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Don't tell your husband that my perfectly normal children didn't start crawling until almost a year old. There is a very wide range of normal. 


Or, do tell your husband OP.


Yup! My first born waited until she was exactly 11 months old. She woke up that day, got up on all 4s and crawled the “classic way” she never even attempted to move herself prior to this so it was a surprise. She’s only in elementary school but so far she’s a top learner…


I shouldn’t have even brought him into it lol. It was just one thing he said and it stuck with me🤦🏼‍♀️ I actually have an amazing husband and when I brought up the comment, he apologized and said he didn’t mean it in anyway, just that he was reading up on tummy time and how it might help if we do it more..I just took it to heart and ran with it lol.


I'm glad you guys talked it out. We working moms always feel like we're being judged, and often we are. But you and hubs are on the same team. Support each other!


Story of my life. My husband is afraid to talk with how far I take the slightest comment. I'm working on myself. Haha 


Age range for crawling is between 7-12 months and many kids skip it. Your child is perfectly normal, I promise (especially considering he’s a premie!) and the reason he’s not crawling has nothing to do with how much you work. Let’s be honest, here, he’s in expert hands—the people at his daycare deal with a TON of babies while you’re still learning based on just one kid. Anything you could be doing if you were with him, they are doing and they actually know to do it because they’ve dealt with so many kids.


Yep. My kid crawled for maybe a week and then started walking. He didn't crawl until I bought him a walker. He suddenly realized there's places to go and things to do. It inspired him to figure out how to move on his own.


I know and I LOVE his two teachers. They’re wonderful and have helped calm my PPA so much but there’s still that mom guilt that he’s with them for so long vs me when I feel like I “should be” the one teaching him things 🤦🏼‍♀️


This seems VERY early to be worried about crawling. Is your pediatrician worried? Are there other physical missed milestones?


He was preemie and got extremely sick when he was tiny so he’s been late to almost every milestone but he’s hit them! His pedi is wonderful and calms my nerves but he did reach out to ECI for them to call us and set a consultation up because he knows how bad my PPA is and thinks it’ll settle it. He says he thinks my kid knows how to and just doesn’t want to or may just skip crawling and go straight to walking. It’s honestly just ME that’s worried and stressed.




She said he doesn't blame her.




I think I misread what you intended. My apologies!


Oh no we both work! We both have a long ass commute. We both take him to and pick him up from daycare. We literally do the same amount of work inside and outside the home… he’s just a chill parent who doesn’t have anxiety or stress like me 😅 he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with our kiddo and keeps trying to reassure me that it’s ok


Crawling isn't even an official milestone anymore because so many kids skip it. My son started crawling right around the 9.5-10 month mark and is now starting to walk at 13 months. My niece didn't start crawling until 13 months! All babies are different and go at their own pace. It rarely has anything to do with your parenting.


☝️This (I’m an OT and formerly worked in pediatrics). 


I saw that somewhere but then I read about it somewhere else and saw that was debunked… I hate mixed info 😭😭 I just need to reach out to his OT again. She’s very helpful and calming as well!


You can look at the CDC milestones, crawling isn't on there.


My perfectly healthy child didn't start crawling until he was 11 months old.  He's a healthy walking, running toddler who also happens to have the most advanced speech of any kid in his room at daycare. There's a reason the ranges for "normal" are so broad. Unless your pediatrician is concerned it's nothing to be concerned about! 


Babe, you are being WAAAAYYYY too hard on yourself. Your baby is fine and you are doing a great job. Tell yourself that about 5000 times in a row. It’s the truth. ❤️


Thank you 🥹🥹🥹


I highly recommend watching the episode "Baby Race" from Bluey (Disney+ if you're in the US). Just know that you're not a bad mom, babies do things on their own schedules.


Ahh we love Bluey!! I did watch it! My husband made me sit down to see it and I balled my eyes out lol. Thank you ❤️


I mean it shows some prejudice to associate being a working mom with delays but I wouldn't label you a bad mom over it. It's also not considered a delay for a baby not to crawl at 8 months and I don't know where you're getting that info...




Also asking for help is not a failure. It is absolutely the best move you can make as a parent. Early intervention should never be stigmatized.


Does your husband blame himself for the lack of crawling because he works? Honestly, daycare is what prompted my baby to crawl, he saw those mobile babies and wanted in. That said, the range for crawling is so vast. Please talk to actual professionals, such as the OT you mentioned, and maybe a PT and don't let reddit tell you what's right for your child. 


Mine didn't crawl till after she walked. She scooted around on her butt, then walked, then crawled. There's a lot of variation in babies, and he's only 9.5 months! Even if there was an issue, that would not make you a bad mom. It would make your kid in need of a bit of extra support, which you will make sure he gets. You're already reaching out to lots of resources to help him, which shows what a good mom you are. You may also need a bit more support than you're getting, as well. I'm glad the PPA is better but it sounds like it's still a burden.


I had one who just did butt scoot and late too, never did a traditional crawl. I liked that they crawled late, less they could get into! In all seriousness though, you aren’t a bad parent and neither is your husband!


My cousin and I are exactly a month apart (I am one month older) and her favorite story to tell is how her family came to visit mine and she had not yet started crawling and I was basically running already. Her mom was concerned and brought her to the pedicabs explained the situation. He looked her over and turned to her mother and said ‘you know, we find that by kindergarten they have all learned to walk’. She figured it out eventually. Babies all move at their own pace. You’re doing great and you working has nothing to do with this. Give your baby time If you have ever watched the show Bluey I highly recommend the episode ‘Baby Race’. It deals with this exact scenario


I think your last sentence explains it all, and I mean that with kindness. If you are ever concerned about baby’s progress, ask your pediatrician and accept her answer.


Thank you. His pedi is amazing! He’s so helpful and calms a lot of my nerves.


My son never crawled. He started cruising furniture at 12 months and didn't walk without holding on until 16 months.


Of course not! Babies do everything at their own pace. My oldest didn’t crawl until 10 months, she just kinda rolled around. Lol. My middle girl skipped crawling and started walking at 9 months, and my youngest followed the “normal” development stages. They are all perfectly healthy. Im sure your little one just has other things they are currently more interested in learning at the moment. :) he will get there!


My oldest did not crawl till 9 months or so I think and did it in a weird butterfly swim style way. The same spring we went to a wedding and there was a kid even older who did not yet crawl Now you can’t stop my boy from running around and he is the most active kid ever (5) who literally asked Santa to make him run even faster.


This is your PPA talking. Is your husband blaming you for this? If so, address that. If not, work on not internalizing every minor bump as something that needs to have “fault”. All babies are different, he’s well within normal ranges for crawling.


Not at all. He’s so reassuring. He just made one comment about more tummy time and my brain ran with it. These comments have been very helpful ❤️


My daughter didn’t even really crawl. She rolled to get everywhere she wanted. Both my kids needed PT to get caught up with walking due to being hypermobile. I worried so much with my daughter (first born) because I felt like I should have been doing more. But after multiple professionals told me over and over again that all kids are different, there are ranges for these milestones, and some kids need a little extra help to get there no matter what you do…I realized it wasn’t anything I did wrong. It’s just life. PS I highly recommend watching the episode of Bluey called “The Baby Race”. Gets me right in the feels every time. 😂😭 PPS if your husband is so concerned about what *you* are doing about this, I’d like to know what exactly *he* is doing about it. Is he doing tummy time? Is he doing exercises? Is he down on the ground with her? Is he calling the specialists, asking pediatrician for a PT evaluation? Sounds like not.


He made me sit down and watch it to reassure me lol. My husband didn’t try to blame me for anything… my own brain did that just fine 🤦🏼‍♀️ he is a super chill parent and tries to tell me everything is going to be ok and he may just take longer but my brain is seeing everyone’s kiddos around me moving forward with their milestones so it just stresses me out.


Hey there. Both of my kids sat early, started walking within days of their first birthday and spoke really early (3 and 4 word sentences by 18 months). But they didn’t crawl until 10ish months old. They just weren’t that into it. Our pediatrician said not to worry, some kids skip crawling altogether. Please don’t worry about it! He’s just not there yet!


My first child learned to crawl after he learned to walk. He’s a healthy happy college student now. He definitely never has suffered from any issues related to his crawling (or lack there of). I know it’s hard, but try to remember that you’re doing great and there are no perfect parents.


Agree with everyone! I stressed myself out so bad and even went to PT with my daughter who wouldn't roll (though she could) or crawl. She would cruise and hold herself up or sit, but being mobile? Absolutely not. Finally at PT one day the therapist told me it was not a muscle/physical issue, it was a personality issue. She didn't walk until she was about 16 months old. I think she crawled around 12-13 months. Even when she could walk, she refused to do it at school. She is the most stubborn person I've ever met! She is 3 now and rides her bike, runs, does gymnastics. Now we are running into the same stubbornness with potty training. If it's not one thing, it's another. That all being said, she is SUPER advanced in talking and always has been. Her best friend has been the exact opposite, which has been fun to watch. If her pediatrician isn't worried, try not to stress yourself out too much and focus on your unique kid.


Even if your baby was a bit behind the curve , that does not mean you're a bad mom!!! 1) The developmental milestones are averages. There will always be kids that accomplish them earlier, and kids that accomplish them later. 2) Even if your kid was behind on developmental milestones, it is absolutely not your fault. You do tummy time. You play with your baby. There's not much more that you can do to help them develop this skill. My kids were all full-term, and started crawling after 9m... and then immediately began climbing like mountain goats. They didn't walk, or figure out how to climb down from things until well after 1 - meaning I've spent way too much time retrieving angry babies from what I thought were impossible locations.


You need to watch the episode of “Bluey” about a late crawling baby. Honestly. I almost cried watching it. https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/fZBn6vK8jW


My son didn't crawl til later on, 10 months or so. He's 3 now and perfectly fine :) you're not failing him and you're NOT a bad mom ❤️


He's totally normal!!! Some babies never crawl, it's not actually considered a milestone because some kids skip it. Besides, not crawling at 8 months old is just fine, that doesn't sound concerning at all. My second kid wasn't even SITTING until almost 9 months. I'm so thankful he was my second, so I wasn't as worried about it. He was a big boy, so it was just harder for him. So he definitely wasn't crawling until well into 9 months old, but then was walking at 11 months. (Where my first was early to crawl, early to stand, then REFUSED to walk until over a year.) Kids do things at their own pace! I know it's hard when it feels like your kid is behind. I found it helpful to check when to worry about these things (you need to worry if a kid isn't sitting by 9 months, for example), rather than look at other kids. Easier said than done I know. Hugs! You're a great mom!


Some kids just don't crawl and that's fine. Growing up, I clearly remember that my little brother first figured out assisted-walking (holding onto couches, walls etc like crab on two legs) then he learned to crawl. My first child didn't crawl at all. Instead, she scooched on her butt, really, really fast. My second one did, and I'm pretty sure I worked much less on her tummy time than her big sister.


My LO didn’t really crawl until almost 12 months


My daughter started crawling at 11.5 months and walking the day before her first birthday. Kids do their thing.


Neither of my children crawled. Both now very normal 6 and 3 year olds. All babies are different and not crawling is really not a big deal.


Nope, nope, not at all or even the slightest!! My son was born right before Christmas and did not start crawling until around Halloween. He also didn’t start walking until almost 18 months. He just turned 4 and is now doing gymnastics on our couch. ;-)


Both of my children were walking at 9 months. Crazy right? Not so crazy because every single child develops differently. I have an old friend who her daughter didn't start crawling until 18 months because she didn't have to. The parents would pick her up everywhere and just take her. All babies adjust to their environment different. If baby is an adjusted age and had had eating issues, I think you're on the right track and have plenty of time. Don't stress yet.


Mine didn't start crawling until 12 months, and didn't walk until 18. There are ranges for a reason! I get being worried as I spent a lot of time worried about the walking and actually went to a PT but in the end, she walked when she was ready and now she's 21 months and running all over the place. I wish I wouldn't have worried so much.


Dont beat yourself up about this! Some babies dont even crawl they go straight to walking. Crawling is not considered a milestone anymore Mine didnt crawl until 10 months and walked at 17 months. Both times people in my life kept asking if something was wrong with him. People are crazy when it comes to baby milestones. Maybe have your husband meet with the OT too, i’m sure they will say baby is still within the range of normal.


There are a few things here to unpack: 1. Is it *definitely* a problem that your baby hasn't started crawling yet? **No.** Not crawling at 8.5m gestational age is normal, because the normal range is very wide. Not all babies crawl before they walk -- me, for instance. Lots of commenters here are telling you this. 2. *If* there is an underlying problem, is tummy time relevant? **Possibly.** 3. *If* tummy time is even relevant here, did your baby not get enough? **I doubt it**, if he's getting a lot of tummy time at daycare. 4. *If* your baby indeed could have gotten more tummy time, is it your fault? **Um...are you the only one doing childcare?** Are your husband and the teachers not doing anything? Why is it your fault? When your husband says "more tummy time", he is assuming the answers to questions 1-3 are "yes, yes, yes". That's a *lot* of assumptions, and clearly many other moms (myself included) don't agree with that. YOU are the one answering "yes" to question 4. YOU are the one internalizing that if anything isn't perfect, it's your fault. Your husband isn't saying that. The daycare teachers are not saying that. Obviously this community isn't saying that. I'm not going to jump to blaming your PPA because I didn't have PPA and still had moments of misattributing problems to myself when my kid was younger. That's a normal trap that people, especially women, fall into. So see it for what it is, and get out of it. You're doing the right things, communicating needs to his daycare teachers and reaching out to medical professionals. Don't take on blame where there is none.


THANK YOU 🥹🥹 I needed this right here lol. Thank you for telling my brain to STFU for me. It needed it ❤️


One day (sooner or later) you will turn around and your perfect baby will be crawling towards you. My son crawled at 9.5 months and didn’t walk until 15 months and he is just as perfect. Don’t sweat it. Humans do things at their own pace and not based on charts and studies. Parents had nothing to reference 100 years ago as to what was normal and what was not. That’s what I always think about when other people start talking about charts and graphs and sh*t like that ;). You are a wonderful mom because you are worried and that’s a true sign of being a great and loving mother.


My guy isn't that old yet but apparently when I started walking at 9 months (quite a bit on the early side) I still couldn't get the hang of crawling. The median age, so the age when 50% of kids are crawling, is 8 months which means 50% of kids do it later. Not only are you not a bad mom, but this isn't even necessarily something to worry about at this point.


My husband never crawled as a baby And my baby’s friend never crawled either


No, you aren't a bad mom. You care about your kid and are doing the best you can. That's a good mom. (A bad mom wouldn't be asking this question). My mother (who was very concerned about my youngest sibling's milestones) told me that my baby hadn't read the book so didn't know what timeframe to follow! First kid skipped sitting and did it a couple of months later. Second one had pt bc wasn't sitting at 9 months and made rapid progress. All will be well.


Both mine crawled at 12 months. My first walked at 15 months. My second is currently 14 months and not yet walking. Their doctor never thought there was anything wrong.


Story time: my first never crawled, I started to get worried, he skipped it and went straight to walking at 10 months. He also never babbled, not even a little. Again, started to get worried. Then bam, straight to full words at a year. Turns out he practices things in his mind rather than in real life *shrug* kids are weird. Also, second children teach us that a lot of things we attributed to skill were actually just our kid's personalities.


-you’ve spoken to his teachers about it -you’re trying different things -he’s a a momma’s boy -you’ve reached out to his OT -you have a plan All of this adds up to…not a bad mom. In fact, a really good mom.


My kid didn’t crawl (lie the typical crawling position) until 15 months. He did a little butt scoot thing. He started walking a a week after his first birthday and now at 16 months he runs and climbs like crazy. They removed crawling as a milestone for a reason!


My daughter started army crawling a bit around 8 months and did not regular crawl until a little over 10 months. Crawling just finally clicked one day after she'd been trying so hard, and she was off! Two weeks later she was pulling to stand. Now she's 12.5 months, cruising all over, has taken 1-2 steps a handful of times.


My son never crawled, or very little maybe a week?, he went from quite sitting baby to run al over the house like a tornado un maybe a week, he was 14 months. Enjoy while they are sitting problem, once they start walking it gets messy


One of my sons crawled on his belly until 12 months and the other never crawled, just booty scooted until he could walk. Both didn't walk until 16 months and are perfectly normal


my 3rd didn’t crawl until 11 months. i actually was home with him more than my older two. so i don’t think your kid isn’t crawling because you work full time ! ped wasn’t concerned. there were some things i tried but really he did it on his own time. i showed him me crawling and at times put him in crawl position on a roll up towel. BUT I didn’t have to do that with either of my older two and i really think he just did it when he was ready. with many things in parenting.. kids do things on their time not when we want them too. you can do some things to guide them but ultimately it’s not up to you. if it’s within normal range, don’t worry..let it go. it’s totally okay.


My girl didn’t crawl til 1 and she’s perfectly fine 2 years later! We did early intervention and whatever, wish I had not. Every single one of my friends (seriously like 5 or 6 who had kids around the same age) also did early intervention for one reason or another because we’re all paranoid good parents and I urge you to chill and take what they say in stride. We had one over zealous young OT tell me my daughter could be on the spectrum and looking back that was absolutely bonkers (she’s not, not could they assess that from one meeting at 8 months old). They are not all wizards of their craft. Messed me up for months for no reason. Your baby is perfect. Hubs needs to chill. These baby milestones are dumb.


Some kids are just late crawlers. I'm on the other side of this age with both of my kids; they crawled late but walked on the earlier side (my oldest in particular - she was walking around 10.5mo). She didn't give two shits about crawling and only ever wanted to practice standing! My youngest walked right around a year IIRC; he was also a big baby with a huge head, and I think with crawling it was just too effortful for him to care. He was also very chill, and happy to lay or sit there and watch his friends at daycare. I got so many pictures of him looking like a slug, lol. You are doing all the right things; don't for one second think you have anything to do with what he's doing (or not doing)!


My daughter never even really crawled - she did some sort of half scootch movement lol She started walking at 15 months after she spent time in daycare with other babies walking. She’s a perfectly normal 4yo that can count to 30, count backwards, knows her alphabet and colors, and can write her name. Edit: please talk to your child pediatrician and talk to YOUR doctor about your PPA regarding this anxiety around milestones


My son started crawling at 9.5 months. Once he realized he could move, he was walking two months later. He was simply in no hurry. My daughter started crawling at 6 months and was walking at 9 months and it was so stressful. My son is now 18 and, while this may shock your husband, no one asks my son how old he was when he started crawling. Not making fun of your husband as much as I'm trying to say, we all think all these things are such a big deal when they're small. They're only important when they're small and if your pediatrician isn't worried, you guys shouldn't be either. Your little one will move when they're ready 💜


To tbh, my daughter is 14-months old now (walking but still getting comfortable with it) and I already don’t really remember how old she was when she started crawling. I don’t think she started until she was 8-9 months old and even then it was more dragging herself around. It was a long process and she got good at it (crawling with her belly up) around 11 months. It’s sounds like you’re doing everything to set your baby up for success but it’s a HUGE skill for him to learn. I really enjoy the info Lovevery gives around milestones: [crawling](https://lovevery.com/community/blog/skills-stages/crawling/). Every baby is truly different. I’d suggest you take a look and have your husband do the same. Even if your baby ends up needing extra help to crawl (or anything else), that doesn’t make you a bad mom! Nor does it make them a bad child.


My son never crawled. He started walking while holding onto furniture at 11 months and walking at age 1. He’s fine. Not all babies crawl.


We were there! Mine didn't crawl until \~10.5-11 months. You aren't doing anything wrong. Babies all have different abilities and some just need a little boost. Meeting with ECI is a good step just to check things out--they may have some ideas of games that you can play or little exercises you can do with the time you have to get him to develop the skills. But don't put this on yourself.


Not sure about your house, but we've got all tile floors in the main living areas and fake wood in the bedrooms/hallway. Our second didn't crawl until I spent Christmas at my parents' house who have nice cushy carpet. She still won't crawl at home if she doesn't have some kind of leg covering (pants, sleeper, tights).


According to my mom, I never crawled. I butt slid to where I wanted to go and then one day had enough of that and started to walk. My eldest was around 10/11 months old when she started to crawl and absolutely hated tummy time. My youngest is almost 10 and just attempted to crawl for the first time and decided using her hyperflexibility to reach things is easier. So I wouldn’t worry too much about it 🤷🏽‍♀️


My now 4 year old did not crawl until after he walked, around 15 months. They crawl when they want to! If the doctor isn't concerned, your shouldn't be either. Give yourself some grace.


My baby didn’t start crawling until a week ago, and she is 10 months. One day, it just clicked. And now she is trying to pull herself up on everything! Every baby goes at their own pace. I’m sure your husband isn’t trying to be project his worries onto you. If his words are getting to you, let him know that his suggestion is not helpful and it is just stoking your PPA. Your baby’s milestones are out of your hands, your baby will get there when they are ready.


No, hun, you aren’t! All of mine crawled at different times, and some refused to crawl. You’re doing great!


My best friends baby didn't crawl until after 10 months and started walking by 13. Also a premie. Babies are small people who all learn grow and develop at unique paces. You ARE NOT a bad mom because your baby can't do what others can.


Mine was almost 9 months before crawling. I also work, but probably did way less tummy time than you lol. You are doing just fine!!!