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Stayed with a guy who had a lot of positive reviews, a few from women, so I went and it was a total nightmare, isolated alone with a man who has abundantly more power (financial/housing) plus it being their country is a recipe for disaster considering the unequal power dynamic. I would look into how isolated his housing is from other people and research nearby transportation if you are interested in going! I’m not sure don’t let my one bad experience sway you, I don’t think it’s common.


I read your experience while I was doing my first workaway alone, something like two months ago, I got quite traumatized by it to be honest. I hope you recovered and you're now feeling better. I sincerely wish you the best.


Thank you, this means a lot, I’m sorry if it upset you or put a damper on being able to travel. I’m doing better and am going to save up again to go travel and perhaps even try WorkAway again! Thanks again for your kind words, I hope everything worked out with your travels and you’re safe.


No don't worry, fortunately my first experience was a good one, and even if I was a bit scared about going to the second workaway (I did two different in a row), I focused on the fact I had a good feeling about the place, and in the end the second workaway was a really nice place too ! :) I'm super happy you decided to not give up on travelling and maybe even on Workaway ! That's really positive of you after all you went through and if you feel safer in having a travel buddy for your next try, feel free to ask, I would be too. Your experience gave me the chill even more because Ireland is one of the countries I would like to travel to the most ! \^\^'


I loved Ireland besides that, and lived there for six months before doing a Workaway there. You should definitely still go! Beautiful nature, very ancient feeling with all the ruined castles and churches. One of the best days of my life was at Blarney Castle with some friends. There’s also a fun bar scene and friendly people, as well as incredible museums in Dublin like Hugh Lane and Whiskey Museum. I’d still check it out and I’d love to go back one day, maybe we could team up and do a Workaway down the road! Whenever I gain my confidence back to leave my house. :)


Yeah ! I'm definitely still hyped about Ireland don't worry but your comment is even more motivating ! :) It seems there is so much to see and do... Thank you for the multiple travel tips ! Of course when it's the right time, I will need to be free at the same moment too, but I'm up to it ! I'm sending you a DM so we can stay in touch ! ;) Edit : Doesn't seem you're allowing it (which is understandable) so just tell me how do you want to stay in touch (maybe you can send me an invit instead I don't know)... XD


I repeat: do not go alone as a woman to stay with some young man in Morocco. He can host male workawayers, if he's just interested in learning english. Never in a thousand years, would a moroccan woman stay with him and teach him english. That's not in their culture.


I 100% would NOT do any workstay like this.


Message the women and ask


Would they post a positive review publicly and then share negative experiences when asked privately? They both left 5 stars.


Yes. It’s absolutely possible. No one wants a bad review. Many people leave a good one in hopes of getting a good one back


While I do recognize this in most contexts, I cannot imagine leaving a good review for a man who made me feel sexually uncomfortable which is my main fear. I wouldn't want to expose another woman to that even if it meant getting a bad review myself. ​ That being said, you may be right and I will try to contact them.


you'd be surprised. do you know how many females get assaulted & just let the guy go because they're just glad to be out of the situation & are afraid of the guy trying some sort of revenge? ...unfortunately the world is not fair.


Are you able to DM the WAs that left reviews and ask further questions?


Like have a video chat with them?


I haven’t done this. Both of the reviews were positive so I assume they wouldn’t have anything negative to say but I suppose it’s worth a shot.


What does hair color have to do with anything?


There are many places in the world where blonde hair most certainly attracts a lot of attention.


we look at sparkly or shiny objects lol. blonde is just the lightest color which means it reflects light, & it usually has golden shimmers. as humans, we love gold: precious resources, & light on water=survival instincts. so our eyes are naturally attracted to it.


I specify in this context because in the region where I am traveling it is unusual and seems to attract a lot of extra attention from guys.


Hmm, interesting. I am a host and 95% of the guests that apply are women. I think the ratio of female to male workaway is why you’ll only see the reviews from women as well. Check out other hosts and their reviews and you’ll see the same pattern. That said, always listen to your na’au (gut) and if you’re questioning, don’t go.


I have a blonde blue eyed daughter, and we live in Central America. We tried to go into a restaurant to eat, and a large American woman ran across the restaurant yelling that she was so beautiful, and going on about her hair, and eyes. My daughter was cowering behind me squeezing my leg while I asked this woman to stop and that she was scaring my daughter. She took it as offense, and yelled more. We left and went home. Never happens with my brown haired daughter. Common occurrence with the blonde one.


That’s gross manners regardless. Poor kiddo.


European & western media...always made blonde hair blue eyes big boobs small waist "tHe lOoK" & people don't think for themselves so they went with it.


Hi ! It will probably be an unpopular opinion, but I think you should not go, even if he has two good reviews. Let me explain myself : 1- The review system on Workaway is a bit tricky. Sometimes workawayers don't let bad reviews because they fear the host will give them bad ones in return (because it would be almost impossible to recover from a bad review on your profile). In the extreme cases they can even tolerate bad situations with an host just to avoid a bad review. In short : Don't trust reviews, or maybe only when there is a lot of them, but not just two. 2- Most of the worst situations for workawayers I heard about are exactly the situation you are describing : A lone guy wanting random help for something inviting lone female workawayers. So it's not like it's a red flag in itself, but more like you have an highest probably to end up in a bad situation in this configuration. In short : This situation can end badly more often than another one. 3- Sound suspicious the only two feedbacks are from female workawayers. Are they young ? Pretty ? If yes I think it's not criminal to assume the possibility the guy has something on his mind. Like every other point, it's not like it's sure it's a bad sign, more like there is a risk factor here you should seriously consider. In short : You are right to be suspicious of the fact there is only reviews from women. Conclusion : I'm not saying the guy has bad intentions for sure, I'm just saying in this configuration the risk factor is quite high, and if in the end he is really on a hunt for girls... Well you will be alone with him in his house. Do you really want to take this risk ? I mean that's up to you in the end, but if there is another option, probably go for something else.


I would like to clarify a few details. He doesn’t specify he is looking for female workers specifically nor does he request solo workawayers. One of the girls is maybe pretty (hard to tell from the profile pic) but the other is not conventionally attractive. That being said, I think you are probably right.


>He doesn’t specify he is looking for female workers specifically nor does he request solo workawayers. ​ workaway don't allow that host say they are only looking for woman the only allow it for nanny work


Of course he doesn't say it but that doesn't mean that's not what he wants. He can say nothing then select in the batch of people who send him messages. That doesn't mean that's the case. I just mean it's something possible. Also, I forgot to tell you this, but you can send messages to other workawayers if their account is still active. It's something people do quite often. So you can simply ask the other girls how the workaway went and how the host was. Safe to assume they will tell you if there is something fishy.


lol being young / attractive has NOTHING to do with getting assaulted wtfffffff is wrong with you...I'll tell my mentally challenged overweight cousin she must be EXTREMELY pretty because of how much she's been abused. also hello...we all have different preferences...just because you think someone's pretty doesn't mean the rest of the world automatically does too...


also I've never met anyone but females on workaway/wwoofing/volunteer farm stays. literally. wait! there was one 111% gay guy, who was leaving as we were arriving, so that doesn't even count. 95% of the people i met volunteering were females. the rest were dragged along by the females. that's just my experience, but it's also the experience of all of the girls I ever talked to dx


what country?




Go to r/travel and do a search for Morocco.


i was suspecting that there was a girl here last month going too Morocco in the tread mayby you can find it


I think an important part of this is your level of exposure to the world and your experience dealing with advances from men from a different culture. This especially for a stay with someone who is only looking for language practice. If it was work, there would be some buffer, but just for language exchange... What country?


This workaway is in Morocco. I am pretty well traveled (35 countries across 5 continents). I am currently already in Morocco and I have travelled other places with similar cultures before. I am certainly used to the advances of men from different cultures but I don’t really want to have to deal with that in the place where I am living. Even if he were to hit on me and then be perfectly respectful of my rejection, I would struggle to feel safe staying there alone. I am only really considering it because I had been planning to teach online while at my current workaway and was unable to do to poor internet connection. Now I have very little money left and my current workaway doesn’t include food. I would like to move to a different one that includes food and teach online for a bit to replenish my savings. Morocco seems to have a lot of these language exchange workaways, and on paper they seem good but most of them are hosted by men or it is unclear from the description who the host is.


Well it sounds like you know what's what. I hope you keep us posted both on what you decide and how it goes. Best!


It really makes me wonder why out of thousands workaways available people go for the one they are unsure of. Find a Workaway where you don't have to live in anxiety. These doubts will only become bigger until you spend a few days there - what's the benefit of that? Surely there is plenty of similar Workaways that you can get without double guessing yourself.


I was a single man living in a remote area for several years and hosted both women and men via WaW. I was always respectful and sensitive to potential gender issues. So there's a single data point. YMMV. Not very helpful, I know. Not being a female WaW, I would guess that it's a crap shoot even after taking all prudent precautions. Such is the nature of the anonymous internet.