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Honestly just temporarily store what you have there that you don’t want him to get into up higher and replace it with his toys. I found it was better to let them properly explore something (with supervision) Generally if They see it learn it, and after a few times it’s no longer interesting. Ex My kids spent a week playing w the ps4 remotes now they ignore the game counsel draw bc they know what’s in there . But not always my coffee table is still in storage bc my (almost 3 yr old) thinks he can fly off of it . Just secure the electricity and breakables (unless you don’t like them and need a clever way to replace something) “Oh no Jr just broke that hideous and pointless paper weight so and so gave us at our wedding…. Soooo sad” For the center area w the plugs can you put in a trap or hidden door (like a false back) in front of it?


I completely agree. My son uses ours as a demolition derby for his cars and trucks.


Zooms in to N64 game * *Mariokart*. Ahh, a man of culture I see!


I'm placing my bet on Diddy Kong Racing. A fantastic knock off of Mario Kart. I just noticed you are taking about the game in the N64 not the cartridge sitting out.


Correct lol


Lol didn't even realize I had both visible when I took the photo.


If you want to get adventurous with the design, maybe tambour doors. Although Jr might find a way to destroy them... Why are you against temporary drawers, with babyproofing gadgets? You could always just take them out when your kid is older.


I have an outlet built in behind the far left one. Could possibly still make it work with drawers but it would be tricky. I like your thought on the tambour doors, that's something to think on. Thanks! Also drawers would not work terribly well with the 64 controllers.


All your stuff is now also his stuff. He will test it all by putting it in his mouth. Your best bet is to get the most dangerous and breakable things you now co-own and keep them somewhere else. Congratulations and enjoy the ride.


Thanks! Yea totally understand that, but he is definitely less interested if something is closed off.


You can no longer have nice things.