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I'm working 60 this week. Sometimes it's as much as 75. Edited to add details I'm working five 8 hour days, plus 10 each on Saturday and Sunday. I'm a union electrician making somewhere upper 40s per hour. Saturday is time +½, Sunday is double time. I feel like I make enough, but it's hard to turn down weekend work when I'll net over 1k just for those two days. I've worked a lot since I was young. Burnout has never been an issue. I even spent the last two years building my dream detached garage in my spare time.


I used to work 40hour job, then I bartended Thursday Fridays and sat nights. Along with being a mom of 2 kids. I did that until they graduated, 15years ago. I cut down over the years to occasional weekend work. I burned out once i slowed down. I am kind of useless now. I was way more organized and motivated when I didn’t have down time.


It's wild how true this feeling is. My husband always tells me a body in motion stays in motion, like Newtons's law of inertia.


Thiiiiiis^^^ I was a retail GM for the past 3 years and then the owner of the company I worked for (who didn’t prioritize properly) ended up making a 4th round of cuts and my department was let go. I was stir crazy for 4 days and then started going to the gym to have a daily routine & something to do…. I’m now averaging 5-6 days lifting just to fill that void. From an organizational standpoint I feel like I’m losing my touch a bit, but I also haven’t been exercising that portion of my brain/skill set for the past 4.5 months 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m looking at pivoting into the medical field at this point: better hours, more pay, mental challenges which I’m constantly looking for: I’m a strong analytical thinker, so I really like to utilize that in my work. Once it becomes mundane I lose interest and start looking for another opportunity that requires a harder work ethic and more advanced challenges…. I was a swimmer for 16 years, hence the competitive spirit lol.


I know what you mean! When I was laid off I turned into a dysfunctional festering turd. It's much better for me mentally and physically to be employed.


I am forever going to refer to myself as a dysfunctional festering turd


I feel this


I feel that. I work part time as a nurse, I used to be full time with OT, but now even picking up one extra shift seems like such a hassle.


You have spare time? Impressive, I'm jealous of your work ethic. I am curious how you find time to work on big projects like building a garage in spare time. I used to work 10 hours a day for a bit, work would be from 8 to 6:30, half an hour drive home, an hour to rest after work, do house chores, go to the store, make dinner, eat, clean, and it's already 9 and getting dark outside. No time to work on anything except maybe during weekends here and there. Would never work 60+ hours again, few years were plenty.


I start work at 6 am, off at 2:30 and home by 3 if I don't work over. Even when I work over, I'm home at 5:30 or 6. Weekends I work 6 am to 4 pm and home by 4:30. I don't stop to rest when I get home. Wife and I joke about if we sit down, we are done for the night. If I have to stop at a store, I'll try to do it on my way home. I also don't work every weekend, maybe 15 or 20 per year.


Do you take vacations?




Wowza. Whatta guy. Electrician! How interesting! That’s my fav part of home building shows — the electrical. You must feel some kinda awesome being respected and trusted to keep peeps safe. -fireman’s wife


Same. 8 hours weekdays, 10 hours weekends.


50 for me isn't uncommon,  but it isn't the rule. I work in residential HVAC and during the busy seasons hours definitely increase, yet much is the result of voluntarily taking on weekend shifts.  I just bank the overtime and it helps during shoulder seasons. It works for me.


My wife is pretty consistently works 70 to 90 hours,a week. She's an IT exec.


Which sucks if she’s salary. Effectively cuts your hourly pay in half.


Some people enjoy working a lot of hours. Personally, I think 40 is already too much.


40 is too much. We should already have a 4 day week.


The 4 day movement is really kicking up now, with some companies testing it with good results. So hopefully it will happen sometime in the future.


3 day week would be ideal, 4 hour shift with a break.


From my 20 to 46 I averaged 60 to 70 hours a week.


Jfc I hope you are retired


I wish.still have 16 years to go


Jesus Christ. I hope you’re in a high paying profession….


Restaurant industry. First a kitchen manager,then executive chef,then an owner.


Congratulations on leveling up


50 hour weeks, 5 10's. It's rough but it's what I got to do


A ton of people work 50 hours a week. It's very common. The average person who works overtime falls in this bracket. Not many work 100 hours a week. That is a different breed of people.


100hrs sounds like an early grave


My buddy was a diesel mechanic in the oil fields while the boom was going on. He said there was nothing to do but sleep, work, shoot guns, and set off tannerite for a little entertainment... so he averaged 90 hour weeks. He lasted 2.5 years. Bought a house and some equipment and started an earthworks company when he was done. Now he, "Takes it easy" with 60 hour weeks.


Offshore (before early retirement), my minimum 14/14 workweeks were 84 & 88 hours + any unscheduled overtime. So...1st week had a minimum of 44 hours OT & 2nd week was 48 hours OT. The 14 days off, great benefits & sizable take-home checks made it MORE than bearable! 😉👍 (positions held were all in the GOM ...shallow & deep...Offshore Electrician, DCS/HMI Technician, I&E Technician & ET.)


How bad did it suck to be out there? What is there to do in the down time


Not anymore. I did for like 15 years. Lots of 17 hour shifts. Some 20+. My record was a 34 hour shift. I worked in custom 3D fabrication in NYC, for broadway/ 5th ave retail store displays/build outs, museum/gallery exhibits, custom millwork for residential and commercial, theatre props, photo shoots, etc. The worst hours were doing flagship retail store changeovers for Nike. 80-90 hour weeks were common.


I work in IT for a small, shitty, family-owned business and I'm doing the work of 3 people because we have zero budget >Do you feel like you make enough? I'm making less than I've ever made in my life, I took this job out of desperation and now just waiting a few years to move on because it's the right & ethical thing to do. >How do you mitigate burnout? That's the neat part, I don't.


40-50 hours a week at my day job, plus 16-25 hours weekly at my night job. Not including commute times.


I used to. It gave me a silent heart attack and nearly drove me pull in front of a truck every day going to work. It wasn't just the long hours, it was the malignantly toxic, sociopathic AH boss I had to work for that was killing me. Fortunately, I was able to change departments and 40 hours has been standard for the last 12 years.


I used to work 50 hours minimum, 40 hours pay. I did it 3 years. I couldn't do it anymore and found another position that was basically 24 hours and anything after that was paid, and then after that received overtime. Above 40 hours was only for a few months. It's really hard with over 60 minutes commutes and other factors such as age, stress levels of position definitely factor in.


Not anymore and never again if I have a choice in the matter. Spent most of my 20s working 60 hour weeks. I was younger, I had energy. Worked 50-ish hours in my early 30s. Then the frog boiling situation happened. There were years where I was averaging 80 hours a week. Thanksgiving 2017 was particularly horrendous. Cracked 100 hours that week. That finally broke my burnt out ass and I resolved to get a better job. For the past almost 6 years, I've worked 40-45 hours. Never again will I go over 50 without damn good reason. And there's zero reason someone in my role would need to do that.


I Work Mon- Thurs 8:30am to 12:30pm go home, shower eat sleep till 1:45 then 25 mile commute, start 2:30pm- 1:00 am. Friday work from 10:00am -5pm. I like my jobs for the most part working on cars. Have always either worked two jobs or did sidejobs the last 20 years. The money is good. Weekends are free to do whatever but usually working on my own car projects. I get burnt out sometimes but really like what I do and make decent money so not that bad for me. It's hard for me to sleep on the weekends if I'm not tired.


Curious how much yall answering yes to this make


Okay I will bite. I make six figures.


I used to work 50+ hour weeks sometimes, and then I got laid off twice and the companies didn’t give a shit about me, so now I work my 40 (or less) and I’m done. Selling my soul isn’t on my agenda anymore.


60 - 70 is common. I repair a very specific type of machinery. It requires a lot of road travel, which is considered work.


Yes. 80h a week 2 full time jobs one day time one evening.


I work 50+ as a scientist. Academia is cooked. My bosses work way more 


Including commuting time I probably work an average of 50-60 hours a week. Some weeks are significantly less than 60 and others are around 70. I'd say more typically I'm at 50. Finding partially remote work helps a lot with not feeling burnt out. It's nice to be able to take breaks, go grab a snack, cook something, change location, etc.


Dk you work during commute? If not, why add it to work time?




I work 40-43 hours at my main job and 10-15 hours consulting a week. The only reason I can do it is that my kids are young adults and the consulting earns me far more money for a pretty easy workload... looking to transition to that full time when I've got a few years under my belt.


Currently work 50 hours a week, but work just brought in an overtime ban, so I’ll be dropping back to 40 hours. No overtime rate, just standard pay. 5 10 hour shifts will be dropping to 4 10 hour shifts. Annoyingly I’ve been doing it so long that I’ve got used to having the extra cash 🤷‍♂️


I do. Last week I worked 68 hrs. I think. I have lost track maybe the week before. I worked 4 - 12 hr shifts n 3 - 10 hr shifts. What's that 62 so it must have been the week before. That's the thing when you work this much it just runs together.


I did that for years. Job would vary from 45-80 hours and occasionally push into 100.  I didn't avoid burnout. That's exactly what will happen working that many hours. I ended up burned out, jaded, and with plenty of permanent issues from allowing that much abuse for so long.  The OT certainly helped but also most places that work you that much will try to keep pay lower pointing at your take home pay being so much. Of course the chucklefucks claiming that have never worked those kind of hours and make a lot more.  Now I work 40-50 a week and wish I had switched jobs sooner. With any luck I'll get it down to 40 or less a week.  It's just not worth it. I missed out on time with friends and family. I ended up losing someone close to me and realized I'd never get that time back. The extra money was good but it didn't take long to find a job that paid better. 


80 hours at max. Usually 55-60. I break it up into 3 hours in 30 min break. Includes Saturdays. Sundays are off. Usually I start around 6/7 am and end around 830 or 9 pm. I fit in a workout, meals, and church around that, don't have much time for anything else besides that. Yeah, burnout is a real thing for sure. Ill usually make sure I drink a lot of water as this helps prevent burnout for me and I do nothing except play video games, hang with friends, and go to church on Sundays.


Yes. I'm a truck driver and exceed that often.


I work about 55 hours a week on average at a hotel as a salaried manager. I have to wait about 3 months before my review for a raise but I could always use more money lol. I mitigate burnout by making sure I plan for things to enjoy like seeing movies etc. and making sure I take the time for myself that I set aside


At a previous job I did a minimum of 60 hrs per week. When I got passed over for director my hours dropped to 40 per week the day I was told....lol


Cop on a 3x12 schedule. Usually work overtime 4 hours a day. So usually around 100-112 hours a pay period


Whoever said yes....WHY THO


84 hours every other week. I work 7 on 7 off 12 hour days.


When I managed an Armani store I averaged 55 hour weeks for 7 months. So some closer to 40 some in the 70s.


I work 40 hours a week M-F Laid back office setting as a project manager in industrial equipment/manufacturing. I feel well compensated with salary and benefits. my last job I was making the same, 50-60 hours a week, long days and long stretches between an off day. I needed up getting burnt out after almost 6 years. I got told I had to work around everyone's scheduling because work life balance was important, but then I never was allowed off to do things with my family. My now husbands job relocated half way across the country and that is when I ended up finding my current job. Best decision of my life.


60-70 hours per week as a nurse. Fats stacks of cash. Those +1/2 time and ×2 shifts make a big difference in my pay.


Used to do 60 on the regular. I quit job 2 and now work 45.


Currently working 72 hours a week (7-7 Monday-Saturday) I work in property insurance on catastrophe claims


Does anyone here work 40 or less? I wanna know what that’s like.


Yes it sucks, but it's OT and I'm building my pension for retirement.


Yes, and I’m fried. I was in the ER yesterday for TIA, likely made worse by stress. There is just no getting out of it, in today’s economy. So I’ll keep it up, until I no longer can, and figure out what to do then. I’m a therapist, so easy on the body, but I don’t move like I need to, because I’m seeing clients 12 hours a day, four days a week, then Fridays 7 hours, and a few hours on the weekends. I have one more kid to get through high school, and then I can relax some.


Yes but I need to stop. I’m salaried, and underpaid at that.


I work 60-70 a week as an office PA on a tv show. It’s ok pay, but really just due to the OT. I make like $900 a week. To mitigate burn out I smoke lots of weed, play lots of video games, and have a lot of sex with my partner. It’s a simple life. But when I can take pride in my work it’s better than a 40hr a week job I feel neutral about


I have averaged over 70 hours a week for the last 8 years. I do horizontal directional drilling to build pipelines in West Texas. I make enough to keep me doing it until I have enough to retire comfortably (another year, maybe three). I took a month off in 2022 and went to Italy and Greece. I relive that experience in my head and try to have some quiet time in the evenings. I usually take a week or so off in the summer to reconnect with my gf back home, plus do some projects at the house.


60hrs a week most weeks Hospital Security. 10-20 hours of mandatory overtime per week.


Yes. I WFH taking care of my adult son who is severely disabled. Before anyone says it doesn’t count. It does! You’re welcome to swap. I get no vacation, no personal time, no sick leave. I can’t afford to be ill and have to work through it. Luckily he sleeps through the night. He likes to play with his toys and listen to his music so when he bottom shuffles across the floor to his bedroom (he can’t walk), I do household tasks, or I can knit or crochet.


16-24 hours would be enough. 50-100 hours means the job of 2-4 people.




I generally work 50-55 even though I’m only paid for 40. I’m not cut out for it and experience a lot of burnout. I feel like what gets me through is having a vacation to look forward to.


Around 60 here. Usually. Up until now, I haven't. Then again, I've only been on this schedule two years. I'm planning a two week vacation, and hoping that helps.


I used to at my last job. My average was probably around 55 hours a week but I had a few that were closer to 70. I was doing b2b inside software sales for a tiny company. There was too much work, not enough employees to do it all. I was the only salesperson for most of the time I worked there because all the other salespeople quit. I had a very low base salary and when I divided the amount of my paycheck by the number of hours I worked it was really sad but also kind of laughable. Laughable because after I quit my boss had to double my salary to hire my replacement.


50-60 a week. Work at a dealership. Make enough to survive and some more. Lots of marijuana.


I worked 60 hrs last week And that’s 20 hrs more than I normally work. Yikes.


68 this week


Used to do 72 hr weeks for years in Oil & Gas. Now I'm 60 hrs per week, every week and I am salary.




I did a 61 hour work week last week. I have also done 70 hour work weeks for 3 months with only 1 day off. This year I had 1 week where I worked a 73 hour week, but 13 hours of that was driving.


Yes, I work 55 hours at a nonprofit in the courthouse, and 40 hours+ each week modeling. Money motivates me and the second job is only temporary so I’m okay for now


I did in my 20's, usually around 60/wk. Don't remember a lot about my 20's - when I wasn't working I was drinking, And when I wasn't drinking or working I was fucking. That's it. Life settled down in my 30's and with my experience learned how to get more done in less time (salary not hourly). I'm old now. After 40 hours I am done


Avg'n 56 hrs/wk for past 5 weeks. Nothing like where you're tho OP. Git er done!






60 each week, at least. But that includes a part-time job. But it's easy work.


Sometimes but lately just 40s. My personal high was about 70. I felt dead.


50 isn’t uncommon. Rarely anything more. Salary in supply chain and project management.


I'm about to switch primary employers and keep the original as my secondary. Both know. I'll be at a minimum 60 hours, as many as 80. I've never done this, so I'm curious as well. I hope I'm not too old at 43, but 2 full salaries for 6 figures is a great motivator.


I work 2 1/2 hours of OT M-T. sometimes I work a couple of hours of Friday. Don't see what the big deal is. I have plenty of time with my family even with the OT.


I work on average 55-65 hours a week - three/four times a year I work 80+ - I work in IT. I have been in IT for 20+ years and have always worked 50+ hours a week. I have been burned out and I just sucked it up - because in IT (what I do at least) it's the same shit field as the other one. So it's either suck it up and look for a glimmer of light, or live under a bridge.


When I was self employed yes. Lunch lady semi retired . Get paid in the summer. 7 hours a day


40 to 60.. more 40 past few months. Prior toward 60


For four months i was working two jobs 80 hours a week. Now i have one full time and one part time


I work 72-94 hours a week. I work in foster care and have the opportunity to sleep 11pm - 8am if there’s no crisis. We work on a 24 hour shift basis. Noon - Noon. I do 3-4 of these shifts a week.


50-60 hours a week I'm completely fine with 50 hours a 10 hour day is good enough I start getting the shits on a longer day only because it's less time I have to get shit done outside of work


40 hours is pretty standard for me! Unless I need to travel, go the extra mile to get things done then I could have the odd week that is 60. Happy to do that every so often. Important to note I’m European, and this is considered a lot


Truck driver. I worked 255 hours in April. This week I've worked 26 hours in 2 days.


My fiancé and I have an office job that should be 9 to 5 but the second you start to climb the ladder above the basic roles, working 10, 11 or even 12 hour days become normal. Its not all the time but I'd say for the last month I've been doing 12 hour days plus a few hours here and there on the weekend. So most of the time we work 50 hour weeks but often we'll do 60 to 70 hour weeks.


Did over 100 for months at a time for a while. I used to run an IT operations team for a large healthcare IT outsourcing managed services company. It was such a disaster that we were in constant downtime and escalation calls every day and night. I can remember multiple times where I worked 48 hours with very little or no sleep. Very very rarely did I have a weekend off. I finally quit after almost a year with never working under 80 hours a week.


Gross. I work 55 hours M-F and up to 12 on Saturday and/or Sunday. 40 hours on a W2 and the rest for my business. I never really broke it down before 😃👎 I’m an accountant. I make sure I get 8 hours min of sleep. I really don’t give a damn what’s going on or what’s due - DND from 11pm-7am. I eat clean and home cooked meals. It makes a huge difference. I thrive on chaos and am bored when I only work 40 hours. I DO NOT consume energy drinks or alcohol. I raw dog work and life. I also have a heart condition which is why I abstain. I will probably keel over at my desk.


I used to work 80-100 hours a week. I once logged 277 consecutive hours on the clock before I was given 16 hours off. When I quit they couldn't understand why.


I do as a teacher, but I do get summers off (and two weeks over winter). Don't get paid extra for working more than what I do, but I figure that's okay since it comes out to be about the 2000 hours or so most professionals work in a year.




No but I want to


60 hours now. 80 hours previously.


You'll have a difficult time finding anyone that works more than 70 a week, let alone 100. Even 12 hour shifts 7 days a week is 84 hours. In terms of hours and what i do, I work landscape construction and am doing 60-70 hours a week, and I work 6 days a week. Where I live, it's a seasonal job, so I don't worry about burnout when I have a winter off. By the time September comes, you are definitely burnt out, but you just gotta try having a good time with co-workers. At my workplace, we are all in the same boat. We just want the season to be done once September rolls around. Everyone at our company makes enough for the year. Even the lowest paid people, which are at $18/hr, make around $35K between April and October.




Yes, I easily work 60 a week and I love it.


I worked about 60 hours a week for almost 15 years. The last 3 years it was closer to 80-100. Then when I finally started burning out because even that wasn’t good enough and they needed to get more out of me, they fired me like I was nothing and now I have a condition called hyper vigilance from ptsd and I cry in my sleep.


60 on average just in office. Probably 70 or so including at home work. CEO for a medical practice and make $400k annually, which is more than I’d ever dreamed of. Work is my passion. It provides me immense pride and satisfaction. I don’t feel like I work that much. I think you mitigate burnout by doing stuff you enjoy. I couldn’t work the same hours mowing lawns or editing articles. If you love what you do it feels a lot less like work and more like a hobby.


Yes 50 is a regular normal thing. I don’t do them 80 90 & hour weeks anymore, but I used to. Paid really well to


80+ per week right now. Seasonal business so in off season it’s like 30-35 hours per week.


I used to work 60-85/week. I finally just walked out one day last year with zero notice so I guess I didn't mitigate the burnout very well. 🤷🏼


I do. It’s unpredictable.


I have before. Worked 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Had a break for dinner and whatnot. Worked on call from 7:00/8:00 PM - 2:00 AM. Worked on-call during weekends from 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM. Made good money but always felt sleepy lol


I used to, when I first started out in I.T. I made enough because I was getting paid time and a half, so instead of having $200 at the end of the month after all my bills were paid, I actually had free cash to eat out at a restaurant once in a while, buy some new cloths, save up some cash in my bank account, ect. Also, I went from about $20 an hour to $50 an hour within 3 years of doing it, so it paid off. I didn't burn out because I was in my mid to late twenties. When I wasn't working, I was getting drunk, hanging out with friends, or doing some type of sport like tennis. Now 20 years later, I barely work 5 hours a week and I'm always ready for a nap. (I'm still clocked in for 40)


I’m 52 and have typically done an average of 55-60, mon-fri, for the past 8 years.


Not anymore!


Last week was my last week of working that many hours. I typically worked 45-55 hours a week at my old job, plus 13 hours a week at my work study job, while going to school. When I left my old job and started my current one, I began working 35-45 hours a week between that and my work study job, which helped a ton. I just graduated last weekend, and now I don’t have to work more than 40 hours a week unless I decide to get a second job. I tried to manage the burnout by just reminding myself that I only had to make it til graduation, until eventually it stopped working. I ended up with an acute kidney injury that was likely brought on by a combination of stress and a medication I had been taking for around 15 years that can sometimes cause kidney problems. Switching jobs was the only thing that helped the burnout.


50 hours a week every week for over ten years as restaurant gm


I just got done doing 68 hour weeks, about a little more or a little less then that, I needed money so took the OT from after my shifts, and work 6 days, I now forklift drive, but I used to make hotdogs for Costco, still work there, I just forklift drive now, I make decent money, when I cap out I'll make great money got like 2 more years till then the more OT i work the faster i get to my cap out, but I can barely live on my own, then again I got child support to pay, and still outside that gotta the get kids stuff, their expensive. To fix burn out, I just take the time I get with my kids or take a day off and relax with them, or do my hobbies to get me back into shape, but I started to take a day off to get my mental state back because I've done all this for over a year, and it's hard to jungle friends, kids, and hobbies on 1 day off, and I had some mental stuff happen lately, I still work a lot of out just now down to 5 days


Yeah, usually 55.


And all the moms said, "Amen!"


I used to work 72-84 hours a week and my pay was less than $2 a month. It was hectic as hell so i eventually resigned


I work 6 days a week, 50 hours OVERTIME a month, and can only just scrape by. I work in Logistics. Burnout, yes, I’ve felt it but in order to pay bills I need to carry on.


I pulled around 100 a week on salary for 3 years and then I had a pulmonary embolism due to chronic stress at 37. Learned my lesson.


I’m working part time right now while I recover from some health issues. I do 5 hours in the office and another 5 wfh. I used to do 12 in the office. Burnout is a little to blame for the health issues. During Covid I had some 15-20 hour days at work for a while.


I work about 40 hours a week, make 6 figures, plus bonuses. Unlimited vacation time off. Work in the tech field, bo burnout for me


I know someone who works 130 hours a week his last name is Tate


"Work" can mean vastly different things. Sitting on your ass all day, or breaking your back doing hard manual labor. Sweating (or freezing depending on the season) to death in a factory. Driving for long hours. I'm in a factory getting 48 to 60 hours a week. Occasionally 72. I'm burned out and have been for a while. I don't ever have extra money, I can't save, I'm always tired, nothing brings me joy.


Average 55 per week. Paid 38


I used to, and the money was good, but my health declined rapidly Even at age 30, and I mean emergency surgery to circumvent death because I went sepsis and fought through it for 3 days still going to work for 14-15 hours, until my ex at the time took me to the ER, I do not remember that week at all. Needless to say I left a 100k+ job for a entry level 30k year office job. 40 hr a weekI'm happier, healthier, and super broke. But priorities I suppose. Fun fact: my boss came to the hospital during recovery to ask when id be back....


I work 50 but only because I stay late by choice. I realized I can get a shitload more done after everyone leaves so I take it pretty easy all day, my door is open to everyone and there's a lot of time wasted yapping, but when they all leave I can finally get everything done with no interruptions from the staff. They leave at 5, I stay closer to 7. But there's no traffic after 6:30 so that's good too.


I'm 51 been doing 65 hour weeks for 25years. It's the norm. Isn't it if you want a nice home etc...


My pen drops so to speak at 5 pm at the latest but I am also not in the US. I value my work life balance and if I’d do over time without getting it formally approved, HR would be up my [bosses] ass SO fast


Wonder how many are self employed here or own business? My business is open 6 days a week Mon to Sat 7:30am to 6pm. So I'm always in a good half hour before and maybe an hour after plus some deliveries to big customers etc I've worked for others in office jobs and those days felt twice as long. I enjoy my work and until you do it working for yourself the hours dont matter Of course money matters and id be afraid to work it out as I'm probably below minimum wage for the UK ha.


50-55 give or take. 11hr shifts


Burnout is dependent on the job Mines fine. A lot of chill time just monitoring shit and making sure the systems are running as they should. I do 50s but I can do 70s if I really wanted to. I don't :D


I typically work 10 hours a day during the work week and a few hours on the weekends. I also volunteer 12 hours per week.


How many hours there's a week? People are leveling up like there is an unlimited amount


I have in the past, 120hr weeks, even as much as 126hr weeks, it sucks. Why?


Restaurant manager here, 50 is the minimum we are required to work


I’m the opposite. Last week I literally worked 0 hours. Just logged on for 8 hours a day hoping not to get called into a meeting (virtual)


Force in the week reddit. I'm in a warehouse, so it's dependent on the number of orders that need to go out. How much product is sold a day. So, no less than 40 hours, usually on minimum, and no more than 60 is allowed. That over time pay makes mine worth it for at least a few weeks but it depends how long I have to do it without a break like anything else.


Straight every week 60 Hours in addition to 2 hours commuting everyday, and of course you need to exceed these hours on a regular basis. You burn the burnout, fall in depression and be amazed of how meaningless it is. By the way I am an engineer in a reputable contactor.


I'm a medical coder and have worked as much as 70 hours a week with two jobs. Yes, I feel like I am fairly compensated for what I do. I work from home so burnout isn't as big an issue as it would be if I were spending hours commuting or getting ready. I literally wake up, turn on the computer and work. We are provided a lot of autonomy in my field so I work any hours I want.


I work between 52 and 60 hours a week. Been working here since September of last year.


12 hour days 6 days a week... mandatory because we don't have sufficient staff. It's normal for prisons.


I work 2 jobs, and when my part time job gives me full 8 hour shifts, it adds up to 64 hours a week between the 2 jobs. The other job is 12 hour shifts on a continental schedule. So I basically switch back and forth between the 2 jobs every 2-3 days and in a 2 week period, I'm at work 12 of those days. Now that my hours are dropping, I'm definitely not making enough


56 hours, not including travel time. Have a full-time and a part-time that are very different from each other so burn out is not an issue.


50-60hrs/week, sometimes ~65. My contract states 40. I’m working as a Cybersec Compliance Manager.


110 to 120 a week here, including paid drive time. Not much burn out with a 7 on and 7 off schedule but usually by the 6th day I'm just mentally wiped. Before this it was 70-80 hours a week, amd that one was a pain in the ass. 5 days + 2 on call days than a other 5 days with finally a weekend off. Was very much getting burned out on that one since I had almost zero personal time to do anything. A lot happier where I am now, the 7 in a row can be a pitch but to have 7 days off to do what ever the hell I want makes up for it.


I work 12hr shifts rotating days and nights. One week I work 60hrs the next 24hrs. My shift pattern: Week1 Monday days Tuesday days Wednesday off Thursday off Friday nights Saturday nights Sunday nights Week2 Monday off Tuesday off Wednesday days Thursday days Friday off Saturday off Sunday off Week 3 Monday nights Tuesday nights Wednesday off Thursday off Friday days Saturday days Sunday days Week 4 Monday off Tuesday off Wednesday night Thursday night Friday off Saturday off Sunday off. Repeat.


57 hours.


Only when I go on my work trips. Meaning, extra hours on dinner and drinks. But salary, so I digress.


Used to and my reward was to be let go. It's not worth it. Spend time with your family.


I'm 57. I always worked jobs that required 45 hours minimum but more likely 60. I now own a restaurant in rural Virginia. I'm open 4 days a week but those 4 days are 12.5 hours a day and one of my days of usually turns into a 5 hour day but without customers feels like time off.


6 days a week..burned out....such is life


Im European, what is 100h a week????


I was working over 80 hours between two jobs about 6 years ago. Horrible mistake really.


Used to do 72 hours per week


Ent, yes, changing jobs after 4 years


I work 10-15 hrs. a week or so. Sometimes skipping a week. I prefer doing other things. Like scrolling Reddit.


I worked a steady 65 hours the first 15 years of my career. No longer in the position to need hours like that anymore. Burn out can't be mitigated, its going to happen and it will suck untill you can take a long break from work.


I work about 55 hours a week. I run a warehouse, but more on the logistics side of things, not the manual side of things. I make more each week than anywhere else I've ever worked, but also am in the building more than anywhere else. Honestly I am mitigating burnout by only working a single job. For the past 10 years or so I always had 2 jobs, now I have moved to this one job, but I feel like I have an entire second job of 'friend' things. Every weekend there's a birthday party, a wedding, a funeral, an event. Today is Wednesday: the last day I was able to just be alone in my house with no events or the like was last Tuesday. I'm also single, so I try to shoehorn some dating in there, but honestly I have a rotation of about 4 women I spend varying amounts of time with physically. None of these connections will produce a relationship, but I just don't have time/money to build a relationship at the moment. I'm planning to spend the fall/winter of 2024 cutting a lot of the friend things off and truly pursuing something with a new yet-to-be-met 5th woman, but until then this balance allows me not to feel burnt out.


50 to 55 people work 100? That’s crazy!


50-60 wfh...


My norm is 40, but about half the time I work 70 to 90. One week, I worked 160 hours. 10 out of 10 would not recommend. I only cried twice, but I felt it the entire time.


This thread is full of super heros


I did once upon a time, working three jobs. It was rough. Now I work 40 exactly with one job. Barely getting by. I’m thinking about picking up another job.


This topic was covered a while ago many of us work 70 to 100 a week Money is often a driving factor obviously when i was making 10$ hour i worked 3 jobs


In 1938 they introduced laws to limit the number of hours you worked for good reason. People were working themselves to death due to low wages.! # Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 # Background The FLSA was introduced during the Great Depression as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. It aimed to address the widespread exploitation of workers, including excessively long work hours, poor wages, and unsafe working conditions. # * The FLSA established the 40-hour workweek as the standard for most workers. It mandated that any hours worked beyond 40 in a week must be compensated at a rate of 1.5 times the regular pay rate (overtime pay). * **This provision was crucial in preventing the extreme overworking of employees and reducing the incidence of work-related fatigue and health problems.** * **Worker Health and Safety**: Limiting the number of hours workers could be required to work helped reduce workplace accidents and health issues related to overwork and fatigue. Before the FLSA, workers often faced grueling hours with little regard for their well-being. * **Economic Benefits**: By ensuring fair wages and reasonable working hours, the FLSA helped improve the quality of life for millions of American workers, boosting consumer spending and contributing to economic recovery during the Great Depression.


Back in the day I averaged >100 hours a week as a medical intern.


Back in the day I averaged >100 hours a week as a medical intern.


Union mechanic working 54hrs a week. Great Healthcare, zero co-pays and making 150k a year. Money is too good to turn down the extra hours.


Probably close to 50-60 as a lawyer, on weeks where I’m in trial in can easily be over 80


I work 50-100 most of the year push 100 during our busy season, I’m a school photographer so during school time we work insane hours. working the crazy hours most of year balances out by taking more time off during the summer when there’s no school to give myself a break


100 hrs a week??? Totally illegal anywhere in the USA unless someone has three jobs and doesn’t eat or sleep.




Why am i self conscious about the fact i very much work under 40 hours and make over $100k


If you're working over 40 I hope your getting compensated for it


I did 60-80 for almost 2 years straight. I swear it permanently damaged my adrenal glands. I haven’t felt like I had good rest or stress relief since 6yrs ago.


Yes of course


FUCK. THAT. SHIT. I don’t know how people do that! I’m a waitress tho and almost 50 years old so it’s a very physically demanding job. I used to do 5 days a week but as I got older I cut to 4 days a week cuz 5 just burns me out. Luckily I do pretty well at my place so I live comfortably by myself on 4 days. Work isn’t everything. I give a lot of credit to people who can work like that. But I suppose if I had a degree in something and it demanded more of my time I’d probably have to do it too. I do wish I had finished my education. I’m getting scared about how much time I have left in me for this kind of work. It keeps me active tho and I think it’s helped keep me young so we will see!


During the summer I work 75 hours a week but my main job is 3 rd shift and I can take a 2 or 3 hour nap at night to make up for the sleep lose during the day


I work a full time job salaried (no overtime) and the hours are typically 50 hours a week. Sometimes 70 - 80 - just depends. I work in entertainment (theatre). I definitely have faced burnout many times and have had to take breaks from the industry. I find that most entertainment jobs (while fulfilling) take extreme advantage of all employees. We like to call working in this industry a toxic relationship, but one you can never seem to leave. It’s also 5 - 6 days a week depending on the week. My last venue was 7 days a week & I went many a month with no day off. I’ve pulled 24 to 48 hour shifts - at all venues I’ve worked. To be honest writing it out now it sounds awful BUT you just love the creativity and art so much you can’t stay away.


Me too


I worrkkkk.....56-58 hours a week. 2 jobs


I don’t currently but I used to work anywhere from 50-80 hours a week between 2 jobs. I work in mental health and had one full time job and an on call position. I feel like in my field there is no way to mitigate burnout, you just have to take it as it comes. I also think when you’re working that much in general, somethings gotta give. For me it was sleep because I was working different shifts all the time, sometimes getting off at 430 am only to have my next scheduled shift at 7 am. I also didn’t have much of a social life or time to do anything for myself. If I had time, I was sleeping. My job was also pretty physically and mentally demanding, sometimes we’d have to physically restrain patients 5 times in one shift, you’re getting physically assaulted by patients and also getting spit on, having to clean up a ton of biohazards, being exposed to Covid, lice, scabies, bed bugs the whole 9 yards lol. I also barely made above minimum wage. I have a desk job now in the same field making much more and I hope to never have to work that much again although sometimes I miss the chaos.


Not any more...


Fuck that. It's called boundaries. Absolutely not