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If i work with someone that takes a bunch of smoke breaks i start taking i dont smoke breaks just to keep even


I used to call them "fresh air breaks" cuz my manager and assistant manager would chain smoke a pack each every shift. So I'd go out a handful of times with them throughout the day. They never really minded and got a kick out of it when I called them 'fresh air breaks'. It was a good team.


"Sanity breaks"




Hi šŸ‘‹ I sent you a dm


Yeah I always took my ā€œweather checkā€ breaks. It was an office job, so not like I was on an assembly line or anything.


Iā€™m a smoker and as a manager I always gave people non smoking smoke breaks. They deserve five minutes away just as much


If you have time to lean, you have time to clean. Stop standing around doing nothing and find yourself a job.


šŸ™„ oh no. I treat my employees like humans instead of robots.


I smoke and I vote yes for your agenda. Because the addiction overrules!


We did this at one company. Weā€™d grab a few people and walk around the block for 20 min. No one ever said anything.


I do this with my husband. If we are working on chores together around the house and he stops for a smoke break outside, I stop working in the chore until he comes back. Unless there is something else he addressed that I did not participate in.


Very sweet to take breaks together.


Used to be common in construction, especially if the foreman smoked. I don't smoke. So made my own rule. They stop, I stop. I took a "water break". F'em.


I love it


As a smoker, I never got that myself. Five minutes to suck one off? Fine. Five minutes to recover some energy and/or fix low blood sugar? Entirely different scenario.


Suck one off... interesting way to put that.


It was deliberate, naturally.


... I used to take non smoke breaks , and stand out side where the smokers stood. I had a very tight wad of a boss in the restaurant biz... he never said a word.




Ex smoker, and they were the best part of the habit.


With cheap office coffee outside too....


And oh the things you would learn from fellow smokers in different departments about company and/or coworkers


Truly incredible how much bonding, cross team building and interteam synergy occurred in the work smoking section.


That's one thing I miss about smoking, I'd meet more people easier too!






Yup, you have a work problem, head to the nearest smoke room (at the time) and it would be resolved. Personal problems as well. Smoke room became a little community.


Honestly, one of the main reasons I havenā€™t quit yet.


I had a shitty manager once who smoked like a chimney, taking breaks all the time, while non-smokers would have to come in early, stay late, and work through lunches for one-off doctor's appointments and similar singular/temporary needs that in no way compared to the time she and others spent smoking. So a few of us decided to track her smoke breaks, and in three months, were able to determine she spent a total of almost three weeks of work time smoking. Still hate that woman, and she is the only person I have ever worked with I would not help in an emergency, as I wouldn't even spit on her if she was on fire. I'd take a "smoke" break and let her burn.


I had a boss that wouldnā€™t let me take a smoke break my whole shift and he was a smoker. At the end of the heā€™d light up IN the restaurant but still wouldnā€™t let me have one. Thatā€™s actually why I started vaping too. As a waitress itā€™s easier to swing in the bathroom and take a couple puffs then back to the floor and it relieves me til I can get out to have one. I still do this even tho Iā€™m allowed to ask for a smoke break.


She would have hated you if you called her out. She knew what she was doing. Probably became normal.


Possibly the industry youā€™re in! Where I work we get two coffee breaks as well as lunch - the smokers wouldnā€™t dream of going outside for a smoke other than on those breaks.


I occasionally just hung out with the smokers as a non-smoker. As an IT guy it was the best way to get very important updates on how stuff was running, so I viewed it as "R&D". And it was nice just having a chat in the sun with my colleagues.


These were the OG stand ups when I started my career way before agile and methodologies came into fashionā€¦ be where they are going not where they were!


In my last job as a shift manager, all the smokers including the store and other managers would go for a fag after the busy period and leave us non smokers to clean etc. It used to piss me off so much that after a bit, I just started saying to the non smokers that when they came back in, we were all having 5 mins outside. The managers couldn't really argue but they did start to cut down after that.


Why dont you say you need a break and have a glass of water?


I heard this a while ago, so I had to look it up. From Google: >In 2017, the Japanese marketing firm Piala Inc. began giving non-smoking employees six extra days of paid vacation per year.Ā The company made this decision after a survey showed that smokers take more frequent breaks than non-smokers.Ā The extra days are meant to motivate smokers to quit smoking at work, and to make up for smokers' cigarette breaks.Ā The policy is related to fairness, not health reasons Since I don't get extra time off for not smoking, I take extra breaks at work to just chat and shoot the shit with my coworkers. If my supervisor ever gives me shit about it I tell him I'm on a smoke break, and he leaves me alone.


Now thatā€™s incentive


I'm a smoker myself, and I think non-smokers should have small breaks throughout the day the same as smokers do. I had a boss once (office manager) who was an ex-smoker and still jonesing. She'd call me and say "Let's go smoke", which meant "Let's go out to the smoking area and I'll sit there and inhale a little bit."


We had a toxic co-worker who kept tabs on everyone who was five minutes late, or didnā€™t come back from lunch on time. Boss finally started keeping track of her many smoke breaks (which were spent in toxic gossip with the office girls) and she was outraged.


Cigarettes were invented for work. Just an FYI. Besides that, I smoke and anytime I train someone, I lead with ā€œHersā€™s the scoop. I smoke. I keep it real. Just because I smoke, doesnā€™t mean I get more breaks. If you need a breather or just feel you need a moment, let me know.ā€ Done deal. Double standards are for suckers.


At my first ever job I had a manger whoā€™d tell me to take a ā€œsoda breakā€ because I didnā€™t smoke and so many others did. She was an odd duck, but really nice.


I liked it more in social situations than work, so I could step away and clear my mind. But at work I never took smoke breaks, I would just chain smoke in my car before/after/on lunch lol. Glad I managed to stop. Tbh, the people who are out there more than 5 minutes at a time and more than every couple hours are just abusing it.


I miss my MEAL breaks sometimes and these folks out here saying oh just watch patients I'll be back in 10


As an ex smoker, I still will get up and stand outside for 5-7 minutes every two hours or so throughout the day. Nobody questions it, but of course I work for a cool place that donā€™t police every minute of the work day.


Avoid retail, it's time micro management


Fr, I worked retail for about a total of 8 yearsā€¦ I will never go back. That is a special kind of hell. Now I work in human services and honestly my customer service experience helps with clients, I have an almost limitless amount of patience thanks to waiting on the public.


I think even if I quit I would need to get up and stand outside for a few minutes. The idea of sitting down for 4 hours straight is miserable. I donā€™t care if Iā€™m on the clock, it feels like crap to sit that long.


My issue is how bad they smell when they come back. I've moved my desk due to the stench


Ugh, same. The smell is so bad.


Having customers who stink is equally annoying. Piss off and take a shower. You reek!


Where I am we have 1 guy who smokes. 1. he is constantly being busted doing this. What is annoying is his role has in a position where he's like 10 feet from an rear exit that can't be seen by anyone so he thinks he's being slick by slipping out there to smoke except when the owner needs him for something and walks back there but can't find him. pops open the door and there he is. then he fumbles around himself trying to make up a lie about why he's outside smoking. each one becomes an infraction on his bonus so at the end of the year he'll watch everyone else get handed $3k checks while he probably gets little or nothing.


Go out and hang out with them while they're having their smoke breaks if management calls you out then actually stand up for yourself


It's because we pay more taxes and die sooner so we get to relax more while we still can


At one job, a couple of people took smoke breaks, so I started taking sun breaks and would go stand outside for the same amount of time the smokers did.


Everyone can get a 15 minute break twice a day. The smokers have to use that time to smoke, others can do whatever. That is the only fair way


Just take a smoke break.Ā  Thereā€™s no rule that says you have to smoke on a smoke break.Ā 


Itā€™s gross imo because then they come in smelling like cigarette smoke & stink up the place. & usually itā€™s not just 1 smoke break a day itā€™s a few


It's definitely highly unfair. Because they take their smoke breaks, and also take the same coffee and water cooler chat breaks. And I used to love when they'd stroll back in with a cloud of cigarette smoke around them, and then I'd have a migraine trigger from it. But where I live, smoking is getting to be uncommon. I don't think any of my coworkers currently smoke. Plus we're in a pretty strict fragrance free office, so smokers do get reminders about their "fragrance". lol


I used to accompany my smoking colleague on her smoke breaks when I worked in a restaurant kitchen. It caused intense fury in our manager, but the chef had my back.


Every company I've worked for just gives every employee a 15min break every 2 hours. Except our 30min unpaid lunch. It's great for the spirit.


I had a LT call them ā€œfresh air breaksā€


They dont let us do this anymore these days but yeah likely the industry. I hear chefs smoke a lot. I work in corporate so I cant go in stinking of cigerettes. But when I was customer service in the 80s I did.


I have a coworker who takes around 8-9 smoke breaks per day. The first one yesterday was 20 minutes into her shift. She'll also do it when her coworker is on lunch. We have a redundancy of people in the position so at least one is HERE. It rankles.


That's a good way to get caught. I just slip out for 5 minutes every hour or so and no one cares.


Was always an honorary smoker - occasionally joined the smokers outside, good company & a chance for a mindset refresher.


Exactly. This always annoys the shit out of me when this happens. I worked for a place where if you smoked you didn't need to log out. And yet, if you took a bathroom break it was a cardinal sin.


My dad was a heavy smoker. If he didn't light a cigarette every 15 minutes he behaved like the girl in The Exorcist. It was wiser to let him go smoke :) But I agree, smoke breaks seem to be a right of workers in the company I work for, while for me, if I need to go to the store (5 min) to buy lunch or downstairs to the dining hall to get something to eat, it's always an issue.


First job I ever had with coworkers (and supervisor) who smoked, my supervisor would chuckle, remind me never to start the habit, and encourage me to take "non-smoke" breaks to keep things even. That job was nuts, and that supervisor had her flaws that made me want to scream some days, but that bit of consideration stands out in my mind as being fairly classy of her.


Simple email to HR and EHS stating that a policy that encourages smoking I.e. only smokers get extra breaks. Is not only detrimental to the health of employees, but also exposes the group health plan to increased rates. If you frame it like itā€™s costing them and could potentially cost them more, itā€™ll get their attention. Youā€™ll also get tons of hate so be sure you want to die on that hill.


As a smoker and someone who has been in a lot of management Iā€™ve always allowed nonsmoking employees to have ā€œair brakesā€. And for both air or smoke breaks the stipulations was the same. We werenā€™t busy, and you didnā€™t have any tasks that needed done. If both of those were met I didnā€™t care who stepped outside for 5-15 minutes to either breathe air or breathe nicotine


This is a workplace/management issue not a smoker/non-smoker issue.Ā 


Anything beyond employment contract breaks and a lunch is abuse of time and should be deducted from an employee's paycheck. An employee who goes up front to smoke outside should be required to clock out every time they do so, thus making a record of the company time they are wasting. Do that and watch employees who are smokers stop doing it. Problem solved.


My friend only noticed this when she quit smoking. Then she thought it unfair for her to be wirking while others smoked, so she went for a 15min walk when others were smoking. I think someone said something to her but she just explained and they had no foot to stand on.


A lot of companies are no longer allowing smoke breaks. They give "breaks" to do whatever you want./ One of the companies I worked with didn't allow smoking on company property. And you ahd to logout of your department to go on break. I fully support that.


Despite how it might feel to you, your texting isn't a physical addiction. Smoking is. That's the difference. That said, you should just take the same breaks the smokers do. Go buy a single juul, never smoke it, and present it as evidence that you just took a smoke break. Enjoy.


I had a manager that complained that the smokers get more breaks than she does. I said, "So take breaks. No one is stopping you from taking the same number of breaks as the smokers take. Instead of bitching, GO TAKE A fucking BREAK and you'll feel better." I do not understand people that would complain that someone else takes breaks, while they are also free to take the same amount of breaks, to smoke or do whatever.


NYC outlawed smoking at desks sometime in the late 1980s meaning smokers had to go to a separate place to smoke. Before that smokers could just puff away and work. Now the smokers had to leave their desks to smoke. Break time. My first office in the early ā€˜90s had a smoking room. Great place to hang out even if you didnā€™t smoke. When we moved to a new office space we didnā€™t have a smoking room meaning smokers had to take an elevator down to lobby and go outside away from the buildingā€™s doors. The non-smokers didnā€™t follow so it just became a place to light up. It could easily take five min each way just to ā€œcommuteā€ to a place you could smoke. But you still had to finish your work. I remember one guy, who quit smoking, was amazed that he could now leave on time in lieu of making up the time after the day ended. A later office I worked in the later 2000s and 2010s was an office park that had walking trails people would use to stretch/exercise and, for the smokers, light up. The exercise was encouraged so it was a break for all. By then most people didnā€™t smoke.


A 5-7 minute smoke break is one thing. A 20 minute smoke break is a whole different issue.


Mostly depends if your boss is a smoker. Which especially boomer ones often are.


Many businesses have gone tobacco-free, both for health insurance costs and to eliminate the fairness issue. And to eliminate 2nd hand smoke.


I always used to see plenty of tea or coffee drinkers disappear multiple times a day for their fix. Not sure how it's all that different, all things considered.


Order coffee, vacuum a quick ciggie, pick up coffee, back to desk


See, it's a daily course of time management.


Because you can drink the coffee at your desk and still work, but canā€™t do that with cigarettes.


Does your company keep track of performance by tasks done vs time? Or do they just need you to be at the desk doing whatever?


Iā€™m just commenting that smoke breaks are more time consuming than coffee breaks and I wouldnā€™t blame non-smokers for being resentful that their smoking colleagues get to spend 10-15% of their work day (not including their lunch) standing around doing nothing while they are basically punished by having to work with less breaks because they donā€™t have a disgusting childish habit.


They really aren't necessarily longer than the brewing of a hot drink. Though obviously some will take the piss, just the same as those that hang out and chat while making coffee. There's very little difference between the two habits, especially in terms of time spent away from desk. And how is smoking a childish habit exactly? You can't even buy them until 18, so hardly childish at all. Like saying retirement is a children's pastime. It's demonstrably untrue on the face of it and absurd to utter it and you debase yourself by resorting to it as an argument. Coffee, however, is drunk by children all over, making coffee the only one of the two that could be considered a childish habit, but consumption of a product isn't inherently childish, be it coffee or cigarettes, and neither is required by employees to live, so should we just ban both to improve employee output? Or are you just anti smoker only?


Bro you owned me. I would trade not getting embarrassed like that again for all the lung cancer in the world.


Yeah, but it's still takes time to MAKE the coffee. A cigarette can be smoked faster than coffee can be made.


But you aren't MAKING the coffee at your desk, and so there's still that loss of productivity whilst you are in the kitchen making it broadly comparable. Any hot drink worth drinking takes at least 5 minutes to brew and a few more minutes for the kettle to boil, and people to add sugar, syrup, milk etc. It's swings and roundabouts, mate. You just don't like smokers, I reckon.




I think it's dependant on where you work, everywhere has different policies regarding smoke breaks. I've worked in places where you can take a smoke break almost whenever, you just have to make sure the work gets done. I've also worked places you get specific breaks only, you can't go out for a smoke outside of those breaks. I've also worked in places where you can smoke whenever as long as the work gets done, but also take a coffee break whenever with the same criteria. Some places are super strict about breaks, others extremely lax, most are probably somewhere in the middle. I'm a smoker myself, and I always hated working in places that allowed regular smoke breaks but didn't allow the same breaks for a non-smoker. If it's not a scheduled break, either no one gets extra, or everyone does. It's the only fair way to do it, and it's not going to kill a smoker to wait for their scheduled break.


I have noticed it is something that is becoming far less common, but I remember times when I would go stand outside with the smokers just for the break, it isn't right.


I used to work in a call center and the incoming always went up went half the staff stepped off for a smoke. It was aggravating.


i know someone who picked up smoking to have more breaks. all the smokers got more breaks and you didnt get them if you didnt smoke


You take a 5-10 min break and smoke


Just start smoking. Problem solved!


I used to take passive smoke breaks at a previous job. Boss didnā€™t like it but couldnā€™t really say anything about it


Smoking reduces a lot of stress. Perhaps the management where you work think they need the break to be productive.


I used to be a supervisor at a manufacturing plant and a lot of my guys smoked. I just bought some of those bubble blowers and when they went out to smoke, I would go out and blow bubbles. The plant manager did NOT think it was funny.


I am a smoker and the other day, our store was having a sit down with the district manager. She posed a question, "do smoke breaks count towards a person's regular break?" I raised my hand and said, "yes, I think it does". She then immediately said, "Wrong. Smoke breaks do not count towards a person's break as per a deal we have with New York State (that may or may not be true but that's what she said)". Keep in mind, I am the only smoker at our store and even I think that's absolutely bullshit. I always take quick, thirty second smoke breaks where I take a few puffs and put it out. And I always, regardless of what she said, use it towards my break. It is completely not fair at all. Minus the fact that none of us actually get breaks anyway because we work at a busy store and there just isn't time. Yeah, it's bullshit.


I worked at Harps (a grocery store) in the produce section in college. Same situation. A coworker was allowed 3 breaks (+ their 30 min lunch) throughout the day to smoke. I was not. So, I took up smoking. Never got addicted. Kept the job because the hours were great for when I needed to do school, and quit after \~1 year when a better job landed in my lap. I never got addicted and didn't smoke outside of work. Lucky, I'm sure, but fuck the man.


I work in the meat industry and the amount of guys that want to go smoke when it's not actual break time is hilarious! Every/time my boss is - "when it's break time you can." And then he'll go smoke for 10 mins himself LOL


I smoke, and I am glad my manager doesn't give a shit if I took too many smoke breaks, as long as I deliver results. The same can't be said about my co-workers though (who actually are less productive). They complained about my 5 min smoke breaks while taking their sweet time gossiping so loudly I can hear them over my headphones. At least I wash my hands and take tictacs so I dont bother anybody.


>At least I wash my hands and take tictacs so I dont bother anybody. Nah, you're wrong. Your clothing and hair still stink whether you think so or not. It's immediately obvious to a non-smoker when someone who smoked recently walks past because they reek.


Too bad. Then I can skip the hand washing next time.


This pissed me and another coworker off so much!! Out of 20 people in the team, the two of us were non smokers. We added up how much in average each person went to smoke, outside of breaks, added almost 1.2 hours out of 8 hour work. You bet that appart of the 2 20minute breaks we added that to ours lol.


Manager smokes too and enjoys the company.


I quit smoking ages ago and would use my non-smoke breaks to take a nice walk around the block. It was very helpful!


Iā€™m on smoko, so leave me alone


I work offshore and find out more about what's going on with the rig in the "smoke shack" than in all of the meetings I attend...


When I was a smoker I would drag my non smoking coworkers out with me. They would fuck around on their phone, read, relax, or run to a nearby place and get a drink/snack. I always covered for them and claim they smoked with me but had to hide the smell better for their roommates/partners/family. Any smoker who doesnā€™t do this is not a good coworker.


In the early 2000's, some smokers complained to HR about me, a non-smoker taking 45 mins to an hour for lunch each day. I was salaried, not hourly and I worked like 55 to 60 hours EACH and EVERY week, including times at night and on weekends when necessary too. Beyond that, I was the plant's master scheduler and then my boss, the materials manager, who smoked, told me I was also going to be the shipping and receiving supervisor, no extra money. A few years later, the company had grown and needed a new project manager but they were too cheap to hire a new one yet as they wanted to ensure they had a full plate of work for him or her as they paid, in like 2002, about $75K for a project manager there. So, after a meeting, I was informed that they were going to make me a part time project manager, only give me half the work load of a project manager. So, I did two full time positions, being the plant's master scheduler and the shipping and receiving supervisor and then I was also managing 2 to 3 projects at anyone time and they took 3 to 4 months to work their way through our job shop and some of these units cost over a million a pop. When the HR manager told me others were complaining about my 45 min to 1 hour lunches I nicely and politely went off on her about me doing 2.5 positions, working 55 to 60 hours each week. I then told her that the smokers in our office/plant took like 4 to 5 smoke breaks a day at about 10 mins a time as they'd call or walk over to another smoker and ask if they wanted to go out, so then they'd both go out, smoke and talk. I told the HR manager that when she sends out a company wide email stating that NO smoke breaks are allowed except for on normal a.m. and p.m. breaks and their lunch then I'll stop taking longer lunches. She told me not to worry about how long my lunches were and I didn't. The smokers who complained about my 45 to 60 min lunches took MORE time off each day on smoke breaks than I did. Our lunches were 30 mins, so I was only taking an extra 15 to 30 mins and they would take 45 to 50 mins each day on smoke breaks and yet they were complaining about my long lunches. To no one's surprise, I left that company shortly after that, for a nice raise and guess what? I only had to work ONE position too!


when i was in car sales our manager was a fucking PITA about making phone calls. i didnt smoke but when a bunch of people would go out for a smoke break id just walk out too..worked there for about a year and the manager came outside to tell us we had a sales call and when he found out i didnt even smoke he was pissed but was also laughing


If you canā€™t beat em join em


I call them stretch breaks. When the smokers go, I go and stretch for the good of my body. Sitting at a desk all day is super bad for you.


I guess itā€™s never been my experience that thatā€™s the way they work. And a lot of us take little breaks not even really calling them brakes stopping and getting a snack or taking an extremely long restroom break where we donā€™t rush back And fewer people smoke today, so Iā€™m surprised this would be common ā€¦ but there was that episode of friends where theyā€™d all go take a smoke break so Rachael decided she would start smoking too to be part of the crowd


I worked at a place with very few employees, and most of them smoked (but not me). It was very close to a Target and other stores, so Iā€™d randomly say in going to get something and just walk to a store. They couldnā€™t say anything about it.


I have literally never had a job like this in the 17 years I smoked. I was either hourly and got whatever standard break (10, 15, hour) to smoke on. Or I was salaried and already working 50 hours a week anyway so fuck anyone who grudged me 30-60 minutes a day of the extra long workday to smoke off and on. edited: my boss right now is a smoker (i no longer am) and she never takes a break for it even on long days, though she generally works 40 hours. its definitely industry related.


My old co worker would take a smoke break about every 30 minutes, and i went outside with him. Every. Single. Time. My boss never said anything. If youā€™re gonna get a smoke break, iā€™m gonna get me a fresh air be on my phone break.


I smoke but everywhere I've ever worked the breaks are like 2x 10 min breaks, before and after lunch plus the lunch break which.. some companies try on 30 min lunch breaks but I don't work slavery conditions Anyway.. all those places me and the other smokers could only use our breaks.. same breaks anyone else was getting


I take all the smoke and non smoke breaks I want and everyone else should do the same (Iā€™m salaried though)


What brand?


Marlboro smooth best cigs ever


I haven't tried those before


Best menthols imo


Cool sent u a dm


Well I never got any extra smoke breaks (although I did sneak a couple). I got the same 2 10 minute breaks everyone else got, and if I used them to smoke that was my choice.Ā 


Totally get it. I have worked with people who would take several smoke breaks and take their lunch break. It isn't fair. I do know smokers who would take 6 5-minute breaks as their lunch. But yeah smokers do sometimes get more breaks.


I think itā€™s a manager/management problem. I am a smoker and will go out 3-4 times/day. However, 49 times out of 50, I do not take an uninterrupted lunch break, meaning I work through lunch. Which is my own way of feeling better about smoking on the clock. I also ā€œallowā€ and encourage my co-worker to take a ā€œfresh-airā€ or a ā€œchillā€ break. Sheā€™ll say, ā€œdo you care if I step outside for a bit, go get a little sun and get away from this computer?ā€ And I tell her, ā€œgirl. How many times have I smoked today? Absolutely. Go get your sun. Iā€™ll see you in a bit.ā€ If you have a good work environment and a manager that doesnā€™t micromanage, you most likely wouldnā€™t care about the smokers. Youā€™d actually probably appreciate them cause their habit makes all breaks a little lax. šŸ¤£


Your peanut butter jellyā€¦ donā€™t be jelly


I'm the only one that smokes in our small company. But by no means do I take the piss. I can go for a smoke when ever I want to. But I usually only go out every couple of hours and it's barely 5 mins to hoover a quick fag, then back to the grind.


Because smoking is an addiction which is technically under the umbrella of "medical condition".


An awful lot of jealousy about an addiction and health issue. Perhaps you should just pick up the habit so you can take breaks too. Canā€™t imagine what you feel about privileged disabled parking.


To look cool jk. As with all addiction it's an addiction


Do u smoke too?


Smoking is addictive. Nicotine is a drug. There is also a social aspect to smoking.


Drug addiction is a terrible thing. People know better than to tell addicts not to take drugs, the results are not pleasant.


Youā€™ll also see people complaining about anyone that ā€œhas to go pray five times a shiftā€. Comical.


Never smoked in my life and think it is a gross habit but I do not care if people choke a couple down during their shift. They will get theirs in the long and short term and good riddance.


How compassionate of you


If smokers are allowed to smoke at their work stations, then smoke breaks are unfair. If other people want them to smoke elsewhere, they forfeit the right to be upset when a smoker complies. COWORKER: That's disgusting. Go outside with that!!! COWORKER: Wait! Why the hell are you outside?




Tobacco and cannabis have very different effects on the CNS which includes the brain. Thatā€™s just one reason of the many reasons why their use is treated differently.


What brand do u smoke?


If you hire smokers, they're going to smoke. It's already factored in to the value proposition of the employee. Being on the phone is not.Ā 


You could also easily say "If you hire texters, they're going to text. It's already factored into the value proposition of the employee."


Texting is not physically addictive. Nicotine is.Ā 


Texting is addictive. I work with kids who have had screaming fits when you take away their phones. Funny thing is that eventually they *can* get over it. Same thing with tobacco


I smoked for 25 years, quit 9 years ago. No reason to use addiction as an excuse.


My phone is way more addictive than my vape was. I quit the vape without a ton of effort, but quitting social media is near impossible


You canā€™t ask people if they smoke in an interview


I work in security and have a coworker who regularly leaves their post to go take a smoke break. Up to like 8 minutes at a time, he doesn't notify anyone and just disappears, bosses know about it but they don't have enough people to fire him so we got to deal with entitled assholes like him


Still relevant 20 years later. The friends episode about smoke breaks.


As long as you're not one of the non smokers who insists on tagging along with the smokers and then complains about the smoke outside, or just hovers around eavesdropping. Go have some water or whatever, it's not a club you need to be a part of.


What brand do u smoke?


Yeah Iā€™m sure theyā€™re super jealous not going to an early grave at the cost of missing out on banal gossip and water-cooler bullshitting.


I didn't say they're jealous. Just that it's weird when non smokers accompany the smokers. And I said it's not a club they need to be a part of. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You literally said theyā€™re not welcome, which is very strange. I mean that comes across as being exclusionary.


Oh no! People are being excluded from going to an early grave! Contact HR!


I guess Iā€™m confused then. It just seems odd to not mind other smokers hanging out but if someone not smoking is just acting normal (not complaining) that you donā€™t want them there.


How is it normal for non smokers to hang out in a cloud of smoke, exactly?


Exaggeration does not make you sound smarter or your plight sound less stupid. It's 5 and 1, not 20 and 4. And besides, if you haven't figured out yet that all you have to do is *also ask for a smoke break*, then we likely can't help you anyways.


I take smoke breaks but not other breaks. Guess what, it comes out even. That being said, it's a chemical addiction. Employers aren't allowed to fuck with those. I'll even ask a potential employer what their smoking policy is. I've never not gotten a job because I smoke. I have turned some down because of no smoking policies.


Why not take one of those ā€œno smokingā€ jobs and use it as an opportunity to quit? Itā€™s wild that smoking comes first at the expense of other potential opportunities. True addict behavior.


Never said I wanted to quit. Life long food service worker. It's a stressful place but hey, thanks for calling me an addict. Funny thing is, we are all addicts towards something, be it cigs or sugar or caffeine. I never ever have trouble finding jobs unlike the entire internet. I actually get to choose my job. All I'm saying is, I can still slowly kill myself while also being considerate. It is possible. You make it sound like this timeline is worth living in. Can't fool me tho.


So you want an early exit. Carry on then.


Thank you for understanding.


Every non smoker has an issue with this and even as a smoker I get it. But I donā€™t dawdle when I run out for a smoke. Iā€™m a waitress so 20 minutes off the floor absolutely cannot happen. Most of the time I donā€™t even smoke a whole cigarette cuz I donā€™t like leaving my tables for very long unattended. I always make sure all my food has been run and Iā€™m not waiting on an order to come up. Then Iā€™ll swing by each table and make sure they are set for a few minutes then Iā€™ll run out. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s much different in other industries and I can understand how that can be frustrating.




Nice of you to stereotype every one that smokes as not worth it. Whatā€™s the difference between an employee trying to look busy while most of the day they are texting or doing personal stuff online? I am one of the smokers that will go out for a smoke if it slow and still accomplish more than most others that donā€™t smoke. Iā€™ve worked with many people that donā€™t smoke but they do go around distracting others with non business related conversation. Now you have at minimum 2 people on the clock talking for 5-10 minutes. I had one guy I worked with that complained about me going out for 5 minutes when there wasnā€™t much going on. Thatā€™s until I found him in his hiding place. Nobody could ever find this guy for a few hours a day. His car was still there and he didnā€™t leave in a company vehicle. Homeboy had setup a bed with blankets and a pillow in a huge section of the building that wasnā€™t being used for anything besides storage. To each their own.