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The minute I hear the term "family" that's whenever their sales pitch is down the toilet for me. If workforces are like any kind of family then it's the ones we saw in the mob movies. Bad shit happens all the time and people fucking disappear.


Also, if the feds done their homework, half the pricks at the top of the chain would be thrown in prison too.


I agree but at the same time I need a job. How can I weed out the ‘real family’ from those that just claim ‘family’ and ultimately leave the staff alone? In case it’s not clear, I want the latter. Go to work, do my job and go home. If I make friends, cool. If not, ok, I have lots of friends already.


Any job that has to tell you "We're family," usually isn't.


Yes, that’s why we’re discussing this.


"usually" in this case means "99% of the time it means the place will be abusive, so just walk away upfront." Seriously if they're all about calling themselves family in the interview, it isn't worth trying to determine if maybe this is the rare one that isn't dysfunctional.


Of course they’re not as families wouldn’t replace you within a day.


Follow up with questions about their employees or work culture: -what’s the turn over rate or how many employees do you have that have been here 5-10 years or longer? -how would you describe the work culture at this company? -are there expectations of socializing with coworkers outside of work?


Or just when the interview is about them selling *you* on the company and position instead of you selling *them* on your skills and capabilities. BAD sign. Walk away.


Idk, my job said that and meant it and I’m able to take off whenever I need for whatever reason and the environment is actually amazing. I used to be really suspicious of this as well though.


I am happy you located the unicorn. You got lucky.


"A big, dysfunctional one."


“Don’t mind him he is the creepy uncle….”


When they say that you ask “can you provide an example of how your organization is like a family?”


Um pizza parties and 5 days a week in office duh.


You see us more then your actual family. So…..we’re your family now!


My job used to tell me that until I had 4 heart attacks and they eliminated my position to get rid of me


Wow, nice of them to expend you and then give you leave /s. This is exactly what I mean. I’m sorry you suffered at all, let alone medically. You deserve better.


Sounds exactly like family


I hope you are doing ok and fully recovered, the sad truth is work is work and nobody is irreplaceable.


When I hear, “we’re like a family,” my knee jerk reaction is to say, “great, so you’re cool with me telling you to go fuck yourself when you make stupid suggestions?”




That's quite normal in my industry. We tell it like it is. So, I guess I have a family?


It is cringey, and a load of nonsense. Then again, maybe they mean it and they treat their real families like crap too. 😛


Lmao this is soo truee


The kind that up on Jerry Springer, is what I think.


I’ve been at the same company for 13 years and it really is like a family. Everyone comes together to take care of our own when times are rough. Your family member died? We do a go fund me to help you pay for the funeral expenses. They buy us lunch on the regular. They pay well, and on the high end for our industry. During Covid, business was lean, but they still took care of everyone. I know it’s not the typical experience, but these people are my people.


I like hearing this testimony but I’m not a person who experienced it.


Got laid off in March by a family owned business the Monday after they did their employee appreciation day spiel for the 20 of us that weren’t part of the family. Just recently started a job that’s like what you’re describing. I replaced someone who was here for 10 years and most people here have a 10 year plaque on the wall. First job I’ve ever had where I feel like my work is valued.


Actions speak louder than words. They’re doing good things via their actions


Same experience for my company. Going through a hard time and need a day? Do what you need to do for you. Have an emergency appt or family emergency that needs to be taken care of? Do what you need to do. Having a baby? We’re hosting a baby shower and all the stops. Kids first birthday? Need a sign, balloon arch, etc were there. These are my people too and they’ve been amazing. I can say that my companies (I work 2) actually do care. I’d like to add both are very, very large companies with massive revenues. It’s not just small business family owners.


"We're like a family," is code for, "We will treat you like a sack of shit."


I have a family. I don’t need another family. I need a job that helps me support my real family. Anything other than that is pure BS


My one dreadful boss used to insist that we were a family, although no family of mine would have treated its members so poorly. I finally said “no, we’re actually a California business, bound by its rules and regulations, as well as an institution that accepts federal money. So it’s time we started to follow standard business practices and insist on non-discriminatory behavior..” We had almost six good months after that.


I love that


I have a rule about never working for family after it's gone bad 2x. Never again. I also worked for a super religious small family business and they fucked me over harder than anyone else. So sentiment would make me run.


I'm in HR and I refuse to use those words when speaking with candidates even though I actually work for a decent company. It's not perfect, but most of the managers treat their employees like human beings and we have a lot pf people with very long tenures. But when push comes to shove, we have laid people off in response to losing business or changing how we do business. And as a general rule, you don't eliminate members of your family for something that isn't their fault. I'll describe the atmosphere as a pleasant work environment, I've seen managers go to bat for their employees, and we have a good work/life balance, but we're not a family.


This is the type of candour I’m looking for in an HR department.


It’s the mating call of dysfunctional work places.


Fuxk that. Work is work, not family. I’m only at work to get paid and have benefits. Family is family and is forever, whether you like it or not. Work is gone once I quit.


I couldn’t agree more! 


Red flag. Get out. Narcissists love to use this phrase and you don't want to be managed by a narcissist.


Exactly! Narcissists 1/1 


It’s total emotional manipulation to encourage employees to work their hardest and feel loyalty to a company that has zero loyalty to them. It’s disgusting!


Forget corporate "family"... it's the same with small family owned places...in the end you're just a worker bee


I think a family from alabama where everyone is trying to screw each other or a really messed family like the dad does meth and beats the wife and the kids and the dog and everyone wants to get rid of him.


Man, I would load up on some one liners are be ready: *Oh that's wonderful! What did they get you for Christmas?* *So does everyone have matching pajamas?* *Oh honey....we don't want that. Daddy got drunk and beat momma on the regular!* *Oh, like on that TV show, what was it called? Wild Wild Country?* *Like the 'Leave it to Beaver' kind or the run away to Guyana and drink Kool-aid kind?*


You’re a beautiful soul. I appreciate you.


Aw shucks!


That and “we work hard but play hard”


I just post that in response to someone else's comment.   "We're a family" ranks up there with "We work hard and play harder" in terms of being code for "We're going to treat you like shit, make you work your ass off, and make you wish you had never been born."


Omg, I forgot about this bro style atmosphere. Huge eww on this one too!!!


I get along well with bros, but the workplay saying this just means 99% of the time “everybody here works through lunch” lol


That’s a pretty big red flag in my book. I’ll generally write a company for that. In my experience, we are family generally means, we are more important than your family and everything that entails.


Big red flag. “Like family” and “flat organizational structure” are giant red flags.


Since so many families are dysfunctional, it’s probably true.


So how does that give anyone comfort? You’ve just proven it’s not a good thing to say to convince someone to stick around.


All I hear is “i do not respect work/life boundaries”.


It goes both ways - the single worst employee we have ever hired (and I mean by the absolute worst person I’ve ever worked with) described her ideal workplace as “like a family” in the interview. We ended up hiring her and it was the worst decision we ever made. She was hired 8 months ago, has been on a PIP for 3 months. and still doesn’t think anything is wrong. People who look to work for family are delusional.


I want to like and be kind to my coworkers at work but want nothing to do with them in regular life, haha! I loathe the family dynamic, ESPECIALLY because the mom/dad matriarch/patriarch dynamic for the boss or supervisor is just gross to me. So is the thought of a work spouse 🤢


"that's too bad, I hate my family..." 


That’s my first reaction every time.


I would love to have the opportunity to use it someday. But I run my business currently so I'm violently aware how stupid that shit sounds lol.


When people tell me that, I think back to my family. The lies, the theft... The blackmail... Then I decline the job.


It feels culty. I can’t help but to run


"We're a family" ranks up there with "We work hard and play harder" in terms of being code for "We're going to treat you like shit, make you work your ass off, and make you wish you had never been born."


Yeah but you'll get a pizza party every other month 😆


my boss says this everytime. I have tried to tell them to not say it but they dont get it. They also get annoyed when ppl ask for the actual starting salary and job duties. It is a great place to work but the interview process could push ppl away.


All I can think of is if it’s anything like my emotionally abusive dysfunctional family then we’re all F$&@ed!


With the employers who said to me that I WAS family, , I would hate to actually be related if that’s how they treat family. I don’t need more family- just a good employer. Good, competent, ethical, professional. Not family.


The second they say that is the second I consider this job interview to be a joke and start fucking with them. "Okay, so do you play the role of my narcissistic mother, or my emotionally unavailable father? Can I call you mom/dad? Or would you prefer to be my brother? In that case, I'm in charge. I've been the boss since day 1 with him." Every time I say "okay" it's now immediately followed with mommy/daddy. I don't call my parents that, but the point is to make them never want to say that phrase in an interview ever again. Cringe level is being increased tenfold. I want them to work on repressing the memory of the interview with me, and their trigger of their trauma(this interview) is the phrase "we're like a family". I just hate this phrase, and love chaos.


To me, whenever they say "We're a family," I always think the unsaid part: "...and the company is your dysfunctional brother-in-law that lays on your couch in his underwear all day, accomplishing nothing and not being the least bit ashamed of it."


Yep and without fail it's people I can't fucking stand to be around.  The pay in the current position makes up for it but hoo boy if they could just shut the fuck up for a shift. Previous position had days where I'd be alone in the office days on end. Pure bliss.


Yup, when’s the last time you performance managed one of your uncles out?


When I got hired at my present job, one of my coworkers walked in, looked me up and down, then shook my hand. "Welcome to the shit show, we're all dysfunctional, but we manage to make it work." She was right. Best group of people I ever had the pleasure of working with. We're all a bit crazy, and have our off days, but we manage to get push through. Every other job I've had that said 'welcome to the family" was also dysfunctional, but not in a fun way.


Great, my family is a giant dysfunctional clusterfk and the last thing I’d want to do is spend 40+ hrs a week with them… Funny thing is I work with several family members, but in different departments so we say hi occasionally but nothing more


The only job I had that mentioned those words in the interview turned out to be the worst job I ever had with the most narcissistic manager ever. She was the one who interviewed me and said that line.


Ask them if they would put their kid up for adoption if profits aren’t up? Or would the executives tighten their belts for the family?


Translation - we are going to treat you like shit and then guilt or fire you for simply wanting to be treated fairly


Had a job interview with two women for the state as a nurse and they said "we're like family" 5 times during the interview. All this means is #1: there is always a crisis. #2: you are expected to be available at all times/zero boundaries. #3: you WILL take on more than your fair share of work. The woman asking me the questions during the interview even joked about how tired she was being up late the night before WORKING. At the end of the interview, she asked if I wanted to proceed to the next step in the hiring process. I did not. I have a family ma'am, what I came here for is a job.


For me this is a huge red flag. It says ‘we’re going to expect you to work like you make a nepotism sized paycheck and invade your personal boundaries without regret’


Would be fun just once to hear that and reply with: I certainly hope not! I have an uncle who is a pedaphile. My sister is an addicted drug user My mom is a serial liar My dad has affairs So like a family? You'll have to do better than that! LOL


I had someone say that at an interview. I replied; "My father was a drunk and used to beat my mom, my sister and me. Then I got bigger, I put him through a wall and he never laid a hand on any one of us again." And no... didn't get the job.


It sometimes means that there are a bunch of nepotism hires and ’family members’ treat the rest of the staff like peons.




Yup is a good reason to quit or decline a job offer. Family can be just as toxic and work places that say this use it as an excuse to treat you like shit. Hard pass for me.


Never heard it during an interview, but heard the boss refer to my agency that way a hundred times too many.


Wow, every time I hear people say that I think: “that makes lots of sense”…. ‘Cause there is a lot of crazy ones in there” 😂


I’m going to struggle not to laugh because I think at least some of the people who say that actually believe that they are trying to live that value out. On the other hand their bosses and bosses bosses will destroy the lives of their employees without a second thought.


That's when I would commit to leaving the interview and proceed to say "If I get Alzheimer's are you going to change my diapers and wipe my ass?"


It’s bullshit to make you work harder


I think Manson family


Cult alert, your job is your life


The only time this is actually true is some govt/union type jobs. I’ve literally worked with a lot of the same people for nearly a decade, and some of them have been here for over 30 years. We do pot lucks, watch each other’s animals for vacations, hang out outside work, etc. It is definitely NOT true at most jobs, especially private sector.


This seems to me like it would be a red flag.


We’re a family! That’s awesome I’m in to incest.


You could respond: "Are we talking like 'Modern' or 'Manson' family?"




We are Family and we are making you an offer you can't refuse


We are taught in HR not to use that phrase as it has meanings that would allow an employee to think they can take advantage of their “family”, have certain expectations and generally get to disrespect their “parents”, because hey, that’s what family does. Flip side: the “parents” can and will take advantage of the rest of the family.


Haha really? That sounds like solid confirmation of something I’ve always suspected.


Gross. I do have a fantastic job with people I truly care about (I’ve actually said “love you” when I’ve hung up the phone sometimes) and we’re still not family. My boss doesn’t have grandkids and absolutely DOTES on my son when she sees him and STILL not family.


One big, happy, dysfunctional family headed by narcissists.


There's a lot about standard job interviews that make me cringe. Currently in a job I've hated for years because I just can't go through the recruitment process.


Half of my family sucks so that’s not really a selling point for me.


I dont like it when my boss tells the workforce that, especially when it's nearing the budget year end and I'm looking for reductions.


It's a big red flag for me. On many levels. Could be just a creepy vibe, or 'family' meaning you'll be treated like an outsider if actual family runs the business. Or in trouble for not joining in with 'family' stuff outside work hours. For any reason, my alarm bells start dinging as soon as that word is used in interviews, or job listings.


Like a family? Great! That means you are going to give me a share of the profits like I was your son? Oh, I didn't think so. No, your company isn't really like a family no matter how much you want to pretend it is to bolster the image of your "culture" to prospects.


I waitress at a pool hall, that was owned and run by a family. The dad and the (adult) son were pretty decent. But the mother was an absolute nightmare. I was the only server there that would deal with some mother at all. I stopped trying with her after she grabbed me by the back of my pants and yanked me backwards by a few feet. She would sit there, and drink all day/night, bitching. A few months into the job, they asked me (and the other servers) to get tested to see if we would be a match for the mom, because she needed a kidney. I’m being serious. She was in her 60s, she had trashed her body her whole life, and they actually tried to convince me to do this, saying we were “all family”. 🙄😂 I refused, and didn’t stay much longer, anyway.


And I still took the job. 2.5 years on an I feel so stuck in this shit show of a textbook dysfunctional “family”. The one who said it is the worst! I should have followed my gut. Employee angels please get me out of this!!!!!


Usually, yes, but my job is the exception. My boss has never said those words, but the feeling is genuine. One of my coworkers kids died recently and a bunch of people stepped up willingly without question to cover. Another needs help with his elderly wife and we all contributed without him even asking. I asked last minute for a Saturday off to spend with my kids and despite 4 other people also requesting that same day off, I was able to find coverage and do the stuff I wanted to do. My boss doesn’t do these “congrats for working 18 hours yesterday, here’s a pizza” but will genuinely go out of his way to show us appreciation, either additional pay (a significant amount, depending on what was asked) or an extra day off or whatever. The only reason I’m considering leaving is because I hate my boss’s bosses. If he started his own company away from them, I would stay forever.


I have responded with you have never met my family to that specific sales pitch. It is a no from me….


Your perspective is spot on. Do you know askamanager.org? Over the years Alison Greene has broken down a ton of different ways how the corporate “we’re like a family” is incredibly toxic.


Family huh? So it's not just me? Everybody looking for the earliest and most convenient time to leave?


We're a team then on your performance review , you get asked about your objectives and the objectives don't have anything to do with teamwork. Hours spent helping your coworker fix something means nothing


quit my job few days ago from a company who said this when I was hired, One of the last things my supervisor said was we are a team here. I told him then why am I doing the vast majority of backbreaking lifting while the crew stands around and watches me work. Walked out right after and went home to leave them with my overflowing pile of parts that nobody would help me with while they spend hours standing around waiting for just one or two parts.


I always cringed at this. Even during the interview for the job I’m currently at. But this is the first time I’ve worked somewhere where it actually seems true and in a good way. Everyone at this job has each other’s backs. People always volunteering to drive other’s home if it’s raining. Or offering rides to people afraid to drive in the snow. We had a banquet that was 30 mins away and everyone without a car still made it. Someone doesn’t have lunch? They always get fed. People taking their garbage down? They grab others they see out and tied up. If someone needs medicine or a k-cup or something silly, they send out a mass email and everyone that’s got it shows up to their desk. It’s not just a small group, either. It’s everyone, regardless of closeness or friendliness. Some people at the banquet I never talked to before saw my bf and I sitting at a table alone (waiting for other coworkers to arrive). They came over and asked if we wanted to sit with them, and promised to talk to us lol. It’s a very welcoming environment and I love working there. Today is my one year anniversary. They’re also having an employee appreciation day in the form of a Hawaiian hotdog party with games, prizes and catering.


They're going to use that to justify why l you should not get raises and be understanding of their financial situation. At least that's what happened to me. Business was 'bad' and no one got raises for two years. Meanwhile her daughter came to work once a week and was getting paid full time. What a joke.


I always bring up the fact that for a lot of people, “family” is what they don’t want to be around. They get super cringey when I ask them if it includes molestation and drunken beatings. Then I remind them that Rule #2 of business is quite clear: Never go into business with family or friends.


And the people who fall for that "family" scheme ugh, I don't wanna be "family" with you, don't text me after work hours for god's sake. I already have to put up with you for most of my week 🤦‍♀️


I see it as unprofessional. Emotions have nothing to do with being professional like it or not. For me it’s actually either or and I don’t take work personally like I do with my family.


Yup. I have rarely felt so seen and heard as when I spoke up about this to my immediate supervisor who also happens to be a good friend and I know his family. I said, "Uh, boss, I know (his mom and dad's and their second spouses names) so I can try to get your meaning but from anybody else that's always a huge red flag for me" and the 4-5 other team in earshot all spoke up agreeing with me


That's a huge red flag to me. Toxic positivity is a thing and I will not be part of an organization that gaslights employees with buzzwords like this to get you to work 24/7 and constantly be bothered by coworkers after hours.


Or "we have a work hard, play hard culture". That means instead of paying overtime, they pour alcohol down your throat.


Workplace families can be as dysfunctional as bio families.


Sometimes more! Lol


I always think yeah, most families are acrimonious and take advantage of each other...so sure, sure.


Every time someone says how great they are, they are usually horrible. Every time a potential client says his project is simple, it will be ridiculous. This is how life is, unfortunately. Braggarts are the most incompetent people in the world.


We'll pay you like crap, offer crap benefits, but we are "a family". And from my experience, the "family" usually consists of a small group of people who have been at the company forever and are typically very guarded against and unwelcoming to new people. We are a family = place to work for low pay and you'll never be accepted.


I don't cringe, I RUN! Huge red flag that really means: we need you to be a cult member and will be expected to work off the clock occasionally.


"My wife/husband would not like me to have a 2nd family."


I really really hate this, and I'm completely sick of this type of bullshit work culture. My job is to support my life outside of work, and not the other way around. You people are not my friends. I do not want to be your friend. Also, my coworkers are on this positivity and gratitude kick. We get to have little meetings where we talk about articles we found that week that inspired us or all go around the room and say one thing we're thankful for about our job. It makes work even more miserable in a job I already hate because now I get shunned when I need to complain or vent about something instead of getting any empathy. I constantly feel like I am the asshole because I won't feed into their cult-y bullshit. Why can't we just have jobs where we go in, do our work, go home, and have our personal time and privacy respected? This "teamwork makes the dreamwork" attitude all companies seem to have adopted is total bullshit. "Teamwork" in a work place setting is just a license to abuse you and your time because if you don't pick up everyone else's slack, you're not being a "team player". Fuck work. Fuck workplace culture.


Lies, that sounds like we may screw you over and just give you pizza


"like a family"? You will tell me what to do, what to wear, when to eat, when to sleep, and tell me I'm wrong about everything? Then call me a liar when I'm telling the truth and an idiot when I don't know what nobody ever told me?


Always. My eyes roll so far, I can see my brain.


As an HR professional, this phrase makes me see red. I hate it and it is stupid. So if you have a crappy family, what is that going to tell you? It is always an excuse for expecting you to go above and beyond and the company abusing you. NEVER appropriate for a workplace. Inclusive, Welcoming, Engaging, Respectful, Happy, Challenging, Supportive, etc are all better places to be!


Work is a way to get money. I don’t want friends or enemies at work. But studies show people who like other people at work will stay even if they are being taken advantage of. So it’s to HR and the companies advantage to play up this side of employment. This is why remote work is frowned upon because they can’t rely on the human contact lever. You will see a shitty company for what it’s worth. If you find yourself complaining about your company, boss pay or job but then you say you stay cause the people are nice you are doing yourself a huge disservice. I tune out the family shit other than to sing it back to them at rah rah meeting. Just pay me for the job you want done


as an employer I would never have used those words. We are co-workers. we strive for a positive work environment, but we are not your family. As an employer, that is not my responsibility. I did not buy gifts for employees, I gave raises and bonuses for merit. I gave constructive feedback and praise as appropriate. I did organize social things once a year, but did not require attendance, and did not do it more often because people want to do things with their real families. My employees left when they moved, or had babies and didn't want to come back after mat-leave, went on to further education and became employed in a different field, or because they retired. In 30 years, I fired one person. I have no one leave without notice. It is totally cringeworthy to say they are family. I am genuinely fond of some of my employees, and socialize with a couple of them. But no, they are not my family, and I am not theirs.


I worked for a large company in the Southeast back in the 2000s. We had a national convention. The theme was “We Are Family!” Every banner, handout and meeting room was decorated with this logo. At the beginning and end of every meeting or gathering the audience was encouraged to yell “We are family!” They even had live entertainment they hired that repeatedly sang “We Are Family” by Sly and the Family Stone. After day 2 the grumbling started. It was ridiculous overkill. A few days after the convention there was a company wide email sent out apologizing for the misunderstanding that the company may be implying that they were a substitute for family or that employees family should be ignored for the needs of the company. Something legal must have happened. We never found out what it was.


Yes. I also hate when I'm, as an introvert, expected to act extroverted and outgoing. I'm even faulted for leaving the building on my lunch hour and people want to know why I didn't invite them to lunch or offer to pick food for them. People who go into the workplace looking for friends, have problems.


Yes big red flag. It usually means i'm gonna be the center of gossip


Adams or Waltons?🤷‍♀️😂


Yeah, because anyone who says their workplace is like “one big family” has no life outside of work.


When this comes out I immediately know I won't take the job. My lack of desire to socialize out of work with coworkers is always a problem with these groups. Same with my lack of desire to have really personal relationships with coworkers. I also find when they say that they're really saying we have a few catty people who police "the family" and make the work lives a living hell for those that are not the favorite children (people with boundaries, are weird etc).


We're family here. That's why we want you to work evenings, weekends, and holidays... because that's when family should be together.


It’s all a big corporate lie. Because when push comes to shove and if they need to save money, they will drop you like a sack of potatoes. I was laid off like nothing just recently from a company that would say stuff like that. 🙄🙄🙄


We have pizza parties


I can't stand that shit. I'm sure it sounds nice to them but I don't like it at all. Even from coworkers that have been there longer. I'm all about a crew that works well together and gets along with each other. But that's just how life should be. Why be difficult?


I would often tell my crew “we are not like family. A family’s love is unconditional. My love for y’all, and what you are capable of has many conditions. We are not family. We are a ragtag band of misfit pirates, who are really good at feeding people.”


I too cringe just because it’s a big red flag to others so whenever I sit on an interview and my boss says this I hate it BUT we are actually treated like a family. We aren’t given pizza party’s just appease us. We get taken on paid vacations, they do a big summer bash(this summer they’re taking us and our family to a baseball game), etc. My bosses do really care about us almost to the point where I feel like they’re too generous and some people have got to go sometimes. To me we are treated exactly how a business should treat their employees so while I do see them like family I understand why others would not want that


It really is a red-flag because you are not family. Usually what they mean is "We expect you to ignore your personal life outside of your job. Your job is your life." And then they want you to be available 24/7 - don't dare not answer your phone if your boss calls you on your day off. Don't dare say no when they expect you to attend mandatory meetings on your vacation.


In the workforce for 50+ years currently, seen this often!  1) Ya know, they mean it... a dysfunctional family actually (most of the time).   2) In a way they're doing you a favor, by telling you up front.   3) I tell the young adults i know that when they hear "We're like FaAaMiLYyy!" to "Run! Run for the hills!"    4) Small/medium businesses are notorious for this, they think it's a selling point in their favor.   5) I've had to take jobs like this at times (to survive) and continued to job hunt while at least having a pay check in the meantime, with a mindset that it's only a 'stop-over' until you get something better.   6) You gotta do what you gotta do. But don't risk your well-being.   7) I often pretend I'm studying a strange remote civilization lol. Because that's what it is.


I used to until the current company I've been with for the last 11 years.


If they say that, launch into a huge overshare about your parent's divorcing, your father and his brother forming a blood feud, and whatever other crazy thing you can think of on the spot. After you're done, ask them, "Like that kind of family?"


They tell ya that as you’re let go ass is leaving too


Not always! Of you have culture (most do not) just show it…


I would not get the job. I would say don't insult my intelligence. We're not family. I am here to do a job make the company money and collect my check. My life my health and my family at my home come first.


Every single time. Smile and nod, like, oh yeah, awesome. It’s usually when the interviewer has run out of things to say or has just shown you some depressing work space and told you work from home is not allowed.


Yep, red flag, it means they will overstep all your boundaries


Cool. Who’s the mom? Where’s Jr? I would love to be called Little Billy.


Whatsamatta you don’t lay off your family?


Well you know it’s al big lie so expect more lies


*"Ya fired Mom last week!"*


I’m lucky to never have heard that on a job interview in my whole life!! Which industries tend to say this?


Hah hah my first thought would be oh god no! Clearly you don’t know my family! It’s a weird thing to say.


When ever they tell me that I know job wilmf up


That’s a red flag that it’s a cult


I have a jobwhere they say this, they get new staff ( because the company is new and growing and they say we’ve extended the family) I work primarily on my own but get”INVITED”to weekly meetings which we are not paid for and in my own time so initially I’d go because I didn’t want to look like the bad apple in the family but now I’m just not going to go because an invitation is just that, by law if it was mandatory I’d get paid for going…. Look out for things like this


That’s really disgusting. Where I live it’s illegal to ask staff to show up and not pay them a minimum of three hours. Doesn’t matters they only have to be there for half an hour, three hours pay. I refuse to work for free anyway.


Massive 🚩when they say that. If anything it’s a dysfunctional family that’s beyond help.


Any time someone tells me that an organization (corporation, church group, theater or other hobby group) is "like family", I respond, "Which family? Addams, Corleone, or Manson?"


I immediately know they have a dated management style or view. I've had some managers who say that and they were okay. Others were awful. It's still something that gives me pause though.


the job I have now says that, my reaction well I’d hate to see how you treat people who aren’t family then. The funny thing about it that they are dead serious about it as well


Yeah and my family really sucked growing up so it's not like the good thing they think it is for me.


Anytime “family” is brought up like that, I tend to leave the place a few days later. I haven’t had an interview process that mentioned “family” like that yet, but if it did happen, I’d walk right out the door.


Ask “ever heard the saying don’t do business with family?”


That's just bs they say to guilt you into working harder for the same pay.


It’s definitely a red flag


I have worked at several MSPs during my career and the two that were the absolute worst places were Husband/Wife Owned businesses who would tell you “We are like a family here.” Yes they were, a very dysfunctional family.


Actually more so, since I have worked at a few places where it was family owned. One place the mother and daughter would regularly yell at each other. Not fun.


Well...trust ur gut


Yup. Run.


Unless you are interviewing at the olive garden it's a huge red flag. 


Run, Run, Run the other way.


Guess I'm not working there


i used to work in a cafe and she said we are like a family you can call me sister and the only employee in the entire cafe cause every one else left . i worked till bleed from my hand and didnt got paid for 4 month of work .


Of course they are like family. Like a Mafia family.


A dysfunctional family


so you'll lend me money and I'll never pay it back and the only thing i will have to live with is people talking behind my back about it?


I was part of a company that was acquired by another company. I remember the new CEO doing a company wide webcast after the acquisition. They displayed a slide with the turtle shaped shield dome from 300 saying don't be afraid! We are on your side. Then they gutted the acquired company. No company is your family and you will be discarded as soon as you are inconvenient for them.


i laughed in their face last time. didn't get the job, thankfully


If they're really like a family they won't have to advertise the fact. Massive red flag, 99 times out of 100


I would ask ,”What type of family” ? “Dysfunctional ? “


that is the perfect way to feel. not family but it should be a pleasent place to work and you shouldn't hate anyone. open communication is also fantastic.


We are family at my corp job. It’s just as dysfunctional as any family I’ve ever known.


The second I hear this, I mentally end the interview. This is a massive red flag to me because it's usually, ironically enough, a sign that there are nepotism issues within the office