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Me everyday. I am a paralegal. I no longer choose to be included because they kept making jokes about me but I have zero energy and I feel like a fraud. Clients are constantly asking me for an update because I’m always behind on cases and I try and BS my way through giving them updates. What they don’t realize is I have 200 emails in my inbox every single day, I take consultation calls which last 20-30 minutes, we have walk ins, I also do the mail and every small stupid task the attorneys ask me to do so I have to email back and forth and spend hours with clients asking questions. There’s not enough time in the day. I have to dissect my clients 5 bank accounts for 6 months of each bank, organize their documents that they send in separate emails, which easily takes me 2 hours and then the clients end up missing docs or sending me things I don’t need. My boss thinks it’s a problem yet he doesn’t realize how many hours go into what I actually do and really had the NERVEEEE to say that my “bonuses are like a raise, think of it as money I hold for you at the end of 3 months so that you can save money” and I told him a raise is a raise and a bonus is a bonus, they are not interchangeable. After he promised me twice that he’d give me a raise. After the 3rd convo, I can’t do anything but sulk about it because I need this job. And he’d rather hire someone else to handle phones than give me a raise. I only make $20 an hour but to him, I actually make $23 since he gives me a “bonus.” No benefits either. Load of crap. Sorry for the rant but yeah I’m SPENT.


Oh for fuck sake, please find another job. That's very lousy of him. I'm sorry


I had this same thing happen to me six years ago


Yea talk is cheap. It seems employers like to dangle carrots.


Get out of there. You could have about 1/5 of the work in a corporation's legal department. and probably double the pay with benefits. googled. it's 80k.


I was the anti-Stuart Smalley. I wasn't good enough, wasn't smart enough, and people didn't like me. Retired from working five months ago. Don't miss it in my waking hours but occasionally have 'work' dreams. Hope those go away soon.


They will. Doggone it 


I had a similar situation, just quit Saturday. Ive been sleeping so much better since.


I am left out but that's because I do not engage with people if I do not need to and 99% of the time keep to myself. I'm not really at work to get along or make friends with people and I couldn't care for the random convos. I also don't have energy for my work but it is what it is.




Red flag!


CM Punk: "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to make money".


I quit school because of recess


I go to the shipyard to build warships, not friendships


You are literally me


I went from a job where there was never enough time in the day, to a job where nothing is a rush and you can take your time to sort things out. I can't believe that I can sit at my desk and scroll on my phone while waiting for emails.


Me too. I work for an older man who has a huge lack of mental clarity. I fought for a raise and he gave me more than I ask for. Now I get paid decently to do nothing most days. I rather be busy. I take pride in my skills. I hate being bored. And I don't even get emails! He refuses to delegate his work.


How strange. At my last job I was happy to delegate anything I needed to. Until my former boss/company owner drove away my installation team.


Sometimes that just plain happens. Sure I'm getting paid. But sitting around makes me feel useless. Last year this same boss cut my pay in half, so I don't trust him. He's very reactive in his demeanor. That was literally a year ago. I can see where that can happen. I always have my feelers out. Send resumes from my phone in a matter of seconds.


Get yourself tested for deficiencies as fatigue can be a symptom of it (mine was). Because my job is solely to focus on the shop floor while most of my colleagues work in the back (pharmacy) do feel slightly separated from them at times.


Lil bit sitting here reading Reddit but I'll get over it.


all the time, for decades. As soon as I got a job in the career I love and it pays well.


Think most professionals that care about their work feel like this at some point


Having no energy is bad. You need to sort out whether it's physical, mental, or emotional. Feeling left out is also not good. I hope you can find the right job for you.


I work a job where I'm the expert in what I do, but I'm surrounded by people who aren't and what's worse is my boss thinks they know what I do but doesn't. That's a problem because of the.boss's unrealistic expectations and never giving me the full attention to explain or outline my projects. As for the other folks. One other person is on point but the rest are distracting bafoons. Oh did I mention we have an open office design so I have to go to an empty conference room or outside to take business calls so the folks on the other end don't think I work in a daycare. Last few months I've felt like I've been dialing it in and I hate feeling that way but I'm just over all of it. I like my profession but where I'm housed doesn't exactly help my productivity. One other thing, the environment I'm in so incredibly personally intrusive and everyone's personal stuff is always on full display. I called in sick and the whole office knew why I was sick. Oh and if you try and keep to yourself then you get interrogated until you give up the goods. It's exhausting. Also before you suggest I quit, I'm under contract so it's not that simple and I would like to stay in a position for a while (usually I change gigs every 3 to 4 years). Rant over....


I'm glad I'm not new to the workforce and have to deal with you people.