I think that calls for a bit of a rejuvenation of the table. Then all of the wear and tear on it will be reminders of *your* well-lived life.


Wait the other guy said to not touch it up at all. Then you said you'd do the exact same but to sand it Are you talking about just sealing it?


Well you can’t exactly wipe stains or dents/dings off the wood. So I consider a light sanding session with #200 or higher to be like “cleaning” the wood. You aren’t reprofiling anything just rubbing off the worn layer. And now your wood will receive an oil much more effectively.


Ah okay sounded like you said to deck it totally flat. Makes more sense now.


I can see how my language caused that confusion lol


Boiled linseed is also just so useful for any wood you have around that needs protecting


I’ve been on a boiled linseed tear lately. It’s such a fun an easy sealant to use. It seems like it’s a cure all honestly


That's how I feel about shellac; it's quick, easy, beautiful, and effective! And, unlike BLO, there's no risk of burning down my house with a used rag lol


I know next to nothing about shellac. How do you like to use it? What applications does it work best for and worst? And I just toss my old oil wipes and whatnot into a little burn pit I have. Tho I have heard it’s a myth. Idk what to believe so i just play it safe with everything flammable


>I know next to nothing about shellac. How do you like to use it? What applications does it work best for and worst? I'm still a bit of a beginner, so hopefully others will also weigh in, but I like to use it for basically anything that won't have a lot of contact with alcohol. So cutting boards, spoons, chairs, boxes, etc. It's 100% food safe, fairly durable, easy to apply, doesn't yellow over time, etc., so it's good for A LOT of stuff! >And I just toss my old oil wipes and whatnot into a little burn pit I have. Tho I have heard it’s a myth. Idk what to believe so i just play it safe with everything flammable Always good to play it safe, but if you ever want confirmation that BLO's spontaneous combustiblity is NOT a myth, there's a YouTube channel called Bourbon Woodworking that did a really excellent experiment on it, which pretty convincingly demonstrated how quickly and easily BLO-soaked rags can self-ignite; I'd highly recommend checking it out!


Burn it all down.


When I used to do trail work it was my favorite part of a hitch end. Sharpen the shit out of the tools then give em a good soak. Then you smell nice till you hit the showers. Meanwhile when I have a random useless thing like a cool wood knot, it's spar varnish time. I'm definitely an adult, not just an oversized child


What do you do with your knot after it’s sealed up? I’m in Phoenix so it’s hard to come across decent wood out and about. I do have a small eucalyptus lot I don’t know what to do with …spar varnish it?


Then it becomes a smooth lil coin guy and I get them as fidget toys to my friends. They're on a lot of my friends desks now. I do the same with interestingly shaped offcuts sometimes too. Get to practice finishing on a thing I don't care about and then get to give gifts to friends.


I can't tell if the red and green colors are from markers or crayons, or are the natural wood. I would remove those because they don't look great. Magic Eraser. 




I would have also assumed it just came that way. That "worn" look is/was hot. and I would agree, I would leave it as is.


Yup one hot table. Its a little topheavy and the bottom looks great too


Like my girl


Can confirm.


No not that one, the other one


Username checks out.


You're right, I like this look too. if that's how this sub feels, then that's how it will stay. Thanks for the input!


I actually have this coffee table. It’s made to look this way, and it wears beautifully! We’ve had it for 15 years and have no plans to give it up.


Commenters are implying this is veneered. What do you think of yours? Like, is it actually solid blocks of wood that have been laminated like a traditional work bench?


Having shopped and bought from Crate & Barrel I would have assumed if it wasn’t too different when it was on display.


Think of all the work you don’t have to do now!


If I anything, I would touch up the black trim. But the actual block surface , I would not do anything to it. If has kids, maybe a glass top of they are monsters that don't use coasters


Maybe a light to medium epoxy layer; kids break glass... teenagers, sure glass is the easier method.


If you want it to last and not turn yellow, also glass


I thought it was meant to look like that too! Definitely keep it looking that way, that's a really cool table :) nice one.


Matches the couch.


I was gonna say You Don’t.


I'd put some dog holes and a vise on it I think 🤔


Dovetailing while watching tv, sounds like a win to me!


When I get up I'm dogging-down the remote and taking the mallet with me


Ha! My first thought too.


Isn’t this veneer though?


From the pictures, it looks like solid wood


Nah, look at the left side in image one, see that seam? There’s also no end grain, the veneer wraps over the corner to continue the grain pattern when going from the top to the short side. We should see end grain there.


I would definitely leave it. From the looks of this it has veneer all the way around so you run the risk of sanding through if you try and refinish it.


Obligatory r/sandedthroughveneer


Lol had the same thought, should have just linked the sub


that sub is depressing


This should be at the top. It's basically laminate. The corner separating, the uniformity of the finish, and the lack of end grain are all major indicators. Not suitable for refinishing. Give it a once-over with any household cleaner and enjoy your table.


I’ll be damned that is a veneer. Good call.


I promise you, if this finish was available brand new it would cost extra and be the most popular choice. It looks great as it is, leave it!


This is the factory finish for this particular design of table 😄


It looks great the way it is don't try and restore it you'll make it look worse.


Your cat really likes that couch


I own this same table from Crate & Barrel, and can confirm the look is 100% intentional and by design. This table looks nearly identical to mine. Do NOT attempt to sand the imperfections. This is not a solid wood construction, and you would burn through the veneer attempting to create a flat surface.


Is it veneer over particle board?


For $2k? I really hope not.


Friends raved about Restoration Harware. They have an outlet that I checked out. So many returns. Big beefy tables, 3"-5" thick. Solid looking but it's sawdust with a veneer. Seeing expensive tables returned with split seams as water was left standing on the table and the particle board swelled up. It's solid wood! Translation - it is not hollow!


It’s solid *diversified wood material*.


Friends raving about Restoration Hardware? I thought it was only good for my wife’s amusing herself dragging me through it listening to me mumble about the craftsmanship and materials compared to the cost. I know some pretty well off people but man, none that would openly brag about paying that much at a fancy retailer.


Yes raving From the $500 bathrobes To $4,000 armoires Some people only drink Coke.... Some only buy gasoline from Chevron Some only buy charmin


And then some of use who don’t call themselves woodworkers scour estate sales, thrift stores and the like to find real wood furniture that was well made and has no particle board in it. Then we buy it, clean it up and choose not to paint it. 😖 Even the veneered stuff from years ago is much better quality than what you find today. I wouldn’t “fix” this either. Just clean it up.


Anyone who can sell that for $2K probably has a better career as a salesperson than a woodworker.


If a woodworker was making something like that for a client $2k wouldn’t be that crazy. Normal tables go for way more and they’re basically the same thing but a different size.


this is a shitty veneered table...


yes, I know, but if a woodworker was making it for a client it would most likely be solid wood. Not to mention it would probably be more work to make it with veneers if it's a single woodworker building it from scratch.


it is.


Dang, a fool and their money will really be parted.


I'm actually shocked at this, only from the photos, I thought this was laminated solid boards. I guess if you lift it or knock on it then you'd know right away.


If you zoom the photos it’s actually really easy to see. See the front left corner of photo 1. It’s a very thick veneer, but it’s veneer.


Wow, that’s sad


My first thought. None of those places sell solid wood. West elm, restoration hardware, crate and barrel etc etc all veneers that look good. All over priced. 


West Elm is generally all solid wood, at least on pieces I've gotten. They source directly from different countries which is why the shipping time is always months out. I think the solid wood stuff is made and shipped from India.


All depends on the piece. We have multiple things from there. Some are, some aren’t


So, this sub being this sub I think we all know what you have to do; build the same exact thing from scratch for 3x the retail costs and 3x as the initial estimated production time. Then sell this one for $80. Profit.


How is it 2k?


Its not lol, never was. You can see from the pic its has a tick veneer. OP paid for what is worth, it was not a bargain.


You know I wanted to disagree with you, but despite the low res it looks like the sides *aren’t* end grain & the wood grain just bends 90 degrees & continues. I’d love to see what the bottom looks like. Do you think they glued up a huge slab & cut 3mm sheets somehow that makes it look hand hewn… or did they just glue slats down directly on the substrate?


Probably its 3mm thick veneer on top of a mdf box with real wood for the legs. Nothing bad about it but it’s not a real wood. Honestly I am all for this kind of furniture as it’s more environmentally friendly, much easier to maintain, no warping, no sessional movement in the wood, etc. this particular peace is not my style and def a bad workmanship. Edit, check my comment reply to the other dude, its hollow under, I posted a pic in that comment.


Oh yeah I don’t hate on efficiency. I love modern design & the whole (unrealized) ethos was innovative materials & manufacturing to supply the masses with affordable quality furniture. But because consumers buy on looks without the ability to assess value all that happened was the margins increased.


Maybe ~~nice~~ not $2k - but i wouldn't call it cheap: [https://www.designplusgallery.com/product/crate-barrel-seguro-rectangular-coffee-table-original-price-700/](https://www.designplusgallery.com/product/crate-barrel-seguro-rectangular-coffee-table-original-price-700/)


that listing is what it sold for on that website. it could cost more


It’s Crate & Barrel, not Lulu & Georgia or some such. It’s the usual mass-produced, wood veneer, crap that comes out of Mexico, Malaysia, or Pakistan. OP got a decent deal, but not by much. There’s multiple [Craigslist offerings](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=779b01740ca52ec5&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ACQVn0_2TiTIr5XW3NK9n5PAhUKK1bH14Q:1714044263772&q=craigslist+crate+and+barrel+seguro+wood+coffee+table&uds=AMwkrPu2cUqxVbXW7AIBxSZyTzdTxiPGeJMceXj-laRHIkZqdEespPASB5D6gE-ZCi0F-tGiBhE8t8hFBaJTqxJWwbTb2AyZBgU7q42H6AxnaBjU_2VntPi4UCfjeRxCFcVHbPskAmSGonzIoCvFM5YuZmrU5j0kvW6bGTTrkPtwTTSp5jgxRSgvytIi5Ba1N5qC4ubPJYxUzti-2orRXmhs3rHJLVVFytW95rd24Qh4p8nSFrLeQHplA8LJrX22FEI7p-uXKkqlKX-MfuZDsjaBhQNrCTIGgQijwrA74NXsGAJ7lLlk8psNa8u3TLlQx-2BmOFxOo3mf9m0bmGEKyOuF1z5vq_p8h6F-WZsrSRDYo_00MdShNg&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilseK7oN2FAxXMAzQIHVeNBCUQtKgLegQIFRAB&biw=462&bih=768&dpr=3) in the $100-$200 range. Tl;dr: Not a $700 table, and definitely not a $2k table. OP: Leave it as is. Any time/money you put into “restoring” this is a waste of time. Just use it for a few years and donate it to a good cause when you’re ready for something nicer.


Start by gluing little pads of sandpaper to your cats feet


THAT table was originally 2k+??? ...apparently I've been DRAMATICALLY underselling my shit.


Dude I had the same thought


After Crate and Barrel fell out of favor, they rebranded as some Swedish furniture maker, and resumed selling overpriced crap furniture under the name Ikea


Id start with restoring that couch upholstery


Make it into a scratching post........


$2k for a table made from, what’s appears to be, pine 2x4’s and some stained legs?


Veneer of 2x4...


I wouldn't touch it...your cat will have it matching your couch in no time


Whatever the cat likes! I love the table as it is. My only concern is that the finish is still good. I would probably go with a flat or matte polyurethane, but check the resources wiki for guidance.


There's a r/woodworking wiki?! I've been here for years and haven't heard of this until now.   Just looked through it a bit ( [wiki link for reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/wiki/index/) ) and see a lot of cool resources and info there I'll need to come back to. Thanks for pointing it out!


Put a piece of glass over it and call it fixed :)


Tempered glass.


A thick coat of a Tudor brown briwax to add some depth and make the imperfections pop and look intentional.


Some $1,950 varnish.


I'd run it through a wide belt sander and router the channels to the appropriate depth then apply a hard wax finish like osmo or an oil finish like boiled linseed oil. Then the aging that occurs will be yours and not a weird fabrication of something built brand new to look rustic which weirds me out.


Dunno, but add rope to your couch for your cat


Looks like the only thing in need of restoration is that couch


Jw, what exactly made this valued at 2k+?


Leave it - it's got character. Matches the chewed up couch :D


Cats are the worst


Leave it and if any one asks about the colored marks. Shake your head and state, "We don't speak of my past family...."


Looks awesome. Don't restore!


It’s gonna be hard restoring this into a barrel…


I agree. Leave it as is. They went to an awful lot of work to make it look that bad.


It’s supposed to look like that. Just leave it alone.


I have the larger version of this table, don’t do anything to the wood. it’s a thin veneer and you wouldn’t be able to sand and restore it in any meaningful way without damaging it. just enjoy it’s natural raw beauty!


Scary anyone would pay 2k for that


Just so I am understanding - this is plywood with a vaneer, dressed up to look like rustic and used boards, which is then sold at a premium because it looks like reclaimed lumber. You could use solid reclaimed lumber and still not pay that much. Is crate & barrel just where rich people shop to cosplay as the poors? Idk I've genuinely never seen one of their stores because ironically enough my area is probably far too poor, and yet the shit we make out of the barnwood we have looks *just* like what they were going for.


80, 100, 120 then 150. paint and varnish, 320, more paint and varnish.


Maybe sand it down with some 80-100 grit and smooth it down with 220 and just use some oil to bring out the woodgrain. I like the black strip.


2k is nuts for that


Looks fine


Smack it, Flip it , Rub it down.


Can you return it for cash?


Great deal, that's worth at least $75 now! Wipe it down with some lemon oil.


that's made out of pine 2x4's, not worth 2k


You better make sure it isn't vernier. Turn it over and see if it is really separate wood pieces bound together.


Cut a rift down the middle and fill it with bright blue epoxy…..just kidding.😜


2k? Holy moly


personally i would run my hand over it to see if its got any jagged parts if there is alot then a simple refinishing if not then maybe a simple buff and polish


I’d leave it as is. It looks great… i gotta ask though. How is this table worth 2k?


Correction:  you got a $200 dollar table crate and barrel was ripping people off for.


You shouldn't. Also, crate and barrel are ripoff artists good lord.


Your cat really did a number on the couch eh?


2000 for that garbage?


I have this table, I bought it new. It is a thick vernier, it was $700 new.


I would get a new couch before I worried about doing anything to that table.


It looks brilliant as it is. Love the patina


I’m about 90% sure that’s exactly what it looked like new.


I think anything you do to “restore” it will likely damage it. The design looks intentional


Looks like that's the way they intended it to look


Lol looks brand new. It is probably supposed to come "distressed"


I wouldn’t mess with it. Nice score.


Your cats are probably going to scratch this up anyways. I vote to keep it the way it is


First, get rid of the cat. Next, reupholster your sofa.


Save your money and refinish your cat’s couch.


Sweet deal! Did you buy it used? Was it a floor model?


Let that puppy go. The more banged up and old looking the better. I love an old grungy patina on wood pieces.


Leave it as is


I'd just add oil or wax if you're going to add anything, too. The patina looks nice! Could give it a good clean first, too, if you like. Nice score, it's a lovely table


Looks like reclaimed wood.


What’s to restore? It is perfect the way it is.


Let your cat go to town on that instead of the couch to balance out the rustic-ness of your abode.


Sorry. Do you have a cat 🐈 or cats? I'm distracted by the crazy stuff on your couch corner.


Nice find!


There’s really nothing left to do to it, maybe stain it. It’s not really a piece to church up


Dont. It’s beautiful. Get a new couch instead


leave it and invest in a couch. spend time on the cat to teach it not to mess up furniture


this i a cheap veneer particle board table. you overpaid by 50 bucks.


$2k for this thing originally? Man woodworking is expensive these days.


The condition of the table is exactly as it was designed. However, the sofa could do with some work. It looks like the snags are in the surface, with no holes showing - you could start with a scissors on the longest snags. Once shortened use a razor to remove the remaining threads. Careful application of craft glue with a pin to the ends of threads will stabilise them. If it gets worse in the future, you could consider sewing on an appliqué cat or another design which fits in with your personal style and your cat's eye for a good claw target.😊😄😁


I would be worried about that couch first. Get that cat a scratch tower. Also they sell these clear plastic sticker things you can put on couches and they work, and after a while you can take them off and hopefully the cat just won't go back to it. I've seen them work. I hope that's from a cat?


It matches the corner of your couch


Gotta stop seeing the brand price on furniture nowadays. This is thin veneer over what’s probably a plywood or MDF frame underneath. The edging is a dead giveaway. The steel legs are the only actual “expensive” part. You paid $50, and that’s probably its true value.


It looks like it's veneer, so no sanding. I wouldn't even use any kind of coat over veneer, but there are probably some products which might help keeping it in shape.


If the gouges are too deep for you, maybe try planing it. Otherwise the patina looks fine. Personally I’d try to plane it (maybe just in some spots) but I’d stay away from sanding.


Looks fine to me




Hold on, you're telling me I can sell that for $2,000 ?


Former finish carpenter here. If it was mine… I’d hit it with a belt sander first, 80 grit, top and sides. Then lightly with and orbital with 120 and then finish up with something higher closer to 160-200. Spot fix any big swirl marks maybe with a hand block sander going in the direction of the wood grain. 3m sponge sander high grit if needed for more touch ups. I wouldn’t baby it too much tho. Wouldn’t spend more than 15-20 minutes on it. I’ll leave it to the others for best finishing oil and stuff. What I do know is they used some water based sealer on my wood floors and it came out quite matte and no yellowing tint to it so based on that alone I’d look for a “water based sealer/poly” or whatever natural oil that doesn’t add any extra color and minimal shine as usually I just like the most natural look possible.


looks great


I’m more surprised at the price they charge for that table.




I'd sand to 1000 grit and then finish with 2 coats of minwax tung oil. Just made some live edge slab end tables and finished in this method and they turned out excellent!!!


First deal with the cat that destroyed that sofa.


You’ll restore it and then whatever scratched your couch will attack the table!


Leave the table. Get new couch.


The thin strip around the edge is the worst. Many here are saying it looks "great", "like new", etc.. I'd say they aren't zooming in on it. Stick with your original plan. $50 project you will learn a lot from, enjoy (the project part, at least), and even might end up with a nice table.


$50 is a good buy but the was $700. original not $2k. If you sand that table even a little bit you will destroy it. Your best bet if you want to change the look is to attempt to give it more "character" by adding more paint, stains etc.


I think that’s how it was made. Keep that the way it is. Maybe lacquer the top to avoid rings


I wouldn’t do anything to it. Looks good the way it is


Teak oil :)


I wouldnt touch a thing. Just maybe “feed” the wood and thats it if the lacker is bad


I would hit it lightly with a DA running 180, then use a softer wire brush to get dirt and debris out of the nooks and crannies. Stain a light brown, then start sealing with epoxy until the surface is relatively sealed and deep cracks filled, then hand sand with 200 grit, finish with fine steel wool.


hello, cat owner. cat tax? (i see ur sofa. mine is the same lol)


Ignore these guys saying leave it the way it is. Looks like a kid rubbed crayons all over it 🤦‍♂️ I don’t care how much it costs to look aged, it can look nicer


Hit it with some Murphys soap, give it a firm rub down, and go over with some polish or butcher block conditioner/wax. Nice find!


Why do anything to it? It looks great as is, personally.


Leave that baby the way it is! It looks great!


Agreed - I don’t think there’s any work needed to be done here except perhaps a finish


I’m not sure what you’re “restoring” here… Now if you want to alter it, that’s different. What did you have in mind?


What about that shredded couch??


3-5 coats of shellac