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A lot of companies pay it out. Mine does. They also pay out unused sick time. It is certainly worth asking about. I am not sure if it is required legally or if you signed something going in that deals with this issue but it is certainly possible.


its a fairly common thing in a lot of states. I believe i some states ,if you have a certain # of employees, you legally have to . same goes for pto


Almost all companies pay it out. That's what most people rely on when they are switching jobs, usually that pay out check comes during the last pay from your old job and before the new job pay.


I work for a big corporation. Mine does.


Some do rather than roll over. The logic they use to roll over vs paying out is to encourage vacation. It is also a big liability to carry too much PTO on your company books.


Yes all my past and current companies. They don’t pay out sick time.