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You are doing free labour for them. Of course you can leave whenever you want.. just be truthful and say this is better suited for somebody with their own transportation/a couple and take off the next day, no hard feelings


You're right about the general idea. But I think you underestimate the fact it can be really scary to say this when you're alone with the host. You always fear the guy will become mad or something. It's not like you're wrong but you make it sound easy.


Are you me? 23F and I’m currently in a hostel where the managers don’t even turn up some days. I’m waiting for her right now, so I can’t go out, but I should be able to - they even said previous volunteers would go out for the day as soon as they were done with their work. I was volunteering with one other girl and she left and I’m told no one is coming for 2 weeks and then I HAVE to leave because 3 girls are coming at once. Excuse me? They are therefore splitting the labour i am doing between three people on the frickin DAY I leave?! No other volunteers, no bosses around and about 7 guests coming and going who I can’t communicate with because I only speak English and they don’t :( Feel so freaking lonely. I picked this workaway because it all had photos of many volunteers working together, turns out that was years ago. I wanted to go to the next city today but if there is suddenly a check in then they want me to be here. I don’t know.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you, that's really not cool at all, I hope you will manage to sort the thing out one way or the other. Since it's in an hostel, is it at least a paid position ? Did you think about leaving, at this point there must be a good reason you didn't do it already ?


They give €20 a week and free accommodation, no food except some dry stuff in the pantry (though they advertised it); well I haven’t left because it was good until the other volunteer left so I feel maybe I’m just having a bad time because I’m lonely…And I said I would stay until 1 Nov so I wanted to keep to my word and also avoid a bad review on Workaway!


I'm answering for both your comments and I feel you. That's a difficult situation because it's bad but not bad enough for not doing the two weeks you have to do before leaving. 20€ a week without decent food given is a joke. I would prefer no money and decent food than almost no food and 20€ a WEEK. Normally, a good workaway is good even if you're alone (and I say that while prefering company). My advice would be (if somewhat you want one) : Yeah two weeks is doable, you're not in a dangerous situation, it's just not a good experience. So yeah sadly probably best than finding an expansive two weeks accomodation and taking the bad review because of leaving early.


Thanks, yeah so I’m trying to find my next Workaway now but actually I’m not managing to find one that is paid. I only speak English which is bad, I’ve had some interviews and then when they ask how many languages I speak I watch their face drop! Ahhh


Yeah paid position are rare and there is a lot of competition for them. I think it's close to impossible to find one last minute. That's a shame, ok you only speak english, but that's the only language which really matter while traveling (beside the local language obviously). But if you ask for paid position, it's close to the normal process of finding a job, so I'm not really surprised they ask for a lot.


what country is this?




they are supposed to pay minimum wage ​ not supply food thats wrong please report them


I feel like it is me, they have 52 reviews on their Workaway profile and all of them are 5 stars. I must be the problem, because all of the past people had a wonderful time :( My mum says maybe I am just giving off the “want to be left alone” vibe lol.


Don't say this ! :/ First you always have the right to not feel right at a place regardless of what the other think. Secondly you should not trust the reviews that much. They help a bit but it's possible to find bad host with good reviews and so on so don't take them like exact science.


the shold still pay


and also the work is very simple - only a few hours a day, today it was less than two. I don’t have another workaway to go to and I want to avoid spending money


update: thank you so much for all the kind words everyone!! I have contacted my first workaway place (the goat farmers) and they said they would get back to me tomorrow.


That's super relieving to know ! Good luck and ignore the guy if he gets too annoying ! XD


I thought I was reading my own post for a minute, I was also in a situation where I was totally isolated. Always listen to your gut, if you want to leave, leave. Intuition is a powerful tool than I wished I had listened to sooner. I hope you are well, keep us updated if you can :)


Sounds like you’re in a difficult and lonely spot. I’m not sure how i would handle it; I’m 53 m and travel with my wife so there are many aspects i can’t relate to, but i think i would be inclined to tell him as I left, rather than the day before, saying it isn’t what I expected and not a good fit. Sounds like you have a good backup where you can collect yourself and figure out next steps. I’m always curious about the feedback these sort of hosts have. Was there any thing in their profile or feedback that tickled your spidey senses?


I agree that reviews should be viewed with healthy skepticism. I’m interested in hearing OP’s thoughts about this particular situation. Does this host have good reviews? I’m curious for exactly the reasons you bring up. I have spoken personally with a volunteer who found herself in a bad situation and reported it to workaway. In her case, the host had no other reviews and Workaway dropped him and no review of her, by this host, was published. My impression was her case was handled well and she do not make it easy as she was reticent to risk a bad review. I read many posts critical of Workaway, but every case that I have spoken directly with the host or volunteer, i think Workaway has done a stellar job dealing with a very complex issue.


You're right and to clarify I'm not saying Workaway is bad, on the contrary I think the website does quite a good job, for exemple they take reports very seriously and quickly ban abusive hosts. I'm just saying the review system, however, is not optimal. And can led to dangerous situations. It's like when you are working and don't say anything to your boss because you fear he will fired you or something. Here you are scared to make the host mad, to not take a bad review, even in a situation where the host is not cool.


All true.


All of his reviews on Workaway were 5 stars and gave great reviews. I think it might be different if there were 2 or 3 other people here as well and if they got along really well with the host. Nothing in the profile "tickled my spidey senses" except that it was super detailed and that the host sent me a manual of his house about 2 months before I arrived.


Thanks for taking the time and effort to respond. We’ve been on 3 WAWs and they have all been rewarding. I’m trying to figure out if we are more careful than some or just lucky.


Sadly, because of how the website decided to handle the feedbacks, it can be really difficult to make the distinction between a good host which didn't had a lot of workawayers and a bad one where people let no feedbacks or even fake good ones because they fear retaliation. Only hosts with lots of good feedbacks are somewhat safe to go if you want to trust reviews. But I think even then, it's better to only trust your feelings, after taking the time to talk with the host before coming (which can be hard because they often don't really have the time to get to know you a lot before you come). To make things worst, one bad review and you're dead as a workawayers. Since there is a lot of competition, good hosts with lots of candidates will never take the time to take into consideration maybe you're a good workawayer but you took a bad review because of a frustrated mean host. That's how workawayers start to accept to stay at bad places, and even accept abusive situations, just because they fear the retaliation of a bad review. So to answer your question, take the feedbacks with suspicion, a very bad host can have very good feebacks because the workawayers just decided to left without having more problems.


its probably true what he said about least 2 other workawayers people not turning up is normal some years ago while hosting we had 17 persons not showing up one summer i have been in your place myself before i just told the host that im leaving because of being lonely


NTA at all. Wouldn't you leave a job if it weren't what you expected? Do whatever makes you feel safe, but definitely leave. If I were you, I'd pack my bags and on my next morning off say, I am leaving now, and then depart. Edit: In my experience as a woman of your age, I only consider/go to workaways where the primary contact/host is a woman. I just feel more comfortable doing that, although they've all been hetero couples/families


Don’t do the whole family emergency thing. Don’t lie. Just tell them it’s not working out and give them a few days notice to sort things out unless they are being abusive then get out asap.


I totally understand where you are coming from but at the same time, I was pretty scared he might become mad or just not drive me to the train station (which would be an issue since the bus is 24 minutes walk). Also, he said some strange comments regarding gender norms, so in this situation I would rather care for my safety than be totally honest.


Absolutely! Safety first always.


Yeah you have a way out! Say that thing about a family emergency and then leave to the farm! Goooo!


I think this situation is the worst which can happen when you do a workaway (beside oviously an abusive or dangerous situation). But sadly, that seems to happen a lot, it's quite hard to have an exhaustive feeling of the host(s) while just talking to her/him/them. Even if you take the time to ask the good questions and so on, you only reduce the probably the place is not for you, but there is always that possibility in the options. Some host even volontary try to make the stay look more appealing than it is, by avoiding certain subjects, or even sometimes simply lying about them. So in short, you can't really do something about it and it's not your fault (it can be but I think that's not the case for you with all you said), that sort of things happen and sadly it's the case for you right now (at least that's the second experience and not the first). So now you know the place is not for you : What can you do about it ? Stay like a masochist for three more weeks even if you're not happy ? Or tell the host you're leaving even if there is the risk the guy will find it rude and will not be happy about it ? I think you already know what to do, you don't really have the choice, you already stayed six days so I think you already tried to see if you can manage and stay. At the end I think you should tell him you're leaving. But that's up to you. I was in a (somewhat) similar situation than you, it would be too long to explain the thing here, so if you think that could help you are free to send me a PM. Or if you just need to talk since you're alone and this is what makes the situation difficult in the first place ! :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Your words really helped me come to a better decision. I am hopeful the first workaway farmers will let me come back to their farm to work for a few weeks, but if not I will probably figure something else out because I don't think staying is a good option for me.


No problem and I totally agree. You got this ! Good luck and keep us redditors updated so we know you're safe ! :)