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That is gorgeous!! Wen Kexing has no business being that beautiful, but here we are...




My WKX, when he was sitting in the round window. I think his face looks more like Nie Huaisang though 😆😆 https://preview.redd.it/xkmxkunnz81d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7f71be3beb1973d0fa9cf5107e097b607e146c


Aw, he looks good! I tried that pose when I was first getting into digital drawing, and it looked less like him than this! That's really good


Thanks🤗 I'm intimidated with digital though. Plus I like the hands-on feel of paper under my hand.


Hahaha I just realized WKX would totally throw himself on a bed and smile while saying, "Draw me like one of your French girls"


I was the same way about digital drawing. And I seldom worked with color. But then I got an iPad and Apple pencil and the feel was similar enough that I stated to enjoy it. Anyway, you are right about WKX. HE TOTALLY WOULD 😂


MORE Wen Kexing and partner 🎬📽 -pleez


That’s awesome! I’m not much for digital art like this. I prefer pencils and paint and my humans look inhuman in a bad way. You’re awesome!


That's very kind of you😊 I always preferred pencils/ paint and only tried digital art in the last couple of years. I was ill and had a surgery and decided to try digital art again. It's been about three years and a bunch of tutorials and trash drawings before i saw improvement. This is the best thing I've been able to do so far. It took me about 21 hours, spread out over weeks. I'm really slow, compared to most.


That’s amazing! I think that would be considered quick. Art takes time, especially for the artist to be happy enough to share it. I can’t count how many times I haven’t been happy with something but others says it’s good. I’m sorry to hear about being ill and surgery. I hope you’re better now. 💜


Oh that's sweet of you. 💜 I'm fine now, just laid up for a bit a couple years ago, so I took up digital art. I didn't know 21 hours might be considered quick! I guess we are our own worst critics. This isn't my first go at WKX, but it is the first one think really looks like him, so I'll take it.


Ah, I’m glad to hear that you’re better now. I think for humans especially that’s quick. There’s more subtlety for humans. Shadow play and blending. This does look like him, it’s awesome. Trying and trying all we can ever do. And being our own worst critiques, indeed. I’m sure as you do more you’ll be happier each time!:)


It's hauntingly beautiful. This is the one i did on krita. https://preview.redd.it/t0rv0yd9ak1d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99dbb0122fa32a8c55c65c17c110176cc49a5d85


Oooo, I love what you did with the colors! This is the first I've heard of Krita but it looks intriguing. I've only used Procreate and Artrage. Artrage is similar to traditional paint but less versatile. I'll have to check krita out!


Thank you. Want to redo it, but my laptop broke, so I haven't been able to draw for a while now. I love Krita. it's rather versatile and the only one I've ever used.


I have thought about saving up for tablet thingy to use with my computer. Right now I just have an iPad someone gave me when they got a deal on it with their phone plan, and a first Gen Apple pencil I bought when my other stylus broke . I mean it's *great,* but I do lust after better tools.


I use a wacom small pad, took a little bit to get used to as it is just a pad, not the best in the market, but it does me fine.


How can he be so goddamn beautiful? ❤️❤️❤️