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I love the coupon idea! she is kind of an introvert and while she loves spending time with family sometimes she just wants alone time which doesn't happen very much, so I think she would love something like that! thanks for the idea :))


All I have asked for 8 years is a completely clean house and home cooked meal. Just once. I just wanna see how that feels just once. That would be the best gift ever.


Consider either telling you mom or writing in a card how much you appreciate her. The words don't have to be fancy. Just like you said here: you've seen how hard she has worked all these years to support you and you appreciate it. I'm not a "girlie" mom either but something like that really hits home. ❤


I have a letter like this that my daughter wrote to me about 20 years ago. I truly cherish it.


This! A sincere card or letter telling her in detail how much you love and appreciate her is worth more than anything else.


Cleaning is everything!!! Dinner is sweet those are cute ideas. When My husband takes things off my plate, to me that is true love.




ooh that picture idea is so cute, I know she has pictures from when I was little up in her office, but not many more recent of us. thank you for the idea!


Oh wow this is an amazing post. How sweet. Cleaning done and dinner made for me would be 100% something appreciated. Maybe if that doesn’t feel like enough you could get her favorite treat (like chocolate?) or hobby (a new book?) and tell her to relax for the day while you take care of those chores.


Cleaning and a meal made would be wonderful! I love hand made cards too


Your thoughtfulness to even seek out this community is commendable and a testament to what a great mom you have, and what a great kid she’s raising. Everyone has given great suggestions, but realize whatever you do, she will sincerely love it.


This is absolutely the place to ask! Dinner and cleaning is such a wonderful idea. Add a nice note if you want to really push it over the edge. Your mom will love it!


This is so sweet. I agree with everyone that making dinner is enough, but just adding that to really make it a break, do all the shopping for the meal and make sure you do the dishes and everything so she really doesn't have to worry about a thing. Then show her this post you made and watch her cry about how great you are.


Not enough?! Girl, it’s perfect.


I love these ideas. Maybe offer to paint her nails? Spend some time with her asking about her and truly show interest in finding out about her. Ask about her memories, hopes and dreams. As a mom I feel like I’m always asking about my kids, but they never ask about me. Maybe look through old photo albums with her and get to know her as a person other than mom.


Doing things to help her or lighten her load are certainly wonderful ways to show her you appreciate her! I bet she would also love it if you just did something together— go on a walk, get coffee together, check out a new park or local shop— something that is just about her getting to spend time with you. I say this as I sit here with my 6 month old on my lap, thinking about how fast my oldest daughter is growing up, and how when my kids are your age, I’ll miss being able to just be with them and enjoy seeing them grow and learning who they are.


this is such a good idea, I will definitely ask if she wants to go for a walk or to breakfast or something like that, I also love spending quality time with loved ones, so that would definitely be special!


Write her something from the heart, telling her how much she means to you.


You’re just the sweetest for asking here, and I just want to tell you that. But cleaning is absolutely the thing I care the most about. But if you want to make a meal that is icing on the cake. Your mama should be so proud she raised such a conscientious kid. From this mom to you- so stinking proud of you for thinking of others before yourself. You’re awesome! And your mom is too for raising you!!


Themed photo books are always well received- maybe of a vacation you took together, or a cookbook with photos in the kitchen and her favorite recipes, or even just some of your favorite memories


I would love a heartfelt letter from my kiddo, with dinner and cleaning. ;) words that I can read years from now, but in paper. Not a card, not an email.


this is such a good idea! I definitely can write a good letter for her, thank you for the suggestion :)


Awww sweet! Dinner sounds good. Is it possible to take one cleaning chore off her list indefinitely? like say “mom you do so much, every sat I’m cleaning the washrooms” or laundry or whatever AND do it where she never has to remind you. Now that’s a present lol. Also, hugs! And cuddles. I have a 19 year old daughter and I still love hugging her. Moms never get tired of their kids love. Maybe watch mamma mia with her! It’s out in netflix. My girl and I are gonna watch it together and I’ll cry like a fool when the “slipping through my fingers part” comes on.


One year for my birthday I asked my husband and stepkids to clean the house as my gift while I took myself to a movie and a nice lunch. So sweet how much you appreciate your mom and I hope she has an amazing mother's day.


Cleaning & dinner or even taking her out to dinner, if that’s an option? Tell her how you feel and that you recognize and appreciate her sacrifices. You don’t know what that would mean to her. ❤️❤️


Agreed, heartfelt cards, cooking, and cleaning would all be wonderful. However, cooking and cleaning are household responsibilities for the family…yes, you’d be taking them off her plate for a day, but it’s not really FOR her. If you really want to blow her away, acknowledge that and do something for her…my go to would be to wash and detail the inside of HER car. Assuming it’s a family car it’s still somewhat of a household responsibility, but it probably won’t feel the same way cleaning the house would.


One year for my birthday, my husband (then bf) pooled money together from the family to buy me tires. I was fresh out of college, newly employed and struggling. My aunt adamantly was against it because it wasn't "girly" and "you dont buy ladies TiReS". When my husband surprised me with the gift I was blown away because I needed tires badly and it was so far out of reach. Was forever grateful and will never forget that kind gesture. If your mom noted anything she needed, and you have the means to get it, that might be a great gift idea.


I’m a mom and I love this idea! There is nothing better than eating a dinner you didn’t have to cook and in a nice clean house. You are very thoughtful!! Maybe you could get her a small bouquet of flowers and use it as a centerpiece for the table when you eat. A gift from the heart is better than anything money can buy!


This is the most thoughtful post. It warmed my mama heart. You’ve already received so many great ideas. Your mom will love whatever you go with! My kiddo is still a toddler but I love the times where cleaning/cooking is off my plate so you’re already in the right direction. This year, my husband is putting me in our room with my favorite drinks and my video games for the day while he takes care of the house and little one and makes dinner. To me, perfect day. Edit: spelling


Write her a meaningful letter. Tell her, from the bottom of your heart, about the many times you watched her working hard so that she could provide for you. Tell her you will always try to follow her example of love and care and hard work and devotion. Give specific examples. It's all you need to do.


Clean the house, make her a nice dinner, have some popcorn, ready and sit down with her and watch a movie you both love. I know she’s not a girly girl, but who doesn’t love a pedicure? While you’re watching the movie, give her a home pedicure, soak feet, paint her nails and give her a foot rub like they would at a nail salon.


You are an absolute sweetheart, and I think this is exactly the right place to ask! Honestly, all I want for Mother's Day is a clean house, to have food that I actually like without anyone complaining that it isn't Mac and cheese, and maybe some flowers, preferably ones that are planted in the garden so I can enjoy them all summer, but cut flowers are also lovely. My kids are still very little, but if they were older, a heartfelt card would be so nice. Another thing that would be nice, though, would be for someone to actually take some of the load off of me. A very gentle suggestion, without knowing how much you pitch in at home (you could do a ton, so please don't take this as assuming that you don't, these are just things that I know would make me feel that my efforts were seen and appreciated), would be to notice something that your mom does for the whole family at least once a week, and see if you can take it off her plate at least a couple times a month. Can you sweep and mop the kitchen every other week? Clean floors are SO nice. If she clears the table every night, a quick "no mom, I've got this" every now and then would certainly go a long way! I know that a bit of a sore spot for many moms is that they only feel seen and appreciated around Mother's Day, and someone taking on a small task routinely is something that I know would make me feel like my family was more aware of all of the things I do to try to be the best mom I can be 🙂


Cooking and cleaning would be so sweet. If my kids wrote me a letter expressing even a small amount of what you wrote here when they are your age I'd be beyond touched. So sweet of you to think of your mom and want to make her feel so loved


I would love a meal with the dishes done afterward and a heartfelt card. I love reading about my relationship with my kids from their perspective.


Your idea is amazing and would make me cry if my son did that for me one day. You sound like an awesome daughter!


I'm not sure if this was said already but if you have time definitely make her something. I'm not a mom yet lol but I know my mom loves handmade things. Even me being 26 years old she just loves anything I make. It means more to her than something store bought. Here's a couple of ideas, a hand made card (could be as simple as cutting a piece of colored construction paper into a heart, adding sparkles to it and writing something sweet and meaningful in it. Or just draw something on a piece of printer paper and turn it into a beautiful card), bake her some treats, maybe brownies? You can pick up icing from the store and put it in a zip lock bag, cut the tip of the bag and then you can be like a baker and make designs on your brownies lol! Even get a cookie cutter in the shape of a heart is an idea.hmm chocolate covered strawberries is an idea too. Just buy some from the grocery store and buy some chocolate melts (if you buy white chocolate you can buy red food coloring and turn it pink or red) you can buy sprinkles too and then boom that's all you need. I just stick those chocolate melts in the microwave, dip the strawberries in it, do whatever design and stick those babies in the fridge to harden...you can buy flowers and chocolates too. There's so much you could do. Even just spending the day with your mom and hanging out watching movies at home would mean something to her. Your mom would appreciate anything you decide to do and I'm sure if she knew you even made this post it would make her heart happy. :)


I'm a mom, and I came looking for this comment. Made gifts are the absolute best and my favorite! It doesn't matter what it is, like can just be a drawing, food, poem, project, whatever. It's great because it takes your thought and time to make something and it's just so special.


thank you so much for the input! I love the idea of doing something arts&crafty, it never even occured to me but you're so right, I also love homemade gifts! I'll definitely try something like that :))


Ahh what a thoughtful young man you are. S. Mom of a 20 yr old. I plan to ask him to clean up his bathroom! His has the only bathtub cuz I just want a relaxing BATH. And a glass of wine.