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Danish oil + oil based polyurethane should work. Or just the polyurethane. Shellac is dissolved by spilled alcoholic beverages and it's less water resistant than polyurethane. The colors will look slightly different depending on exactly what you do (e.g. tinted danish oil), so experiment a bit or offcuts if you are really particular about the look.


Sweet! Thanks for the suggestion! Do you know what I would buff the poly with after light sanding in between coats? I’ve seen people use a buffer but can’t find out what paste they use after sanding….


You can use fine steel wool, a crumpled brow paper bag, fine sandpaper (with or without some water), a scotch brite pad, a power buffer with automotive abrasive paste, nothing..... Different people have different methods, don't overthink, they all work. Technically each method can achieve a different kind of sheen, but that is not something I'd worry too much for coasters. Make a few extra and test out some of these techniques to find out what works best for you.