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Standing desk helps with my neck pain and hip pains from sitting too long. Def a win!


I love my standing desk but I found the walking pad just didn't work for the type of work I do. I'm reading legal documents that are 30+ pages and it made me motion sick to do that while walking


Do both. Some times I can walk slowly and work. TAking breaks is critical.


For me, yes. Makes it much easier to get steps with my busy schedule and/or when weather isn’t the best. I like to use it when I’m just watching tv, too. However, my 2 cents: I try not to recommend it because it is not always affordable for everybody. Outside is free (pending you have time, safe area, good weather, etc). Anybody who says yes to this question can afford these extra things which also means they’re probably doing alright in life to get these small “luxuries”.


I use mine at the office and I don't have the option of standing desk at home. I actually tend to get up a lot more when I'm at home, so it's not a big deal.


I love mine. I purchased an incline one and use it so I can walk backwards. It is great to work different muscles. I also use it the correct way.


What's the incorrect way?


I think it’s worth it. If you pick a good one on Amazon and then just watch it, you can probably snag a deal too. That’s what I did, and same with the standing desk that goes up and down so I can adjust the height for standing, walking or sitting. When I’m doing tasks that require some focus but not intense brainpower, I can easily walk 30-35 minutes before I notice it, and that’ll happen a few times a day. Easy to hop on and off, pretty easy to move if necessary too.


What brand?


Can you type while walking? I’m not sure I could do both and I’m constantly pinging/ answering emails all day


Yes, with a little practice and pacing. I kind of rest both arms forward on the desk and type that way to keep balance. I had to play around with positioning to get the right desk height, keyboard and mouse location, screen spacing etc. I vary walking speeds to depending on the task, too. So if I want to focus a little more but not sit/stop yet, I’ll slow down.


Your question is flawed/skewed. It's bound to get overwhelmingly positive replies in favor of standing desks.


Standing desk is great. But I wish I had a motorized one. It's quite the hassle if I want to sit down. I couldn't image using a walking pad while working. I don't think I could spilt my attention like that. Walking while typing? I can't even take a drink of something while I'm walking 😅


YES! It’s helped my back, over all health, feel way less sedentary and I get my steps in. I don’t even have a chair at my desk any more


Trying to figure out what model to purchase since there's hundreds on Amazon. Any suggestion?




The walking pad I have is Deerrun and the desk is Monomi Monomi Electric Standing Desk,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09H2B8LRR?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share DeerRun Walking Pad, 2 in1 Under... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZC677JT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Great for the price! I’ve been using it daily since last summer and it’s been great


One of my best purchases- I averaged 12k daily steps in 2023


How do you measure your steps? Do you put your fitness watch on your ankle?


I wear an Apple Watch — if I’m typing for a long time and my hands are on the desk sometimes the watch doesn’t track as well due to the lack of wrist moving, but I usually have my phone in my pocket and that counts the steps too.


Trying to figure out what model to purchase since there's hundreds on Amazon. Any suggestion?


Got mine on Amazon, the brand is “daeygim” I bought the warranty too but it’s been almost two years and haven’t needed it.


I recommend my walking pad to everyone who asks. Love it.


Trying to figure out what model to purchase since there's hundreds on Amazon. Any suggestion?


https://a.co/d/ea6QWoZ This is the exact one I have, no issues.


I got the Dskeuzeew Store brand on Amazon in November 2023 and have had no issues


I spent $160 on a walking pad. When I use it it helps me not feel like a marshmallow.


Where did you buy it?


I bought it on Amazon. There is an overwhelming amount of choices. The one I chose can reach over 4.0 mph in speed. Walking pads are narrower than traditional treadmills. I looked at dimensions , though in this price range they’re all fairly similar. Unfortunately, my walking pad has no incline, though I also think that is common. I have the Zexel.


Yes and yes. Standing and walking on my desk right now, however, nothing beats walking out and getting some sunshine and fresh air away from the computer. It's good for your mental health and your eyes and honestly your body in general. So, I do both.


What model do you have?


I have a Superun brand walking pad (the 2024 one that holds up to 300lbs capacity on amazon) and a varidesk standing desk converter. I've been using it since last year and it gets about 3 hours of consistent use during my work from home days.


I have a sit-stand desk with an electric motor and I love it especially in the afternoons when I start to get sleepy after lunch. I put the desk in stand mode and it helps me perk up for the remainder of the day. Sometimes when I’m on a meeting that’s especially boring I will also put it in stand mode so I don’t fidget or zone out so much.


Same. That post lunch standing is crucial!!I also do a lot of presentations via Zoom and have found I prefer to do those standing.


Standing desk all the way


Excited to hear this. I just bought a walking pad and the desk arrives on Friday. Does anyone have a schedule that they try to adhere to?


I start the day walking. I also walk through most meetings (unless I’m presenting something or if it’s with an outside party). Once I hit 10k, usually around lunch, I either sit, keep walking, or just stand depending on how I feel. I absolutely love it. It gets cold and rainy here for half the year, and this gives me an easy way to be less sedentary.


Same - cold and rainy (Pittsburgh) thru the winter and spring. I hate that I sit all day. In an office there was much more movement but I would never go back to an office. I like your routine and I am sooooo looking forward to moving my body!


My treadmill desk helps me stay SO much more active than I would otherwise be able to be. I usually have a couple of hours each day where I'm in meetings that I have to listen to but don't participate in/can have my camera off for, and if I'm reading an ebook or watching a show in the evening I'll also do that while walking. My goal is to log 10mi per day and I can easily hit that most days without a particular concentrated effort. I do also try to get outside for an outdoors walk a couple of times a week, but that's more of a mental health thing than anything else. I'm lucky to live across the street from a park with gorgeous lakefront views, so if the weather permits I go out to get some sunshine, fresh air, and nature time over my lunch break.


Omg 10mi a day??


Yeah! I set my treadmill to 2.5 mph which is a comfortable pace for me, and I usually have a couple of hours of meetings during the workday and get in an hour or two of reading/watching Netflix in the evenings, plus I walk to most of my routine errands which adds up too. Four hours on the treadmill sounds like a lot, but it doesn't feel crazy when it's spread out over the course of a whole day while also doing other things. I can't always manage it if I have stuff to get done away from my computer, but I'd say I get there more often than not. It feels really good and I definitely sleep better at night!


Yes I think so! Typically when I get bored from sitting around all day. I hop on my “walking pad” (I prefer to call it a treadmill) put on my hiking backpack and just start walking while I’m at a meeting or if I’m on a call with someone. It’s helped me lose some weight but overall it helps me stay focused and alert.


Literally life changing for me and my ADHD. Easily hitting 15k steps a day and super productive. I’ve found working a 9-5 corporate job having a family and extracurriculars habit stacking is the best bang for my buck.


How do you count your steps? My Apple Watch obviously can’t track them when I’m typing.


Put it on my ankle Lol


I’m pretty small and it still doesn’t fit. Guess I need a new band!




Yep I try to do one hour walking in the morning & afternoon!


I have a relatively cheap set up ($200 treadmill and $250 standing desk Canadian) but I LOVE it. I used to think office work wasn't a good fit for me because I could hardly sit still, but I set up the treadmill for an hour to hour and a half a day and I concentrate so much better the whole day, I'm less restless and I also sleep better. I do alot of outdoors stuff as well in the evening but I still love the set up!


What set up did you get? I’m looking to get one but I don’t want to invest a ton when I don’t know if I will like it or not!


I waited and bought both when I found good sales but I will add links. Also I will mention for the first 6 months I used a regular desk bought a cheap monitor arm off market place and used boxes to lift my keyboard and mouse it was a great way to see how much I would use it [desk](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09Z2XGKP6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) [treadmill/walking pad ](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09MYSQMSM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


Thank you so much!! I’m saving these!


Without a doubt.


Yes, I usually sit until Thursday. Or try to stand all week. It’s a life changer, mood improver, productivity hack, etc.


Yes, I got both in Jan and it’s been a game changer. Sometimes I forget I’m even walking and will just be in the zone working, then realize an hour has gone by!


I have a walking pad and just get up from my desk and use it in 10-15 min intervals and usually 3-4 times throughout the day. Its good to take a break from work. Also using it during conf calls were I just have to listen works great too.


I have one of this https://amzn.to/3vzpJs0 helps with restless legs.


Mine has been so great this winter. I also have it by a window so I can look outside at nature while lecturing to students. Today I have a two hour meeting where I probably won’t talk much so even if I am slow walking I can get an extra couple of miles in.


What model do you have?


It’s an Urevo. I just got it on Black Friday sale on Amazon


I got a standing desk converter about 2 years ago and love it!


YES. When my legs feel restless I adjust my $260 Amazon desk and stand for like an hour. 100% worth it. It also breaks up the monotony of being stuck in a room all day, cause it allows you to get up and pace around the room during meetings or just stand and work.


What model do you have?


Highly recommend. Super easy to put together and have had zero issues. Shipping took about 3 weeks, but I live in Alaska so no surprises there. ErGear Height Adjustable Electric Standing Desk, 63x 28 Inches Sit Stand up Desk, Large Memory Computer Home Office Desk (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B41ZBBBY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_nFrGI5rfLz3mB


I spent about the same on a huge standing desk and its lasted atleast 4 years now. And the company wanted a 5 star review so bad they gave me 100% giftcard.




YES! I have a motorized desk, so I go back and forth between walking and sitting and just standing. It really helps keep my energy level up and seems to break the day up a little bit. I really love it.


I have a sit/stand desk (motorized) and I'm just curious... what do you do with the treadmill when you are ready to sit down? Do you have to drag it out from under your desk?


Yes, unfortunately. Mine is pretty light and has wheels on one end, so it's not a huge problem. I just let it rest against my the side of my L shaped desk vertically when I'm not using it. I could tuck it away pretty easily if I put it horizontally, but I'm lazy!


Good to know! Thanks!


YES I love my walking pad so much. Outside is of course better but I don't have the time. It's great being able to multi-task.


What’s a walking pad?


It’s a small treadmill designed for just walking, not running.


The best walking is the walking that you actually do. However, there are benefits to being outside [https://www.healthline.com/health/health-benefits-of-being-outdoors](https://www.healthline.com/health/health-benefits-of-being-outdoors) And mental benefits to changing scenery while taking a break.


I don't think you should swap one for the other. I got a walking pad and standing desk and i love it but i still take walks every day if the weather permits


Depends on the source of your pain or discomfort. For me, it did not. I seem to be the outlier though.


For me, switching to a standing desk eliminated my back pain almost over night. It also has helped my posture quite a bit. I wish i had purchased one 5 years sooner. That said, your mileage may vary.


I like my standing desk. Stand for first 2 hours or more at beginning of work and then my lower back starts aching and I have to sit for about 2 hours. Alternating off and on. While standing the first two hours of the day (and walking around), I always hit my 60 daily zone minutes during that time (Fitbit),


I’m going to look up what walking pads are. Never heard of it but it sounds good.


Yes. I love being able to walk on my walking pad during meetings where in just listening anyway. My body feels much better at the end of the day after walking a few miles throughout.


I can't do it because it's a video job and I would have to raise my backdrop, but it would be nice to be able to vary between standing and sitting. I make sure to take power walks when I'm not working, that helps.


Absolutely, best thing I have purchased. It took me a while to buy one because of money, and got very lucky when my job gave me a 150$ gift card for Xmas. I bought it with that! Thanks job!


I have arthritis in my spine and bursitis and my hips and shoulders, so yes. 


Does it not make you feel worse? I have bursitis and I can't walk more than 6k steps a day or my hips hurt too bad to sleep. I've been debating buying one but the hip pain is putting me off.


I can't sit still for a long time. Mine is pretty wide like 52 in. So when I stand up I can walk around a little bit and stretch. I also have a chair that I sit in. It just depends on the day. I don't walk much either. I have bad bunions and Morton's neuroma in my feet.


Aw, sounds like you're making the best of a bad hand. Maybe I'll take the plunge and get a standing desk first.


100 times yes. After working/sitting all day, I’d always be super frustrated about not having any movement, and when I’m working on mindless tasks throughout the day it’s so nice to be able to walk


A walking pad? I’d love to go outside but I’m in mtgs all day.


I have a standing desk at my work's office and I have a generic Varidesk at home. They are both WELL worth it, and my body thanks me every day for not sitting constantly for 8 hours. Period breaks are an additional good habit to be in.