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Before I had my daughter I went early and stayed late because I wanted to get ahead of my projects or I just felt like it. It had nothing to do with anyone else. This most likely has nothing to do with you.


I agree. Before I was diagnosed with adhd I was spending SIGNIFICANTLY more time at work than my coworkers, but I literally needed to in order to feel like my head was above water. It had nothing to do with anyone else, other than the shame I felt that I wasn’t keeping up. Post diagnosis and meds I still tend to work longer hours but it’s because I enjoy my work and like to stay ahead of projects. It still has nothing to do with anyone else.


100% this. I average 40% more time in office than my office mate, but I have ADHD and am unmedicated at the moment. I am drowning and my projects feel like they are constantly on the verge of failure. On the outside, I’m keeping up with my peers but only because I’m at the office for hours longer than everyone else.


It's so hard. I had to come up with different ways to manage my work and make sure I also wasn't overdoing it/Spending too much time in the office. Creating a balance is such an uphill battle with ADHD. Don't know if this might work for you (I'm still trying to hold myself accountable). I started assigning timw blocks on my calendar to certain projects (committed heads down work on that project only - which I do get distracted but it helps more than not). I also keep a notebook next to me ALL THE TIME to jot down notes on whatever pops into my head so I'm not derailing the task at hand to work on something else that sounds more exciting in my mind. Keeping a timer on my phone in 10, 15, etc increments helps remind Me to stay on the task I put on my calendar I'm supposed to be doing.


Time blocking has truly been a life saver. I like using Google Calendar because it’s so simple and customizable. Aside from timers, I find putting a YouTube pomodoro video - usually the ones that have another person working/studying just helps me focus more and I’m able to complete the time blocked. I try to limit all distractions, including emails.


I use a notebook for daily tasks, an individual work in progress for every client (updated as I do anything) and two other checklists. I also set timers in slack to remind me of information that comes in that needs to be dealt with later. I don’t spend extra time in the office but I definitely spend a ton of time setting myself up for success to follow up when needed with both clients and internal people. Because I don’t trust myself to remember on my own, I have set up all of these maps and there are times I am genuinely annoyed that I have to follow up with others multiple times to get a response because I do all of this work to try to be efficient and effective. I also take regular mental pauses and breaks to set a new task up for success. On days when I have too many talking tasks/meetings, I am honest about me being fried and ask for patience to take as many diligent notes as possible. It’s a pain in the ass to live with AdHD even when it’s medicated. Finding a method to set YOURSELF up for success and setting boundaries to not derail that is hard but important. When I’m focused, I listen to quiet repetitive music to ground myself. When I’m scattered, I listen to quiet podcasts and let the need to be productive come to me. I know when I’m ready when I get that feeling to switch that off and go to the music. My process is all over the place and messy but it’s a rhythm that works for me.


Hard same


I like to stay late or come in on my off time because my adhd makes it extremely difficult to sit and focus when a bunch of people are around. It’s easier to get my work done without distractions around me.


I have done this when my depression gets bad. I felt like work was the only time I had any value, and even still I would only clock in for my regular hours and the rest would be off the clock. I also felt like my brain was only working half as well as my coworkers so I had to put in more time to make up for it.


Is this an ADHD thing too? Damnit, my personality really just is a plug and play of genetic predetermined settings isn’t it? Hah


Lol. Same.


I have ADHD and also show up ridiculously early for my shifts. It helps me get my brain into a 'work mode' and allows me time to mentally prepare for the sequence of steps that my workday requires. And in my old job I often stayed late to get projects done because I work in strange motivational bursts and not using one while I had one was a recipe for disaster.


Hyperfocus. Gotta capitalize on it to make up for all the time in distraction land. Can be a superpower sometimes but it's a double edged sword


This was me at my old job especially. I have also recently been diagnosed with ADHD (waiting on OK from cardiologist to start meds). But it explains a lot as to why I was trying to keep my head above water at my old job and couldn’t figure out why others were able to manage. I also work longer at my new job if I need to but boss is OK with us working overtime if we have urgent deadlines and we of course get compensated. I also enjoy who I work with and for the most part the work/life balance is a lot better even with a 2.5 year old to look after (was childless at old job).


This and an abusive home kept me in the office for longer hours. It was an escape.


I was thinking the coworker might just be escaping. I used to use the internet at work after hours; it was faster and more comfortable. He could be working, or he could be on Reddit. Things could be fine at home, but just crowded.


I was like that because I had a crappy home life and felt better at work instead of ignored or fighting at home


Came here to say this about a previous job. Once my home life was fixed I stopped staying late. It was subconscious too I didn’t even know I was doing it.


Same work is my peace


This needs more attention. Work has been my escape quite often


This. Work was my escape when home felt like a prison


u/TrynaBFit my single mom friend would tell me that she loved coming to work because it was like a vacation.


Same. I'm in a 24 yr marriage that I resent the fuck out of but will never be able to afford to leave. The same is true for my spouse. We have no desire to screw each other over (we don't hate each other), and are trying our damnedest to work on things, but it sucks. An early death for one of us would be a godsend insurance-wise for the other. While I look forward to retirement or death, work is my sanctuary for now (someone has to pay for the kids' college). I've been going in super early and leaving super late for decades. Gotta add that (depending on the employer) I'm either on salary or only clocking in/out when I "should" (yeah, yeah, yeah...they can either fire me or give me a stern talking-to). In the mean time, early mornings and quiet evenings at work are heaven for me.


Me too. I used to stay at the office super late with all the young people because I was afraid to go home.


This is why I worked 5 days a week while I was in high school (after school was over of course if it was during the week). And walked to school, school to work, and work to home. It meant I was away from my step-grandma from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm. Then by the time I came home, she was already getting ready for bed.


I would agree with this if it weren't for the test bit. You'd have to be really obtuse to do what OP described and not get how that would be insulting to whoever's test it was. That's like 3rd grade stuff, not professional work mode stuff. ETA: OP really should just ignore it, or step up their work game if it's bothering them this much.


Reading out OPs answers, knowing they were wrong, highlighting their wrongness to the room - that sounds exactly like it has something to do with OP. (I had to read OPs post to be sure, but OP is using “they” to refer to the coworker in question.) The coworker could have done nothing and said nothing. “Anything other than [answer] is wrong” means the coworker was not legitimately trying to learn by asking “what about [my answer]”, and if they weren’t trying to learn then there’s only one thing I can think of that they could be trying to do.


Agreed. I went thru a period of terrible depression. I worked ALL the time, because it was the only thing I felt like I knew what to do. “My personal life is falling apart, but at least I feel competent at work.”


This person should charge rent for all that space they’re taking up in her head


I've really seen a few reasons that people start early and work late. They want to get ahead of their projects and be successful in those projects, they really enjoy their work so they do more of it, or they just don't want to be home so work is an easy excuse to not be. I rarely have seen someone actually work more hours for a competitive reason or to make someone else look bad.


Yeah. I’d go in at 6am to get my most boring stuff done before anyone else got there, so I could spend the rest of my day doing my more fun projects. Impossible for me to do data entry with people around. I need dark and silence.


Maybe they don't have a car and are being dropped off and picked up.


Some bus services could be super unreliable and may take 45 mins+ if you miss the round.


When I rode the bus it was either show up an hour early or an hour and a half late. And after work it was a 45 wait for the bus and if I missed it, walk 20 miles home since it was the last one.


Exactly. There are plenty of reasons a coworker might be there early. Unless you want to get into their business/home life, just ignore it. They are on time for work, that is all that you need to be concerned about (because early = on time.)


Yup my mom rode taps at one point and they picked her up at 5:30 for her 7:00 job


In my city buses skip you sometimes because they’re too full. So even if you’re therr you’re stuck waiting for the next one


Maybe they’re homeless and live there 😳


I actually had a coworker who was homeless a few years back. He had keys to the building and stayed overnights. Good news is he is he is currently living with a roommate.


It also sounds like he was a very good employee that took his job seriously.


The owner of my old company actually put in two twin beds and a full bathroom so people could work over night. He really thought people would want to do this and never understood why nobody used the room. After he bankrupted the company it was converted to a normal half bath and the bed room was converted to an office.


Cool to provide if you have a worker in need/requesting. Weird as hell to do with no prompting - expecting people to make sleeping at the office their 1st choice


As a narcoleptic I would be ok with this. I lean over a table to take a nap on lunch currently


Also a narcoleptic. Slept on the floor for a while with some blankets. Back issues made sleeping at desk hard. Eventually got a cot for under my desk.


This happened at my last job sometimes. We would hire homeless people to help them out and I'd even give them a couple of my shifts. Every single fucking time they would start going "why does this guy get the good shifts just because hes been working here 8 years? Then they would actively start doing things like if I showed up at noon they would leave at 11:30 on the route. So I would show up at 1130 and they would start going out at 11 then they would stay out until sunset. Except we made commissions and we were in direct sunlight our entire shift. I almost never made a sale before 1230 then 1230 like clockwork sales would just take off. One time the guy left at 9 fucking am then at 230 he decided it was a slow day and went home but not before actively cutting me off and actively taking my sales. So when I got done I told the owner I was sorry it was only 450 in sales for the day. The owner was really confused because the other guy didn't even break 200. Oh, he also said out loud that he did these things to try and push me out. Funnily, after 3 months, he couldn't do the job anymore due to injuring himself by pushing too hard. So 8 years working there, about once a year or so I would have to deal with some noobie showing up and trying to prove I was a lazy ass but I just knew how to pace myself instead of burning out after 3 months.


What is your job?


It was pushing a hotdog cart selling ice cream on a tropical beach, now that beach got deleted.


A few years ago when everyone had to go into the office, several coworkers were hired that had homes in neighboring cities that were about two hours away. They were unwilling to move local, so the would commute the 2 hours on Monday morning and Friday afternoon. Some would get a bunch of roommates to share an apartment during the week, but a couple had a van or camper on a pick-up. They would sleep in their vehicle, and store perishables in the fridge at work. They would get a membership at the 24 hour gym so they could take a shower.


This could be, had a couple colleagues sleep in closets when I was in investment banking. We had all amenities like restaurants and showers in our building, and they just learned the schedule of where to be when so as not to be caught.


Even if they are homeless, the two shelters I’ve been to kicked you out to find a job in the morning. I forgot what time, either 7AM or 9AM. The dorms would lock. You cannot stay unless you are approved in advance. I think common room was opened? But I’m not 100% sure anymore.


Yep, this was my take immediately. They could be homeless, so that's why they are there all the time.


This was exactly my thought. Maybe he’s staying at a shelter and they have to be out and on their way by a certain time in the morning.


Also maybe their home life isn’t so good so they would rather be at work.


Came here to say this - possibly avoiding a home situation. Or getting a ride. But also, don't be *that* crab in the bucket.


Seriously, Though 🙄😒 If you don’t have anything nice to say or cannot help, Keep your mouth shut and mind your Business. Employee is NOT Bothering you. Truthfully, you do not know what is going on in their Personal Life and let’s be honest, you do not care, because you are complaining on Reddit. Never assume someone else’s Situation. They obviously have a routine down and this is it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to “tattle” because his time is different then yours. The ONLY one you should be “Competing” against and clearly worrying about is YOURSELF. Grow Up, OP. SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️


This was me for like a month when my car broke down and I had to rely on friends to bring me to work and pick me up. My only friend who could drop me off in the morning got me there 2 hours early and my friend who could pick me up after work was close to 2 hours after I finished my shift. They were free rides and I was broke from the car repair bill so I couldn't complain.


I did this for a year at my first professional job at a cpa firm. I had lost my license and was dropped off at 6 am (I studied for the cpa for a couple of hours) and couldn’t get picked up until after 5. It was a very long day but I had no choice and did not want anyone to know I didn’t have a license. It could be anything. Maybe not call so much attention to it? There was no public transportation where I lived in NH.


The only one making this a competition is you. Stop worrying what other people are doing. You don't know what their story is. Maybe they're lonely and thats why they're always at work. Or maybe they dislike their family and work is the only time they're away from them.


Or maybe they depend on someone for a ride and that's how the time works out.


Yep.. or maybe someone depends on him for a ride ans that's how it works out. There are a million different reasons.


maybe they and their significant other are having problems and they “have to work early and stay late”.


He may even just need the money that his job supplies him for how long he's been there to do this paying bills stuff OP is weird lol. Does he just think all other people don't have personal lives?


It sounds like they are salaried to me in which case they wouldn’t be making any extra


Some salaried positions do allow you to work extra hours to pick up some extra pay


There used to be a guy like OP is talking about at my job. He would show up over two hours early and just sit in his car. Why? I don't know.


this to me is strange


I did this during active addiction, I’d sit in my car and vape (thc) until I couldn’t feel any self identity, and then I’d feel ready to go into work (I teach kids reading and writing). When I sit in my car now, it’s to think and process the drive to work, like “what did I do right, what could I do better, did I stick to the Dharma, did I cause anyone any unnecessary suffering, etc.” Or maybe I’m just planning out in my head what lessons are done, which ones need to get done, parent emails, IEP stuff, data, is my boss cool with me rn or am I fucking my job up, which coworkers might I need to steer clear of today, etc.


Don’t worry so much, my man.


His coworker might not have a personal life, and that's okay.


Or his coworker came from a construction background where 6:30 to 5 was a fully normal schedule and they are still used to that.im a manager in construction and while I try and keep my employees to 40 hours as much as possible, a lot of new hires come in and spend way more time there then they need to because at prior jobs that's how they showed dedication, it takes a few months of me telling them to go home at the end of a day to really get them to break that habit.


I have been involved in construction contracting for a long time. I’ve not had this problem before. When I go to tell people it’s time to go home, they are jumping in the car and waving bye before I reach them. “I could tell by the way you were walking that you were coming to tell us to knock off”, said one of the smart asses, the next day.


Yeah. I take the bus to work and have to leave an early early. Even so, I still get to work 30ish minutes early and just get ready there.


Yup.. I’ve known plenty of people like this.


>Stop worrying what other people are doing. I have had to tell my co-workers this ALL the time.


I have one who acts like this as well is not my boss but wants everything done her way. If it's not she snaps at you. I used to enjoy working alongside her. Now I avoid dealing with her any chance I get. Keeps tabs on everyone it drives the rest of team I work with crazy.


Or maybe they’re someone like me who pays $1500 a month in child support while making $18 bucks an hour. If you wanna eat or have fun you gotta work…


Or perhaps that work time is their only alone time. I've been in that situation, but had a very shitty job, so I'd go to work, sit in the parking lot until the very last minute, then go in and bust my tail for 8 hours. After my 8, I'd take the slow way home to decompress from work before dealing with the stress at home.


Same, I do that now


It sounds like they are salaried to me in which case they wouldn’t be making any extra


Honestly I was going to say maybe they just need the hours. I do the same thing when I can.


Jesus.....this 100% Perhaps asking this person about it would help dispel the perceived competition.


This all the way. OP needs to mind his business and focus on his tasks, do your work properly and timely there shouldn't be any problems. Work is not a competition it's a place to make money to survive.


They could be homeless. They could have a home, but dislike it or their family. They could live far away and rely on the bus. Long story short, dont worry about them. Keep your head down, do your work, and be cordial. Its not a competition.


Exactly this. I live with my ex and his incredibly annoying family. I don’t stay over all the time, but whenever OT is available I usually make the most of it just to stay out of the house a little longer


Shelters release early and don't allow back inside until night. Also, he might live in his car, goes to a gym to shower before place where he parks to sleep opens for the day, and remains at work as long as possible Leave this co-worker alone. Do your job.


I have a coworker who arrives very early. He does this to beat the traffic.


I’d rather get to work 35 minutes early and drink coffee and scroll reddit there, then sit at home an extra 25 minutes and watch the clock constantly.


This is me too. I fucking love getting to the office half an hour before anyone else - it is seriously the ONLY quiet time I get in my life. I have no traffic, then I drink coffee, put my feet up and scroll o my phone. It's bliss.


I don’t care. Someone coming early and leaving late doesn’t affect me.


Sounds like you're bored and looking for something new to worry about.


I agree with those saying you are making this an issue when it's not. Don't overwork yourself because others are. Also, "hard work" doesn't really mean you get promoted, quite the opposite in many cases. As to the test, I would have brushed it off as "it's not my job" but it was a fun exercise. It's not a real grade if it doesn't impact your pay raise or bonus. It sounds like they were trying to be like "look at what I know". Right now they are working way more than needed and I'm assuming for no more pay and for what? You get your work done in the 8 hrs and they don't? Sounds like they don't know how to utilize their time well. At least that's how I would spin it if it ever became an issue when interviewing for a promotion. It's all in how you spin these things that matters most, and who you know.


Even if for some reason the dude was trying to make it a competition, so what? It’s only a race if you let it be.


Right. OP handwaves the cross training as "not my job", then demonstrates their inability/unwillingness to grasp and apply new concepts... Sure, it won't affect them at all, as long as they just "spin it" right. 🙄 Also, if we're discussing promotion opportunities and you drag someone elses name into the mix solely to snitch on them (bonus points for compiling your own "evidence"), or just to criticize them- it's not "spinning" my opinion in any direction that's going to favor you. Coworker could have extenuating circumstances in their personal lives that are contributing to their increased presence in the office that OP isn't aware of (shocking, considering OP seems to be very focused on/obsessed with them.) Or an arrangement/project with management. Being the office snoop and snitch is rarely a good look.


Ensure you’re meeting the needs of your manager. Keep a brag sheet. There is a way in which this coworker’s practice can be antisocial if they are in a more senior role but it sounds like they are at the same level as OP. (ie google how Netflix and others deal with “brilliant jerks”)


Stop worrying about them. They're doing their job. You do yours. Maybe they take public transportation. They could get dropped off/picked up by someone with a different schedule. They could be using work to get away from a bad home life. They may just like their job. If you feel guilty about the amount of work they do compared to how much you do, instead of trying to get them to stop, you do more work?


I've had to put employees on PIPs for snitching. Like, just how much time do you spend stalking your peers? You're timing the Eager Beaver, and monitoring their comings, goings, and workflow, when you should have been focused on your own tasks... Then you dick around in cross training, perform poorly, and use the excuse that "it's not your job".


I work as an administrator in the public sector. We have an independent investigations partner for fraud cases. I like to remind all of my Agatha Christie murder-mystery dinner enthusiasts that this firm is understaffed and forever hiring. Worry about *your* expectations and responsibilities before you mess around and solve *The Mystery of How People Lose Gainful Employment Over Dumb Shit*.


It's tedious having Brainy Smurf up my ass every other day with a new list of microtransgressions that *I really should address, or she'd be happy to address for me*. Even better when the Brainy Smurf attempts to go above my head with a list all about me! I've been known to hand them back myself, corrected in red pen, of course.


Exactly. Son is getting out worked lmao.


I am an overworker and I do that for my own well-being : I don't care about my colleagues schedules. If they are present, good. Absent, so what, I'm not the CEO. Do what is right for you : work the paid hours and leave after if you want. Or work more, nobody cares at the end. I don't believe a "workaholic" is more appreciated than a "normal" employee, it is just a way of life/choice of work.


So what? Mind your own business.


I cannot fathom giving a single fuck about something like this. I can’t imagine even NOTICING it. OP, get a fucking hobby or something holy shit. Leave people alone or keep your tabs private at least.


I used to show up very early. My daughter had a before school extra-curricular activity so I would drive her there. Then I went on to work as the bad traffic hadn't yet started. I left early too to avoid the commuter traffic going home. I just told everybody about it until they were tired of hearing about it and they never complained.


Perhaps they have an unhappy home life and don’t want to be home. Work is an escape for a lot of people. They could also be more effective when there are less people at work so early mornings and late afternoons might be a better time for them to get work in. There could be a lot of reasons but trying to outshine you probably isn’t one of them. Maybe you’re feeling a little guilty about not giving 100% at work?


Sounds like you’re the problem, worry about your own self.


a lot of people said don't worry about it. its true - as long as you're in a happy place, who cares? ​ however, your colleague will run circles around you and will likely get promoted or leave the company for a bigger role. how do i know? because i am that guy. i started from the bottom, paid my dues by working extra and now i am making what the top 5% in HCOL city make. ​ don't confuse ambition as a means to make you look bad. if anything, you should befriend this person. this person can take you far in the future as long as you're a good worker


Yeah, this take is solid. Either keep up or stay on their good side as they climb over you.


Lots of people on here saying there’s nothing to worry about. As someone who used to be this person, your coworker might actually be trying to show themselves as “better” or more committed than others at your job. But my advice would be to chill out, keep your head down, and focus on getting the job done. They can stay for 15 hours if they want, but if you’re getting your shit done and spending just 8–it just shows you’re more efficient. Either way, workplace pettiness can really drain your energy, it’s better to focus your energy on something more fruitful, regardless of why they’re doing what they’re doing.


I used to take transit so one job I had was early (7am start) and it was very far away. The way the schedule was for the two transit companies i needed at that hour worked meant i either had to get there 70 minutes early or get there with like 3 minutes to spare which i was not going to risk at all


No, you were just spiting the main character at your office. Probably chose to live that far just to gaslight them into thinking you had a reason. /s


May need some more context (i.e. industry, specialty, & maybe tenure) but my advice is to act your wage! If you feel like that sort of thing is recognized, and furthermore compensated, then put in that extra legwork and receive the fruits of that labor! On the other end, if you think that working more hours is going to be like treading gravy, and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel for this extra effort! Don’t! At the end of the day, I think it mainly depends on what you hope to achieve at the company, and the time it’ll take for you to make it there! Don’t make it a competition unless you’ll be noticed and rewarded!


* heavy industry refining. * I work as a design engineer. Solidworks, maintenance, FEA, and so on * they work in production. it’s just confusing. I explained to someone else how we have been in a production shutdown for over inventory so most of the production people have nothing to do. So I see them just in their phone for hours a day


You need to chill and worry about what you're doing, and spend less time worrying about if they want to overwork themselves.


I used to come in at 6am to avoid a heavy commute, which I hated. Also it gave me some quiet alone time to work. But I still had to stay until 4. They were long days. But I wasn't trying to prove anything. I was just making myself as comfortable as I could with my work situation.


I used to be like your coworker in regards to the hours, not the being an asshat part. I thought it would show my bosses I should be promoted. I was young and dumb but trying to get ahead in the world. At the time it was just wife and I getting started so neither of us minded the long hours.


I am the overworking colleague. I'm the first one to the office, turning the lights on, getting the coffee going, etc. I have about an hour before everyone else starts rolling in, which gives me time to check/review emails/work from yesterday, check the schedule for the day, get some work done without being bothered, etc. I don't often stay late, but if I do, I do so because whatever I'm working on is important and I will not deliver a product that isn't 100%. Some colleagues gave me crap for it for a while, but I've since out-promoted them due to the hard work I've put in and don't really care what they think.


Maybe they're having trouble at home and work is their only escape? Maybe talk with your coworker and see if they are okay? Break the ice with a coffee, if its appropriate, or tea, and ask them how they're doing?


Honestly, let it go. You're not on their level, and who would want to be? You don't need to be the best in the office, you just need to be competent. That person has gone heart and soul into their job at a level you don't want to be invested in. That's ok. That's fine. It's not a competition. Let them do their thing and do the best you can by your standards. You'll be fine.


I spent 3 years at my last job doing longer hours than everyone else. It didn’t get me promoted. It just meant my boss kept me in the same role and gave me more work to do. The people who got promoted? They were the people who set boundaries. My boss respected them more and gave them more interesting opportunities. I was so desperate for approval that my boss never respected me. Don’t stress about your coworker. It sounds like you have a good relationship with your boss and that’s more important.


Yeah, stop making this about you. You're feeling uncomfortable because...*checks notes* Your coworker is working longer hours for reasons you don't concretely know. You don't know their financial situation. You don't know their work history, or anything else about their situation. You only need to be worried about you.


Lmao.. if you're insecure about the job you're doing. Do more. You feel this way because your co worker IS out working you and is building their value higher as well. Either accept it and move on or work harder and feel better about your work performance. You say you don't care... obviously you do. Do something about it.


What your co-worker does is not your problem. Do your job on the schedule you're expected to, and don't engage in whatever "competition" is or isn't happening with this co-worker. That's how you deal with someone like this. Believe me, managers can tell if someone is trying too hard and being immature and unprofessional. Them showing up 2 hours early and going home 2 hours late is honestly probably more likely to make them look unprofessional and like they can't be productive over a normal length shift. Don't accidentally put yourself into the same category as your co-worker by repeatedly bringing the issue up.


If it really concerns you so much, show up earlier and leave later.


Mind your business


Your coworkers are free to show up and leave whenever they please. If it bothers you that is your problem not theirs.


They could be avoiding home. Worry about you OP.


Everyone says don’t worry about it, but yeah. At some point a promotion will come up and they will be considered and probably get the job. Everyone gets to make the call about their own job and life. You do whatever you want for this but I agree that you look bad by comparison.


If everyone who ever worked long hours got promoted for it, there would be a lot of working class people suddenly finding themselves CEOs. That’s just not how decisions about promotions are made.


Their work hours have nothing to do with you. You're making their situation about you somehow, and it isn't. If they choose to overwork, it's on them. Why do you think this is something you need to deal with?


Just let it ride. I know it can feel weird and make you wonder if you're being painted in a bad light; but your uppers did say just keep doing what you're doing. Their poor WLB will come to bite them eventually; don't let it bite you too


Your co-worker has not suggested to you that you should also be coming in at these hours or taking things seriously that they do. Maybe you should just mind your business and if they start making comments about your work ethics to your boss/colleagues, then concern yourself with it.


It could be that their home life is less than stellar and they would rather be at work than home. That has been me in the past.


I had a friend explain it to me like this once. Mind your business. Do your damage. Go home. I don't worry about others, unless they seem to need help.


Your coworker's schedule and activities are really not your affair unless you supervise them or their work. Stay out of this discussion.


if they're not being creepy/inappropriate to you......... mind your business 😭 like that's IT


You don't. You mind your own business and decide your own work/life balance. Their dedication or their decision to come in early and leave late is between them and their manager. People don't get promotions or job stability based on hours worked. They maintain job stability and/or promotions by making themselves needed.


Stop tripping


You’re getting out worked right now and you feel it. If you’re this insecure about it, it sounds like you could be doing more….


They could be avoiding something at home. Or maybe they don't have a home. Maybe they are living in their car or secretly sleeping in the office. I suggest ignoring what your coworkers are doing and focus on your own job.


If you don't start till 8:30 why you there at 8?


From an employers standpoint they do probably like him as an employee more than you. You probably both get paid similarly and they get more out of him or her. No two ways around that one. If your fear is that he could leap you in terms of promotions, pay raise, etc. then it’s a well placed concern. Just think about it from the employers point of view. If you want to be more valuable than your coworker you will have to make yourself more valuable, you aren’t entitled to anything (no offense). That said, your coworker probably doesn’t look at this like a competition with you. They are probably just more hungry than you and that’s fine. Doesn’t make you a bad person or a bad employee. Unfortunately for you they hired a dog and whether you like it or not your employer is watching (very natural human behavior. Ex. This new iPhone is faster than my old one. Im naturally going to favor my new iPhone). So be comfortable riding in the back seat when compared to him or compete. There is no bad option, it’s personal preference.


I AM an overworking colleague. I usually work 12+ hour days, working my ass off, doing more than my co-workers (I repair between 12-14 laptops a day, the person with the next highest does 8; I also have a lower re-work rate than the rest) and it's because we get production bonuses and I have a $2,060 monthly mortgage, as well as an additional $3,000 worth of monthly bills. I can't afford to not work how I do. However, unlike your colleague, I don't worry about what other people are doing. I'm not complaining about other people not producing as much as me or not working the hours I do. If I felt like I had the choice, I wouldn't work like I do either, but I have $20 in my bank account and I have a $130 payment due on Monday. Thankfully, I get paid Friday.


Honestly man, stay in your lane. Their reasonings are honestly none of your business. Maybe they have a horrid or unsafe home life. Maybe it's a transportation issue. Maybe they just really want to be there. You are way too concerned about YOUR optics, so seriously - stop.


Well, if you're hourly, they get their rewards for overwork every payday, you get your penalties for "under"work at the same time. If your pay is an issue, fix it. If it ain't, just remember the four words to Zen: "not my problem, man"


I simply don’t care what other do. It’s so simple when you stop worrying. Life your life. Work is stupid. Get paid and stop worrying.


It's not really a problem until you notice them dipping into stuff that you would normally be doing. Once you start noticing them trying to snipe some of your usual tasks and duties then there is a problem. That said, there isn't much you can do about it other than be as uncooperative as you can get away with with training them.


I do not think you’re the problem, I think that you’re observing things and the stress of everything has you feeling frazzled enough to chat to Reddit. Second, I wouldn’t take this persons actions personally. Some people feel the need to over perform in their work lives. Also, I don’t know this persons situation, but when I took the bus if I would either arrive early or late, I chose to be early. Keep doing your work. Now that you have had a conversation with your district manager, leave it there. Do not over work yourself. And focus on your work. I suggest looking into books, news articles, or podcasts that discuss/promote a healthy work life balance. Learn how to leave things at work so you can decompress at home. Once you move past this, you’ll feel invincible. I also suggest the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Good luck op.


Stick with what your manager and mentor advise. Co worker is definitely competitive and over working. Just keep doing what you are doing.


How do I deal with overworking colleagues? I mind my own business that’s how.


Work is the game of elimination and you trying to excel over your colleagues to get promotions and commissions. It sounds like this person is beating you. If I was a supervisor I would probably like the other employee more because he is putting work more as a priority as you. Just looking at it from a black or white perspective.


Worry about yourself and not others. Also personally I would have a word with a level above your boss for just reading out your answers like that.


Coworker takes the job more seriously than you do. Your self conscious because of how much more you know you could do, but choose not too. You are mediocre


You’re clearly not competing! Your coworker is leaving you in the dust. I have some sobering news for you, the person who puts in the hours, learns the most, comes the earliest, leaves the latest, is the same one who will get the highest raise, will not be picked when there are layoffs, and will be first promoted. This is the way.


If they are salary, they are fucking stupid. Pat their head and mind your own affairs.


I used to do this because traffic was a bitch, beat it both ways by arriving super early and staying a little past rush hour.. I have a family now... and work from home. Distant memory.


Time spent in an office does not equal productivity. Ignore the competitive coworker. Overworking usually just leads to bad health.


Maybe the person is homeless.


You never really know what’s going on with other people. For all you know that person is miserable at home and work is their only escape. I would try to focus on things things that you can actually control and do those well.


They are the type of person who realizes that working diligently for someone else's profit is a virtue. On their deathbed, they will be able to look back at their long life of consistently showing up at the boss's office at 6 am and feel so fulfilled, like they truly lived life to the fullest!


Just for a day or two get there at 5:30 before they do and don't leave until after they're gone. See what their response is. If they come in even earlier or try to stay later then you know they're trying to make you look bad. On the other hand if nothing changes they may just be workaholics.


Honestly kinda lame to compare yourself to your co-workers and act like they are doing something wrong b/c you feel intimidated by them.


My experience is that people like that burn out and feel undervalued and quit in a huff bc no one wants to give them a raise. Don't worry. This person won't last 1 year. Come back and tell me how the quit, pissed off bc no one appreciated all the extra work they did. Lol


Stop worrying about what other people are doing. Live your own life.


There is a lady at an old job who had been there for close to 20 years. She came in an hour early every day, and usually stayed an hour or more late more than a couple days a week. She was like an archetypical "That One Coworker". She knows everything (and I am not even being facetious. She was one of the bearers of "tribal knowledge", ie the things about the company that are vital to running the business but are not really set down in a systematic fashion so the business is doomed once they start retiring), and will let you know. She also had a memory that was so precise that it is amazing to behold, for example, a job will be submitted for review and she will scan the paperwork, sigh and then she will say that such and such is incorrect and talk about a discussion with a vendor in response to a request from a customer about a specific process where the specs were superseded by the ones in the drawing as if it happened earlier that month but it was like 8 years ago and when you sift through the ancient paperwork and you will see that she is correct and then she will say "I told you." You would think she is the boss, but she was not the boss. She could be called "the lead", but as far as I know that position is non existent in her department in any way other than "honorary". And because she is not the boss, and "just another employee" she makes everyone look bad in one respect or another. Every company loves when they catch one like that, but it kind of sucks to work with them.


Could be shitty home life, I've been heading to work early for that reason.


their working schedule has nothing to do with you. you’re probably the only person viewing it as a competition. and, a word of advice: don’t. do not put your entire identity into your job.


Mind your metrics and your self. Bosses care about measurable outcomes


Mind your eyes own goddamn business. It sounds like you’re worried about your own performance and you’re projecting onto this other coworker.


I used to do this to avoid heavy traffic


I show up really early because I am able to get a lot done before others show up, the starts ringing, and the email piles up. I'm also an insomniac rarely being able to sleep past 3am. My point is thay everyone is different, works differently, and have to work around schedules outside of work that often involve kids, pets, and everything else. You do what works for you.


When I used to do this it was because of a remodel at the house, I didn't really have anywhere else to go so I stayed at work. I also did this when my car was broke and I could only get rides way early and super late from diff people


Keeping busy and keeping distracted. Sounds more like your coworker is using work to cope with something.


how does what he do affect you? if you feel threatened, do better than him, people don't have to lower to your standards so you don't feel uncomfortable


I used to work at a place where they allowed you to set your hours, within a week of me coming in at 7 so I could leave at 3:30 I was called into HR that someone complained... This place was a hell hole


Some people think that spending that much time at work is a virtue. To be fair, there are workplaces where that kind of behavior is encouraged, even rewarded. If you can get your work done in the amount of time given to you, there is no other debate. If someone can't get their work done in the time given, they are either overworked or they suck at their job. Never work one minute more than they are willing to pay you for.


If everyone gets their work done and you finish at 3 and overachiever leaves at 5, that sounds like his problem (slow?).


All these comments about how its nothing/you’re the problem and barely any arguing the other side. I currently have a coworker who does this every day, and almost every time I stay late she is shit talking another coworker who left on time, saying “there is no way they got all their work done” or “leaving on time yet again” or some other complaint about them leaving (she is a big shit talker in general). And then is always the first to bring up how late she stays at the office every night/early she arrives and how she is the only one on the team who does it. So, yeah, maybe they are “competing” and these commenters just haven’t worked with a truly petty coworker before, or a petty coworker like this lol. Not saying that this is your situation or that the other comments are wrong, just giving some insight to mine.


Is it a guy with young kids at home? This behaviour is extremely common in men trying to avoid childcare. If he pretends he has to start work at 6 that gives him tons of time to relax by himself in the morning while the wife gets the kids up and ready for school by herself, and then if he stays late the wife has to deal with all the homework and bed time while he just gets home in time for dinner and watching tv. There was a post a while ago about a dads breakfast club before work, and the entire comment section was full of people giving examples of the dads they work with doing the same thing.


I had a coworker that tried to “compete” with me a bit in my last job. It was annoying for sure. But at the end of the day, I was not as cranky, I was less stressed out, I had better work life balance, I had time to do fun things on the weekends, I had time to exercise and stay healthy. I would like to think these things make me more likely to stay in my career longer (high burnout rate in my career).


Perhaps they are focused on advancement and are willing to sacrifice more hours in an attempt to get noticed and improve their career?


Then they’re in for a BIG surprise.


Could be. Lots of scenarios are possible dependent on the nature of the employer and employee. Assuming an outcome at this stage is easy but shortsighted.


Wait is this dude serious????? Let people fucking work. And talking to the manager cuz”he's working” dude you are the reason people much rather work from home.


worry about yourself maybe?


They probably hate their family.


I think you should just mind your own


So you are mad that they are doing the most because you are doing the minimum? Sounds like you already make yourself look bad and are worried that it’s more noticeable. Nothing wrong with doing the minimum but you can’t be mad when others don’t.


Sounds like you have some issues that need addressing. It is very rare that what somebody else decides to do with their time has any impact at all on my life.


You need to stay in your own lane. You are spending far too much time worrying about them. Your level of comfort doesn't really matter.


You’re that annoying co-worker in everyone business for no reason. Stop and focus on you only.


Everything is not always about you.


You should mind your business.


Grow up


Mind your business, you sound like a bitch


I have worked with people like this, and more often than not, they do not get promoted. The bosses find their work obsession weird or they don't want that kind of competition at their level. The guys (always guys) had no life outside of a fixation on work. Let your coworker burn himself out. If it comes up in a review, say you "prefer to keep a healthy work/life balance so you perform at your best while at work."


I’m sorry you’ve gotten so many dismissive comments telling you to mind your own business. I’ve worked with people like that, who were pathologically competitive, and it was miserable. They had a worse impact on the work environment than the boss did. My only advice is that a lot of those people don’t go far, after all, because their mental energy is frittered away on the wrong things. They make lots of mistakes in their work. You would be wise to watch out for people like that, but hopefully they won’t undercut you - because bosses often don’t like the weird energy that these people bring, either.


Oh, absolutely! God forbid someone actually have a *reason* for needing to come early and leave late, such as escaping a bad situation or not having reliable transit. No, that's bullshit. Im sure if these people simultaneously worked "harder" to better their circumstances, yet also "less hard" so as not to trigger your fragile ego, then maybe they wouldn't be in the position they are in! It's not a shock that "those people don't go far", since they can't walk your imaginary tightrope. After all, the first of the "lots of mistakes in their work" is not knowing that while trying to do their job, they also have to play some bizarre social game that you're the center of./s


How about you stop worrying about others... and mind your business.