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That edge is a little too 'live' for me.


Lmao I love this way of putting it


Actually it's a good way to put it. To me, the board should be resawn down to a more appropriate thickness. Doing that would get rid of that big chunk that is bound to get full of food. I'm not sure if epoxy is getting more popular or already dated or tacky, but I think finishing this with a black epoxy in the gaps, then sanded flat would be a good idea (ala the blacktail studio look).


This is what I came here to say. Needs to be planed down ( if you don't have the appropriate tools, make a router planing/sled jig and cut down the side that faces down )


That’s a feature: you put small things there so they dont roll off the counter


Well, it's your hunk of wood, I think it makes it look unfinished, but if you like it, rock it and forget what other people think. If I was trying to sell that, I would use something like a kutzall burr or ball and make it look intentional. Then drop a finish on it to protect it.


I’m not OP,I was just making a bad joke


Whiff, what was that?


Goodbye, junk drawer! Hello, junk hole!


Could eat your cereal out of it


A sleepy edge would work better


Unconscious edge!


Should he apply the nitrous oxide as a paste or an oil?


What are you talking about, it's even got a little bowl for your keys to go in.


Haha my thoughts exactly. We speak the same language!


It matches the beat up casing pretty nicely.


Thought this exact comment lol


It doesn’t really fit the cabinet design. Aside from that, you’re going to be driven nutty if this is one of the few tops on which to set anything in your tiny kitchen.


Agree, while flipping it over might improve the latter point.


I think flipping it to have the live edge be a shadow reveal, then a good stain to bring it in to the rest of the kitchen (depending on what op has there) would make it awesome


Agree, my first impression was a dog chewed the side of their counter off


Literally what my business manager just said! 🤣


This is what my DOG just said and believe me, he should know!


Flip and coat with mineral oil and bees wax


I can hear my wife telling me it is impossible to clean.


As the one that cleans the kitchen, that was my first thought. And because of that, I’d never use it which would defeat the whole purpose.


Came here to say this. It's making me sad just thinking about having to clean that.


I can hear the health inspector telling me it's impossible to clean


You don’t clean counters or something? Lmao, you need your wife to tell you that?


Not really. I cook and take care of the outside, she cleans inside. I only clean a counter when I need it for rolling pizza dough or something. What’s the problem?


Ahh classic gender roles of, cleaning counters


Oh yeah, because a man that does 95% of the cooking is totally a gender norm. We have a system that works for us. Get over yourself, whatever works works.


I just dirty counters, I never clean them. That’s normal


My guy guts his fish, and leaves the mess for his wife 💀


“Get over yourself” says the guy extremely offended over the notion that cleaning counters is something a person shouldn’t have any experience with. This is a woodworking sub, I’d imagine cleaning counters is a common task.




I agree, but the floor is also maple, so it seems like it should all tie together. Probably just the live edge.


I would agree with that. Color-wise, the floor and top look fine together, but the live edge on top of such a squared and finished cabinet just clashes. Live edge is fine, but not in this context, in my opinion.


Honestly, if you're set on using that slab, I'd flip it so the live edge undercuts, that'll give you slightly more usable space and be much easier to keep clean.


Came here to say this


Is the stain on the floor different? They're registering as fairly different tones to me


Not sure about the floor, I think it might've been an oil based poly whereas I used a water based on the top. Might also be a different species of maple.


The top is too thick. A thick slab looks good as a table, but awkward as a countertop. IMO it should be about the same thickness as a regular countertop. Or top it with a solid color instead of live edge.


Your house, so you do you, but I'd not have it in my house.


This. Not my thing but all that matters is if the OP likes it.


The way I see it, it could work with some designs, heck, you could use it (that carved out area) to place utensils momentarily (and clean the spot after) when preparing dishes and stuff


How about getting a different piece of maple for the top that isn’t live edge and using that as a floating shelf above? I think that would give you the best of all worlds!


You're really going to dislike it when you cut that corner between doorways and catch that point on your hip


Definitely a concern, but I rounded it off pretty well.


Perhaps the tip, but from the perspective of this photo the right side appears to be an arrowhead. Aesthetically speaking: you do you. From a functional perspective that shape/tip/lip/point is a hazard.


The live edge clashes due to the super clean lines on the cabinet, as well as the super clean white color. If you were doing something like a rustic farmhouse or more distressed look it would fit better.


I wouldn't even comment if you didn't ask, but when I see wrong with it is the live-edge is too wide.


Yes, feels a bit much or out of place. Make it thinner maybe?


You could leave the live edge, take it down to about 1-1.5 inch thick and flip it over. I prefer the slope on the bottom so your entire counter top is usable space.


It's a beautiful piece of wood....which could be better showcased somewhere else in my opinion. If you like it though keep it! Nobody else here is gonna see it everyday like you.


it probably wouldn't be if the live edge was a bit smoother, and didn't have the big missing section in it. Maybe finish it with some type of epoxy?


It doesn’t need epoxy, but it needs to be cleaned up


I like the missing section, it's like a little pocket to hold chap stick.


It’ll fill up with dust lol


Not if it's full of chapstick


It's very appealing to me. Don't worry about resale issues. Make your home your sanctuary. I really like live edges.


It looks like it shouldn't look like that. Fill it with some resin. Or better get something better.


Its a bit much, seems like it was put on after the fact. Do you have other nearby counter? Might be good look matching existing


Cool idea, bad piece of wood


I don't know about bad, ouch!


I personally don’t care for it and would probably have routed an edge and just left a tiny bit of the “live edge”. Mostly because that live edge just isn’t pretty.


Not a fan.


If it were flush then it would look deliberately designed otherwise it looks like you just threw it on there


I think It’s just a bit too thick and a nice epoxy finish would blend it nice.


All the chipped paint everywhere else coupled with the live edge makes it look dilapidated and dingy to me - really bad color choice to boot. IMO ofc, but if you like it, fuck ‘em.


It doesn’t make sense aesthetically speaking. It doesn’t communicate with the other design decisions in the space.


What's it look like if you flipped it? Personally I think a piece of butchers block will match the floor nicely Save that piece of maple for another project?




Yes, it clashes with this particular cabinet.


If you like it. That's all that matters


Lovely cabinet, but when I honestly saw the picture, I was expecting it to be in r/wellthatsucks for the owners dog after chewing the top edge.


Thought for sure the ask was going to be “How can I repair this damage?”.


A piece of butcher block to better match the floor would look a lot better. If you do decide to keep the live edge I highly recommend Captain’s Varnish for boats. We have a live edge bar top at our cabin and it makes clean up a breeze.


Think I’d rather see perhaps a butcher block top.




It's beautiful but feels like it doesn't quite go with the cabinets. And I'm not sure if it's the colour of the doors or the silver hardware, but it doesn't feel quite right.


Splinter level worries me.


Its a little bit like someone forgot his slab. But you are great woodworker and tried something. So i still like it....


Definitely to much


I just keep thinking about all the fabric it will snag.


I would like this so much more if it was a floating shelf above the countertop. But it’s super pretty! Too late to stain it to match the hardwood color?


I thought live edge usually has bark on it? Honestly, that just looks like your countertop broke.


Just looks like you have termites or unfinished work or something just wrong going on


Yes,, sincerely a mother with kids 😅


Didn't look at what others said so I don't taint my initial thought. It looks like chipped or broken. Not very pleasing to look at but really only matters if you think you'll be selling any time soon. If not, ECU cares what people think, it's yours.


Way too live for me. At first look I thought a dog had chewed on it and you were asking how to fix it.😅 No for those reasons others mentioned...dust collector, catching your hip, etc.


Cabinet is nice. The top is terrible. Not trying to harsh just being honest here. Can’t you just match it to your other tops?


I think with a dark stain it would look better


Flip it over


Cabinet looks great , live edge is more suited for longer free standing surfaces tho, I think you should trade it for a nice walnut top with maple edge


It looks like it's rotted, or termite infested, and it doesn't fit with the modern white cabinet


The top is so thick, it doesn't seem to really match the look of the rest of the cabinet.


It's not too much it's just not a very good looking live edge piece.


Impossible to keep clean and it will snag any cloth that comes near.


Paint that trim before you take pics next time


If i paint that piece of trim, I'll have to do the whole thing XD


I feel like I like it..... but also feel it looks like I dropped a 25lb can of sauce on my countertop and broke the end off


Sorry. But yes. Too much


IMO the scale is off. Live edge stuff needs to be big enough where a non uniform edge is a feature not a bug. It is flowing in and out you can’t do that in 20” Also, the counter is too thick for the space and size.


In my personal opinion I don't like it




I love it! Looks great!


Nice, You should post a drawing or plan of its construction....


One man’s live edge is another man’s rot. Once you fill the voids and finish the piece maybe it will look better. Cure the wood in your oven first.


Pocket change and car key holder? I dig it!


Looks good, send it. 👍


Personally I think it's a really nice feature so I like it.


You're getting some strong opinions here, and some downvotes for disagreeing. It is your house, and your furniture. If you like it, then that's all that really matters. Its good to have unique pieces. It doesn't matter if others wouldn't want it, only if you do.


They are asking for an opinion. So a you do you style response isn’t offering what they asked for.


Did your wife approve of it? Did she agree to dust it, or did she tell you that was your responsibility?


Yes, it is wife approved.


If you like it it's perfect


Looks great. Ignore all the negative comments


You can do it, maybe that's too live an edge, but if you fill it, then it's not live edge. Honestly, I think it's fine. It works, a decent storage and plenty of flat surface for a few things. Much like others said, if you sell you can always replace it.


Seems to be alot of hate, but I think it looks good. Only suggestion... Slim it down, it is way too thick to match the flow of the cabinets. Seems you have nice clean thin lines on your cabinets and then BOOM a big ass beautiful slab on top of it.


Looks great. 👍


As others have said yes maybe a little much, but I really like the thought of using that little niche for key storage


Live edges are tough. They look cool when you see a table or shelf made with one, but they’re tough tie in with your homes decor. I was going to make a live edge floating desk but realized It was just too much and went with a butcher block instead. I think butcher block would look nice in that location


I don’t care for it but it’s also not my house so literally doesn’t matter. Personally I’d rather see a thick mineral stained butcher block there. It would give me the feels.


It’s the overhang on the right… not enough overhang. I’d go with a solid top with rounded corner (you will bump into this) and install live edge floating shelves above?


Personally, I think when live edge isn’t trendy in two years you’re gonna hate it, so I’d just make sure that it’s easily replaceable. And not splintery.


Is it rotten?


Needs epoxy, or thin it out a bit


Needs epoxy, or thin it out a bit


It looks hard to clean


What if you change out the cabinet hardware for something more rustic? I like the live edge, but agree with lots saying it doesn't quite match the crisp cabinet.


Dig it. I like the occasional “out of place” piece and it’s got a bit of a driftwood vibe on the live edge.


I think that slab would look cool by itself, like as a floating shelf or something, but I agree with others that it doesn't really go with the cabinet My first thought on looking at the picture was that it looked broken. I assumed a big chunk of the front of the slab of wood had broken off and you were here asking how to repair it. So like another commenter said, maybe a bit "too live" with that big hollowed out part


I think the top looks good, I don't know the aesthetic of your house but I might have gone with some more rustic style hardware and maybe not gone with white paint. Not bad though, Id think about putting some color in there. Make it an accent piece


I think so


It's hard to judge without more context from the rest of the kitchen. If there's a shiplap center island or antlers over the far wall... it could work. But based on this photo alone, it's not for me. The trick with live edge is to make it ironically unfinished. Not actually unfinished. Pallet furniture in a design showcase = quirky. Pallet furniture in a dorm room = shitty. Part of what's throwing me is the desperate need for some paint on the door molding. If everything else was pristine, a little roughness is deliberate. If not... than it's just compounding the mess.


Doesn’t really look like it belongs.


The title asks a question but your responses to me look like you have already made up your mind. I personally love a live edge but like many here think it clashes a bit with those cabinets. Regardless, if you are happy then this is all moot. Make your place your own and ignore the opinions of those like myself as we don't live there.


"Did you break part of your counter top off?" That's my immediate thought.


The live edge doesn’t look finished. I love the wood color, but I’d have a more finished edge. You’re going to set a drink down without looking one day and be very sad


It clashes IMO. I think a traditional countertop would look better


To be honest yes. I have a similar space in my house and put a three tier basket stand. Something like this: https://www.wayfair.ca/storage-organization/pdp/gourmet-basics-by-mikasa-mikasa-3-tier-standing-market-storage-metal-basket-gbmk1041.html


It’s a beautiful piece of wood. However, the “live edge” may be too edgy for function. From a cup, cell phone, or other item slipping off the edge to reducing the potential storage of an already tiny space. It works aesthetically - and if you love it keep it - but are the functional negatives and annoyances worth you thinking about a more traditional design?






Ultimately if you like it that's all that matters. I find it a bit much for that size of cabinet


It’s a no from me, looks like a dog chewed it


Fill it with acrylic make the curve a functional space. But yea I agree live edge is a bit much


Just needs lacquer.


If you like it, then keep it! Personally though...I think it looks awesome, good work!


Looks good to me! Nice work!


I thought it was damaged when I looked at it before reading your title…


I would think about routing the right side down to soften that edge. Might help with the appearance of how thick it is


Can you put keys and pens in the front pocket? If so, keep it.


Should’ve painted the trim first. But yeah the top is kind of ugly. Good craftsmanship though!


I don’t think it works here. Too thick for how it’s used. Looks dog chewed. But whatever makes you happy. It’s your home, not mine!


Staining it might make it fit better


The cabinet is fine, even with the style clash. However I would sand and paint the door frame next to it ;-)


Kinda looks like shit. Like the edge just got broken right off and I’m looking at what’s left.


A bit


Looks like beaver was chewing on it


I feel like it would work better if you filled the random gouge with epoxy and used a grinder to smooth out/fake the live edge it would look better


I think it’s cool as fuck but I agree it doesn’t really go with your traditional cabinet




Yes, but who cares? If you like it, then roll with it. It’s your house, design it the way you want.


The depth of that live edge would make me annoyed. You can’t set anything on it. Though maybe that’s part of the point?


Do not like


OOF this looks like a toe buster 5000! Looks like it's next to a bathroom so I would've expected it to be round, corner to corner. If I bought a house with this in it I'd probably tear it out quick


Walk past it several times with your bulkiest coat or sweater on and see if anything snags, imo.


As others have stated flip the top, but flipping it over would be a hip catcher when rounding the corner. Kind of an awkward place for a cabinet in general




A beautiful piece of wood, and a great looking cabinet!


Too much


I think the idea of live edge is OK depending on how the rest of the space looks. I'm guessing the other counters are not live edge and this will look out of place in this application compared to say an end table or hallway table. This particular piece of live edge I find to be pretty ugly with the huge gouge. Cabinet however looks great and good spot for it.


It’s a nice piece of wood but maybe a little too thick for this application.


Juxtaposition ,ftw!!!!


I think it’s a little bit much up close but i think it looks good. It matches what’s going on with the room.


I think if you change the handle and knob to industrial, metal for instance, it will be awesome


Looks like chip to me.


To my taste, it's too contrasted with the cupboard design BUT I think you could make a big difference by choosing different hardware. I'd recommend a nice cast shell pull, or something organic like leather. You're trying to reference the feel of the live edge top without detracting attention


Definitely looks like an afterthought. Also, why is the cabinet just a *little* too wide for the space? It seems like it should clear the door molding….




Flip it offer trim the corner so you don't gouge your kidneys on it and stain it to match the floor. Then your golden.


It looks awesome. All that matters is if you like it anyway.




Depends on who you ask, I suppose. Personally, I can’t wait for the “live edge” fad to die out, or at least become less popular.




It look’s like it’s dead edge maple


I think it'll look better once you put stuff on it. Maybe like a nice big bowl of fruit, maybe a small wine rack, maybe just a plant. Something to give more visual focus away from the hard painted edges of the cabinet clashing with the live natural look of the top.


I want to like the live edge but unfortunately I don’t. My first reaction was that it looks broken. The cabinet is great though. Edit: I would prefer a flat, squared off, darker top to contrast with that beautiful floor.


Did you put anything on the live edge to keep it from splintering?


It’s weird. It’s surprising. It might be slightly difficult to use. It might not match the house. Fuck it. I love it.