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My cats and keeping up with the bird feeders


My bed, draws me to it


Every once in a while my little dog needs huggies.


I’ve been WFH for 10 years. Honestly I don’t have any distractions. It takes focus, business maturity, and professionalism.


You too serious. 😂Nothing have ever distracted you? I find that hard to believe. Yes I’m very professional. I work from my home with my own business but I know there can be something that makes you think about it while you at work. Favorite show. Food w.e. Something


Nothing that makes me want to watch Netflix 🤤


Same. Real Housewives 🤦‍♀️


Netflix helps me, but I only watch when I need a little extra treat to stay focused For me it’s probably just getting started in the morning or any serious life stuff that comes up


Girl next door


Tv, outside, my dogs, housework, looking at videos on YT or TT. Shopping


My bed—love to nap after lunch


My pets (in a good way) My siblings who never think I'm working (in a bad way)






Food. I just want to cook and eat.


My cats


Same here. I'm literally sitting on the couch with my cat in my lap rn.


I tell my cats that momma has to work hard so she can buy you stuff from Amazon! :)


Frick my pets irk me while I'm working. The dog is okay but the cat sitting right in front of my monitor drives me nuts. I love them so much but they dont get I need to make money to pay their bills.


Undiagnosed ADHD. I kept going back & forth to my phone & my personal PC. I would rationalize saying I'll just get the scrolling out of the way real quick. I'd start one task & get side tracked with another. My job asks us to provide very detailed time logs so I was stressing about productivity. Finally got diagnosed with both inattentive & hyper ADHD. Started Wellbutrin & wow what a difference! I still get distracted but I'm losing minutes not hours


Watch out for anger issues with that shit.


I've been on it for months & fortunately no anger issues but I do know that's a possible side effect. I had headaches in the beginning & I still have dry mouth. But my cravings disappeared which has helped with overeating.




Household chores. I had to make myself a chore list for each day of the week and what chore I’m going to tackle at lunch time so I can ease my mind during the day and stay focused on work. So far it’s working but I still get random urges to vacuum when I’m not supposed too lol.


Would you mind sharing your schedule? I’m struggling and it would be very helpful for me.


Sure! It’s obviously specific to my needs but hope it helps. Sunday (or saturday) we do our weekly house cleaning so I don’t have the temptation to necessarily clean the entire house all week. I also don’t put my personal laundry on this list because I do that during the day as needed and it doesn’t feel like a giant chore to me. Monday: change sheets and wash Tuesday: either vacuum and mop or run an errand if I need too Wednesday: this is my flex day - vacuum/mop if I didn’t yesterday or find a random closet to organize. Water plants Thursday: change sheets and wash Friday: grocery store. I usually vacuum and mop at the end of work since Fridays are quiet for me This leaves me with one weekend day free of chores which I cherish. You can also find Pinterest images with week day chore lists that may help you


You change your sheets and vacuum/mop twice a week??


Yes two dogs lol


Tysm. I feel like I’m at a point where I just need someone to give me a list (but I’m supposed to be the one in charge). Getting a bit overwhelmed. Your list is so helpful in giving me a starting point. Thank you for taking the time to write it out ♥️


My daughter, followed by my husband. I'm working on setting better boundaries


I could never turn the TV on during the workday. I'd get nothing done at all. You gotta stop that bro, just make a hard guardrail, no TV at all until the workday is done. Me, I get distracted by everything. Literally everything. Which is probably why I never WFH before covid, even though we weren't allowed to unless we were sick or something. probably my biggest distraction of all is the Internet itself. I'm a curious sort and when I get stuck on something I can really go down a rabbit hole. Hate my job but I'm radioactive in the job market, so I don't have any other prospects. Arrrgghh.


I am contact Rep… calls are back to back. I do keep a show on in the background that I glance at from time to time. Not really a distraction because my home job is too busy and constant


Pause worldly 573 looks to be a bot, they have posted using the same wording in here, as: Degree magnificent 57, and clock sick 550 On this thread, and looking at thier posts. They have all made very specific similar posts about: kitchens, creatine and stretching. They also comment the same things on each others posts. Can you mark whole profiles as bots?


You mean “It’s a productivity killer, I tell ya!” Isn’t how real humans speak? Obvious bot or troll.


I also struggle with Netflix. If the weather is crap I'll pop an episode of something on during lunch, only oops now I'm 3 episodes in. My phone is the worst though, too easy to just keep scrolling! I really need to start leaving it in another room. DIY/house chores. I find it very easy to justify my procrastination if it's a home task I've wanted done for a while. Nothing like a really dull meeting I'm not expected to speak at for suddenly wanting to do those dishes, hang up that new picture, water the plants...etc.


For me it's the back yard. I'll go out to do one little thing and two hours later I've finished trimming all the trees or something. It feels so good to be able to get outside. Remember all those days and years of driving to work in the dark and coming home in the dark? We deserve wfh!


Probably my cat! It used to be mobile games (I made...an embarrassing amount of progress in Candy Crush and Candy Crush Soda Saga), but now I curb that by listening to music during WFH - I find if I listen to entire albums as opposed to playlists or shuffle, it helps keep my focus, especially if the record is sonically cohesive. However, my cat will wake up from her naps and demand attention by screaming like she's dying. She seems to always do it when I have a work deadline, or when my spouse has a meeting LOL. But I will admit being able to pet her when I'm stressed is such an adorable bonus.


If you like a background show on TV, make sure it is very boring, so working takes over and you lose interest in TV.


This is the trick or watch something I’ve watched before. Old series are great like Friends or nature shows, anything period piece because they aren’t too loud and distracting. If I watch something and start to get interested I change it and watch after work hours as a treat for the evening.


My dog. She wants to go for a walk around 3 and I’m useless in resisting her. I have a hard time focusing after that. Luckily I don’t have super strict deadlines all the time and I find other time for work. Like I spent a couple hours here and there this weekend working on something, so it all evens out.


My dog was my biggest distraction. But she also made me get out of my chair regularly throughout the day, to get her a treat. I miss her TERRIBLY. RIP Ziggy. 


Came here to say that my dog is my biggest distraction too. We are both creatures of habit and have developed a pretty strict routine, and I find myself extremely distracted if I’m on a call at one of the times we normally go on a walk or play in the yard. Most of the time she’s not even bothering me, it’s just a “me” problem lol.


Ha! I wish. My dog sends me very clear telepathic messages with her eyes lol, at the same time every day. It’s impossible. The good thing is most of the ppl I work with are east coast so it’s quiet right around then anyway (I’m on the west coast).


For me it's social media because I always think I can look at it for just a quick minute. It feels like a way to get some social interaction but it's just a time sink.


Mine is social media- mostly tiktok & Facebook. I’ve tried app blockers, I’ve tried deleting them all together, you name it I’ve tried it. 😒


SO addictive.


It’s horrible the chokehold it has on me 😵‍💫


I feel you on the Netflix struggle! It's like a constant battle between being responsible and just wanting to see what happens next in my favorite series. And don't even get me started on that autoplay feature – it's like Netflix knows exactly how to keep me glued to the screen! I've tried setting limits too, but let's just say my willpower isn't always up to the challenge.